Whites are dying at twice the numbers by the hands of blacks

Some bitch on msnbc was whining about black genocide and wanting to fix the problem. I'd bet dollars to donuts that the problem is WHITE PEOPLE within her racist fucking mind.

. "On the August 18 edition of MSNBC's Hardball, contributor Michelle Bernard warned there is a "war on black men" in the United States, as evidence both by the shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., and persistent criticism of President Barack Obama from Republicans."

"What's more, Bernard insisted, there would be a "genocide" of young black men unless the problem were seriously addressed to her satisfaction."

Whites kill justified or not around 150-200 per year. We're 4.8 times the population compared to blacks. Always consider this when judging.

Blacks kill whites around 420-450 per year.

Black on Black murder is 4,200-4,500 per year.

Let's be honest...What do you think is the real killer of blacks? Black culture or msnbc's bitchfest at the white po po killing a gangsta.

I think it is black culture that promotes role models like Mick Brown that go around doing bad things.
Dick head SPIKE LEE just whined about a war against black men. I'll agree that other black men certainly are blowing a lot of them away, but it sure isn't whites.

Fuck you! Is all I'll say until you learn to look at some facts.
Some bitch on msnbc was whining about black genocide and wanting to fix the problem. I'd bet dollars to donuts that the problem is WHITE PEOPLE within her racist fucking mind.

. "On the August 18 edition of MSNBC's Hardball, contributor Michelle Bernard warned there is a "war on black men" in the United States, as evidence both by the shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., and persistent criticism of President Barack Obama from Republicans."

"What's more, Bernard insisted, there would be a "genocide" of young black men unless the problem were seriously addressed to her satisfaction."

Whites kill justified or not around 150-200 per year. We're 4.8 times the population compared to blacks. Always consider this when judging.

Blacks kill whites around 420-450 per year.

Black on Black murder is 4,200-4,500 per year.

Let's be honest...What do you think is the real killer of blacks? Black culture or msnbc's bitchfest at the white po po killing a gangsta.

I think it is black culture that promotes role models like Mick Brown that go around doing bad things.
You do not include blacks executed by the state or by cops in your stats. In both cases, black deaths grreatly exceed that of whites for similar crimes.

Let's all be honest.
Most blacks executed by the state just got done murdering someone. Is that ok with you? I am talking innocent people.
actually, you aren't necessarily counting innocent people. You're just counting those people not killed by the state.

Yes, those executed by the state were convicted of murder, but are still less likely to deceive the death sentence for the same offense if white. I'll bet you could find those numbers, if you really cared to.

Same thing happens on the streets , where blacks die from cop bullets for relatively minor offenses.

You say you're a numbers guy. So get with the numbers!
Most blacks executed by the state just got done murdering someone. Is that ok with you? I am talking innocent people.
actually, you aren't necessarily counting innocent people. You're just counting those people not killed by the state.

Yes, those executed by the state were convicted of murder, but are still less likely to deceive the death sentence for the same offense if white. I'll bet you could find those numbers, if you really cared to.

Same thing happens on the streets , where blacks die from cop bullets for relatively minor offenses.

You say you're a numbers guy. So get with the numbers!

Please just stop responding to this poster and let this silly assed thread die. Do you honestly believe that some sort of rational impartiality went into the making of this thread?.

You don't like it because it is the truth. I used fbi crime data to make this thread so how the fuck can you say what you did above? You're the one without a case and have to whine as you have a losing hand.

Blacks have nothing to attack whites on when it comes to murder. People like you should be ashamed of yourself. Twice as many whites are KILLED at the hands of blacks and people like Don lemon and Msnbc are just shown to be liars.
everyone with a brain knows that blacks kill more whites than whites kill blacks !! but the left is afraid to admit it !! the truth is white guilt ridden leftists are to frightened of blacks to admit it !!

It has more to do with hatred of whites. They hate that we built this successful civilization so they're defending a bunch of racist thugs to work on destroying it.

So you are saying that 100% of all blacks in the USA want to kill whites?

OF course NOT, clown. Holy shit, that's not what I said at all. I am saying that a large percentage of blacks are racist against whites and are in fact committing more murders against us. I am pointing out cnn's and msnbc's lies that we slaughter blacks.

Is this the best a idiot like you can bring to the table?

According to FBI stats, you are 6 times more likely to die at the hands of another white guy...
But the media is blaming whites for waging a war against blacks. That is the point of this thread.

SO you don't want a serious discussion of that? I have proven that blacks are waging a civil war against other blacks.
650 cross racial murders in a year represents something significant to you, but 11,000 gun homicides in a year doesn't.

Please explain.
Apples and oranges.

The black outrage is about the police shootings. And they don't show up in your numbers .
But the media is blaming whites for waging a war against blacks. That is the point of this thread.

SO you don't want a serious discussion of that? I have proven that blacks are waging a civil war against other blacks.

There will be a backlash sooner or later.

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