White Supremacy Is A Hoax. It's A Lie. It's Not A Big Problem

No one is denying Muslim extremism isn’t a thing. The point is, when it comes to domestic, homegrown terror, white supremacy is the real threat.

Crazy people, are a real threat. Do you really see white supremacy taking over this country? Really? How many people are part of the "white supremacy" party? How many politicians are they running? How many elected offices do they hold? Zero.

From what I see, white supremacy violence is being condemned on all sides. I haven't seen a single politician, or pundit, or grass roots support for it anywhere.

We need more law enforcement. We need more people respecting police officers, and supporting their work.

The irony is, you people on the left-wing have been the ones to tearing down law enforcement, and openly supporting reducing the prison population, which means releasing criminals and allowing more crime.

Then you get more crime, and now you want to freak out about it. That makes no sense.

The right-wing has always been the party of standing for the rule of law, and enforcing the law.

If there is a real danger to the country, it would be violence actually protected and promoted by government, and that would be Antifa. If you doubt that, then just explain the difference in news coverage between Dayton and El Passo.

We need police officers who respect the law. We have seen too many cases of police officers who abuse their authority and shoot unarmed citizens. Yet they are rarely if ever held accountable. Republicans support this. Until officers are held accountable, it is hard to respect officers.

Antifa is not a danger. White supremacists are the ones who have killed people. A mosque in Australia. A Jewish center in Pittsburgh. A Walmart in El Paso. The reason for the differing coverage. There was no evidence of a political agenda. The FBI is treating El Paso as a terrorism act. They have not said that about Dayton.
The ElPaso shooter was inspired by Democrats wanting to give Illegals free health insurance, not Trump. In essence, if Demoncrats were proAmerica and put it's natural born Citizens first, this shooting would have never happened.
That is such bullshit and you know it. What I really can’t stand about you Trumptards is your pathetic denial of anything done wrong by your side. Instead of simply saying “The El Paso shooter was inspired by Trump, but I am not a killer like he is”, you make up some bullshit on the spot about healthcare policy.
Nope! As usual White MAGA Man is right. The Democrat debate sent him over the edge when they agreed to free health care for illegals.

FBI Insider: El Paso Shooter Told Officials It was the Democrat Debate on Free Healthcare to Illegals -- Not Trump! -- That Triggered His Mass Shooting

Trump attacked Democrats as well. The shooter told the FBI he wanted to kill Mexicans.
We need police officers who respect the law. We have seen too many cases of police officers who abuse their authority and shoot unarmed citizens. Yet they are rarely if ever held accountable. Republicans support this. Until officers are held accountable, it is hard to respect officers.

Antifa is not a danger. White supremacists are the ones who have killed people. A mosque in Australia. A Jewish center in Pittsburgh. A Walmart in El Paso. The reason for the differing coverage. There was no evidence of a political agenda. The FBI is treating El Paso as a terrorism act. They have not said that about Dayton.
Egad! Another example of liberal cluelessness when it come to cops and law enforcement and guns. The liberals running the US MISeducation system are clueless, they teach nothing of this, and then libs like BB run around information-deprived, not knowing how much they don't know.

EARTH TO BB: It is not necessarily improper to shoot an unarmed man. In cases like Terrance Crutcher, Philando Castille, and Laquan McDonald, they all reached into a pocket or car window. You do that (make your hands not visible) when in confrontation with a cop, and YOU GET SHOT. Period. Your clueless libbie teachers may not have taught you that, but you better know it or else, in confrontation with a cop, you could quickly be DEAD.

Reaching into a pocket or car can produce a gun and the office could be dead in less than a second. To defend himself, he has no alternative but to shoot the suspect, which is standard police procedure, taught in every police academy in America.

It is also proper to shoot a suspect in the back (armed or unarmed), who is running away in an attempt to escape. This is codified in the Fleeing Felon Rule, designed to prevent felony suspects from escaping who pose a treat to the community, that they would escape into.

Fleeing felon rule - Wikipedia

We are talking about police misconduct which thanks to cameras is being exposed. A police officer who shot a black man trying to enter is apartment. A officer who attempted to intimidate a motorist.
This is one reason I like Tucker Carlson. He tells the truth and the left are going insane over his comments today.

Tucker Carlson Claims There's No White Supremacy Problem: 'This Is A Hoax'

Tucker Carlson Claims There's No White Supremacy Problem: 'This Is A Hoax'

Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Tuesday claimed there is no white supremacy problem in the United States and that the very notion of one is a hoax created by the media and the left.

“The whole thing is a lie...It’s actually not a real problem in America.”

He added:“This is a hoax, just like the Russia hoax. It’s a conspiracy theory used to divide the country and keep a hold on power. That’s exactly what’s going on.”
Democrats need “hate” and “racism”and “fear” and “victims” in order to advance political agenda.

Republicans are the ones who use fear and hatred. They need to de-humanize Hispanics and Muslims to scare people into voting for them.
This is one reason I like Tucker Carlson. He tells the truth and the left are going insane over his comments today.

Tucker Carlson Claims There's No White Supremacy Problem: 'This Is A Hoax'

Tucker Carlson Claims There's No White Supremacy Problem: 'This Is A Hoax'

Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Tuesday claimed there is no white supremacy problem in the United States and that the very notion of one is a hoax created by the media and the left.

“The whole thing is a lie...It’s actually not a real problem in America.”

He added:“This is a hoax, just like the Russia hoax. It’s a conspiracy theory used to divide the country and keep a hold on power. That’s exactly what’s going on.”
Democrats need “hate” and “racism”and “fear” and “victims” in order to advance political agenda.

Republicans are the ones who use fear and hatred. They need to de-humanize Hispanics and Muslims to scare people into voting for them.
Democrats dehumanize people by making them think they are victims and getting them into a life of government dependency.
Lol I thought they narrative was that the whole movement was a hoax.

But anyway:

1) The guy who killed those men defending a Muslim teenager and her friend is a self-described white supremacist.

2) The guy who drove into the Charleston protestors was a self-described white supremacist

3) The El Paso shooter was a self-described White supremacist/nationalist

4) The black church shooter is a self described white supremacist/nationalist

5) 72% of politically motivated hate crimes of the last few years have involved rightwing extremists. Only 3% have left wingers

6) All of those examples above were Trump worshipers.

Oh and let’s not forget the NZ shooter who was inspired by Trump.

Oh and....

All of the extremist killings in the US in 2018 had links to right-wing extremism, according to new report
you have a long way to go to reach the over 3,000 that's been mass murdered by Muslim extremist in the last 20 years
No one is denying Muslim extremism isn’t a thing. The point is, when it comes to domestic, homegrown terror, white supremacy is the real threat.

Crazy people, are a real threat. Do you really see white supremacy taking over this country? Really? How many people are part of the "white supremacy" party? How many politicians are they running? How many elected offices do they hold? Zero.

From what I see, white supremacy violence is being condemned on all sides. I haven't seen a single politician, or pundit, or grass roots support for it anywhere.

We need more law enforcement. We need more people respecting police officers, and supporting their work.

The irony is, you people on the left-wing have been the ones to tearing down law enforcement, and openly supporting reducing the prison population, which means releasing criminals and allowing more crime.

Then you get more crime, and now you want to freak out about it. That makes no sense.

The right-wing has always been the party of standing for the rule of law, and enforcing the law.

If there is a real danger to the country, it would be violence actually protected and promoted by government, and that would be Antifa. If you doubt that, then just explain the difference in news coverage between Dayton and El Passo.

We need police officers who respect the law. We have seen too many cases of police officers who abuse their authority and shoot unarmed citizens. Yet they are rarely if ever held accountable. Republicans support this. Until officers are held accountable, it is hard to respect officers.

Antifa is not a danger. White supremacists are the ones who have killed people. A mosque in Australia. A Jewish center in Pittsburgh. A Walmart in El Paso. The reason for the differing coverage. There was no evidence of a political agenda. The FBI is treating El Paso as a terrorism act. They have not said that about Dayton.

I disagree with all that.

You need to respect the officer, no matter what. This "well I don't have to respect him, because he doesn't do whatever", is the reason we are having these problems. If you have a problem with an officer, you take it up with the authorities or in court. But you need to shut up, and respect the police officers.

Second, no we have not seen "too many cases". You have over a million police in this country. How many examples do you have of bad police? What a handful at most? You drive down to Mexico, and you have a handful of good police. You go to some of the African countries, and the police stop your car for nothing, and hold you there until you pay a bribe. You go to Russia, and you piss the police off, and then just beat the living crap out of you for no reason.

Here we have one of the best police forces in the world. People are just too spoiled and have this American Arrogance about them, to realize how good you have it in this country.

Officers are held accountable in this country, and more so here than in most countries. Go talk to immigrants, like I have. They tell you the police here are like a dream compared to where they came from.

Antifa is not a danger. White supremacists are the ones who have killed people. A mosque in Australia. A Jewish center in Pittsburgh. A Walmart in El Paso. The reason for the differing coverage. There was no evidence of a political agenda. The FBI is treating El Paso as a terrorism act. They have not said that about Dayton.

That's the point. You made my point.

Terrorism, if you look it up, is to have a political agenda.

View attachment 273522

Terrorism has a political agenda. That is part the whole definition of terrorism.

You are correct that many of these lone crazy people are not trying to push for political change, they just want to harm people.

Antifa is terrorism. They have a stated political goal, to eliminate opposing views from public discussion. They try and shut down gatherings of people who have a different ideological view from them. Which is ironic given their name. They are supposedly 'anti-facist' while acting exactly like fascists.

Regardless, you have correctly pointed out that the FBI is treating a politically driven agenda killings in Dayton, with less concern than the other guy in El Paso, or the Bernie Sanders shooter, or the hundreds of other violent crimes perpetrated by Antifa.

That in and of itself, is exactly what I would cite as proof of what is more dangerous.

The El Paso shooter is being taken seriously. Which he should. And that is how you know that in the long run these people will be stopped, and are less of a long term concern.

But the fact they are deliberately down-playing and ignoring the real terrorism by Antifa, shows a real big danger to this country. That's how Lenin and Hitler gain control of their countries. That's how Hugo Chavez gained control of Venezuela. You have politically motivated actors, who are being ignored by the authorities, and allowed to continue terrorism on the public.

That is the real long term danger.

The real terrorism is being committed by white supremacists which you are downplaying. We had Hispanics targeted in El Paso, Jews in Pittsburgh, and Muslims in New Zealand. how many people have Antifa killed? None. Antifa is a attempt by Trump supporters to change the subject.

White supremacists are very much a long term concern. Unlike terrorists, there are no umbrella organization such as ISIS to target. They are mostly lone wolves who are trying to outdo the other.

The authorities are treating both murders the same in terms of resources. However the El Paso shooting is clearly domestic terrorism as he targeted Hispanics. There is no evidence that the Dayton shooter was targeting any group in particular.
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However the El Paso shooting is clearly domestic terrorism as he targeted Hispanics. There is no evidence that he was targeting any group in particular
WTF...he targeted Hispanic’s...but no evidence he targeted any one group? Put down the smoke BB. :lmao:
This is one reason I like Tucker Carlson. He tells the truth and the left are going insane over his comments today.

Tucker Carlson Claims There's No White Supremacy Problem: 'This Is A Hoax'

Tucker Carlson Claims There's No White Supremacy Problem: 'This Is A Hoax'

Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Tuesday claimed there is no white supremacy problem in the United States and that the very notion of one is a hoax created by the media and the left.

“The whole thing is a lie...It’s actually not a real problem in America.”

He added:“This is a hoax, just like the Russia hoax. It’s a conspiracy theory used to divide the country and keep a hold on power. That’s exactly what’s going on.”
Democrats need “hate” and “racism”and “fear” and “victims” in order to advance political agenda.

Republicans are the ones who use fear and hatred. They need to de-humanize Hispanics and Muslims to scare people into voting for them.
Democrats dehumanize people by making them think they are victims and getting them into a life of government dependency.

The fact is that red states generally have a larger percentage of people on welfare. Arkansas and Alabama for example. Red states tend to be near the bottom in terms of per capita income while blue states are near the top.
This is one reason I like Tucker Carlson. He tells the truth and the left are going insane over his comments today.

Tucker Carlson Claims There's No White Supremacy Problem: 'This Is A Hoax'

Tucker Carlson Claims There's No White Supremacy Problem: 'This Is A Hoax'

Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Tuesday claimed there is no white supremacy problem in the United States and that the very notion of one is a hoax created by the media and the left.

“The whole thing is a lie...It’s actually not a real problem in America.”

He added:“This is a hoax, just like the Russia hoax. It’s a conspiracy theory used to divide the country and keep a hold on power. That’s exactly what’s going on.”
Democrats need “hate” and “racism”and “fear” and “victims” in order to advance political agenda.

Republicans are the ones who use fear and hatred. They need to de-humanize Hispanics and Muslims to scare people into voting for them.
Democrats dehumanize people by making them think they are victims and getting them into a life of government dependency.

The fact is that red states generally have a larger percentage of people on welfare. Arkansas and Alabama for example. Red states tend to be near the bottom in terms of per capita income while blue states are near the top.
Lots of blacks in Alabama and Arkansas.
Sure that’s easy “Mexico is sending rapists”
Not as easy as you mistakenly think. That's not a message of hatred. Mexico has not been sending their best, and relative to the US, Mexican men ARE RAPISTS and SEXUAL ASSAULTERS. And worse yet, they are also amazingly commonly child rapists too, and even within their own family, and even supported by the family.

Why do you think buses in Mexico City are segregated by sex ? That's easy. Because Mexican men can't keep their hands off Mexican women, that's why.

Show me one city in the US where buses, or any form of public transportation is segregated by sex. Yes, Mexicans are rapists, in a general sense. Trump, as usual, was right, distorted by the left wing media, and swallowed whole by their liberal, gullible, oblivious viewers.

Donald Trump: <i>Still</i> Right About Mexican Rapists | The Daily Caller

White supremacists like you are a cancer on this country.
you have a long way to go to reach the over 3,000 that's been mass murdered by Muslim extremist in the last 20 years
No one is denying Muslim extremism isn’t a thing. The point is, when it comes to domestic, homegrown terror, white supremacy is the real threat.

Crazy people, are a real threat. Do you really see white supremacy taking over this country? Really? How many people are part of the "white supremacy" party? How many politicians are they running? How many elected offices do they hold? Zero.

From what I see, white supremacy violence is being condemned on all sides. I haven't seen a single politician, or pundit, or grass roots support for it anywhere.

We need more law enforcement. We need more people respecting police officers, and supporting their work.

The irony is, you people on the left-wing have been the ones to tearing down law enforcement, and openly supporting reducing the prison population, which means releasing criminals and allowing more crime.

Then you get more crime, and now you want to freak out about it. That makes no sense.

The right-wing has always been the party of standing for the rule of law, and enforcing the law.

If there is a real danger to the country, it would be violence actually protected and promoted by government, and that would be Antifa. If you doubt that, then just explain the difference in news coverage between Dayton and El Passo.

We need police officers who respect the law. We have seen too many cases of police officers who abuse their authority and shoot unarmed citizens. Yet they are rarely if ever held accountable. Republicans support this. Until officers are held accountable, it is hard to respect officers.

Antifa is not a danger. White supremacists are the ones who have killed people. A mosque in Australia. A Jewish center in Pittsburgh. A Walmart in El Paso. The reason for the differing coverage. There was no evidence of a political agenda. The FBI is treating El Paso as a terrorism act. They have not said that about Dayton.
The ElPaso shooter was inspired by Democrats wanting to give Illegals free health insurance, not Trump. In essence, if Demoncrats were proAmerica and put it's natural born Citizens first, this shooting would have never happened.

The El Paso shooter was inspired by Trump. The manifesto could have been written by Trump as it uses the same rhetoric Trump uses. Trump and is supporters are the ones who are anti-America. America was built on immigrants and we have always helped people who are in trouble. Those are pro-America values.

You are garbage person too. We don't need you people here either.

You say he was inspired by Trump, while the shooter himself said he was mad about the environment. Yeah, Trump been screaming about that for ages. He was also ticked off about illegals, and said openly he held these views long before Trump ever ran for office.

So in your dumb as crap world, Trump inspired someone, before he was ever running for office, by speeches the person in question had never heard yet? Do you realize how stupid you actually are, to believe something that dumb? Of course not. Idiot like you can't think through a single argument you ever make.

Last one... you said he used the same 'rhetoric' Trump uses? Prove it. Show me one line that Trump directly said?

Trump has never said one thing about legal immigrants. And you know it. That's why you are worthless garbage person. You make all the good people in this country, look bad just be being here. I wish people like you would realize how disgusting you are to the human race.
This is one reason I like Tucker Carlson. He tells the truth and the left are going insane over his comments today.

Tucker Carlson Claims There's No White Supremacy Problem: 'This Is A Hoax'

Tucker Carlson Claims There's No White Supremacy Problem: 'This Is A Hoax'

Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Tuesday claimed there is no white supremacy problem in the United States and that the very notion of one is a hoax created by the media and the left.

“The whole thing is a lie...It’s actually not a real problem in America.”

He added:“This is a hoax, just like the Russia hoax. It’s a conspiracy theory used to divide the country and keep a hold on power. That’s exactly what’s going on.”

The racist left is engaged in a civil war to destroy the Constitution of the United States. The racist hatred of whites is designed to tear the nation apart.

Trumps racist posts are meant to divide people. Trump is the one who ignores the Constitution.
This is one reason I like Tucker Carlson. He tells the truth and the left are going insane over his comments today.

Tucker Carlson Claims There's No White Supremacy Problem: 'This Is A Hoax'

Tucker Carlson Claims There's No White Supremacy Problem: 'This Is A Hoax'

Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Tuesday claimed there is no white supremacy problem in the United States and that the very notion of one is a hoax created by the media and the left.

“The whole thing is a lie...It’s actually not a real problem in America.”

He added:“This is a hoax, just like the Russia hoax. It’s a conspiracy theory used to divide the country and keep a hold on power. That’s exactly what’s going on.”
Democrats need “hate” and “racism”and “fear” and “victims” in order to advance political agenda.

Republicans are the ones who use fear and hatred. They need to de-humanize Hispanics and Muslims to scare people into voting for them.
Democrats dehumanize people by making them think they are victims and getting them into a life of government dependency.

The fact is that red states generally have a larger percentage of people on welfare. Arkansas and Alabama for example. Red states tend to be near the bottom in terms of per capita income while blue states are near the top.
Lots of blacks in Alabama and Arkansas.

A lot more whites.
Sure that’s easy “Mexico is sending rapists”
Not as easy as you mistakenly think. That's not a message of hatred. Mexico has not been sending their best, and relative to the US, Mexican men ARE RAPISTS and SEXUAL ASSAULTERS. And worse yet, they are also amazingly commonly child rapists too, and even within their own family, and even supported by the family.

Why do you think buses in Mexico City are segregated by sex ? That's easy. Because Mexican men can't keep their hands off Mexican women, that's why.

Show me one city in the US where buses, or any form of public transportation is segregated by sex. Yes, Mexicans are rapists, in a general sense. Trump, as usual, was right, distorted by the left wing media, and swallowed whole by their liberal, gullible, oblivious viewers.

Donald Trump: <i>Still</i> Right About Mexican Rapists | The Daily Caller

White supremacists like you are a cancer on this country.

Says the guy that embodies cancer in this country. You make endless accusations without evidence or proof. You accuse everyone who dares to point to the facts, of being racists.

YOU ARE CANCER. And honestly, we'd all be better off if you were not around. I love how garbage like you, never needs proof or evidence before attacking the people around them. Just trash. You are just walking talking farting trash.
you have a long way to go to reach the over 3,000 that's been mass murdered by Muslim extremist in the last 20 years
No one is denying Muslim extremism isn’t a thing. The point is, when it comes to domestic, homegrown terror, white supremacy is the real threat.

Crazy people, are a real threat. Do you really see white supremacy taking over this country? Really? How many people are part of the "white supremacy" party? How many politicians are they running? How many elected offices do they hold? Zero.

From what I see, white supremacy violence is being condemned on all sides. I haven't seen a single politician, or pundit, or grass roots support for it anywhere.

We need more law enforcement. We need more people respecting police officers, and supporting their work.

The irony is, you people on the left-wing have been the ones to tearing down law enforcement, and openly supporting reducing the prison population, which means releasing criminals and allowing more crime.

Then you get more crime, and now you want to freak out about it. That makes no sense.

The right-wing has always been the party of standing for the rule of law, and enforcing the law.

If there is a real danger to the country, it would be violence actually protected and promoted by government, and that would be Antifa. If you doubt that, then just explain the difference in news coverage between Dayton and El Passo.

We need police officers who respect the law. We have seen too many cases of police officers who abuse their authority and shoot unarmed citizens. Yet they are rarely if ever held accountable. Republicans support this. Until officers are held accountable, it is hard to respect officers.

Antifa is not a danger. White supremacists are the ones who have killed people. A mosque in Australia. A Jewish center in Pittsburgh. A Walmart in El Paso. The reason for the differing coverage. There was no evidence of a political agenda. The FBI is treating El Paso as a terrorism act. They have not said that about Dayton.

I disagree with all that.

You need to respect the officer, no matter what. This "well I don't have to respect him, because he doesn't do whatever", is the reason we are having these problems. If you have a problem with an officer, you take it up with the authorities or in court. But you need to shut up, and respect the police officers.

Second, no we have not seen "too many cases". You have over a million police in this country. How many examples do you have of bad police? What a handful at most? You drive down to Mexico, and you have a handful of good police. You go to some of the African countries, and the police stop your car for nothing, and hold you there until you pay a bribe. You go to Russia, and you piss the police off, and then just beat the living crap out of you for no reason.

Here we have one of the best police forces in the world. People are just too spoiled and have this American Arrogance about them, to realize how good you have it in this country.

Officers are held accountable in this country, and more so here than in most countries. Go talk to immigrants, like I have. They tell you the police here are like a dream compared to where they came from.

Antifa is not a danger. White supremacists are the ones who have killed people. A mosque in Australia. A Jewish center in Pittsburgh. A Walmart in El Paso. The reason for the differing coverage. There was no evidence of a political agenda. The FBI is treating El Paso as a terrorism act. They have not said that about Dayton.

That's the point. You made my point.

Terrorism, if you look it up, is to have a political agenda.

View attachment 273522

Terrorism has a political agenda. That is part the whole definition of terrorism.

You are correct that many of these lone crazy people are not trying to push for political change, they just want to harm people.

Antifa is terrorism. They have a stated political goal, to eliminate opposing views from public discussion. They try and shut down gatherings of people who have a different ideological view from them. Which is ironic given their name. They are supposedly 'anti-facist' while acting exactly like fascists.

Regardless, you have correctly pointed out that the FBI is treating a politically driven agenda killings in Dayton, with less concern than the other guy in El Paso, or the Bernie Sanders shooter, or the hundreds of other violent crimes perpetrated by Antifa.

That in and of itself, is exactly what I would cite as proof of what is more dangerous.

The El Paso shooter is being taken seriously. Which he should. And that is how you know that in the long run these people will be stopped, and are less of a long term concern.

But the fact they are deliberately down-playing and ignoring the real terrorism by Antifa, shows a real big danger to this country. That's how Lenin and Hitler gain control of their countries. That's how Hugo Chavez gained control of Venezuela. You have politically motivated actors, who are being ignored by the authorities, and allowed to continue terrorism on the public.

That is the real long term danger.

The real terrorism is being committed by white supremacists which you are downplaying. We had Hispanics targeted in El Paso, Jews in Pittsburgh, and Muslims in New Zealand. how many people have Antifa killed? None. Antifa is a attempt by Trump supporters to change the subject.

White supremacists are very much a long term concern. Unlike terrorists, there are no umbrella organization such as ISIS to target. They are mostly lone wolves who are trying to outdo the other.

The authorities are treating both murders the same in terms of resources. However the El Paso shooting is clearly domestic terrorism as he targeted Hispanics. There is no evidence that the Dayton shooter was targeting any group in particular.

You worthless pile of trash........


The El Paso shooter is being taken seriously. Which he should.

I did not 'downplay' anything. You are just worthless garbage human being that makes up false accusations against anyone with a different opinion, you fascist pile of crap.
White supremacy is neither a lie nor a hoax.

It's just that our media is trying to make it seem more impactful than it is, misidentifying people as white supremacists who aren't, intentionally conflating nationalism with white supremacy and downplaying groups like ANTIFA and BLM who are just as radical left as the true white supremacists are right

The FBI also is warning about the threat of white supremacists. There is no evidence that BLM and ANTIFA have killed anyone.
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White supremacy is neither a lie nor a hoax.

It's just that our media is trying to make it seem more impactful than it is, misidentifying people as white supremacists who aren't, intentionally conflating nationalism with white supremacy and downplaying groups like ANTIFA and BLM who are just as radical left as the true white supremacists are right

The FBI also is warning about the treat of white supremacists. There is no evidence that BLM and ANTIFA have killed anyone.

Oh, look who is downplaying a threat, after accusing others of downplaying. Not only are you a worthless pile of crap fascist, but you a hypocritical pile of crap fascist. Get of the forum you fascist scum.
No one is denying Muslim extremism isn’t a thing. The point is, when it comes to domestic, homegrown terror, white supremacy is the real threat.

Crazy people, are a real threat. Do you really see white supremacy taking over this country? Really? How many people are part of the "white supremacy" party? How many politicians are they running? How many elected offices do they hold? Zero.

From what I see, white supremacy violence is being condemned on all sides. I haven't seen a single politician, or pundit, or grass roots support for it anywhere.

We need more law enforcement. We need more people respecting police officers, and supporting their work.

The irony is, you people on the left-wing have been the ones to tearing down law enforcement, and openly supporting reducing the prison population, which means releasing criminals and allowing more crime.

Then you get more crime, and now you want to freak out about it. That makes no sense.

The right-wing has always been the party of standing for the rule of law, and enforcing the law.

If there is a real danger to the country, it would be violence actually protected and promoted by government, and that would be Antifa. If you doubt that, then just explain the difference in news coverage between Dayton and El Passo.

We need police officers who respect the law. We have seen too many cases of police officers who abuse their authority and shoot unarmed citizens. Yet they are rarely if ever held accountable. Republicans support this. Until officers are held accountable, it is hard to respect officers.

Antifa is not a danger. White supremacists are the ones who have killed people. A mosque in Australia. A Jewish center in Pittsburgh. A Walmart in El Paso. The reason for the differing coverage. There was no evidence of a political agenda. The FBI is treating El Paso as a terrorism act. They have not said that about Dayton.

I disagree with all that.

You need to respect the officer, no matter what. This "well I don't have to respect him, because he doesn't do whatever", is the reason we are having these problems. If you have a problem with an officer, you take it up with the authorities or in court. But you need to shut up, and respect the police officers.

Second, no we have not seen "too many cases". You have over a million police in this country. How many examples do you have of bad police? What a handful at most? You drive down to Mexico, and you have a handful of good police. You go to some of the African countries, and the police stop your car for nothing, and hold you there until you pay a bribe. You go to Russia, and you piss the police off, and then just beat the living crap out of you for no reason.

Here we have one of the best police forces in the world. People are just too spoiled and have this American Arrogance about them, to realize how good you have it in this country.

Officers are held accountable in this country, and more so here than in most countries. Go talk to immigrants, like I have. They tell you the police here are like a dream compared to where they came from.

Antifa is not a danger. White supremacists are the ones who have killed people. A mosque in Australia. A Jewish center in Pittsburgh. A Walmart in El Paso. The reason for the differing coverage. There was no evidence of a political agenda. The FBI is treating El Paso as a terrorism act. They have not said that about Dayton.

That's the point. You made my point.

Terrorism, if you look it up, is to have a political agenda.

View attachment 273522

Terrorism has a political agenda. That is part the whole definition of terrorism.

You are correct that many of these lone crazy people are not trying to push for political change, they just want to harm people.

Antifa is terrorism. They have a stated political goal, to eliminate opposing views from public discussion. They try and shut down gatherings of people who have a different ideological view from them. Which is ironic given their name. They are supposedly 'anti-facist' while acting exactly like fascists.

Regardless, you have correctly pointed out that the FBI is treating a politically driven agenda killings in Dayton, with less concern than the other guy in El Paso, or the Bernie Sanders shooter, or the hundreds of other violent crimes perpetrated by Antifa.

That in and of itself, is exactly what I would cite as proof of what is more dangerous.

The El Paso shooter is being taken seriously. Which he should. And that is how you know that in the long run these people will be stopped, and are less of a long term concern.

But the fact they are deliberately down-playing and ignoring the real terrorism by Antifa, shows a real big danger to this country. That's how Lenin and Hitler gain control of their countries. That's how Hugo Chavez gained control of Venezuela. You have politically motivated actors, who are being ignored by the authorities, and allowed to continue terrorism on the public.

That is the real long term danger.

The real terrorism is being committed by white supremacists which you are downplaying. We had Hispanics targeted in El Paso, Jews in Pittsburgh, and Muslims in New Zealand. how many people have Antifa killed? None. Antifa is a attempt by Trump supporters to change the subject.

White supremacists are very much a long term concern. Unlike terrorists, there are no umbrella organization such as ISIS to target. They are mostly lone wolves who are trying to outdo the other.

The authorities are treating both murders the same in terms of resources. However the El Paso shooting is clearly domestic terrorism as he targeted Hispanics. There is no evidence that the Dayton shooter was targeting any group in particular.

You worthless pile of trash........


The El Paso shooter is being taken seriously. Which he should.

I did not 'downplay' anything. You are just worthless garbage human being that makes up false accusations against anyone with a different opinion, you fascist pile of crap.

You are the worthless pile of trash asshole.

The Dayton shooter is being taken seriously as well. They are not investigating the Dayton crime as domestic terrorism as there is no evidence it was.
White supremacy is neither a lie nor a hoax.

It's just that our media is trying to make it seem more impactful than it is, misidentifying people as white supremacists who aren't, intentionally conflating nationalism with white supremacy and downplaying groups like ANTIFA and BLM who are just as radical left as the true white supremacists are right

The FBI also is warning about the treat of white supremacists. There is no evidence that BLM and ANTIFA have killed anyone.

Oh, look who is downplaying a threat, after accusing others of downplaying. Not only are you a worthless pile of crap fascist, but you a hypocritical pile of crap fascist. Get of the forum you fascist scum.

You are a worthless pile of garbage you fascist pig. The FBI has called the alarm on white supremacists. They have not said anything about BLM or ANTIFA. I am not leaving except to go to bed. What are you going to do about it?
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Sure that’s easy “Mexico is sending rapists”
Not as easy as you mistakenly think. That's not a message of hatred. Mexico has not been sending their best, and relative to the US, Mexican men ARE RAPISTS and SEXUAL ASSAULTERS. And worse yet, they are also amazingly commonly child rapists too, and even within their own family, and even supported by the family.

Why do you think buses in Mexico City are segregated by sex ? That's easy. Because Mexican men can't keep their hands off Mexican women, that's why.

Show me one city in the US where buses, or any form of public transportation is segregated by sex. Yes, Mexicans are rapists, in a general sense. Trump, as usual, was right, distorted by the left wing media, and swallowed whole by their liberal, gullible, oblivious viewers.

Donald Trump: <i>Still</i> Right About Mexican Rapists | The Daily Caller

White supremacists like you are a cancer on this country.

Says the guy that embodies cancer in this country. You make endless accusations without evidence or proof. You accuse everyone who dares to point to the facts, of being racists.

YOU ARE CANCER. And honestly, we'd all be better off if you were not around. I love how garbage like you, never needs proof or evidence before attacking the people around them. Just trash. You are just walking talking farting trash.

YOU are the cancer that spreads hate in this country. Hatred of people who are non-white. You refuse to accept facts as you rely on your bigoted sources. You supply no facts except by people wo are as biased as you are.

YOU ARE THE SCUM. We would be better off as a country if every Trump supporter was gone. You are the walking trash that drags the country down.
Crazy people, are a real threat. Do you really see white supremacy taking over this country? Really? How many people are part of the "white supremacy" party? How many politicians are they running? How many elected offices do they hold? Zero.

From what I see, white supremacy violence is being condemned on all sides. I haven't seen a single politician, or pundit, or grass roots support for it anywhere.

We need more law enforcement. We need more people respecting police officers, and supporting their work.

The irony is, you people on the left-wing have been the ones to tearing down law enforcement, and openly supporting reducing the prison population, which means releasing criminals and allowing more crime.

Then you get more crime, and now you want to freak out about it. That makes no sense.

The right-wing has always been the party of standing for the rule of law, and enforcing the law.

If there is a real danger to the country, it would be violence actually protected and promoted by government, and that would be Antifa. If you doubt that, then just explain the difference in news coverage between Dayton and El Passo.

We need police officers who respect the law. We have seen too many cases of police officers who abuse their authority and shoot unarmed citizens. Yet they are rarely if ever held accountable. Republicans support this. Until officers are held accountable, it is hard to respect officers.

Antifa is not a danger. White supremacists are the ones who have killed people. A mosque in Australia. A Jewish center in Pittsburgh. A Walmart in El Paso. The reason for the differing coverage. There was no evidence of a political agenda. The FBI is treating El Paso as a terrorism act. They have not said that about Dayton.

I disagree with all that.

You need to respect the officer, no matter what. This "well I don't have to respect him, because he doesn't do whatever", is the reason we are having these problems. If you have a problem with an officer, you take it up with the authorities or in court. But you need to shut up, and respect the police officers.

Second, no we have not seen "too many cases". You have over a million police in this country. How many examples do you have of bad police? What a handful at most? You drive down to Mexico, and you have a handful of good police. You go to some of the African countries, and the police stop your car for nothing, and hold you there until you pay a bribe. You go to Russia, and you piss the police off, and then just beat the living crap out of you for no reason.

Here we have one of the best police forces in the world. People are just too spoiled and have this American Arrogance about them, to realize how good you have it in this country.

Officers are held accountable in this country, and more so here than in most countries. Go talk to immigrants, like I have. They tell you the police here are like a dream compared to where they came from.

Antifa is not a danger. White supremacists are the ones who have killed people. A mosque in Australia. A Jewish center in Pittsburgh. A Walmart in El Paso. The reason for the differing coverage. There was no evidence of a political agenda. The FBI is treating El Paso as a terrorism act. They have not said that about Dayton.

That's the point. You made my point.

Terrorism, if you look it up, is to have a political agenda.

View attachment 273522

Terrorism has a political agenda. That is part the whole definition of terrorism.

You are correct that many of these lone crazy people are not trying to push for political change, they just want to harm people.

Antifa is terrorism. They have a stated political goal, to eliminate opposing views from public discussion. They try and shut down gatherings of people who have a different ideological view from them. Which is ironic given their name. They are supposedly 'anti-facist' while acting exactly like fascists.

Regardless, you have correctly pointed out that the FBI is treating a politically driven agenda killings in Dayton, with less concern than the other guy in El Paso, or the Bernie Sanders shooter, or the hundreds of other violent crimes perpetrated by Antifa.

That in and of itself, is exactly what I would cite as proof of what is more dangerous.

The El Paso shooter is being taken seriously. Which he should. And that is how you know that in the long run these people will be stopped, and are less of a long term concern.

But the fact they are deliberately down-playing and ignoring the real terrorism by Antifa, shows a real big danger to this country. That's how Lenin and Hitler gain control of their countries. That's how Hugo Chavez gained control of Venezuela. You have politically motivated actors, who are being ignored by the authorities, and allowed to continue terrorism on the public.

That is the real long term danger.

The real terrorism is being committed by white supremacists which you are downplaying. We had Hispanics targeted in El Paso, Jews in Pittsburgh, and Muslims in New Zealand. how many people have Antifa killed? None. Antifa is a attempt by Trump supporters to change the subject.

White supremacists are very much a long term concern. Unlike terrorists, there are no umbrella organization such as ISIS to target. They are mostly lone wolves who are trying to outdo the other.

The authorities are treating both murders the same in terms of resources. However the El Paso shooting is clearly domestic terrorism as he targeted Hispanics. There is no evidence that the Dayton shooter was targeting any group in particular.

You worthless pile of trash........


The El Paso shooter is being taken seriously. Which he should.

I did not 'downplay' anything. You are just worthless garbage human being that makes up false accusations against anyone with a different opinion, you fascist pile of crap.

You are the worthless pile of trash asshole.

The Dayton shooter is being taken seriously as well. They are not investigating the Dayton crime as domestic terrorism as there is no evidence it was.

Bull crap. YOU are downplaying it. Thank heavens the police and FBI are not as much garbage like you.

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