Whites are dying at twice the numbers by the hands of blacks

Last night, blacks rioted again Ferguson. I also heard a old black man say there was no reason for these kids to riot, it was just a criminal element taking advantage of the situation...Right. Who can tell? Legitimate rioters? Is that an oxymoron? The shooting of Michael Brown, the situation, I don't know what happened and neither does anyone else, either. I have seen black kids incite racial animosities about an incident just stir up trouble, hell I know black kids beat to death a a dog by owned by a little old man that lost his wife ( a Pear Harbor Survivor, no less), just because he yelled at them....I am not feeling too sympathetic to blacks now. Toxic, hateful and domineering.

One would think, knowing that a criminal element would take advantage of your peaceful protest in order to wreak havoc, burn, loot, and commit all manner of mischief, that some people might consider staying home instead of setting the stage for the bad actors.
Like many other "communities", until the majority calls the trouble-makers to heel, the status quo will stand.
Last night, blacks rioted again Ferguson. I also heard a old black man say there was no reason for these kids to riot, it was just a criminal element taking advantage of the situation...Right. Who can tell? Legitimate rioters? Is that an oxymoron? The shooting of Michael Brown, the situation, I don't know what happened and neither does anyone else, either. I have seen black kids incite racial animosities about an incident just stir up trouble, hell I know black kids beat to death a a dog by owned by a little old man that lost his wife ( a Pear Harbor Survivor, no less), just because he yelled at them....I am not feeling too sympathetic to blacks now. Toxic, hateful and domineering.

There are legitimate protesters in ferguson, which is a predominately black city served by a predominately white police force.

Legitimate rioters would be an oxymoron, but you both coined the phrase, then reacted to it.

You have a right to be biased, but that doesn't make you right to be biased.
It has more to do with hatred of whites. They hate that we built this successful civilization so they're defending a bunch of racist thugs to work on destroying it.

So you are saying that 100% of all blacks in the USA want to kill whites?

OF course NOT, clown. Holy shit, that's not what I said at all. I am saying that a large percentage of blacks are racist against whites and are in fact committing more murders against us. I am pointing out cnn's and msnbc's lies that we slaughter blacks.

Is this the best a idiot like you can bring to the table?

Sad is that such assholes can only see black-white and not the shades of grey that make up the world.
Whites are dying at twice the numbers by the hands of blacks


As an ignorant, racist putz you likely believe that this justifies whites killing blacks with impunity.

As an ignorant, racist putz, you not only choose to think that blacks are justified killing whites, but that blacks killing blacks is not even newsworthy.
Where are all these white killings going on,what city or state do these killings happen?
I think matthew is a paranoid ass wipe who is scared of his shadow.
It has more to do with hatred of whites. They hate that we built this successful civilization so they're defending a bunch of racist thugs to work on destroying it.

So you are saying that 100% of all blacks in the USA want to kill whites?

OF course NOT, clown. Holy shit, that's not what I said at all. I am saying that a large percentage of blacks are racist against whites and are in fact committing more murders against us. I am pointing out cnn's and msnbc's lies that we slaughter blacks.

Is this the best a idiot like you can bring to the table?

Did you contact CNN or MSNBC to voice your concern?
So you are saying that 100% of all blacks in the USA want to kill whites?

OF course NOT, clown. Holy shit, that's not what I said at all. I am saying that a large percentage of blacks are racist against whites and are in fact committing more murders against us. I am pointing out cnn's and msnbc's lies that we slaughter blacks.

Is this the best a idiot like you can bring to the table?

Sad is that such assholes can only see black-white and not the shades of grey that make up the world.

Good point. The person who started this thread seldom posts anything that is not based on black vs. white.
Blacks are murdering twice as many WHITES every year. Whites are 63% of the population of this country compared to 13% for Blacks. This is 4.8 time as much of the population and blacks still end up murdering TWICE as many of us. How fucking dare they whine about how we're slaughtering their children! How fucking dare Cnn and the black community lie like this. All we hear on the news is how we whites KILL BLACK children and are racist fucking monsters that should feel guilty. This is simply in error and flat out wrong.

Somehow clueless of the facts gives them the right to burn down stores, knock out innocent people and loot. I feel it is time for us whites to start pointing out reality to them.

The link below shows who the offenders are and who the victims are....Blacks kill more then twice as many whites.


FBI ? Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

Offenders Black, White victims 448
Black victims 193, white offenders

Same for 2012 FBI ? Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

What's even sadder is the reality that hispanics are called white in this.

Not going to happen for political reasons:
(1) The Black vote keeps all major cities Democratically controlled, therefore, the Democrats are afraid to say even the slightest thing against black.
(2) Republicans aren't any better. Even though they lose 95% of the black vote, they are afraid to lose more. They have dreams and desires of winning the vote black vote back. See blacks have yes a voter SLAVE mentality. Whoever their so called leaders say they should vote for they vote for. Their leaders have been able to get fat and rich off racial politics, therefore, they keep telling them to vote Democrat and they do what the master tells them. Just about a century ago Black voting patterns were reversed. Republicans received 95% of the black vote. Therefore this dream of getting the black vote makes them Republicans placate blacks as well.
(3) White guilt. Whites are conditioned from the public schools that they are part and hurt everyone. They teach us self-hatred from day one. It's intensified in college. Therefore, when many become adults they feel guilt and won't speak out.
(4) Backlash: If you speak out, society smacks you. Your business suffers, you could lose jobs and opportunities, lose friend and you life could be ruined,

This isn't just the US, its WORSE in Europe.
but using your numbers of 193 blacks murdered by whites, as a percentage of the black population of 42,000,000 shows that the percentage of the black population murdered by whites is .000459%

while 448 white people murdered by blacks as a percentage of the white population of 231,000,000 shows that the percentage of the white population murdered by blacks is .000194%

the percentage of blacks being murdered by whites is more than twice the percentage of whites being murdered by blacks!

Yet, blacks will use the media like msnbc and cnn to say we're killing their children. Why can't I say the same? They probably don't realize that they kill more whites. Somehow I doubt they care about data.
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Blacks are murdering twice as many WHITES every year. Whites are 63% of the population of this country compared to 13% for Blacks. This is 4.8 time as much of the population and blacks still end up murdering TWICE as many of us. How fucking dare they whine about how we're slaughtering their children! How fucking dare Cnn and the black community lie like this. All we hear on the news is how we whites KILL BLACK children and are racist fucking monsters that should feel guilty. This is simply in error and flat out wrong.

Somehow clueless of the facts gives them the right to burn down stores, knock out innocent people and loot. I feel it is time for us whites to start pointing out reality to them.

The link below shows who the offenders are and who the victims are....Blacks kill more then twice as many whites.


FBI ? Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

Offenders Black, White victims 448
Black victims 193, white offenders

Same for 2012 FBI ? Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

What's even sadder is the reality that hispanics are called white in this.

Fuck, a strange fruit like you really brings out the asshole in me.

everyone with a brain knows that blacks kill more whites than whites kill blacks !! but the left is afraid to admit it !! the truth is white guilt ridden leftists are to frightened of blacks to admit it !!

It has more to do with hatred of whites. They hate that we built this successful civilization so they're defending a bunch of racist thugs to work on destroying it.

So you are saying that 100% of all blacks in the USA want to kill whites? I don't remember every state and every city in the US built by whites for all colored people...

No he is saying he hates black people. For some reason he thinks the message hasn't gotten through yet so he starts new threads every day.
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Blacks are murdering twice as many WHITES every year. Whites are 63% of the population of this country compared to 13% for Blacks. This is 4.8 time as much of the population and blacks still end up murdering TWICE as many of us. How fucking dare they whine about how we're slaughtering their children! How fucking dare Cnn and the black community lie like this. All we hear on the news is how we whites KILL BLACK children and are racist fucking monsters that should feel guilty. This is simply in error and flat out wrong.

Somehow clueless of the facts gives them the right to burn down stores, knock out innocent people and loot. I feel it is time for us whites to start pointing out reality to them.

The link below shows who the offenders are and who the victims are....Blacks kill more then twice as many whites.


FBI ? Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

Offenders Black, White victims 448
Black victims 193, white offenders

Same for 2012 FBI ? Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

What's even sadder is the reality that hispanics are called white in this.

Fuck, a strange fruit like you really brings out the asshole in me.


How does that have anything to do with today? You really have nothing besides guilt to fall back on. Now fuck off.
but using your numbers of 193 blacks murdered by whites, as a percentage of the black population of 42,000,000 shows that the percentage of the black population murdered by whites is .000459%

while 448 white people murdered by blacks as a percentage of the white population of 231,000,000 shows that the percentage of the white population murdered by blacks is .000194%

the percentage of blacks being murdered by whites is more than twice the percentage of whites being murdered by blacks!

Yet, blacks will use the media like msnbc and cnn to say we're killing their children. Why can't I say the same? They probably don't realize that they kill more whites. Somehow I doubt they care about data.

But you aren't saying this. You didn't come up with this on your own. You are just repeating a lie that exists in right wing media.

Fact is, that only 1 percent of blacks will commit a crime during a given year. Black crime exits, but so does white crime. Neither is epidemic , despite the fear tactics you use.

A white person is still 6 times more likely to be killed by another white person. That data is there, yet you choose to ignore that little fact.
Blacks are murdering twice as many WHITES every year. Whites are 63% of the population of this country compared to 13% for Blacks. This is 4.8 time as much of the population and blacks still end up murdering TWICE as many of us. How fucking dare they whine about how we're slaughtering their children! How fucking dare Cnn and the black community lie like this. All we hear on the news is how we whites KILL BLACK children and are racist fucking monsters that should feel guilty. This is simply in error and flat out wrong.

Somehow clueless of the facts gives them the right to burn down stores, knock out innocent people and loot. I feel it is time for us whites to start pointing out reality to them.

The link below shows who the offenders are and who the victims are....Blacks kill more then twice as many whites.


FBI ? Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

Offenders Black, White victims 448
Black victims 193, white offenders

Same for 2012 FBI ? Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

What's even sadder is the reality that hispanics are called white in this.

Fuck, a strange fruit like you really brings out the asshole in me.


How does that have anything to do with today? You really have nothing besides guilt to fall back on. Now fuck off.

of history for you. Examine your own life and you'll probably discover exactly how you became a basement dwelling moron projecting your self-hate onto others.

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