White Supremacy Has Never Been Fringe


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
Does a rapidly browning body politic in the US cause you to break out in a cold sweat?

You're not alone.

Among Trump's 60 million voters, it is entirely possible a cold-blooded analysis would reveal the base is to the right of its leaders?

White Supremacy Has Never Been Fringe

"Consider the most recent annual large-scale survey of American public opinion by the Public Religion Research Institute, a nonpartisan research group in Washington, D.C.

"Respondents were asked how they felt about the country's rapidly changing demographics.

"While a majority of those surveyed said they thought that the United States becoming a majority non-white country by 2045 would be mostly positive, nearly 60% of Republicans felt that it would be mostly negative.

"Six in 10 Republicans also said that they felt like strangers in their own country, while a majority of white respondents (and nearly 80% of Republicans) said there should be stricter limits placed on legal immigration to the U.S.

"Almost six in 10 white evangelical Protestant said immigrants threatened American society.

"Just as it did at the end of the 19th century, the idea that a rapidly browning populace poses a danger to the Republic continues to enjoy wide purchase."
That's not "white supremacy" numbnuts.
How 'bout this, Toto?

If it's true eight in ten Republicans want fewer non-white immigrants in the US, does that mean only those who actively engage in mass shootings qualify as white supremacists?

White Supremacy Has Never Been Fringe
That's not "white supremacy" numbnuts.
How 'bout this, Toto?

If it's true eight in ten Republicans want fewer non-white immigrants in the US, does that mean only those who actively engage in mass shootings qualify as white supremacists?

White Supremacy Has Never Been Fringe
I do not know if that is true since you are a Saul Alinsky acolyte, but watch the vents of the last decade or so self survival is important. We do not care about your areas anymore though if that means anything. If its blue....adieu!
That's not "white supremacy" numbnuts.

What would be the appropriate term to describe six in ten Republicans' state of mind:

"While a majority of those surveyed said they thought that the United States becoming a majority non-white country by 2045 would be mostly positive, nearly 60% of Republicans felt that it would be mostly negative."
....these people must dream/think/etc white supremacists because there are not many out there
Does a rapidly browning body politic in the US cause you to break out in a cold sweat?

You're not alone.

Among Trump's 60 million voters, it is entirely possible a cold-blooded analysis would reveal the base is to the right of its leaders?

White Supremacy Has Never Been Fringe

"Consider the most recent annual large-scale survey of American public opinion by the Public Religion Research Institute, a nonpartisan research group in Washington, D.C.

"Respondents were asked how they felt about the country's rapidly changing demographics.

"While a majority of those surveyed said they thought that the United States becoming a majority non-white country by 2045 would be mostly positive, nearly 60% of Republicans felt that it would be mostly negative.

"Six in 10 Republicans also said that they felt like strangers in their own country, while a majority of white respondents (and nearly 80% of Republicans) said there should be stricter limits placed on legal immigration to the U.S.

"Almost six in 10 white evangelical Protestant said immigrants threatened American society.

"Just as it did at the end of the 19th century, the idea that a rapidly browning populace poses a danger to the Republic continues to enjoy wide purchase."

Maybe it's because Mexicans have such a stellar voting record in their own country.....commie-tard.
That's not "white supremacy" numbnuts.
How 'bout this, Toto?

If it's true eight in ten Republicans want fewer non-white immigrants in the US, does that mean only those who actively engage in mass shootings qualify as white supremacists?

White Supremacy Has Never Been Fringe
I do not know if that is true since you are a Saul Alinsky acolyte, but watch the vents of the last decade or so self survival is important. We do not care about your areas anymore though if that means anything. If its blue....adieu!
do not know if that is true since you are a Saul Alinsky acolyte, but watch the vents of the last decade or so self survival is important. We do not care about your areas anymore though if that means anything. If its blue....adieu!
I know acolytes of Jim Crow are still on the wrong side of history, and now they are no longer a majority in MY country.

White Supremacy Has Never Been Fringe

"In September of 1885, a mob of about 150 white men, armed with rifles, descended upon the Chinatown in Rock Springs, Wyo.

"They issued an ultimatum to the people who lived there: you have an hour to leave town.

"The assembled horde was angry at Chinese laborers in the region, who they blamed for keeping the choicest mining areas and depressing their wages.

"They felt that the Chinese were working the choicest areas of the coal mines, the part that would yield the most coal and thus the most compensation. The Chinese, they felt, were taking what was rightfully theirs.

"The ultimatum was a formality: the mob had surrounded the neighborhood to make sure there was no easy way to escape, and they didn't even wait the full hour. The mob rushed in, shooting wildly — the beginning of what would become a full-on pogrom.

"Some of the Chinese survivors would later issue an account of what happenedto the Chinese consul in New York City..."
Does a rapidly browning body politic in the US cause you to break out in a cold sweat?

You're not alone.

Among Trump's 60 million voters, it is entirely possible a cold-blooded analysis would reveal the base is to the right of its leaders?

White Supremacy Has Never Been Fringe

"Consider the most recent annual large-scale survey of American public opinion by the Public Religion Research Institute, a nonpartisan research group in Washington, D.C.

"Respondents were asked how they felt about the country's rapidly changing demographics.

"While a majority of those surveyed said they thought that the United States becoming a majority non-white country by 2045 would be mostly positive, nearly 60% of Republicans felt that it would be mostly negative.

"Six in 10 Republicans also said that they felt like strangers in their own country, while a majority of white respondents (and nearly 80% of Republicans) said there should be stricter limits placed on legal immigration to the U.S.

"Almost six in 10 white evangelical Protestant said immigrants threatened American society.

"Just as it did at the end of the 19th century, the idea that a rapidly browning populace poses a danger to the Republic continues to enjoy wide purchase."

Maybe it's because Mexicans have such a stellar voting record in their own country.....commie-tard.
Maybe it's because Mexicans have such a stellar voting record in their own country.....commie-tard.
How do US voter turnout numbers compare to Mexico's?

U.S. voter turnout trails most developed countries
Does a rapidly browning body politic in the US cause you to break out in a cold sweat?

You're not alone.

Among Trump's 60 million voters, it is entirely possible a cold-blooded analysis would reveal the base is to the right of its leaders?

White Supremacy Has Never Been Fringe

"Consider the most recent annual large-scale survey of American public opinion by the Public Religion Research Institute, a nonpartisan research group in Washington, D.C.

"Respondents were asked how they felt about the country's rapidly changing demographics.

"While a majority of those surveyed said they thought that the United States becoming a majority non-white country by 2045 would be mostly positive, nearly 60% of Republicans felt that it would be mostly negative.

"Six in 10 Republicans also said that they felt like strangers in their own country, while a majority of white respondents (and nearly 80% of Republicans) said there should be stricter limits placed on legal immigration to the U.S.

"Almost six in 10 white evangelical Protestant said immigrants threatened American society.

"Just as it did at the end of the 19th century, the idea that a rapidly browning populace poses a danger to the Republic continues to enjoy wide purchase."

Maybe it's because Mexicans have such a stellar voting record in their own country.....commie-tard.
Maybe it's because Mexicans have such a stellar voting record in their own country.....commie-tard.
How do US voter turnout numbers compare to Mexico's?

U.S. voter turnout trails most developed countries

Turnout doesn't matter in a country where the cartels compromise every Presidente.
Hear that Vicente Fox, and btw, FU too!
....these people must dream/think/etc white supremacists because there are not many out there
How many voted for Trump?

What Can We Learn From the History of Struggle Against White Supremacy?

"Right now if you look at the Trump base, 63 million strong.

"The latest polls I’ve seen, that even though he’s now being accused of being a racist and accused of having blood on his hands in light of this invasion rhetoric that helped to propel El Paso, his base does not seem to be crumbling at all.

"In fact, I think if you were to do a cold-blooded analysis, which is rarely done in this country, you might come to the conclusion that in some ways the base to the right of the leaders."

White supremacy was a founding principle of this country, but it is losing its majority status; will you SOB like a snowflake when Trump's history?
....these people must dream/think/etc white supremacists because there are not many out there
How many voted for Trump?

What Can We Learn From the History of Struggle Against White Supremacy?

"Right now if you look at the Trump base, 63 million strong.

"The latest polls I’ve seen, that even though he’s now being accused of being a racist and accused of having blood on his hands in light of this invasion rhetoric that helped to propel El Paso, his base does not seem to be crumbling at all.

"In fact, I think if you were to do a cold-blooded analysis, which is rarely done in this country, you might come to the conclusion that in some ways the base to the right of the leaders."

White supremacy was a founding principle of this country, but it is losing its majority status; will you SOB like a snowflake when Trump's history?
you're babbling again
simmer down
....these people must dream/think/etc white supremacists because there are not many out there
How many voted for Trump?

What Can We Learn From the History of Struggle Against White Supremacy?

"Right now if you look at the Trump base, 63 million strong.

"The latest polls I’ve seen, that even though he’s now being accused of being a racist and accused of having blood on his hands in light of this invasion rhetoric that helped to propel El Paso, his base does not seem to be crumbling at all.

"In fact, I think if you were to do a cold-blooded analysis, which is rarely done in this country, you might come to the conclusion that in some ways the base to the right of the leaders."

White supremacy was a founding principle of this country, but it is losing its majority status; will you SOB like a snowflake when Trump's history?

You talk like someone who personally failed to rise to our manifest destiny......LOSER!
Does a rapidly browning body politic in the US cause you to break out in a cold sweat?

You're not alone.

Among Trump's 60 million voters, it is entirely possible a cold-blooded analysis would reveal the base is to the right of its leaders?

White Supremacy Has Never Been Fringe

"Consider the most recent annual large-scale survey of American public opinion by the Public Religion Research Institute, a nonpartisan research group in Washington, D.C.

"Respondents were asked how they felt about the country's rapidly changing demographics.

"While a majority of those surveyed said they thought that the United States becoming a majority non-white country by 2045 would be mostly positive, nearly 60% of Republicans felt that it would be mostly negative.

"Six in 10 Republicans also said that they felt like strangers in their own country, while a majority of white respondents (and nearly 80% of Republicans) said there should be stricter limits placed on legal immigration to the U.S.

"Almost six in 10 white evangelical Protestant said immigrants threatened American society.

"Just as it did at the end of the 19th century, the idea that a rapidly browning populace poses a danger to the Republic continues to enjoy wide purchase."
You probably don't even realize it, but you are the problem here in America. Not because you oppose alleged racism but because you think you are right and will post any level of nonsense to support your position.

Let Me post you something from 2014 and lets see which one fits you best.


Hi Andrew,

I’m writing because I just can’t deal with my father anymore. He’s a 65-year-old super right-wing conservative who has basically turned into a total asshole intent on ruining our relationship and our planet with his politics. I’m more or less a liberal democrat with very progressive values and I know that people like my dad are going to destroy us all. I don’t have any good times with him anymore. All we do is argue. When I try to spend time with him without talking politics or discussing any current events, there’s still an underlying tension that makes it really uncomfortable. Don’t get me wrong, I love him no matter what, but how do I explain to him that his politics are turning him into a monster, destroying the environment, and pushing away the people who care about him?

Thanks for your help,
Son of A Right-Winger


Dear Son of A Right-Winger,

Go back and read the opening sentences of your letter. Read them again. Then read the rest of your letter. Then read it again. Try to find a single instance where you referred to your dad as a human being, a person, or a man. There isn’t one. You’ve reduced your father — the person who created you — to a set of beliefs and political views and how it relates to you. And you don’t consider your dad a person of his own standing — he’s just “your dad.” You’ve also reduced yourself to a set of opposing views, and reduced your relationship with him to a fight between the two. The humanity has been reduced to nothingness and all that’s left in its place is an argument that can never really be won. And even if one side did win, it probably wouldn’t satisfy the deeper desire to be in a state of inflamed passionate conflict.

The world isn’t being destroyed by democrats or republicans, red or blue, liberal or conservative, religious or atheist — the world is being destroyed by one side believing the other side is destroying the world. The world is being hurt and damaged by one group of people believing they’re truly better people than the others who think differently. The world officially ends when we let our beliefs conquer love. We must not let this happen.

When we lump people into groups, quickly label them, and assume we know everything about them and their life based on a perceived world view, how they look, where they come from, etc., we are not behaving as full human beings. When we truly believe that some people are monsters, that they fundamentally are less human than we are, and that they deserve to have less than we do, we ourselves become the monsters. When we allow our emotions to be hypnotized by the excitement of petty bickering about seemingly important topics, we drift further and further away from the fragile and crucial human bond holding everything together. When we anticipate with ferocious glee the next chance we have to prove someone “wrong” and ourselves “right,” all the while disregarding the vast complexity of almost every subject — not to mention the universe as a whole — we are reducing the beauty and magic of life to a “side” or a “type,” or worst of all, an “answer.” This is the power of politics at it’s most sinister.

At its best, politics is able to organize extremely complex world views into manageable and communicable systems so they can be grappled with and studied abstractly. But even the most noble efforts to organize the world are essentially futile. The best we can usually achieve is a crude and messy map of life from one particular vantage point, featuring a few grids, bullet points, and sketches of its various aspects and landmarks. Anything as infinitely complex as life, reality, and the human experience can never be summed up or organized in a definitive system, especially one based on “left or right,” “A or B,” “us or them.” This is the fatal flaw of binary thinking in general. However, this flaw isn’t just ignored, it’s also embraced, amplified, and deliberately used as a weapon on the very people who think it’s benefiting their way of thinking.

Human beings crave order and simplicity. We cling to the hope that some day, if we really refine our world view and beliefs, we can actually find the fully correct way to think — the absolute truth and final side to stand on. People and systems craving power take advantage of this desire and pit us against each other using a “this or that” mentality. The point is to create unrest, disagreement, resentment, and anger — a population constantly at war with itself, each side deeply believing that the other is not just wrong, but also a sincere threat to their very way of life and survival. This creates constant anxiety and distraction — the perfect conditions for oppression. The goal of this sort of politics is to keep people held down and mesmerized by a persistent parade of seemingly life-or-death debates, each one worth all of our emotional energy and primal passion.

But the truth is, the world has always been and always will be on the brink of destruction. And what keeps it from actually imploding is our love for life and our deep-seeded desire not to die. Our love for our own life is inextricably connected to our love of all life and the miracle of this phenomenon we call “the world.” We must give all of ourselves credit every day for keeping things going. It’s an incredible achievement to exist at all.

So we must protect and respect each other, no matter how hard it feels. No matter how wrong someone else may seem to us, they are still human. No matter how bad someone may appear, they are truly no worse than us. Our beliefs and behavior don’t make us fundamentally better than others, no matter how satisfying it is to believe otherwise. We must be tireless in our efforts to see things from the point of view we most disagree with. We must make endless efforts to try and understand the people we least relate to. And we must at all times force ourselves to love the people we dislike the most. Not because it’s nice or because they deserve it, but because our own sanity and survival depends on it. And if we do find ourselves pushed into a corner where we must kill others in order to survive, we must fully accept that we are killing people just as fully human as ourselves, and not some evil abstract creatures.

Love your dad because he’s your father, because he made you, because he thinks for himself, and most of all because he is a person. Have the strength to doubt and question what you believe as easily as you’re so quick to doubt his beliefs. Live with a truly open mind — the kind of open mind that even questions the idea of an open mind. Don’t feel the need to always pick a side. And if you do pick a side, pick the side of love. It remains our only real hope for survival and has more power to save us than any other belief we could ever cling to.

Your friend,
Andrew W.K.

taken from: Ask Andrew W.K.: My Dad Is a Right-Wing Asshole

Your attitude is pretty easy to spot in this advice column. Here is a hint, you are NOT Andrew.
The people who break out in a cold sweat every freaking day knowing that Trump is still president want to lecture us about anger issues? The people who set fire to cars and smashed windows on inauguration day and and threatened the President with everything from arson to kidnapping and assault and murder and the people who assaulted an old man for wearing a MAGA hat while sipping coffee in Starbucks want to lecture republicans about hatred? The people who cheered when a Sanders supporter opened fire on a Republican baseball team want to lecture republicans about hatred? Give me a freaking break.
The Democratic Party does poll testing for issues and terms and words.
They wore-out the "racist" word so now they are escalating their hate and fear with their new term "white supremacist"
They must have found out the Democrat Voters respond well to the term.
The Democrat Politicians use hate and free to herd their voters to the polling booths.

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