White Supremacists Running for Office in 2018

Keith Ellison never put the barrel of the gun to anyone's face & he never threatened to shoot anyone on 5th Avenue.

Geez, I'm from Minnesota & as white as they come & even I think many of you white folks have lost your last freakin marble.

There is only 1 planet earth & you people better start to get a grip.
Orange will be the new black & brown will be the new majority. It's time you racists come to terms with that.

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That's because you idiots enjoy sitting on your ass on welfare more than working! Its OK thousands a week are waking up to the truth and leaving the demcrap plantation. It amazes me YOU can still belong to the demcraps after Obama did NOTHING for blacks in 8 years but Trump has managed to get black unemployment to its lowest levels EVER.

Black unemployment has historically been at least double that of whites. Fact, pussy. So Trump hasn't done shit. I've worked for my money since age 9 bitch when I was slanging newspapers. How about you?

I found that newspapers are easier to sling than they are to slang....
I'll be staying right here. If you want a new country, go get it. This one is already taken.
Sure was by my founding fathers who EXPLICITLY stated who was to be granted citizenship in the naturalization acts of the 1790's! You are nothing more than a Anti White,Anti American traitor just like ALL leftists and 80% of republicans who are more scared of being called racists than doing something to stop the downfall of this country.

Wow. Half the country plus 80% of the other half. Sounds like your pathetic little 10% probably doesn't have much chance of doing anything.
View attachment 196128

Thy didn't win the stand off and in fact they had no right to be there. What happened was the US government had mercy on those people. Had the government used the firepower they have, all these right wing idiots would have been killed.

Have you ever seen any World War II movies?

Be careful what you wish for.....

Yes, there are dozens of excellent WW-II documentaries on Amazon Prime and Netflix.
Who are the "ruling" class? Groups like Iluminati,Bohemian grove, Bilderberg Group, Rothschilds,Trilateral Commission?
Keith Ellison never put the barrel of the gun to anyone's face & he never threatened to shoot anyone on 5th Avenue.

Geez, I'm from Minnesota & as white as they come & even I think many of you white folks have lost your last freakin marble.

There is only 1 planet earth & you people better start to get a grip.
Orange will be the new black & brown will be the new majority. It's time you racists come to terms with that.

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keith ellison is a RACIST...
White nationalists running for office in record numbers

Hm! That's 5 more than I realized...have to figure out who the rest are.
Maybe the whites should just form a WHITE CONGRESSIONAL CAUCUS like the blacks have.

They have one. It's called the republican caucus.
Really... dumbass?

As GOP Swept Congress, Black Republicans Took Home Historic Wins

White nationalists running for office in record numbers

Hm! That's 5 more than I realized...have to figure out who the rest are.
Maybe the whites should just form a WHITE CONGRESSIONAL CAUCUS like the blacks have.

They have one. It's called the republican caucus.
Really... dumbass?

As GOP Swept Congress, Black Republicans Took Home Historic Wins

This is 2018 and we've had an election since 2014. Last, 3 whole back republicans won. Wow, that certainly debunks my claim that the republican party is the white caucus. LOL!

You Racists make it all about RACE....

It's all you got....
Speaking of racists....

Never thought I's see this in modern US.

Election 2018 Is Off to the Racists

Across the US, white nationalists and their sympathizers are running for office—and they don’t need to win to be dangerous.

“Jews…commit a disproportionate number of mass shootings,” Wisconsin Republican congressional candidate Paul Nehlen lied on Facebook recently. Earlier, he had tweeted: “Poop, incest, and pedophilia. Why are those common themes repeated so often with Jews?” Another GOP House hopeful, Pennsylvania’s Sean Donahue, recently told me, “The United States was intended to be white…. I don’t see why we had to have the Fair Housing Act.”

Welcome to Trump’s America, where a rash of white nationalists are running for office. Depending on your definition, anywhere from nine and 17 white supremacists and far-right militia leaders are currently running for House and Senate seats, governorships, and state legislatures.

Please present your list of 17 White Supremacists and/or far-right militia leaders currently running for House and Senate seats, governorships and state legislators.

If you dodge or refuse, we know you're lying again don't we?

Why don’t blacks listen to people with solutions and NOT to race baiters? What if the Rev. Al Sharpton's and Jesse Jackson's were preaching just the opposite of what they do today?

That's because you idiots enjoy sitting on your ass on welfare more than working! Its OK thousands a week are waking up to the truth and leaving the demcrap plantation. It amazes me YOU can still belong to the demcraps after Obama did NOTHING for blacks in 8 years but Trump has managed to get black unemployment to its lowest levels EVER.

Black unemployment has historically been at least double that of whites. Fact, pussy. So Trump hasn't done shit. I've worked for my money since age 9 bitch when I was slanging newspapers. How about you?
I am sure it has because Blacks are lazy moochers and criminals. The ones that WANT to work the unemployment rate has dropped to its lowest level ever. MAYBE you idiots should stop burning down your own businesses when a criminal is shot by the police and more blacks would have employment opportunities
Never thought I's see this in modern US.

Election 2018 Is Off to the Racists

Across the US, white nationalists and their sympathizers are running for office—and they don’t need to win to be dangerous.

“Jews…commit a disproportionate number of mass shootings,” Wisconsin Republican congressional candidate Paul Nehlen lied on Facebook recently. Earlier, he had tweeted: “Poop, incest, and pedophilia. Why are those common themes repeated so often with Jews?” Another GOP House hopeful, Pennsylvania’s Sean Donahue, recently told me, “The United States was intended to be white…. I don’t see why we had to have the Fair Housing Act.”

Welcome to Trump’s America, where a rash of white nationalists are running for office. Depending on your definition, anywhere from nine and 17 white supremacists and far-right militia leaders are currently running for House and Senate seats, governorships, and state legislatures.
You created them. Multiculturalism has failed everywhere it's been tried. America has always been a white, NW European nation. We were better for it.

No it hasn't. And America hasn't always or ever, been a white nation.

LOL...yes it has and it was set up as one. Jesus read the naturalization acts of the 1790's you idiot.
LOL...yes it has and it was set up as one. Jesus read the naturalization acts of the 1790's you idiot
Their own behaviour proves it. Anybody who I should a hyphenated American declares THEMSELVES an outsider -- them make THEMSELVES a second class citizen
Never thought I's see this in modern US.

Election 2018 Is Off to the Racists

Across the US, white nationalists and their sympathizers are running for office—and they don’t need to win to be dangerous.

“Jews…commit a disproportionate number of mass shootings,” Wisconsin Republican congressional candidate Paul Nehlen lied on Facebook recently. Earlier, he had tweeted: “Poop, incest, and pedophilia. Why are those common themes repeated so often with Jews?” Another GOP House hopeful, Pennsylvania’s Sean Donahue, recently told me, “The United States was intended to be white…. I don’t see why we had to have the Fair Housing Act.”

Welcome to Trump’s America, where a rash of white nationalists are running for office. Depending on your definition, anywhere from nine and 17 white supremacists and far-right militia leaders are currently running for House and Senate seats, governorships, and state legislatures.

Please present your list of 17 White Supremacists and/or far-right militia leaders currently running for House and Senate seats, governorships and state legislators.

If you dodge or refuse, we know you're lying again don't we?

Why don’t blacks listen to people with solutions and NOT to race baiters? What if the Rev. Al Sharpton's and Jesse Jackson's were preaching just the opposite of what they do today?

Here are a few, which are too many Neo-Nazis.

It's 2018, and these white supremacists are running for office
You seem to forget that Trump did not win the peoples vote. He's president on a technicality. What do whites have to defend themselves against? Paranoia? We aren't going to get 16 years of white supremacy ruling this nation. If that was to actually happen that's when America becomes a violent shithole. Nobody black or of any person of color is going back to that. When Trumps policies start kicking in you'll understand just how deep the anger and dissatisfaction will be. You see mike, you are mistaken to think you and those like you represent whites. You represent a punk ass section of the white community who are whining victims of something you imagine that's not really happening.

Are you really this stupid or is this an act?

Your Dumb Racist ass calls the Electoral College a technicality.

Sections of America are Shitholes, they are ruled by

liberals where criminals thrive….

Trump is Spanking liberal ass and I am sure he

will maintain law and order…..

Later Dip Shit…

He lost the popular vote. How many times has a president lost the popular vote and won the electoral college? Not many Sections pf America are shitholes controlled by republicans. They control 37 states.Trump doesn't know what law is. The Republican party, the party of no responsibility.

I have my doubts Trump lost the popular vote…

You liberals cheat…

Just ask Crazy Bernie…

Why are you against voter ID’s unless


Name some Republican shitholes.

Some crazy questions just aren't worth addressing.

We all know you and your liberal buddies

are all full of shit….

You can’t address the question of why you

are against Voter ID’s because your explanation



Tell me again why are you against VOTER ID’S…

Lets see if you can explain it.

We all know you can’t…

Face the TRUTH,

you support CHEATING….

I don't support disenfranchizing large sections of the population for political purposes. The president ordered an investigation into his imagined wide spread illegal voting in the election. How did that work out for you?
LOL...yes it has and it was set up as one. Jesus read the naturalization acts of the 1790's you idiot
Their own behaviour proves it. Anybody who I should a hyphenated American declares THEMSELVES an outsider -- them make THEMSELVES a second class citizen

Like Irish-Americans? German-Americans? Italian-Americans? Or is his another episode of white psychosis whereby you only see the words African in front of a hyphen and you think we are only ones doing it.
Never thought I's see this in modern US.

Election 2018 Is Off to the Racists

Across the US, white nationalists and their sympathizers are running for office—and they don’t need to win to be dangerous.

I knew it just had to be a Republican or something. Meantime we've had people at least as bad or worse running---and winning---for years! Socialists, globalists, communists, white haters, America haters, capitalist haters, christian haters, 2nd Amendment haters . . . . but NOW that a white "nationalist" is running (I guess now being "pro-America" or "America-first" is a bad thing?) everyone is supposed to stand up and say: OH NO!
Never thought I's see this in modern US.

Election 2018 Is Off to the Racists

Across the US, white nationalists and their sympathizers are running for office—and they don’t need to win to be dangerous.

I knew it just had to be a Republican or something. Meantime we've had people at least as bad or worse running---and winning---for years! Socialists, globalists, communists, white haters, America haters, capitalist haters, christian haters, 2nd Amendment haters . . . . but NOW that a white "nationalist" is running (I guess now being "pro-America" or "America-first" is a bad thing?) everyone is supposed to stand up and say: OH NO!

Yep. I'm pretty sure that Nazis is where most people will draw the line.
Never thought I's see this in modern US.

Election 2018 Is Off to the Racists

Across the US, white nationalists and their sympathizers are running for office—and they don’t need to win to be dangerous.

I knew it just had to be a Republican or something. Meantime we've had people at least as bad or worse running---and winning---for years! Socialists, globalists, communists, white haters, America haters, capitalist haters, christian haters, 2nd Amendment haters . . . . but NOW that a white "nationalist" is running (I guess now being "pro-America" or "America-first" is a bad thing?) everyone is supposed to stand up and say: OH NO!
Given the history of slavery and then government sponsored discrimination based on racism in the country, it's not a good look to be an open white supremacist. But i agree that a lot of the hard-left candidates the democrats are running are just as, if not moreso dangerous in other ways, namely wanting and pushing for socialism.
Never thought I's see this in modern US.

Election 2018 Is Off to the Racists

Across the US, white nationalists and their sympathizers are running for office—and they don’t need to win to be dangerous.

“Jews…commit a disproportionate number of mass shootings,” Wisconsin Republican congressional candidate Paul Nehlen lied on Facebook recently. Earlier, he had tweeted: “Poop, incest, and pedophilia. Why are those common themes repeated so often with Jews?” Another GOP House hopeful, Pennsylvania’s Sean Donahue, recently told me, “The United States was intended to be white…. I don’t see why we had to have the Fair Housing Act.”

Welcome to Trump’s America, where a rash of white nationalists are running for office. Depending on your definition, anywhere from nine and 17 white supremacists and far-right militia leaders are currently running for House and Senate seats, governorships, and state legislatures.

Please present your list of 17 White Supremacists and/or far-right militia leaders currently running for House and Senate seats, governorships and state legislators.

If you dodge or refuse, we know you're lying again don't we?

Why don’t blacks listen to people with solutions and NOT to race baiters? What if the Rev. Al Sharpton's and Jesse Jackson's were preaching just the opposite of what they do today?

Here are a few, which are too many Neo-Nazis.

It's 2018, and these white supremacists are running for office

What a hoot. How many THOUSAND are running and I don't see even 17 as you promised? Candidates running in the primaries who no one has ever heard of. As for the KKK endorsing someone, so what?

It's like calling white Europeans "nazis" and "white supremacists" for looking to reverse the damage of mass Muslim immigration.

I'll make a trade. All whites, including whites in America, return to Europe. All other cultures also return to their ancestral homelands. Apply the US Constitution as written in Europe and repeal all existing laws and legislate new laws in accordance to the express provision of the Constituion.

Lakhota should support this, since Native Americans could retake America.
Never thought I's see this in modern US.

Election 2018 Is Off to the Racists

Across the US, white nationalists and their sympathizers are running for office—and they don’t need to win to be dangerous.

“Jews…commit a disproportionate number of mass shootings,” Wisconsin Republican congressional candidate Paul Nehlen lied on Facebook recently. Earlier, he had tweeted: “Poop, incest, and pedophilia. Why are those common themes repeated so often with Jews?” Another GOP House hopeful, Pennsylvania’s Sean Donahue, recently told me, “The United States was intended to be white…. I don’t see why we had to have the Fair Housing Act.”

Welcome to Trump’s America, where a rash of white nationalists are running for office. Depending on your definition, anywhere from nine and 17 white supremacists and far-right militia leaders are currently running for House and Senate seats, governorships, and state legislatures.

Please present your list of 17 White Supremacists and/or far-right militia leaders currently running for House and Senate seats, governorships and state legislators.

If you dodge or refuse, we know you're lying again don't we?

Why don’t blacks listen to people with solutions and NOT to race baiters? What if the Rev. Al Sharpton's and Jesse Jackson's were preaching just the opposite of what they do today?

Here are a few, which are too many Neo-Nazis.

It's 2018, and these white supremacists are running for office

Its sad that they have to hate people for the color of their skin. Sad

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