White Supremacy Is A Hoax. It's A Lie. It's Not A Big Problem

From the behavior of white people here, I would have to agree with the title…there is no white supremacy….if anything the site points out white inferiority (especially in the author of the OP).

On the other hand white supremacists are a problem insofar as they are killing innocent people because some orange blob has justified their misplaced rage, their social and sexual impotence, and pointed out supposedly who is to blame for their low station in life.
Trump could have justified rage, and if so, so what ? Plenty of people are enraged, and with good reason. That has nothing to do with anybody killing innocent people.

As for justification, what justifies your racist comment attributing inferiority to white people ?
Trump and his supporters are the heroes who have brought the country BACK UP, from the garbage pit it was under the jihadist killer, Obama, and the serial killer Clintons.

America needs 16 years of Trump to fix the 16 years of Obama and Clinton. Ivanka in 2024!!
From the behavior of white people here, I would have to agree with the title…there is no white supremacy….if anything the site points out white inferiority (especially in the author of the OP).

On the other hand white supremacists are a problem insofar as they are killing innocent people because some orange blob has justified their misplaced rage, their social and sexual impotence, and pointed out supposedly who is to blame for their low station in life.
Trump could have justified rage, and if so, so what ? Plenty of people are enraged, and with good reason. That has nothing to do with anybody killing innocent people.

As for justification, what justifies your racist comment attributing inferiority to white people ?
Thanks for providing an example
This is one reason I like Tucker Carlson. He tells the truth and the left are going insane over his comments today.

Tucker Carlson Claims There's No White Supremacy Problem: 'This Is A Hoax'

Tucker Carlson Claims There's No White Supremacy Problem: 'This Is A Hoax'

Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Tuesday claimed there is no white supremacy problem in the United States and that the very notion of one is a hoax created by the media and the left.

“The whole thing is a lie...It’s actually not a real problem in America.”

He added:“This is a hoax, just like the Russia hoax. It’s a conspiracy theory used to divide the country and keep a hold on power. That’s exactly what’s going on.”
White supremacy isn’t a problem if you are white. Not Greek or Italian though. That’s not white enough. Neither is Mexican or Arab. Jews either. And gays? Forget about it.

So the rest of us should vote against republicans
White supremacy isn’t a problem if you are white. Not Greek or Italian though. That’s not white enough. Neither is Mexican or Arab. Jews either. And gays? Forget about it.

So the rest of us should vote against republicans
To keep Affirmative Action discrimination against whites going full speed ahead. Wanna buy a bridge in Brooklyn ?

Is the white supremacist back on air yet?

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Lol you pretending I didn’t provide proof both statistical and through a list of offenses of my claim doesn’t change anything. You know you’ve been beat.
You think just saying that makes it happen ? You need to see a doctor. :rolleyes:

And I'm still waiting for you to post a list. I'm not distracted from that.
You think just saying that makes it happen ? You need to see a doctor. :rolleyes:

And I'm still waiting for you to post a list. I'm not distracted from that.
How about the Trump administration's FBI Director saying it, retard?
This is one reason I like Tucker Carlson. He tells the truth and the left are going insane over his comments today.

Tucker Carlson Claims There's No White Supremacy Problem: 'This Is A Hoax'

Tucker Carlson Claims There's No White Supremacy Problem: 'This Is A Hoax'

Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Tuesday claimed there is no white supremacy problem in the United States and that the very notion of one is a hoax created by the media and the left.

“The whole thing is a lie...It’s actually not a real problem in America.”

He added:“This is a hoax, just like the Russia hoax. It’s a conspiracy theory used to divide the country and keep a hold on power. That’s exactly what’s going on.”

The racist left is engaged in a civil war to destroy the Constitution of the United States. The racist hatred of whites is designed to tear the nation apart.

It's impossible for whites to have racial hatred of other whites, retard.
This is one reason I like Tucker Carlson. He tells the truth and the left are going insane over his comments today.

Tucker Carlson Claims There's No White Supremacy Problem: 'This Is A Hoax'

Tucker Carlson Claims There's No White Supremacy Problem: 'This Is A Hoax'

Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Tuesday claimed there is no white supremacy problem in the United States and that the very notion of one is a hoax created by the media and the left.

“The whole thing is a lie...It’s actually not a real problem in America.”

He added:“This is a hoax, just like the Russia hoax. It’s a conspiracy theory used to divide the country and keep a hold on power. That’s exactly what’s going on.”
Democrats need “hate” and “racism”and “fear” and “victims” in order to advance political agenda.

Republicans are the ones who use fear and hatred. They need to de-humanize Hispanics and Muslims to scare people into voting for them.
Democrats dehumanize people by making them think they are victims and getting them into a life of government dependency.

The fact is that red states generally have a larger percentage of people on welfare. Arkansas and Alabama for example. Red states tend to be near the bottom in terms of per capita income while blue states are near the top.
Lots of blacks in Alabama and Arkansas.
Lots of blacks in Alabama and Arkansas.

So...the proof you offer that white supremacy is a hoax is your assertion that blacks are inferior?

Brilliant move, retard. :clap:
White supremacy isn’t a problem if you are white. Not Greek or Italian though. That’s not white enough. Neither is Mexican or Arab. Jews either. And gays? Forget about it.

So the rest of us should vote against republicans
To keep Affirmative Action discrimination against whites going full speed ahead. Wanna buy a bridge in Brooklyn ?

View attachment 274135

Listen cry baby. 96% of CEO's are white men. If the rest of us ban together we can make this country more fair for everyone who isn't a white male.

And I'm a white male. Do you think I'm a sellout? I don't because I'm not one of those CEO's. I'm not a Trump or Epstein.

You poor white males need to realize to Trump and Epstein we are all N*#$rs. They'll rape our daughters, rip us off, not pay us when we do work for them, and what will Epstein and Trump do? They'll tie you up and bankrupt you in court. Or they'll send their fixer Michael Cohen in to help.

Look at how Epstein got a slap on the wrist after he got caught raping minors. House arrest? Are you fucking kidding me?

So you may think you are a member of the good old boys club, but you aren't. Not really.

You'd be smarter to argue and vote in favor of a fair society. Not just for whites but for everyone. After all, your kids might marry a Mexican, Arab or Black and next thing you know your grandkids are minorities.
White supremacy isn’t a problem if you are white. Not Greek or Italian though. That’s not white enough. Neither is Mexican or Arab. Jews either. And gays? Forget about it.

So the rest of us should vote against republicans
To keep Affirmative Action discrimination against whites going full speed ahead. Wanna buy a bridge in Brooklyn ?

View attachment 274135

Listen cry baby. 96% of CEO's are white men. If the rest of us ban together we can make this country more fair for everyone who isn't a white male.

And I'm a white male. Do you think I'm a sellout? I don't because I'm not one of those CEO's. I'm not a Trump or Epstein.

You poor white males need to realize to Trump and Epstein we are all N*#$rs. They'll rape our daughters, rip us off, not pay us when we do work for them, and what will Epstein and Trump do? They'll tie you up and bankrupt you in court. Or they'll send their fixer Michael Cohen in to help.

Look at how Epstein got a slap on the wrist after he got caught raping minors. House arrest? Are you fucking kidding me?

So you may think you are a member of the good old boys club, but you aren't. Not really.

You'd be smarter to argue and vote in favor of a fair society. Not just for whites but for everyone. After all, your kids might marry a Mexican, Arab or Black and next thing you know your grandkids are minorities.
do you think 96% of CEOs are white for the only reason they are white? or is it because of many other factors
So explain why is it 90% of NBA players are black is it just because they are black?

equal opportunity makes a fail society wanting and expecting equal outcome gives us the opposite
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Affirmative Action has put a lot of "minorities" in schools where they were not competitive. So, instead of getting Ds and Fs in math and science, they hide in "Black Studies" with bigots as professors who teach them how to HATE HOAX and RACE BAIT. We now have an "army" of these who have "degrees" but no useful skill set.

We elected one to President recently, and we are out $10 trillion as a result...

So, for them to be "relevant," "white supremacism" must be the boogeyman.... which is why we get so many HATE HOAXES....

White supremacy isn’t a problem if you are white. Not Greek or Italian though. That’s not white enough. Neither is Mexican or Arab. Jews either. And gays? Forget about it.

So the rest of us should vote against republicans
To keep Affirmative Action discrimination against whites going full speed ahead. Wanna buy a bridge in Brooklyn ?

View attachment 274135

Listen cry baby. 96% of CEO's are white men. If the rest of us ban together we can make this country more fair for everyone who isn't a white male.

And I'm a white male. Do you think I'm a sellout? I don't because I'm not one of those CEO's. I'm not a Trump or Epstein.

You poor white males need to realize to Trump and Epstein we are all N*#$rs. They'll rape our daughters, rip us off, not pay us when we do work for them, and what will Epstein and Trump do? They'll tie you up and bankrupt you in court. Or they'll send their fixer Michael Cohen in to help.

Look at how Epstein got a slap on the wrist after he got caught raping minors. House arrest? Are you fucking kidding me?

So you may think you are a member of the good old boys club, but you aren't. Not really.

You'd be smarter to argue and vote in favor of a fair society. Not just for whites but for everyone. After all, your kids might marry a Mexican, Arab or Black and next thing you know your grandkids are minorities.
do you think 96% of CEOs are white for the only reason they are white? or is it because of many other factors
So explain why is it 90% of NBA players are black is it just because they are black?

equal opportunity makes a fail society wanting and expecting equal outcome gives us the opposite

We know for a fact the most talented athletes make the NBA. What we don't believe is in a country as diverse as ours. Blacks, hispanics, arabs, women, etc only are 4% of CEO's. And you say they are not qualified to be CEO's. Not buying that.

Yet 96% of all CEO's are white males? No one other than white males think there isn't a good old boys network going on here. Or that things are fair for the rest of us.

And remember, I'm a white male. If I'm not buying it I doubt blacks, hispanics, arabs and women are either.
White supremacy isn’t a problem if you are white. Not Greek or Italian though. That’s not white enough. Neither is Mexican or Arab. Jews either. And gays? Forget about it.

So the rest of us should vote against republicans
To keep Affirmative Action discrimination against whites going full speed ahead. Wanna buy a bridge in Brooklyn ?

View attachment 274135

Listen cry baby. 96% of CEO's are white men. If the rest of us ban together we can make this country more fair for everyone who isn't a white male.

And I'm a white male. Do you think I'm a sellout? I don't because I'm not one of those CEO's. I'm not a Trump or Epstein.

You poor white males need to realize to Trump and Epstein we are all N*#$rs. They'll rape our daughters, rip us off, not pay us when we do work for them, and what will Epstein and Trump do? They'll tie you up and bankrupt you in court. Or they'll send their fixer Michael Cohen in to help.

Look at how Epstein got a slap on the wrist after he got caught raping minors. House arrest? Are you fucking kidding me?

So you may think you are a member of the good old boys club, but you aren't. Not really.

You'd be smarter to argue and vote in favor of a fair society. Not just for whites but for everyone. After all, your kids might marry a Mexican, Arab or Black and next thing you know your grandkids are minorities.
do you think 96% of CEOs are white for the only reason they are white? or is it because of many other factors
So explain why is it 90% of NBA players are black is it just because they are black?

equal opportunity makes a fail society wanting and expecting equal outcome gives us the opposite

We know for a fact the most talented athletes make the NBA. What we don't believe is in a country as diverse as ours. Blacks, hispanics, arabs, women, etc only are 4% of CEO's. And you say they are not qualified to be CEO's. Not buying that.

Yet 96% of all CEO's are white males? No one other than white males think there isn't a good old boys network going on here. Or that things are fair for the rest of us.

And remember, I'm a white male. If I'm not buying it I doubt blacks, hispanics, arabs and women are either.

So you are saying the most talented basketball players just happen to be black
so why can't that also hold true the most talented CEOs just happen to be white?
Crazy people, are a real threat. Do you really see white supremacy taking over this country? Really? How many people are part of the "white supremacy" party? How many politicians are they running? How many elected offices do they hold? Zero.

From what I see, white supremacy violence is being condemned on all sides. I haven't seen a single politician, or pundit, or grass roots support for it anywhere.

We need more law enforcement. We need more people respecting police officers, and supporting their work.

The irony is, you people on the left-wing have been the ones to tearing down law enforcement, and openly supporting reducing the prison population, which means releasing criminals and allowing more crime.

Then you get more crime, and now you want to freak out about it. That makes no sense.

The right-wing has always been the party of standing for the rule of law, and enforcing the law.

If there is a real danger to the country, it would be violence actually protected and promoted by government, and that would be Antifa. If you doubt that, then just explain the difference in news coverage between Dayton and El Passo.

We need police officers who respect the law. We have seen too many cases of police officers who abuse their authority and shoot unarmed citizens. Yet they are rarely if ever held accountable. Republicans support this. Until officers are held accountable, it is hard to respect officers.

Antifa is not a danger. White supremacists are the ones who have killed people. A mosque in Australia. A Jewish center in Pittsburgh. A Walmart in El Paso. The reason for the differing coverage. There was no evidence of a political agenda. The FBI is treating El Paso as a terrorism act. They have not said that about Dayton.
The ElPaso shooter was inspired by Democrats wanting to give Illegals free health insurance, not Trump. In essence, if Demoncrats were proAmerica and put it's natural born Citizens first, this shooting would have never happened.
That is such bullshit and you know it. What I really can’t stand about you Trumptards is your pathetic denial of anything done wrong by your side. Instead of simply saying “The El Paso shooter was inspired by Trump, but I am not a killer like he is”, you make up some bullshit on the spot about healthcare policy.
Nope! As usual White MAGA Man is right. The Democrat debate sent him over the edge when they agreed to free health care for illegals.

FBI Insider: El Paso Shooter Told Officials It was the Democrat Debate on Free Healthcare to Illegals -- Not Trump! -- That Triggered His Mass Shooting
Hey moron, this guy deliberately attacked Mexicans and cited Trump has his reason for doing it. Don’t you realize how retarded it would be to be solely inspired by a goddamn debate this early in the political season? This moron would have carried about this mass shooting regardless of how this debate went. My god you people are stupid.
Remember when that bastard, and others of his ilk were screaming down the place wailing that Obama was the cause of the few police deaths that occurred? When a. No one claimed that Obama's words abd/or rhetoric influenced them. And 2. Obama actually said no such thing.

But, these sons of bitches continued to tell that lie anyway.

Now look at them, when the current occupant is actually espousing incendiary and dangerous rhetoric that the perpetrators have actually stated they got from him.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Affirmative Action has put a lot of "minorities" in schools where they were not competitive. So, instead of getting Ds and Fs in math and science, they hide in "Black Studies" with bigots as professors who teach them how to HATE HOAX and RACE BAIT. We now have an "army" of these who have "degrees" but no useful skill set.

We elected one to President recently, and we are out $10 trillion as a result...

So, for them to be "relevant," "white supremacism" must be the boogeyman.... which is why we get so many HATE HOAXES....

Quote statistics...not racist opinion

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