White Supremacy Is A Hoax. It's A Lie. It's Not A Big Problem

Sure that’s easy “Mexico is sending rapists”
Not as easy as you mistakenly think. That's not a message of hatred. Mexico has not been sending their best, and relative to the US, Mexican men ARE RAPISTS and SEXUAL ASSAULTERS. And worse yet, they are also amazingly commonly child rapists too, and even within their own family, and even supported by the family.

Why do you think buses in Mexico City are segregated by sex ? That's easy. Because Mexican men can't keep their hands off Mexican women, that's why.

Show me one city in the US where buses, or any form of public transportation is segregated by sex. Yes, Mexicans are rapists, in a general sense. Trump, as usual, was right, distorted by the left wing media, and swallowed whole by their liberal, gullible, oblivious viewers.

Donald Trump: <i>Still</i> Right About Mexican Rapists | The Daily Caller

White supremacists like you are a cancer on this country.

Says the guy that embodies cancer in this country. You make endless accusations without evidence or proof. You accuse everyone who dares to point to the facts, of being racists.

YOU ARE CANCER. And honestly, we'd all be better off if you were not around. I love how garbage like you, never needs proof or evidence before attacking the people around them. Just trash. You are just walking talking farting trash.

YOU are the cancer that spreads hate in this country. Hatred of people who are non-white. You refuse to accept facts as you rely on your bigoted sources. You supply no facts except by people wo are as biased as you are.

YOU ARE THE SCUM. We would be better off as a country if every Trump supporter was gone. You are the walking trash that drags the country down.

OOO... well aren't you a little whiny brat. You can dish it out, but then when someone throws it back in your face, suddenly you have a little temper tantrum.

Get off the forum brat. I didn't start this, you did. You came on here making accusations to everyone around you, without knowing anything about them, and ignoring everything they said.

I only threw back in you face, the same crap you spewed from your mouth, toddler.

I don't need to justify myself to pathetic scum like you, and I never will. You fascists crap should all kill yourselves. The world would be a better place without you.
White supremacy is neither a lie nor a hoax.

It's just that our media is trying to make it seem more impactful than it is, misidentifying people as white supremacists who aren't, intentionally conflating nationalism with white supremacy and downplaying groups like ANTIFA and BLM who are just as radical left as the true white supremacists are right

The FBI also is warning about the treat of white supremacists. There is no evidence that BLM and ANTIFA have killed anyone.

Oh, look who is downplaying a threat, after accusing others of downplaying. Not only are you a worthless pile of crap fascist, but you a hypocritical pile of crap fascist. Get of the forum you fascist scum.

You are a worthless pile of garbage you fascist pig. The FBI has called the alarm on white supremacists. They have not said anything about BLM or ANTIFA. I am not leaving except to go to bed. What are you going to do about it?

Nothing. Why would I 'do' anything about a toddler like you? I called you out for the worthless crap that you are, and I'm good with that. Telling you to get lost, is just public service announcement. People as dumb as you, never know when to shut up, or get lost. My expectations of you, were never high enough to think you would actually have enough decency to leave.

Please... you are not smart enough to leave.
This is one reason I like Tucker Carlson. He tells the truth and the left are going insane over his comments today.

Tucker Carlson Claims There's No White Supremacy Problem: 'This Is A Hoax'

Tucker Carlson Claims There's No White Supremacy Problem: 'This Is A Hoax'

Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Tuesday claimed there is no white supremacy problem in the United States and that the very notion of one is a hoax created by the media and the left.

“The whole thing is a lie...It’s actually not a real problem in America.”

He added:“This is a hoax, just like the Russia hoax. It’s a conspiracy theory used to divide the country and keep a hold on power. That’s exactly what’s going on.”

That's not true....at all.....all 6 of the white supremacists in this country insist they have a lot more members than people think.......
Who is the real threat in this country?



Yeah, we can see how the left-wing is no threat.
The very idea that white supremacy is prevalent in this country is beyond laughable. I say that as a half Hispanic who saw a lot of racism in the 70's growing up. This country is 100 times better than it used to be and it's moving in the right direction. I'm proud to be an American who voted for President Trump! I'm sure that's a scary thought for people who make a living and try to win elections playing the race card. Two years of Russian collusion was proven to be false so the next BS move by Liberals is "white supremacy". smh
liberals think that by repeating a lie they can make it seem real to racists on the left.
The first civilizations were created in northeast Africa and southwest Asia around 3000 bc. While these people were developing the written word, art, and architecture, northern Europeans were still gathering berries and trying to figure out how to plant potatoes.
When Europeans arrived in Africa, the natives were living in mud huts, dying of curable diseases, never heard of the wheel, and went around hunting monkeys to survive.
Lucky for these spearchuckers, the Europeans arrived, to bring them out of the stone age. Same thing goes for North American Indians.
This is one reason I like Tucker Carlson. He tells the truth and the left are going insane over his comments today.

Tucker Carlson Claims There's No White Supremacy Problem: 'This Is A Hoax'

Tucker Carlson Claims There's No White Supremacy Problem: 'This Is A Hoax'

Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Tuesday claimed there is no white supremacy problem in the United States and that the very notion of one is a hoax created by the media and the left.

“The whole thing is a lie...It’s actually not a real problem in America.”

He added:“This is a hoax, just like the Russia hoax. It’s a conspiracy theory used to divide the country and keep a hold on power. That’s exactly what’s going on.”
You too know maga was our WWII Nazi group name?
You're a Nazi and proud?
Americans are looking at Trump and supporters like you and have had enough of you people. They are aware of the fact that Trump uses the same language as white supremacists.
Show one example of that.

I see you still have your wife cheater as a pic?
Ike, dumped his long term mistress when he came back to the USA.
Dies in poverty.
Must be a con cult member.
3 wives, vagina grabber, wanting to screw his daughter?
I'll look for the text I understand the shooters manifesto had parts taken from the cons speeches
you have a long way to go to reach the over 3,000 that's been mass murdered by Muslim extremist in the last 20 years
No one is denying Muslim extremism isn’t a thing. The point is, when it comes to domestic, homegrown terror, white supremacy is the real threat.

Crazy people, are a real threat. Do you really see white supremacy taking over this country? Really? How many people are part of the "white supremacy" party? How many politicians are they running? How many elected offices do they hold? Zero.

From what I see, white supremacy violence is being condemned on all sides. I haven't seen a single politician, or pundit, or grass roots support for it anywhere.

We need more law enforcement. We need more people respecting police officers, and supporting their work.

The irony is, you people on the left-wing have been the ones to tearing down law enforcement, and openly supporting reducing the prison population, which means releasing criminals and allowing more crime.

Then you get more crime, and now you want to freak out about it. That makes no sense.

The right-wing has always been the party of standing for the rule of law, and enforcing the law.

If there is a real danger to the country, it would be violence actually protected and promoted by government, and that would be Antifa. If you doubt that, then just explain the difference in news coverage between Dayton and El Passo.

We need police officers who respect the law. We have seen too many cases of police officers who abuse their authority and shoot unarmed citizens. Yet they are rarely if ever held accountable. Republicans support this. Until officers are held accountable, it is hard to respect officers.

Antifa is not a danger. White supremacists are the ones who have killed people. A mosque in Australia. A Jewish center in Pittsburgh. A Walmart in El Paso. The reason for the differing coverage. There was no evidence of a political agenda. The FBI is treating El Paso as a terrorism act. They have not said that about Dayton.
The ElPaso shooter was inspired by Democrats wanting to give Illegals free health insurance, not Trump. In essence, if Demoncrats were proAmerica and put it's natural born Citizens first, this shooting would have never happened.

The El Paso shooter was inspired by Trump. The manifesto could have been written by Trump as it uses the same rhetoric Trump uses. Trump and is supporters are the ones who are anti-America. America was built on immigrants and we have always helped people who are in trouble. Those are pro-America values.
The shooter may have been a murdering lunatic, but he was right about immigration, and so is Trump. I have a degree in Geography, buy one need not have studied that to know that in 2019, immigration is BAD FOR AMERICA.

It is only coveted by Democrats To get the VOTES of these foreigners they recklessly import here (knowing AMERICANS won't VOTE for them.

Harms of immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).
2. Wage reduction.
3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).
4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($148 Billion/year).
5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.
6. Increased crime.
7. Increased traffic congestion.
8. Increased pollution.
9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.
10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.
11. Overcrowding in government offices.
12. Overcrowding in schools.
13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.
14. Cultural erosion.
15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)
16. Introduction of foreign diseases
17. Influx of terrorists.
18. Wildfires
19. Litter
20. Housing saturation.
21. Excessively high housing costs
No one is denying Muslim extremism isn’t a thing. The point is, when it comes to domestic, homegrown terror, white supremacy is the real threat.

Crazy people, are a real threat. Do you really see white supremacy taking over this country? Really? How many people are part of the "white supremacy" party? How many politicians are they running? How many elected offices do they hold? Zero.

From what I see, white supremacy violence is being condemned on all sides. I haven't seen a single politician, or pundit, or grass roots support for it anywhere.

We need more law enforcement. We need more people respecting police officers, and supporting their work.

The irony is, you people on the left-wing have been the ones to tearing down law enforcement, and openly supporting reducing the prison population, which means releasing criminals and allowing more crime.

Then you get more crime, and now you want to freak out about it. That makes no sense.

The right-wing has always been the party of standing for the rule of law, and enforcing the law.

If there is a real danger to the country, it would be violence actually protected and promoted by government, and that would be Antifa. If you doubt that, then just explain the difference in news coverage between Dayton and El Passo.

We need police officers who respect the law. We have seen too many cases of police officers who abuse their authority and shoot unarmed citizens. Yet they are rarely if ever held accountable. Republicans support this. Until officers are held accountable, it is hard to respect officers.

Antifa is not a danger. White supremacists are the ones who have killed people. A mosque in Australia. A Jewish center in Pittsburgh. A Walmart in El Paso. The reason for the differing coverage. There was no evidence of a political agenda. The FBI is treating El Paso as a terrorism act. They have not said that about Dayton.
The ElPaso shooter was inspired by Democrats wanting to give Illegals free health insurance, not Trump. In essence, if Demoncrats were proAmerica and put it's natural born Citizens first, this shooting would have never happened.

The El Paso shooter was inspired by Trump. The manifesto could have been written by Trump as it uses the same rhetoric Trump uses. Trump and is supporters are the ones who are anti-America. America was built on immigrants and we have always helped people who are in trouble. Those are pro-America values.
The shooter may have been a murdering lunatic, but he was right about immigration, and so is Trump. I have a degree in Geography, buy one need not have studied that to know that in 2019, immigration is BAD FOR AMERICA.

It is only coveted by Democrats To get the VOTES of these foreigners they recklessly import here (knowing AMERICANS won't VOTE for them.

Harms of immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).
2. Wage reduction.
3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).
4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($148 Billion/year).
5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.
6. Increased crime.
7. Increased traffic congestion.
8. Increased pollution.
9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.
10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.
11. Overcrowding in government offices.
12. Overcrowding in schools.
13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.
14. Cultural erosion.
15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)
16. Introduction of foreign diseases
17. Influx of terrorists.
18. Wildfires
19. Litter
20. Housing saturation.
21. Excessively high housing costs
Try this
'Invasion' and 'fake news': El Paso manifesto echoes Trump language

Ike you never read the philosophers reply
"Apologies for the length of my letter, I didn't have time to make it shorter"
Have you no life apart from whining?.
Every immigrant German Irish etc cost the first year. After that they pay for the socialist befits you are sucking off
White supremacists like you are a cancer on this country.
HA HA. I'm not a white supremacist, and I'm not even 100% white. My paternal grandparents are from Central America (British Honduras/Belize), and I speak Spanish fluently.

And you ? Do you support Affirmative Action ? If you do, you are a black supremacist, racist. (ie, one who believes blacks should dominate society, typically to the exclusion or detriment of other racial and ethnic groups, whites in particular).

Better clean up your own kitchen.

And then apologize to all whites for your racism, and pay them reparations$$$, to compensate for their losses. You probably should do jail time too, for violating the 1964 Civil Right Act.
The FBI also is warning about the threat of white supremacists. There is no evidence that BLM and ANTIFA have killed anyone.
The Dayton killer was ANTIFA, and they could easily have killed Andy Ngo, hitting him in the head with a brick. I hope that scumbag is in jail, getting the fuck beat out of him right now.
You are the worthless pile of trash asshole.

The Dayton shooter is being taken seriously as well. They are not investigating the Dayton crime as domestic terrorism as there is no evidence it was.
He was ANTIFA (terrorist), and so are you, for defending him, you lowlife.
YOU are the cancer that spreads hate in this country. Hatred of people who are non-white. You refuse to accept facts as you rely on your bigoted sources. You supply no facts except by people wo are as biased as you are.

YOU ARE THE SCUM. We would be better off as a country if every Trump supporter was gone. You are the walking trash that drags the country down.
Trump and his supporters are the heroes who have brought the country BACK UP, from the garbage pit it was under the jihadist killer, Obama, and the serial killer Clintons.

Instead of Obama's 2016 sinking GDPs, we have a booming economy, with record lows of unemployment for blacks and Hispanics, whom you pretend to care about. We also have the highest median income ($61,400/yr) ever recorded. If you cared about them, you'd support Trump, who's done more for them than any other president, ever.
I see you still have your wife cheater as a pic?
Ike, dumped his long term mistress when he came back to the USA.
Dies in poverty.
Must be a con cult member.
3 wives, vagina grabber, wanting to screw his daughter?
I'll look for the text I understand the shooters manifesto had parts taken from the cons speeches
FAIL! Not a damn thing within all your blabbering here, was there an answer to my post that you quoted, saying >> "Show one example of that." , replying to Busybee's comment about >> "Trump uses the same language as white supremacists"

You've been in this forum long enough to know that useless yammering doesn't make it. When you can respond to a post's content, do that. Otherwise keep quiet.

I still see you're trolling and harassing, with stuff unrelated to the discussion, and posts you quote. Got any idea why I don't report you ?
What White Supremacists? The only place to spot one of them is in the MSM and the only reason you can only find them there is because those media wimps always do what liberals tell them. It's a sad day when the media exclusively supports one side. Democracy, better yet America, can't survive long like this.
From the behavior of white people here, I would have to agree with the title…there is no white supremacy….if anything the site points out white inferiority (especially in the author of the OP).

On the other hand white supremacists are a problem insofar as they are killing innocent people because some orange blob has justified their misplaced rage, their social and sexual impotence, and pointed out supposedly who is to blame for their low station in life.
That is such bullshit and you know it. What I really can’t stand about you Trumptards is your pathetic denial of anything done wrong by your side. Instead of simply saying “The El Paso shooter was inspired by Trump, but I am not a killer like he is”, you make up some bullshit on the spot about healthcare policy.
Trump did not inspire anybody to go out an do a mass shooting. All this implausible, idiot talk, designed to disparage Trump, is getting you guys distanced from the American people who look at you like a bunch of escapees from a mental institution.

Americans are looking at Trump and supporters like you and have had enough of you people. They are aware of the fact that Trump uses the same language as white supremacists.

Keep running that gator. :blahblah:

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