White Supremacists Running for Office in 2018

Perhaps you can explain in sane terms why you want to put up so many roadblocks to people voting when there is not one scrap of evidence that widespread in person voter fraud is, or ever has been a problem.
Requiring IDs is not a roadblock, everyone has one....stop pretending like they don't...

Yet when photo ID is required certain voting blocks are under represented. Don't go whining that they are illegal voters unless you can show proof that widespread in person voter fraud even exists.
it's hard to prove, especially with one major party encouraging it and looking the other way. Nothing wrong with an ID...easy to get, many are free....get off your ass and get one......it's not difficult...but you do have to wait in those wonderful government lines (yay government efficiency!)
In Their Own Words: Officials Refuting False Claims of Voter Fraud

In Their Own Words: Officials Refuting False Claims of Voter Fraud
President Trump recently revived his false claim of widespread voter fraud in the 2016 election, and called for an investigation into the issue. Elected officials, election administrators, experts, and leaders from across the political spectrum have spoken out against these untrue allegations.

You lying dumb ass liberals act like

there is no cheating in elections while you

oppose voter id’s.

It’s plain to see your dishonest motives

and the irony of all your Russian Bull Shit….

You lying whining ass cheating liberals make

me want to puke.

Lots of cheating on the elections. That looks like the only way Trump won. No sign of in person voter fraud though. If there was, you could point it out.
Like Irish-Americans? German-Americans? Italian-Americans? Or is his another episode of white psychosis whereby you only see the words African in front of a hyphen and you think we are only ones doing it.

Only because it is true.

When was the last time you saw or heard a news piece saying that the suspect, victim, a bystander was an Irish-American, Iralian-American, or maybe Norwegian-American (me)? Never.

And you just presented evidence of the racism that exists in the media.

Your desperation is duly noted.

Which would be most helpful to you in identifying an individual all described as being 30-40 years old, 5'10-6'0 tall, average build and Irish-American, Italian American, African American, German American or Norwegian American?
Requiring IDs is not a roadblock, everyone has one....stop pretending like they don't...

Yet when photo ID is required certain voting blocks are under represented. Don't go whining that they are illegal voters unless you can show proof that widespread in person voter fraud even exists.
it's hard to prove, especially with one major party encouraging it and looking the other way. Nothing wrong with an ID...easy to get, many are free....get off your ass and get one......it's not difficult...but you do have to wait in those wonderful government lines (yay government efficiency!)

It's usually real hard to prove something that doesn't exist.

You mean like a honest liberal with common sense...….

Typical Trumpbot. Stupid and insulting. You got nothing else.

Typical libtard, Stupid and insulting, You got nothing else…

Your still sore because I exposed you as a vote stealing Nazi….

And we all know you lie about voter id’s to cheat.

You wouldn’t know common sense and logic if it bit you in the ass.
Requiring IDs is not a roadblock, everyone has one....stop pretending like they don't...

Yet when photo ID is required certain voting blocks are under represented. Don't go whining that they are illegal voters unless you can show proof that widespread in person voter fraud even exists.
it's hard to prove, especially with one major party encouraging it and looking the other way. Nothing wrong with an ID...easy to get, many are free....get off your ass and get one......it's not difficult...but you do have to wait in those wonderful government lines (yay government efficiency!)
In Their Own Words: Officials Refuting False Claims of Voter Fraud

In Their Own Words: Officials Refuting False Claims of Voter Fraud
President Trump recently revived his false claim of widespread voter fraud in the 2016 election, and called for an investigation into the issue. Elected officials, election administrators, experts, and leaders from across the political spectrum have spoken out against these untrue allegations.

You lying dumb ass liberals act like

there is no cheating in elections while you

oppose voter id’s.

It’s plain to see your dishonest motives

and the irony of all your Russian Bull Shit….

You lying whining ass cheating liberals make

me want to puke.

Lots of cheating on the elections. That looks like the only way Trump won. No sign of in person voter fraud though. If there was, you could point it out.

Voter Fraud Is Real. Here’s The Proof
Never thought I's see this in modern US.

Election 2018 Is Off to the Racists

Across the US, white nationalists and their sympathizers are running for office—and they don’t need to win to be dangerous.

“Jews…commit a disproportionate number of mass shootings,” Wisconsin Republican congressional candidate Paul Nehlen lied on Facebook recently. Earlier, he had tweeted: “Poop, incest, and pedophilia. Why are those common themes repeated so often with Jews?” Another GOP House hopeful, Pennsylvania’s Sean Donahue, recently told me, “The United States was intended to be white…. I don’t see why we had to have the Fair Housing Act.”

Welcome to Trump’s America, where a rash of white nationalists are running for office. Depending on your definition, anywhere from nine and 17 white supremacists and far-right militia leaders are currently running for House and Senate seats, governorships, and state legislatures.

Wow! Even if there were 17, what percentage is that of the total number of those seats up for election? 1%? 2%?

You have idiots like the former Attorney General of the US Eric Holder, contemplating a run for the White House in 2020. The man was held in contempt of Congress and probably should have been impeached. Now, he thinks liberals will vote for him? What a joke progressives have become!

There are white supremacists out there, and they are even bigger morons than most. Should they not be allowed to get crushed at the polls like liberals? If not, it would not be fair!
Never thought I's see this in modern US.

Election 2018 Is Off to the Racists

Across the US, white nationalists and their sympathizers are running for office—and they don’t need to win to be dangerous.

“Jews…commit a disproportionate number of mass shootings,” Wisconsin Republican congressional candidate Paul Nehlen lied on Facebook recently. Earlier, he had tweeted: “Poop, incest, and pedophilia. Why are those common themes repeated so often with Jews?” Another GOP House hopeful, Pennsylvania’s Sean Donahue, recently told me, “The United States was intended to be white…. I don’t see why we had to have the Fair Housing Act.”

Welcome to Trump’s America, where a rash of white nationalists are running for office. Depending on your definition, anywhere from nine and 17 white supremacists and far-right militia leaders are currently running for House and Senate seats, governorships, and state legislatures.

Please present your list of 17 White Supremacists and/or far-right militia leaders currently running for House and Senate seats, governorships and state legislators.

If you dodge or refuse, we know you're lying again don't we?

Why don’t blacks listen to people with solutions and NOT to race baiters? What if the Rev. Al Sharpton's and Jesse Jackson's were preaching just the opposite of what they do today?

Here are a few, which are too many Neo-Nazis.

It's 2018, and these white supremacists are running for office

Doesn't look like anywhere near 17 to me!.
OMG, not again. This also happened in 2016.

hillary is a racist2.jpg
Never thought I's see this in modern US.

Election 2018 Is Off to the Racists

Across the US, white nationalists and their sympathizers are running for office—and they don’t need to win to be dangerous.

“Jews…commit a disproportionate number of mass shootings,” Wisconsin Republican congressional candidate Paul Nehlen lied on Facebook recently. Earlier, he had tweeted: “Poop, incest, and pedophilia. Why are those common themes repeated so often with Jews?” Another GOP House hopeful, Pennsylvania’s Sean Donahue, recently told me, “The United States was intended to be white…. I don’t see why we had to have the Fair Housing Act.”

Welcome to Trump’s America, where a rash of white nationalists are running for office. Depending on your definition, anywhere from nine and 17 white supremacists and far-right militia leaders are currently running for House and Senate seats, governorships, and state legislatures.

Please present your list of 17 White Supremacists and/or far-right militia leaders currently running for House and Senate seats, governorships and state legislators.

If you dodge or refuse, we know you're lying again don't we?

Why don’t blacks listen to people with solutions and NOT to race baiters? What if the Rev. Al Sharpton's and Jesse Jackson's were preaching just the opposite of what they do today?

Here are a few, which are too many Neo-Nazis.

It's 2018, and these white supremacists are running for office

What a hoot. How many THOUSAND are running and I don't see even 17 as you promised? Candidates running in the primaries who no one has ever heard of. As for the KKK endorsing someone, so what?


You asked for 17, I certainly never promised that.

What did your OP claim, or have you forgotten?

Try reading it again.
Yet when photo ID is required certain voting blocks are under represented. Don't go whining that they are illegal voters unless you can show proof that widespread in person voter fraud even exists.
it's hard to prove, especially with one major party encouraging it and looking the other way. Nothing wrong with an ID...easy to get, many are free....get off your ass and get one......it's not difficult...but you do have to wait in those wonderful government lines (yay government efficiency!)
In Their Own Words: Officials Refuting False Claims of Voter Fraud

In Their Own Words: Officials Refuting False Claims of Voter Fraud
President Trump recently revived his false claim of widespread voter fraud in the 2016 election, and called for an investigation into the issue. Elected officials, election administrators, experts, and leaders from across the political spectrum have spoken out against these untrue allegations.

You lying dumb ass liberals act like

there is no cheating in elections while you

oppose voter id’s.

It’s plain to see your dishonest motives

and the irony of all your Russian Bull Shit….

You lying whining ass cheating liberals make

me want to puke.

Lots of cheating on the elections. That looks like the only way Trump won. No sign of in person voter fraud though. If there was, you could point it out.

Voter Fraud Is Real. Here’s The Proof

Your link is a bunch of crap. Yes, there have been a few cases of the child of a deceased parent filling out the parents mail in ballot in Colorado, and in Virginia, there have been about 20 cases found where people put fraudulent names on their voter registration forms (Micky Mouse was the most common fraudulent name found). You might note that it was only on the voter registration form, not on a ballot. None of those fraudulent names actually voted. There is no proof whatsoever that thousands of cases of "vote harvesting" in Texas exist. That was a claim made by a Republican contesting her loss in the Republican primary to another Republican. Later in the link, the author hilariously claims that since not everybody that jaywalks gets fined, that is proof that in person voter fraud is rampant. I'm not kidding. That's the example given. Read it for yourself. Even if all the rediculous claims were true, none of the examples would have been stopped by voter ID laws because they were all mail in ballots. At best they might add up to a millionth of a percent at most.
We shouldn't worry about people with vile views running for office. We should worry if they actually win.

The op brought up the antisemitic views of a candidate. There are several people members of congress with direct ties to Louis Farrakhan and who hold similar opinions.

They sure don't look white to me.
it's hard to prove, especially with one major party encouraging it and looking the other way. Nothing wrong with an ID...easy to get, many are free....get off your ass and get one......it's not difficult...but you do have to wait in those wonderful government lines (yay government efficiency!)
In Their Own Words: Officials Refuting False Claims of Voter Fraud

In Their Own Words: Officials Refuting False Claims of Voter Fraud
President Trump recently revived his false claim of widespread voter fraud in the 2016 election, and called for an investigation into the issue. Elected officials, election administrators, experts, and leaders from across the political spectrum have spoken out against these untrue allegations.

You lying dumb ass liberals act like

there is no cheating in elections while you

oppose voter id’s.

It’s plain to see your dishonest motives

and the irony of all your Russian Bull Shit….

You lying whining ass cheating liberals make

me want to puke.

Lots of cheating on the elections. That looks like the only way Trump won. No sign of in person voter fraud though. If there was, you could point it out.

Voter Fraud Is Real. Here’s The Proof

Your link is a bunch of crap. Yes, there have been a few cases of the child of a deceased parent filling out the parents mail in ballot in Colorado, and in Virginia, there have been about 20 cases found where people put fraudulent names on their voter registration forms (Micky Mouse was the most common fraudulent name found). You might note that it was only on the voter registration form, not on a ballot. None of those fraudulent names actually voted. There is no proof whatsoever that thousands of cases of "vote harvesting" in Texas exist. That was a claim made by a Republican contesting her loss in the Republican primary to another Republican. Later in the link, the author hilariously claims that since not everybody that jaywalks gets fined, that is proof that in person voter fraud is rampant. I'm not kidding. That's the example given. Read it for yourself. Even if all the rediculous claims were true, none of the examples would have been stopped by voter ID laws because they were all mail in ballots. At best they might add up to a millionth of a percent at most.

You are full of Shit and we all know you liberals CHEAT and you support it.
We shouldn't worry about people with vile views running for office. We should worry if they actually win.

The op brought up the antisemitic views of a candidate. There are several people members of congress with direct ties to Louis Farrakhan and who hold similar opinions.

They sure don't look white to me.
bingo.....the left is full of jew hate......
White nationalists have been running since America began having elections.
Yes, but in the last few decades they weren't as open about it, and not as bold and extreme.

This guy was not in the original post, and he won a position in the Republican Party:
Charlottesville Hate Marcher Elected by Republican Party

They're trying to remove him, but it's not clear they can:
Republicans Move to Oust Charlottesville Marcher After Daily Beast Report

Here's a nutcase who thinks the Holocaust was caused by gay Nazis:
Republican who claims Holocaust was orchestrated by gay Nazis wins enough support for Massachusetts governor primary

This one is not running as a Republican, but he thinks Hitler was a good thing and wants to legalize incest, rape and pedophilia:
He's pro-incest, pedophilia, and rape. He's also running for Congress from his parents' house.
White nationalists have been running since America began having elections.
Yes, but in the last few decades they weren't as open about it, and not as bold and extreme.

This guy was not in the original post, and he won a position in the Republican Party:
Charlottesville Hate Marcher Elected by Republican Party

They're trying to remove him, but it's not clear they can:
Republicans Move to Oust Charlottesville Marcher After Daily Beast Report

Here's a nutcase who thinks the Holocaust was caused by gay Nazis:
Republican who claims Holocaust was orchestrated by gay Nazis wins enough support for Massachusetts governor primary

This one is not running as a Republican, but he thinks Hitler was a good thing and wants to legalize incest, rape and pedophilia:
He's pro-incest, pedophilia, and rape. He's also running for Congress from his parents' house.

I agree totally.
We shouldn't worry about people with vile views running for office. We should worry if they actually win.

The op brought up the antisemitic views of a candidate. There are several people members of congress with direct ties to Louis Farrakhan and who hold similar opinions.

They sure don't look white to me.

There are no members of congress who hold Farrakhans views.
White nationalists have been running since America began having elections.
Yes, but in the last few decades they weren't as open about it, and not as bold and extreme.

This guy was not in the original post, and he won a position in the Republican Party:
Charlottesville Hate Marcher Elected by Republican Party

They're trying to remove him, but it's not clear they can:
Republicans Move to Oust Charlottesville Marcher After Daily Beast Report

Here's a nutcase who thinks the Holocaust was caused by gay Nazis:
Republican who claims Holocaust was orchestrated by gay Nazis wins enough support for Massachusetts governor primary

This one is not running as a Republican, but he thinks Hitler was a good thing and wants to legalize incest, rape and pedophilia:
He's pro-incest, pedophilia, and rape. He's also running for Congress from his parents' house.
The last one, that pedo-incest-rape guy, was also convicted of threatening to kill Obama:
A congressional candidate who threatened to kill Obama also ran websites dedicated to pedophilia and rape fantasies

And here's one more that wasn't in this thread:

Forum List
