'Whites need not apply...'

Aug 18, 2008
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nT1TkLgfinE&feature=related]YouTube - White Males Need Not Apply For Stimulus Package- Racism is Alive and Well in the "White House"[/ame]

ROFL... "Change" anyone?
we've already been around the block with this one. The Democrats are turning out to be the biggest racists on the planet. Everybody knew that, they are just being blatant about it now.. it's cool.. :cool: Would you like a slice of ice cold watermelon?
we've already been around the block with this one. The Democrats are turning out to be the biggest racists on the planet. Everybody knew that, they are just being blatant about it now.. it's cool.. :cool: Would you like a slice of ice cold watermelon?

Hell yeah! It'll go GREAT with the Yard-bird...
It's funny. They want UNSKILLED workers to rebuild our infrastructure nationwide. It's hilarious.
I took Robert Reich's statment to mean that people that are not white should be included in the Stimulus Package.
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Hey Publius, your signature is really confusing to the reader, because your mixing statements and quotes from other topics, and theres no clear defining line when you are casually reading it.
Hey Publius, your signature is really confusing to the reader, because your mixing statements and quotes from other topics, and theres no clear defining line when you are casually reading it.

Well that serves reason... ya see it's a small collection of high-minded "Left-think"... The purpose of displaying such is to demonstrate the idiocy of those I've come to find in opposition. Meaning that because it's left-think, by default, it's not gonna make sense...
I took Robert Reich's statment to mean that people that are not white should be included in the Stimulus Package.

LOL... Didja now? Well... how positively racist of ya. I mean the NON-Racist assumption is that non-whites would participate in every human endeavor, with neither restriction nor notice.

But hey... it's Lil' Robby Reich and that's pretty tall thinkin' for a midget.
It's funny. They want UNSKILLED workers to rebuild our infrastructure nationwide. It's hilarious.

LOL... What's FUNNIER is that they are trying to SELL IT to those whose VOTE THEY DEPEND UPON! Meaning that they KNOW THAT THE PEOPLE THAT SUPPORT THEM ARE IDIOTS.

But we should ALSO keep in mind that they're the SAME one's who declared that there was NO REASON why those who couldn't qualify for a mortgage, should be forced out of home ownership... and that they were recently proven wrong by that position having created a global financial meltdown, doesn't even OCCUR TO 'EM!
I took Robert Reich's statement to mean that people that are not white should be included in the Stimulus Package.

LOL... Didja now? Well... how positively racist of ya. I mean the NON-Racist assumption is that non-whites would participate in every human endeavor, with neither restriction nor notice.

But hey... it's Lil' Robby Reich and that's pretty tall thinkin' for a midget.

Not racist of me at all. Just my take on what was said. But I really liked how FOX News got this headline out of it -

White Males Need Not Apply For Stimulus Package- Racism is Alive and Well in the "White House"

Everyone knows how repressed the white people have been by the black people, and now that Obama is president white people need not apply because Obama is a racist. Talk about a bunch of BS.
we've already been around the block with this one. The Democrats are turning out to be the biggest racists on the planet. Everybody knew that, they are just being blatant about it now.. it's cool.. :cool: Would you like a slice of ice cold watermelon?

Now Now Willow, we both know that only black people eat watermelon and fried chicken. So the word "watermelon" is considered racist. LOL. :rolleyes:
Reich is a Jew. If he had his way, whites wouldn't just be excluded from the stimulus. They'd be excluded from Obama-America. But if you think about it, they pretty much already are.

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