White woman dubbed 'Permit Patty' for calling police on black girl denies it was racial


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
Alison Ettel says she "tried to be polite but I was stern" when she first confronted the girl and her mother as part of an incident that went viral online.

by Kalhan Rosenblatt / Jun.25.2018 / 1:30 PM ET / Updated 6:21 PM ET

"I tried to be polite but I was stern," Ettel told "Today" in an exclusive television interview. "And I said, 'Please, I'm trying to work. You're screaming. You're yelling, and people have open windows. It's a hot day. Can you please keep it down?'"

Austin denied Ettel was diplomatic in her approach.

"She never asked us to be quiet. She came out and directly demanded to see a permit to sell water from an 8-year-old," Austin said.

In an interview with HuffPost, Ettel said she didn't actually call the police and was only bluffing. Robert Ruecam, a spokesman for the San Francisco Police Department, confirmed to NBC News that no complaint was made regarding the incident.
I'm not sure if Ettel is simply back pedaling because she had no idea what the backlash was going to be, but her explanations aren't making the situation any better for her.

My analysis
  • whether she actually called the police or only pretended to call the police, her intent was clear - she wanted them to see her calling the police on them - that's an intimidation tactic
  • demanding to see the child/mom's permit to sell water - what right does she have to insist that they show her a permit - she's not code enforcement or law enforcement. This is the kind of crap that so many people just don't seem to be able to understand - she has no lawful authority to demand anything of her neighbors
  • if she REALLY was that concerned about the code violation (selling the water without a permit) and was simply trying to 'resolve' the issue, she could have gone back into her home and quietly & anonymously placed a call to the police station (it was not a 911 type of emergency) or to the code enforcement division. However she didn't do this instead opting to execute one of the last vestiges of legal and lethal force by whites against blacks in society, siccing the police force on a black person who was not violating the law (not knowing the difference between a civil infraction and a criminal violation is no excuse)
  • while I would never condone or advocate unlawful threats or acts of of violence against anyone, I'm sure it's very uncomfortable for her having to grapple with being targeted, however there is a difference. Many of us have been targeted simply for who we are, our race or color of our skin, who we love or for exercising our God given and/or other civil and Constitution rights. Ettel one the other hand is being targeted for something that she has done - publicly, by her choice that she made without apparently realizing what the possible down side of unnecessarily behaving like an ass could be
I know there are probably more than a few who are not equipped to see the difference, but trust me, there is one. As one poster indicated "when a white child does it, it's cute and they're a young entrepreneur, when a black child does it, it's worthy of calling 911 and they're a young criminal."
"Permit Patty" resigns as CEO of company after viral video backlash

TreatWell sells pain-easing "cannabis-based tinctures in different ratios for humans and pets," The Los Angeles Times reported last year.

The producer of "Lady Buds," an upcoming documentary on women in the legal cannabis industry, said Ettel would no longer be part of the project.

Some have pointed out the irony of Ettel selling marijuana products for dogs despite the fact that cannabis is not regulated or approved for use on animals.

She told the Chronicle in 2015 that the company's practice was "kind of like 'don't ask, don't tell.'"


Hilarious. She sold pot for people and pets even though know one knows how it affects pets.

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