White Supremacists Running for Office in 2018

Never thought I's see this in modern US.

Election 2018 Is Off to the Racists

Across the US, white nationalists and their sympathizers are running for office—and they don’t need to win to be dangerous.

“Jews…commit a disproportionate number of mass shootings,” Wisconsin Republican congressional candidate Paul Nehlen lied on Facebook recently. Earlier, he had tweeted: “Poop, incest, and pedophilia. Why are those common themes repeated so often with Jews?” Another GOP House hopeful, Pennsylvania’s Sean Donahue, recently told me, “The United States was intended to be white…. I don’t see why we had to have the Fair Housing Act.”

Welcome to Trump’s America, where a rash of white nationalists are running for office. Depending on your definition, anywhere from nine and 17 white supremacists and far-right militia leaders are currently running for House and Senate seats, governorships, and state legislatures.

Racial supremecists come in all shapes and forms. Black Lives Matter and La Raza come to mind as well as the White Supremecists you refer. At the same time, I see more and more interracial families of which I am a part.
Never thought I's see this in modern US.

Election 2018 Is Off to the Racists

Across the US, white nationalists and their sympathizers are running for office—and they don’t need to win to be dangerous.

“Jews…commit a disproportionate number of mass shootings,” Wisconsin Republican congressional candidate Paul Nehlen lied on Facebook recently. Earlier, he had tweeted: “Poop, incest, and pedophilia. Why are those common themes repeated so often with Jews?” Another GOP House hopeful, Pennsylvania’s Sean Donahue, recently told me, “The United States was intended to be white…. I don’t see why we had to have the Fair Housing Act.”

Welcome to Trump’s America, where a rash of white nationalists are running for office. Depending on your definition, anywhere from nine and 17 white supremacists and far-right militia leaders are currently running for House and Senate seats, governorships, and state legislatures.

Racial supremecists come in all shapes and forms. Black Lives Matter and La Raza come to mind as well as the White Supremecists you refer. At the same time, I see more and more interracial families of which I am a part.

Those groups aren't supremacists.
They sell tickets at the airport every day. Any idea where you will be going?

To something so great it doesn't yet exist.

You however, just check out Venezuela and Mexico, but remember to reduce even few extra IQ points. Maybe middle Africa?

I'll be staying right here. If you want a new country, go get it. This one is already taken.

Oh you can stay in Mexicofornia, no one is planning on taking that from you. Apart from the Mexicans, but you already seem to be very welcoming of their culture. Hope you will be enjoying the new average wage which is 3K a year.

Yall come back to visit us here in Texas after you get your country all set up. Call first. I'll plan a pic nic.

Texas will be minority white much sooner. Soon after the ethnic cleansing of the whites who run the state will be complete. How long before it turns into worse version of Mexico? 30 years? 50? Anyone for a bet?

You will love it. I don't visit shitholes.

I bet never.
Lol this thread was debunked on post number 2
What a bunch of idiots :lol:
Never thought I's see this in modern US.

Election 2018 Is Off to the Racists

Across the US, white nationalists and their sympathizers are running for office—and they don’t need to win to be dangerous.

“Jews…commit a disproportionate number of mass shootings,” Wisconsin Republican congressional candidate Paul Nehlen lied on Facebook recently. Earlier, he had tweeted: “Poop, incest, and pedophilia. Why are those common themes repeated so often with Jews?” Another GOP House hopeful, Pennsylvania’s Sean Donahue, recently told me, “The United States was intended to be white…. I don’t see why we had to have the Fair Housing Act.”

Welcome to Trump’s America, where a rash of white nationalists are running for office. Depending on your definition, anywhere from nine and 17 white supremacists and far-right militia leaders are currently running for House and Senate seats, governorships, and state legislatures.

Racial supremecists come in all shapes and forms. Black Lives Matter and La Raza come to mind as well as the White Supremecists you refer. At the same time, I see more and more interracial families of which I am a part.

Those groups aren't supremacists.

Yes, those white nationalists aren't.

As for BLM? ROFL! Of course they are... "Kill the cops, kill the cops!"
The Alt-Right is certainly feeling that it's safer to voice their White Supremacist views.

No that's not it....

The fact is you liberals are full of Shit...

You have nothing to offer but Trump Hate and Racism....

You are vile vulgar organisms that make

decent people want to puke.....
Never thought I's see this in modern US.

Election 2018 Is Off to the Racists

Across the US, white nationalists and their sympathizers are running for office—and they don’t need to win to be dangerous.

“Jews…commit a disproportionate number of mass shootings,” Wisconsin Republican congressional candidate Paul Nehlen lied on Facebook recently. Earlier, he had tweeted: “Poop, incest, and pedophilia. Why are those common themes repeated so often with Jews?” Another GOP House hopeful, Pennsylvania’s Sean Donahue, recently told me, “The United States was intended to be white…. I don’t see why we had to have the Fair Housing Act.”

Welcome to Trump’s America, where a rash of white nationalists are running for office. Depending on your definition, anywhere from nine and 17 white supremacists and far-right militia leaders are currently running for House and Senate seats, governorships, and state legislatures.

Racial supremecists come in all shapes and forms. Black Lives Matter and La Raza come to mind as well as the White Supremecists you refer. At the same time, I see more and more interracial families of which I am a part.

Those groups aren't supremacists.

Telling Black Lives Matter that All Lives Matter is not acceptable to Black Lives Matter. “La Raza” means “The Race”.... and you think those organizations are not Supremecists????
Never thought I's see this in modern US.

Election 2018 Is Off to the Racists

Across the US, white nationalists and their sympathizers are running for office—and they don’t need to win to be dangerous.

“Jews…commit a disproportionate number of mass shootings,” Wisconsin Republican congressional candidate Paul Nehlen lied on Facebook recently. Earlier, he had tweeted: “Poop, incest, and pedophilia. Why are those common themes repeated so often with Jews?” Another GOP House hopeful, Pennsylvania’s Sean Donahue, recently told me, “The United States was intended to be white…. I don’t see why we had to have the Fair Housing Act.”

Welcome to Trump’s America, where a rash of white nationalists are running for office. Depending on your definition, anywhere from nine and 17 white supremacists and far-right militia leaders are currently running for House and Senate seats, governorships, and state legislatures.
fake news
Great news, it's time for whites and the country as whole to start defending themselves.

I would like to see America remain majority white long after the current prediction that stands at 2040, at which point we will probably become just like any other minority white shit-hole country. This direction truly is beneficial for all Americans.

you won't stop the demographic change, no matter how much you whine.
Actually its already starting to change....8 years of Trump which will teach the GOP how to grow a set of balls and not give a shit if libtard Anti white Anti Americans cry about wacism then 8 years of Pence....indeed! Me and my wife did our part,my brother did his part. Between the 2 of us we have 9 white children! :)
White nationalists running for office in record numbers

Hm! That's 5 more than I realized...have to figure out who the rest are.

Hopefully one is in my area
I wish there was in mine! Where you from?

Say something else funny.
You are a lying traitor.

You seem to forget that Trump did not win the peoples vote. He's president on a technicality. What do whites have to defend themselves against? Paranoia? We aren't going to get 16 years of white supremacy ruling this nation. If that was to actually happen that's when America becomes a violent shithole. Nobody black or of any person of color is going back to that. When Trumps policies start kicking in you'll understand just how deep the anger and dissatisfaction will be. You see mike, you are mistaken to think you and those like you represent whites. You represent a punk ass section of the white community who are whining victims of something you imagine that's not really happening.
Great news, it's time for whites and the country as whole to start defending themselves.

I would like to see America remain majority white long after the current prediction that stands at 2040, at which point we will probably become just like any other minority white shit-hole country. This direction truly is beneficial for all Americans.

you won't stop the demographic change, no matter how much you whine.
Actually its already starting to change....8 years of Trump which will teach the GOP how to grow a set of balls and not give a shit if libtard Anti white Anti Americans cry about wacism then 8 years of Pence....indeed! Me and my wife did our part,my brother did his part. Between the 2 of us we have 9 white children! :)
White nationalists running for office in record numbers

Hm! That's 5 more than I realized...have to figure out who the rest are.

Hopefully one is in my area
I wish there was in mine! Where you from?

Say something else funny.
You are a lying traitor.

You seem to forget that Trump did not win the peoples vote. He's president on a technicality. What do whites have to defend themselves against? Paranoia? We aren't going to get 16 years of white supremacy ruling this nation. If that was to actually happen that's when America becomes a violent shithole. Nobody black or of any person of color is going back to that. When Trumps policies start kicking in you'll understand just how deep the anger and dissatisfaction will be. You see mike, you are mistaken to think you and those like you represent whites. You represent a punk ass section of the white community who are whining victims of something you imagine that's not really happening.

Trump WON the presidency, period.

He's president because of the "technicality" that he won the presidency. That's what winners do.

Black unemployment rate lowest ever. Blacks are having a blast too.
Nope, but perhaps we can form a new country and let you all rot in your shithole, laughing.

Well, apart from when we will be reading horror stories about how you are consuming your pets (and cousins) as in Venezuela.

They sell tickets at the airport every day. Any idea where you will be going?

To something so great it doesn't yet exist.

You however, just check out Venezuela and Mexico, but remember to reduce even few extra IQ points. Maybe middle Africa?

I'll be staying right here. If you want a new country, go get it. This one is already taken.
Sure was by my founding fathers who EXPLICITLY stated who was to be granted citizenship in the naturalization acts of the 1790's! You are nothing more than a Anti White,Anti American traitor just like ALL leftists and 80% of republicans who are more scared of being called racists than doing something to stop the downfall of this country.

Wow. Half the country plus 80% of the other half. Sounds like your pathetic little 10% probably doesn't have much chance of doing anything.
Never thought I's see this in modern US.

Election 2018 Is Off to the Racists

Across the US, white nationalists and their sympathizers are running for office—and they don’t need to win to be dangerous.

“Jews…commit a disproportionate number of mass shootings,” Wisconsin Republican congressional candidate Paul Nehlen lied on Facebook recently. Earlier, he had tweeted: “Poop, incest, and pedophilia. Why are those common themes repeated so often with Jews?” Another GOP House hopeful, Pennsylvania’s Sean Donahue, recently told me, “The United States was intended to be white…. I don’t see why we had to have the Fair Housing Act.”

Welcome to Trump’s America, where a rash of white nationalists are running for office. Depending on your definition, anywhere from nine and 17 white supremacists and far-right militia leaders are currently running for House and Senate seats, governorships, and state legislatures.

Racial supremecists come in all shapes and forms. Black Lives Matter and La Raza come to mind as well as the White Supremecists you refer. At the same time, I see more and more interracial families of which I am a part.

Those groups aren't supremacists.

Telling Black Lives Matter that All Lives Matter is not acceptable to Black Lives Matter. “La Raza” means “The Race”.... and you think those organizations are not Supremecists????

They aren't. Your all lives matter is another white race baiting maneuver. So let me know when one of these groups are targeting whites for death or acts of terror and have a written and spoken philosophy of specific racial supremacy. Not just some idiot who sees the word black and makes up stuff.
They sell tickets at the airport every day. Any idea where you will be going?

To something so great it doesn't yet exist.

You however, just check out Venezuela and Mexico, but remember to reduce even few extra IQ points. Maybe middle Africa?

I'll be staying right here. If you want a new country, go get it. This one is already taken.
Sure was by my founding fathers who EXPLICITLY stated who was to be granted citizenship in the naturalization acts of the 1790's! You are nothing more than a Anti White,Anti American traitor just like ALL leftists and 80% of republicans who are more scared of being called racists than doing something to stop the downfall of this country.

Wow. Half the country plus 80% of the other half. Sounds like your pathetic little 10% probably doesn't have much chance of doing anything.
View attachment 196128

They didn't win anything. They were allowed to live. They were lucky the government has more compassion than all those fake Christians did.
They sell tickets at the airport every day. Any idea where you will be going?

To something so great it doesn't yet exist.

You however, just check out Venezuela and Mexico, but remember to reduce even few extra IQ points. Maybe middle Africa?

I'll be staying right here. If you want a new country, go get it. This one is already taken.
Sure was by my founding fathers who EXPLICITLY stated who was to be granted citizenship in the naturalization acts of the 1790's! You are nothing more than a Anti White,Anti American traitor just like ALL leftists and 80% of republicans who are more scared of being called racists than doing something to stop the downfall of this country.

Wow. Half the country plus 80% of the other half. Sounds like your pathetic little 10% probably doesn't have much chance of doing anything.
View attachment 196128

Thy didn't win the stand off and in fact they had no right to be there. What happened was the US government had mercy on those people. Had the government used the firepower they have, all these right wing idiots would have been killed.
To something so great it doesn't yet exist.

You however, just check out Venezuela and Mexico, but remember to reduce even few extra IQ points. Maybe middle Africa?

I'll be staying right here. If you want a new country, go get it. This one is already taken.
Sure was by my founding fathers who EXPLICITLY stated who was to be granted citizenship in the naturalization acts of the 1790's! You are nothing more than a Anti White,Anti American traitor just like ALL leftists and 80% of republicans who are more scared of being called racists than doing something to stop the downfall of this country.

Wow. Half the country plus 80% of the other half. Sounds like your pathetic little 10% probably doesn't have much chance of doing anything.
View attachment 196128

They didn't win anything. They were allowed to live. They were lucky the government has more compassion than all those fake Christians did.
Keep deluding yourself. Its cute. I guess thousands of little brown dudes in pajama's with ak-47's didn't defeat the might US military in vietnam
The Alt-Right is certainly feeling that it's safer to voice their White Supremacist views.
Useful idiot - Wikipedia

You seem to be a useless idiot. Why, see the link:

Patrick Little

Candidate, U.S. Senate California

Republican Party

Report an officeholder change

Elections and appointments
Next election
June 5, 2018

On May 5, 2018, Little was denied entry to the California Republican Party Convention. Party officials cited anti-Semetic views held by Little in their decision to prevent him from participating in convention events.

Patrick Little - Ballotpedia

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