White Supremacy Is A Hoax. It's A Lie. It's Not A Big Problem

See you retard, not everyone who kills 4+ had a political agenda. Obviously crime is more complicated than that. Again, however, it is has been shown that MOST modern day political mass shooters are WHITE NATIONALISTS/SUPREMACISTS
Yeah ? And WHO showed it ? It didn't get "shown" to me, or anybody else in this forum, that I've ever seen.

And we know one person who didn't show it. >> YOU.

Lol you are so pathetic. I posted the list, then told you where it was in this forum (#166) and your dumbass still pretends I didn’t. As hard as you try to deny this happened, we both know it did.
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Why would the Mexico government deliberately send rapists to the US? Not only is there no evidence they have, but it doesn’t make any goddamn sense that they would. Trump just says some dumb shit and your retarded ass just accepts it as facts. The real truth is that it is statistically rare for illegal immigrants to commit separate crimes. Why? Because any crime woild expose their status of being illegal. Duh.
So everything I posted about the rape culture of Mexico, just went flying right over your liberal, information-deprived head.

I notice you DODGED another of my questions. We'll have to start counting these.

Here's the question again >> "Why do you think buses in Mexico City are segregated by sex ?"

And while we're at it, again >> Show me one city in the US where buses, or any form of public transportation is segregated by sex. I'm not gonna let you DODGE that either.

And why does Mexico send their people here ? HA HA. Only a liberal victim of liberal OMMISION media would have to ask that. I suppose you never heard of Mexican imperialism, right ? Or remittances, right ? Or Vicente Fox, right ?

Liberals are so ignorant, it is pitiful. They have no idea what's going on, don't know how much they don't know, and they come in here and blabber away. Wow.

Vicente Fox Says Remittances Largest Source Of Revenue Since 2003, Gloats At Getting Illegals And Matricula Consular Into US : Diggers Realm

Remittance flows worldwide in 2017
Okay so why are we even talking about segregated buses in Mexico? My god you are stupid.
Not too many in that crowd look like "White Supremacists", do they ? :biggrin:
See you retard, not everyone who kills 4+ had a political agenda. Obviously crime is more complicated than that. Again, however, it is has been shown that MOST modern day political mass shooters are WHITE NATIONALISTS/SUPREMACISTS
Who gives a shit if politics is part of it or not killing is killing you fucking retard
Uhh see it matters because white supremacists are trying to fulfill a shared agenda that inspires others like them. Some guy shooting 4 people because he is off his meds or because he is some sociopath robbing a house isn’t the same goddamn thing. He doesn’t inspire anyone else to do the same thing. That’s the obvious difference.
White supremacists, black lives matter, antifa... same difference
Not too many in that crowd look like "White Supremacists", do they ? :biggrin:
See you retard, not everyone who kills 4+ had a political agenda. Obviously crime is more complicated than that. Again, however, it is has been shown that MOST modern day political mass shooters are WHITE NATIONALISTS/SUPREMACISTS
Who gives a shit if politics is part of it or not killing is killing you fucking retard
Uhh see it matters because white supremacists are trying to fulfill a shared agenda that inspires others like them. Some guy shooting 4 people because he is off his meds or because he is some sociopath robbing a house isn’t the same goddamn thing. He doesn’t inspire anyone else to do the same thing. That’s the obvious difference.
White supremacists, black lives matter, antifa... same difference
Uh no because those groups don’t have a reputation of violence that even comes close to that of white supremacists and you know it.
Not too many in that crowd look like "White Supremacists", do they ? :biggrin:
See you retard, not everyone who kills 4+ had a political agenda. Obviously crime is more complicated than that. Again, however, it is has been shown that MOST modern day political mass shooters are WHITE NATIONALISTS/SUPREMACISTS
Who gives a shit if politics is part of it or not killing is killing you fucking retard
Uhh see it matters because white supremacists are trying to fulfill a shared agenda that inspires others like them. Some guy shooting 4 people because he is off his meds or because he is some sociopath robbing a house isn’t the same goddamn thing. He doesn’t inspire anyone else to do the same thing. That’s the obvious difference.
White supremacists, black lives matter, antifa... same difference
Uh no because those groups don’t have a reputation of violence that even comes close to that of white supremacists and you know it.
You are delusional
Lol you are so pathetic. I posted the list, then told you where it was in this forum (#166) and your dumbass still pretends I didn’t. As hard as you try to deny this happened, we both know it did.
What we both know is I'm still waiting for you to post a list of white supremacist acts, and the fact that you're unable to do that, and cover for that by pretending you did), this shows you CAN'T come up with any list of white supremacist, as I did with Muslims and blacks.

I'm still waiting for your list. Waiting...……..waiting...………...waiting...………...waiting. :bigbed:
Okay so why are we even talking about segregated buses in Mexico? My god you are stupid.
You really don't know ? You actually are unable to get that ? You are THAT stupid ? Wow. I don't know why I bother to talk to you at all. I can't see anyone in this forum, paying a dime's worth of attention to you.
White supremacy is neither a lie nor a hoax.

It's just that our media is trying to make it seem more impactful than it is, misidentifying people as white supremacists who aren't, intentionally conflating nationalism with white supremacy and downplaying groups like ANTIFA and BLM who are just as radical left as the true white supremacists are right
Uh no because those groups don’t have a reputation of violence that even comes close to that of white supremacists and you know it.
1. Wrong gain, wizard. White supremacy is merely a BELIEF (that white people are superior to people of other races and therefore should be dominant over them), not a system of violence. There are thousands of white supremacists who have never engaged in any violence.

2. BLM is a violent group that engages in violence by blocking traffic, thereby physically injuring people in cars blocked. Try sitting in a blocked car here (without air conditioning) in Tampa, FL in 104 heat (outside), while the temperature inside your car, soars to 150 degrees (life threatening)

3. No explanation is needed for ANTIFA violence, which we see every time they show up. Ask Andrew Ngo.
This is one reason I like Tucker Carlson. He tells the truth and the left are going insane over his comments today.

Tucker Carlson Claims There's No White Supremacy Problem: 'This Is A Hoax'

Tucker Carlson Claims There's No White Supremacy Problem: 'This Is A Hoax'

Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Tuesday claimed there is no white supremacy problem in the United States and that the very notion of one is a hoax created by the media and the left.

“The whole thing is a lie...It’s actually not a real problem in America.”

He added:“This is a hoax, just like the Russia hoax. It’s a conspiracy theory used to divide the country and keep a hold on power. That’s exactly what’s going on.”
It depends on what you mean by white supremacy. White hooded clowns running around burning crosses and lynching blacks is certainly not a problem and has not been for years. The belief that the white race is superior to other races is certainly alive and well today. And if the meaning is to include ethnic groups such as Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans, and Middle Eastern ethnic groups it's a big problem.
do we have a country that is fulfilling our founders' dreams? NO!

do we have a government of, for, and by the corporations? YES!

the only way change happens is if we the people demand it!

But you live in Spain, fuck off. My people were from Spain, England, and France. True story.
I'm an American, though.

I never hear about Muslim problems in Spain, why is that?
It depends on what you mean by white supremacy. White hooded clowns running around burning crosses and lynching blacks is certainly not a problem and has not been for years. The belief that the white race is superior to other races is certainly alive and well today. And if the meaning is to include ethnic groups such as Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans, and Middle Eastern ethnic groups it's a big problem.
But why would you say it's a big problem, if it's is just a thought process for some white people. Are there some actions that you are inferring/including ?

I now that some classical musicians believe their music to be superior to the music that I play (Bluegrass), but this is not a big problem to me, or a problem at all for that matter. They can believe whatever they wish, in the absence of any actions against me. :dunno:
do we have a country that is fulfilling our founders' dreams? NO!

do we have a government of, for, and by the corporations? YES!

the only way change happens is if we the people demand it!

But you live in Spain, fuck off. My people were from Spain, England, and France. True story.
I'm an American, though.

I never hear about Muslim problems in Spain, why is that?

Well Muslims invaded Spain in 711AD and stuck around for the next 800 years...

Is that the Muslim problem you are talking about...
So the guy who said white men should be credited with "creating civilization." says there is no white supremacy...

Enough said...
The first civilizations were created in northeast Africa and southwest Asia around 3000 bc. While these people were developing the written word, art, and architecture, northern Europeans were still gathering berries and trying to figure out how to plant potatoes.
Lol I thought they narrative was that the whole movement was a hoax.

But anyway:

1) The guy who killed those men defending a Muslim teenager and her friend is a self-described white supremacist.

2) The guy who drove into the Charleston protestors was a self-described white supremacist

3) The El Paso shooter was a self-described White supremacist/nationalist

4) The black church shooter is a self described white supremacist/nationalist

5) 72% of politically motivated hate crimes of the last few years have involved rightwing extremists. Only 3% have left wingers

6) All of those examples above were Trump worshipers.

Oh and let’s not forget the NZ shooter who was inspired by Trump.

Oh and....

All of the extremist killings in the US in 2018 had links to right-wing extremism, according to new report
you have a long way to go to reach the over 3,000 that's been mass murdered by Muslim extremist in the last 20 years
No one is denying Muslim extremism isn’t a thing. The point is, when it comes to domestic, homegrown terror, white supremacy is the real threat.

Crazy people, are a real threat. Do you really see white supremacy taking over this country? Really? How many people are part of the "white supremacy" party? How many politicians are they running? How many elected offices do they hold? Zero.

From what I see, white supremacy violence is being condemned on all sides. I haven't seen a single politician, or pundit, or grass roots support for it anywhere.

We need more law enforcement. We need more people respecting police officers, and supporting their work.

The irony is, you people on the left-wing have been the ones to tearing down law enforcement, and openly supporting reducing the prison population, which means releasing criminals and allowing more crime.

Then you get more crime, and now you want to freak out about it. That makes no sense.

The right-wing has always been the party of standing for the rule of law, and enforcing the law.

If there is a real danger to the country, it would be violence actually protected and promoted by government, and that would be Antifa. If you doubt that, then just explain the difference in news coverage between Dayton and El Passo.

We need police officers who respect the law. We have seen too many cases of police officers who abuse their authority and shoot unarmed citizens. Yet they are rarely if ever held accountable. Republicans support this. Until officers are held accountable, it is hard to respect officers.

Antifa is not a danger. White supremacists are the ones who have killed people. A mosque in Australia. A Jewish center in Pittsburgh. A Walmart in El Paso. The reason for the differing coverage. There was no evidence of a political agenda. The FBI is treating El Paso as a terrorism act. They have not said that about Dayton.
The ElPaso shooter was inspired by Democrats wanting to give Illegals free health insurance, not Trump. In essence, if Demoncrats were proAmerica and put it's natural born Citizens first, this shooting would have never happened.

The El Paso shooter was inspired by Trump. The manifesto could have been written by Trump as it uses the same rhetoric Trump uses. Trump and is supporters are the ones who are anti-America. America was built on immigrants and we have always helped people who are in trouble. Those are pro-America values.
That is such bullshit and you know it. What I really can’t stand about you Trumptards is your pathetic denial of anything done wrong by your side. Instead of simply saying “The El Paso shooter was inspired by Trump, but I am not a killer like he is”, you make up some bullshit on the spot about healthcare policy.
Trump did not inspire anybody to go out an do a mass shooting. All this implausible, idiot talk, designed to disparage Trump, is getting you guys distanced from the American people who look at you like a bunch of escapees from a mental institution.

Americans are looking at Trump and supporters like you and have had enough of you people. They are aware of the fact that Trump uses the same language as white supremacists.

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