Whites seems to be fixated by Blacks on this Forum,Blacks this Blacks That!?

I counted over 10 to 8 threads on this race forum of whites posting derogatory threads about
the black men or black people in general.do you white men have a fixation with black men?

in response to this question--though the bigoted predjudiced ideals that are so commonly expressed on this forum are no longer fashionable does not mean they are not still prevalent in the minds of our melanin-deficient countrymen

since they know that they can no longer safely express their crude, base, and disgusting views safely amonst the general population, they use these message boards as an outlet where they can spew their worst slurs and insults at us and ours. . . their computer monitor and screennames give them a measure of protection from the consequences of their actions

if only they understood that it is themselves that they are ultimately hating and discrediting, their attitudes do us no real disservice

So basically they are cowards sitting behind computer screens because I can imagine Tank and William Joyce talking shit to a black person's face or in the presence of black people like they shit they talk on here.
I counted over 10 to 8 threads on this race forum of whites posting derogatory threads about
the black men or black people in general.do you white men have a fixation with black men?

This is a white society where I see white men as the biggest mass murderers and rapist.
Not blacks. Look at the real numbers.!

Hmmm...interesting thread title: Whites seems (sic) to be fixated by Blacks on this Forum, Blacks this Blacks That!? (sic)

Yeah, a lot of that fixation stuff going on in this forum. In fact, based on the titles of your threads the saying "Pot calling the kettle black" comes to mind. To whit:

White Race main carriers of Downs syndrome gene?

Here we go again, another crazy White male goes on a shooting spree in Arizona.! (sic)

White Liberal Homosexual agenda, not what Black people need.

White males have homosexual tendancies.? (sic)

White Advertising agencies trying to promote race mixing.

Rejected by girlffriend, Whiteboy goes on Stabbing spree in NYC, kills 4 wounds 3.

White male writes a book on how to engage in Pedophilia.

Caucasian race, Greed, warmongering, and exploitation the real problem for the world.

White race acceptance, and promotion of Homosexuality, and Homo marriage, is immoral.

White Male greed and deceit, the real problem, not BP, or Mr. Hayward.

Lots of fixating - not to mention generalizations - about white males, homosexuality, etc. by a black man. Or, I guess Blackboy would be more in keeping with your style, huh?
I counted over 10 to 8 threads on this race forum of whites posting derogatory threads about
the black men or black people in general.do you white men have a fixation with black men?

in response to this question--though the bigoted predjudiced ideals that are so commonly expressed on this forum are no longer fashionable does not mean they are not still prevalent in the minds of our melanin-deficient countrymen

since they know that they can no longer safely express their crude, base, and disgusting views safely amonst the general population, they use these message boards as an outlet where they can spew their worst slurs and insults at us and ours. . . their computer monitor and screennames give them a measure of protection from the consequences of their actions

if only they understood that it is themselves that they are ultimately hating and discrediting, their attitudes do us no real disservice

So basically they are cowards sitting behind computer screens because I can imagine Tank and William Joyce talking shit to a black person's face or in the presence of black people like they shit they talk on here.

It is a coincidence you find types like that all over the internet but you never see them in real life, I wonder why that is?:eusa_eh:
I counted over 10 to 8 threads on this race forum of whites posting derogatory threads about
the black men or black people in general.do you white men have a fixation with black men?

This is a white society where I see white men as the biggest mass murderers and rapist.
Not blacks. Look at the real numbers.!

Careful, when you point that out, they call you "racist". Especially "Chlamydia Swirl".

Ever notice how you rarely see blacks as "child molesters"? Guess it's a white "thang".
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Ever notice how you rarely see blacks as "child molesters"? Guess it's a white "thang".
18 black males just gang raped a 11 year old girl, blacks are by far the biggest child molesters in the world, just ask a African baby.
So basically they are cowards sitting behind computer screens because I can imagine Tank and William Joyce talking shit to a black person's face or in the presence of black people like they shit they talk on here.
Because blacks are violent?
in response to this question--though the bigoted predjudiced ideals that are so commonly expressed on this forum are no longer fashionable does not mean they are not still prevalent in the minds of our melanin-deficient countrymen

since they know that they can no longer safely express their crude, base, and disgusting views safely amonst the general population, they use these message boards as an outlet where they can spew their worst slurs and insults at us and ours. . . their computer monitor and screennames give them a measure of protection from the consequences of their actions

if only they understood that it is themselves that they are ultimately hating and discrediting, their attitudes do us no real disservice

So basically they are cowards sitting behind computer screens because I can imagine Tank and William Joyce talking shit to a black person's face or in the presence of black people like they shit they talk on here.

It is a coincidence you find types like that all over the internet but you never see them in real life, I wonder why that is?:eusa_eh:

They can rant to their hearts content on the interwebz w/o having to worry about having their card pulled.
I counted over 10 to 8 threads on this race forum of whites posting derogatory threads about
the black men or black people in general.do you white men have a fixation with black men?

This is a white society where I see white men as the biggest mass murderers and rapist.
Not blacks. Look at the real numbers.!

Hmmm...interesting thread title: Whites seems (sic) to be fixated by Blacks on this Forum, Blacks this Blacks That!? (sic)

Yeah, a lot of that fixation stuff going on in this forum. In fact, based on the titles of your threads the saying "Pot calling the kettle black" comes to mind. To whit:

White Race main carriers of Downs syndrome gene?

Here we go again, another crazy White male goes on a shooting spree in Arizona.! (sic)

White Liberal Homosexual agenda, not what Black people need.

White males have homosexual tendancies.? (sic)

White Advertising agencies trying to promote race mixing.

Rejected by girlffriend, Whiteboy goes on Stabbing spree in NYC, kills 4 wounds 3.

White male writes a book on how to engage in Pedophilia.

Caucasian race, Greed, warmongering, and exploitation the real problem for the world.

White race acceptance, and promotion of Homosexuality, and Homo marriage, is immoral.

White Male greed and deceit, the real problem, not BP, or Mr. Hayward.

Lots of fixating - not to mention generalizations - about white males, homosexuality, etc. by a black man. Or, I guess Blackboy would be more in keeping with your style, huh?

Those threads were posted in response to all the Blacks this Blacks that threads!
But you notice you don't see me on here every day as this tank skinhead stormfront
Not all whites. Just the right wing confederate Republican whites who claim they are not racist.

You know, the ones who believe Obama is a "Marxist". The ones who believe Obama is the "anti Christ".

My point is some of the biggest mass murderers are white males.! Hitler, Stalin, Lenin,napoleon, Alexander the Great, Caligula, The Romans , Greeks.

Even recently we had that nut that shot up the Arizona state congresswomen.! and killed four people.!

Give me a break with Blacks this Black that on this forum. Every day we have a handfull
white boy posters who have nothing better to say.
Its getting kind of redundant, and boring.!
Talk about other racial issues.!
Are you white boys that narrow minded and shallow?!Assholes.!

This is a white society where I see white men as the biggest mass murderers and rapist.
Not blacks. Look at the real numbers.!
Please show us the "real numbers"

Hitler:Murdered over 2 million Jews, and at least 15, 20 million other european non Jew

Stalin: slaughtered over 25 Million Russians, on just a paranoid notion that they were not
as supportive as he would like them to be.

Lenin: Killed over 30 million Russians during the Russian revelution.

Romans: Murdered up to 50 million people over 300 to 500 hundred years of rule.

Many women were raped and killed during these onslaughts also.

And the list goes on and on.

Shall I continue.?

Well, you could go on, but not one of these white men are American and not one lived to call obie wan a Marxist.. soo you ends up being a racist moron once again.. and besides,, your racist ass should be happy cause all that killing was white men killing white men,, now of course we could go to Rawanda but you nebber wanna talk about that shit doya? or the black on black crime here in America.. yes you are in fact a racist MORON.
So basically they are cowards sitting behind computer screens because I can imagine Tank and William Joyce talking shit to a black person's face or in the presence of black people like they shit they talk on here.

If AmRen or another conference is attempted, leftist terrorists get it shut down.


If you speak the truth about race at work, you get fired.

Most of us have to work.

It is true that blacks generally blow a gasket if you simply calmly state the FACTS about crime, intelligence, etc. That reflects poorly on them, not us.

If a pro-white group does a march, like I have participated in, cops come out in droves. Then these characters wearing black bandanas stand around and counter-protest. The cops keep everyone apart.

So, I don't know who's a "coward." White activists take bottles to the head, they get fired from their jobs, they get death threats regularly.

The truth is a lot of people see what we're saying about race. A lot of perfectly everyday people who don't go to protests and stuff. But they vote, they talk, they sit on juries, they can make decisions on where to live and what to do. They don't avoid living in black neighborhoods because of what I say on the Internet, though maybe that helps. They avoid living in black neighborhoods because blacks tend to be more violent, more criminal, less clean, less hard-working, etc. It isn't "talking shit" to simply state the truth. Most of the whites who bloviate about how much they love the blacks, aren't racist, whatever -- they've got the biggest reservations. Most people try to be friendly to blacks, and there is some of the reverse. People generally want to avoid trouble. It doesn't mean they love each other.
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I counted over 10 to 8 threads on this race forum of whites posting derogatory threads about
the black men or black people in general.do you white men have a fixation with black men?

in response to this question--though the bigoted predjudiced ideals that are so commonly expressed on this forum are no longer fashionable does not mean they are not still prevalent in the minds of our melanin-deficient countrymen

since they know that they can no longer safely express their crude, base, and disgusting views safely amonst the general population, they use these message boards as an outlet where they can spew their worst slurs and insults at us and ours. . . their computer monitor and screennames give them a measure of protection from the consequences of their actions

if only they understood that it is themselves that they are ultimately hating and discrediting, their attitudes do us no real disservice

So basically they are cowards sitting behind computer screens because I can imagine Tank and William Joyce talking shit to a black person's face or in the presence of black people like they shit they talk on here.

even if they did, i can assure you that there would be a certain type of Black person they would approach with that BS. . . .i know they wouldn't go over to the "rough" side of town talkin that nonsense!
in response to this question--though the bigoted predjudiced ideals that are so commonly expressed on this forum are no longer fashionable does not mean they are not still prevalent in the minds of our melanin-deficient countrymen

since they know that they can no longer safely express their crude, base, and disgusting views safely amonst the general population, they use these message boards as an outlet where they can spew their worst slurs and insults at us and ours. . . their computer monitor and screennames give them a measure of protection from the consequences of their actions

if only they understood that it is themselves that they are ultimately hating and discrediting, their attitudes do us no real disservice

So basically they are cowards sitting behind computer screens because I can imagine Tank and William Joyce talking shit to a black person's face or in the presence of black people like they shit they talk on here.

even if they did, i can assure you that there would be a certain type of Black person they would approach with that BS. . . .i know they wouldn't go over to the "rough" side of town talkin that nonsense!

They would say it to an old lady or a Steve Urkel type.

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