White Supremacists Running for Office in 2018

Never thought I's see this in modern US.

Election 2018 Is Off to the Racists

Across the US, white nationalists and their sympathizers are running for office—and they don’t need to win to be dangerous.

I knew it just had to be a Republican or something. Meantime we've had people at least as bad or worse running---and winning---for years! Socialists, globalists, communists, white haters, America haters, capitalist haters, christian haters, 2nd Amendment haters . . . . but NOW that a white "nationalist" is running (I guess now being "pro-America" or "America-first" is a bad thing?) everyone is supposed to stand up and say: OH NO!

White nationalists have been running since America began having elections.
Never thought I's see this in modern US.

Election 2018 Is Off to the Racists

Across the US, white nationalists and their sympathizers are running for office—and they don’t need to win to be dangerous.

“Jews…commit a disproportionate number of mass shootings,” Wisconsin Republican congressional candidate Paul Nehlen lied on Facebook recently. Earlier, he had tweeted: “Poop, incest, and pedophilia. Why are those common themes repeated so often with Jews?” Another GOP House hopeful, Pennsylvania’s Sean Donahue, recently told me, “The United States was intended to be white…. I don’t see why we had to have the Fair Housing Act.”

Welcome to Trump’s America, where a rash of white nationalists are running for office. Depending on your definition, anywhere from nine and 17 white supremacists and far-right militia leaders are currently running for House and Senate seats, governorships, and state legislatures.

Please present your list of 17 White Supremacists and/or far-right militia leaders currently running for House and Senate seats, governorships and state legislators.

If you dodge or refuse, we know you're lying again don't we?

Why don’t blacks listen to people with solutions and NOT to race baiters? What if the Rev. Al Sharpton's and Jesse Jackson's were preaching just the opposite of what they do today?

Here are a few, which are too many Neo-Nazis.

It's 2018, and these white supremacists are running for office

What a hoot. How many THOUSAND are running and I don't see even 17 as you promised? Candidates running in the primaries who no one has ever heard of. As for the KKK endorsing someone, so what?


You asked for 17, I certainly never promised that.
Never thought I's see this in modern US.

Election 2018 Is Off to the Racists

Across the US, white nationalists and their sympathizers are running for office—and they don’t need to win to be dangerous.

“Jews…commit a disproportionate number of mass shootings,” Wisconsin Republican congressional candidate Paul Nehlen lied on Facebook recently. Earlier, he had tweeted: “Poop, incest, and pedophilia. Why are those common themes repeated so often with Jews?” Another GOP House hopeful, Pennsylvania’s Sean Donahue, recently told me, “The United States was intended to be white…. I don’t see why we had to have the Fair Housing Act.”

Welcome to Trump’s America, where a rash of white nationalists are running for office. Depending on your definition, anywhere from nine and 17 white supremacists and far-right militia leaders are currently running for House and Senate seats, governorships, and state legislatures.

After having a Muslim presidunce for nearly a decade, change is refreshing.I just wish it were 17 gay sumo wrestlers running for office to liven things up a bit.
Are you really this stupid or is this an act?

Your Dumb Racist ass calls the Electoral College a technicality.

Sections of America are Shitholes, they are ruled by

liberals where criminals thrive….

Trump is Spanking liberal ass and I am sure he

will maintain law and order…..

Later Dip Shit…

He lost the popular vote. How many times has a president lost the popular vote and won the electoral college? Not many Sections pf America are shitholes controlled by republicans. They control 37 states.Trump doesn't know what law is. The Republican party, the party of no responsibility.

I have my doubts Trump lost the popular vote…

You liberals cheat…

Just ask Crazy Bernie…

Why are you against voter ID’s unless


Name some Republican shitholes.

Some crazy questions just aren't worth addressing.

We all know you and your liberal buddies

are all full of shit….

You can’t address the question of why you

are against Voter ID’s because your explanation



Tell me again why are you against VOTER ID’S…

Lets see if you can explain it.

We all know you can’t…

Face the TRUTH,

you support CHEATING….

I don't support disenfranchizing large sections of the population for political purposes. The president ordered an investigation into his imagined wide spread illegal voting in the election. How did that work out for you?

You speak total Bull Shit….

You do support disenfranchising large sections of

the population for political purposes by supporting CHEATING…

By the way you can’t even spell it correctly.

You liberals can’t even be honest with yourself.

Again, we all see you are full of shit.
He lost the popular vote. How many times has a president lost the popular vote and won the electoral college? Not many Sections pf America are shitholes controlled by republicans. They control 37 states.Trump doesn't know what law is. The Republican party, the party of no responsibility.

I have my doubts Trump lost the popular vote…

You liberals cheat…

Just ask Crazy Bernie…

Why are you against voter ID’s unless


Name some Republican shitholes.

Some crazy questions just aren't worth addressing.

We all know you and your liberal buddies

are all full of shit….

You can’t address the question of why you

are against Voter ID’s because your explanation



Tell me again why are you against VOTER ID’S…

Lets see if you can explain it.

We all know you can’t…

Face the TRUTH,

you support CHEATING….

I don't support disenfranchizing large sections of the population for political purposes. The president ordered an investigation into his imagined wide spread illegal voting in the election. How did that work out for you?

You speak total Bull Shit….

You do support disenfranchising large sections of

the population for political purposes by supporting CHEATING…

By the way you can’t even spell it correctly.

You liberals can’t even be honest with yourself.

Again, we all see you are full of shit.

Perhaps you could show proof of widespread cheating. Trump's investigation couldn't find any, but what have you found?
I have my doubts Trump lost the popular vote…

You liberals cheat…

Just ask Crazy Bernie…

Why are you against voter ID’s unless


Name some Republican shitholes.

Some crazy questions just aren't worth addressing.

We all know you and your liberal buddies

are all full of shit….

You can’t address the question of why you

are against Voter ID’s because your explanation



Tell me again why are you against VOTER ID’S…

Lets see if you can explain it.

We all know you can’t…

Face the TRUTH,

you support CHEATING….

I don't support disenfranchizing large sections of the population for political purposes. The president ordered an investigation into his imagined wide spread illegal voting in the election. How did that work out for you?

You speak total Bull Shit….

You do support disenfranchising large sections of

the population for political purposes by supporting CHEATING…

By the way you can’t even spell it correctly.

You liberals can’t even be honest with yourself.

Again, we all see you are full of shit.

Perhaps you could show proof of widespread cheating. Trump's investigation couldn't find any, but what have you found?

Perhaps you could explain in sane terms why you

are against voter id’s……

We all know why you liberals are against them..

You are all in for cheating for political gain,

Just ask crazy bernie…..

Face it, you live a lie…….
Never thought I's see this in modern US.

Election 2018 Is Off to the Racists

Across the US, white nationalists and their sympathizers are running for office—and they don’t need to win to be dangerous.

“Jews…commit a disproportionate number of mass shootings,” Wisconsin Republican congressional candidate Paul Nehlen lied on Facebook recently. Earlier, he had tweeted: “Poop, incest, and pedophilia. Why are those common themes repeated so often with Jews?” Another GOP House hopeful, Pennsylvania’s Sean Donahue, recently told me, “The United States was intended to be white…. I don’t see why we had to have the Fair Housing Act.”

Welcome to Trump’s America, where a rash of white nationalists are running for office. Depending on your definition, anywhere from nine and 17 white supremacists and far-right militia leaders are currently running for House and Senate seats, governorships, and state legislatures.
The Alt-Right is certainly feeling that it's safer to voice their White Supremacist views.

So let me understand this and you believe the idiot should not be allow to run for office?

If you ban all racist morons, well no one could run for office because it is a safe bet everyone has a bigoted racist view in life...

Let the moron run and if he win, well then those in his or her community have spoken and who are you to deny them their voice in Congress?

I may not agree with my enemy words but I will be damn if I will ever support your wish to silence them because it is better to let them speak foolishly than silence them and have society look at me for denying the idiot the same rights I enjoy daily...

Also there is one in Illinois that is running and will lose to the long term blue dog Democrat...
Some crazy questions just aren't worth addressing.

We all know you and your liberal buddies

are all full of shit….

You can’t address the question of why you

are against Voter ID’s because your explanation



Tell me again why are you against VOTER ID’S…

Lets see if you can explain it.

We all know you can’t…

Face the TRUTH,

you support CHEATING….

I don't support disenfranchizing large sections of the population for political purposes. The president ordered an investigation into his imagined wide spread illegal voting in the election. How did that work out for you?

You speak total Bull Shit….

You do support disenfranchising large sections of

the population for political purposes by supporting CHEATING…

By the way you can’t even spell it correctly.

You liberals can’t even be honest with yourself.

Again, we all see you are full of shit.

Perhaps you could show proof of widespread cheating. Trump's investigation couldn't find any, but what have you found?

Perhaps you could explain in sane terms why you

are against voter id’s……

We all know why you liberals are against them..

You are all in for cheating for political gain,

Just ask crazy bernie…..

Face it, you live a lie…….

Perhaps you can explain in sane terms why you want to put up so many roadblocks to people voting when there is not one scrap of evidence that widespread in person voter fraud is, or ever has been a problem.
It's like calling white Europeans "nazis" and "white supremacists" for looking to reverse the damage of mass Muslim immigration.

I'll make a trade. All whites, including whites in America, return to Europe. All other cultures also return to their ancestral homelands. Apply the US Constitution as written in Europe and repeal all existing laws and legislate new laws in accordance to the express provision of the Constituion.

Lakhota should support this, since Native Americans could retake America.

Good idea. And maybe with the Internet gone, cell phones no longer working, geez they'll have to return to hunting buffalos and living to an average of 35 years instead of becoming millionaires from casinos and living to 75 years.
We all know you and your liberal buddies

are all full of shit….

You can’t address the question of why you

are against Voter ID’s because your explanation



Tell me again why are you against VOTER ID’S…

Lets see if you can explain it.

We all know you can’t…

Face the TRUTH,

you support CHEATING….

I don't support disenfranchizing large sections of the population for political purposes. The president ordered an investigation into his imagined wide spread illegal voting in the election. How did that work out for you?

You speak total Bull Shit….

You do support disenfranchising large sections of

the population for political purposes by supporting CHEATING…

By the way you can’t even spell it correctly.

You liberals can’t even be honest with yourself.

Again, we all see you are full of shit.

Perhaps you could show proof of widespread cheating. Trump's investigation couldn't find any, but what have you found?

Perhaps you could explain in sane terms why you

are against voter id’s……

We all know why you liberals are against them..

You are all in for cheating for political gain,

Just ask crazy bernie…..

Face it, you live a lie…….

Perhaps you can explain in sane terms why you want to put up so many roadblocks to people voting when there is not one scrap of evidence that widespread in person voter fraud is, or ever has been a problem.

I knew you couldn't explain it in sane terms...

You live a lie...

It has to suck to be you...
Is that like when that Black Supremacist ran for President in 2008? The asshole that attended a church for 20 years that preached hate against Whites and Jews? The church where the rally leader praised Louis Farrakhan, one of the most racist sonofabitches in the US?
Never thought I's see this in modern US.

Election 2018 Is Off to the Racists

Across the US, white nationalists and their sympathizers are running for office—and they don’t need to win to be dangerous.

“Jews…commit a disproportionate number of mass shootings,” Wisconsin Republican congressional candidate Paul Nehlen lied on Facebook recently. Earlier, he had tweeted: “Poop, incest, and pedophilia. Why are those common themes repeated so often with Jews?” Another GOP House hopeful, Pennsylvania’s Sean Donahue, recently told me, “The United States was intended to be white…. I don’t see why we had to have the Fair Housing Act.”

Welcome to Trump’s America, where a rash of white nationalists are running for office. Depending on your definition, anywhere from nine and 17 white supremacists and far-right militia leaders are currently running for House and Senate seats, governorships, and state legislatures.

What assholes!
How dare people make their preferences known.....How dare they want to live among good, hard working, positive contributing, law abiding, like minded folks that speak their same language.
Never thought I's see this in modern US.

Election 2018 Is Off to the Racists

Across the US, white nationalists and their sympathizers are running for office—and they don’t need to win to be dangerous.

I knew it just had to be a Republican or something. Meantime we've had people at least as bad or worse running---and winning---for years! Socialists, globalists, communists, white haters, America haters, capitalist haters, christian haters, 2nd Amendment haters . . . . but NOW that a white "nationalist" is running (I guess now being "pro-America" or "America-first" is a bad thing?) everyone is supposed to stand up and say: OH NO!

White nationalists have been running since America began having elections.

Then you are admitting that white nationalism is as American as apple pie. Get over it already.
Never thought I's see this in modern US.

Election 2018 Is Off to the Racists

Across the US, white nationalists and their sympathizers are running for office—and they don’t need to win to be dangerous.

I knew it just had to be a Republican or something. Meantime we've had people at least as bad or worse running---and winning---for years! Socialists, globalists, communists, white haters, America haters, capitalist haters, christian haters, 2nd Amendment haters . . . . but NOW that a white "nationalist" is running (I guess now being "pro-America" or "America-first" is a bad thing?) everyone is supposed to stand up and say: OH NO!

White nationalists have been running since America began having elections.

Then you are admitting that white nationalism is as American as apple pie. Get over it already.

Well until now this has been a white country.

I would like to keep it that way. Am I a white supremacist for not wanting to live in a shithole?
We all know you and your liberal buddies

are all full of shit….

You can’t address the question of why you

are against Voter ID’s because your explanation



Tell me again why are you against VOTER ID’S…

Lets see if you can explain it.

We all know you can’t…

Face the TRUTH,

you support CHEATING….

I don't support disenfranchizing large sections of the population for political purposes. The president ordered an investigation into his imagined wide spread illegal voting in the election. How did that work out for you?

You speak total Bull Shit….

You do support disenfranchising large sections of

the population for political purposes by supporting CHEATING…

By the way you can’t even spell it correctly.

You liberals can’t even be honest with yourself.

Again, we all see you are full of shit.

Perhaps you could show proof of widespread cheating. Trump's investigation couldn't find any, but what have you found?

Perhaps you could explain in sane terms why you

are against voter id’s……

We all know why you liberals are against them..

You are all in for cheating for political gain,

Just ask crazy bernie…..

Face it, you live a lie…….

Perhaps you can explain in sane terms why you want to put up so many roadblocks to people voting when there is not one scrap of evidence that widespread in person voter fraud is, or ever has been a problem.
Requiring IDs is not a roadblock, everyone has one....stop pretending like they don't...

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