Whites seems to be fixated by Blacks on this Forum,Blacks this Blacks That!?

So basically they are cowards sitting behind computer screens because I can imagine Tank and William Joyce talking shit to a black person's face or in the presence of black people like they shit they talk on here.

If AmRen or another conference is attempted, leftist terrorists get it shut down.

American Renaissance conference smashed- Again! | Anarchist news dot org

If you speak the truth about race at work, you get fired.

Most of us have to work.

It is true that blacks generally blow a gasket if you simply calmly state the FACTS about crime, intelligence, etc. That reflects poorly on them, not us.

If a pro-white group does a march, like I have participated in, cops come out in droves. Then these characters wearing black bandanas stand around and counter-protest. The cops keep everyone apart.

So, I don't know who's a "coward." White activists take bottles to the head, they get fired from their jobs, they get death threats regularly.

The truth is a lot of people see what we're saying about race. A lot of perfectly everyday people who don't go to protests and stuff. But they vote, they talk, they sit on juries, they can make decisions on where to live and what to do. They don't avoid living in black neighborhoods because of what I say on the Internet, though maybe that helps. They avoid living in black neighborhoods because blacks tend to be more violent, more criminal, less clean, less hard-working, etc. It isn't "talking shit" to simply state the truth. Most of the whites who bloviate about how much they love the blacks, aren't racist, whatever -- they've got the biggest reservations. Most people try to be friendly to blacks, and there is some of the reverse. People generally want to avoid trouble. It doesn't mean they love each other.

damn, class is almost over, but please believe i'm going to address this thoroughly before the day is over!
I ask because I haven't been here that long & the only reason your name rings a bell is because the only threads that I can think of, that you started, have been race related. You post at StormFront too?

Slow down there speedracer!!! :rolleyes: As I said, I haven't been here that long, so I'll withhold my assessment.

BLACK POWER!!! :cool:


Black power? That's just as racist as saying "white power" isn't it?
I counted over 10 to 8 threads on this race forum of whites posting derogatory threads about
the black men or black people in general.do you white men have a fixation with black men?

This is a white society where I see white men as the biggest mass murderers and rapist.
Not blacks. Look at the real numbers.!

And I counted 10 out of ten of your posts fixated on whites. Racist much? Arsehole!
The truth is a lot of people see what we're saying about race. A lot of perfectly everyday people who don't go to protests and stuff. But they vote, they talk, they sit on juries, they can make decisions on where to live and what to do. They don't avoid living in black neighborhoods because of what I say on the Internet, though maybe that helps. They avoid living in black neighborhoods because blacks tend to be more violent, more criminal, less clean, less hard-working, etc. It isn't "talking shit" to simply state the truth. Most of the whites who bloviate about how much they love the blacks, aren't racist, whatever -- they've got the biggest reservations. Most people try to be friendly to blacks, and there is some of the reverse. People generally want to avoid trouble. It doesn't mean they love each other.

wow. . . .i'm almost speechless, but i've come to understand a little of why "the majority" think the way that they do.

to address your statement about the tendency of blacks to be "more violent, more criminal, etc. . . ." these tendencies--WHEN and WHERE they occur-- are a manifestation of the psychological impacts of the generational abuse suffered by black people at the hands of a hostile, prejudiced society. as i've stated several times in my discussions on these boards, the african man and woman are the very founders of what we know as civilized culture here on earth. so there is no validity in an argument to the effect that black people are in any way innately inferior to any other race on earth.

for centuries, the black man and woman were forced to perform backbreaking labor, with no benefit or rights to the rewards of his work. this fostered in the black people an apathy and detachment to the work that he performed. he was not a part of the collective effort in the eyes of the society which was built on his back. indeed, he was considered to be of no more value than the livestock on the plantation he was bound to. there was no reason for him to put forth a wholehearted effort in his labor, as it would do him and his family no benefit, nor change his status as a slave.

throughout slavery & for up to a century afterward we were degraded, brutalized, and murdered in the most inhumane and obscene ways fathomable, with no recourse or protection afforded us because these deplorable acts were all LEGAL in the eyes of the US Justice system. this would foster in the black man and woman a need to be ruthless and to be ready and willing to go to any length to protect themselves and their families. even to the point of becoming the aggressor in the majority of instances in an attempt to avoid being victimized.

i don't know what your basis is for your claim that blacks are less clean than whites, but i will say that any deficiency in hygiene that i have ever witnessed amongst my brothers and sisters has been inextricably tied to the conditions of extreme poverty that they had been subjected to.

as for us being more criminal, i've already posted the numbers to dispute that!

so then the argument is--well the days of slavery/jim crow are long gone, and that's absolutely true. legislation has been enacted to, at least on a general level, ensure that the horrors of yesteryear will never be repeated. but to assert that that is sufficient to correct the problems incurred by the years of intolerance/mutual hatred and resentment between blacks and whites, not to mention the destructive degrading impressions and practices that had been branded into black culture, would be erroneous to say the very least.

think of a child, abused in his home from the time he is born until his parents are finally caught and arrested when he is 13 years old. then he's turned over to foster care, where he endures new fears and insecurities. he never know who he can trust and no sense of family, love or self-worth. . . .then he is adopted by a loving family who tries to make up for all of the horrors he has endured in his young life and provide the foundation that he will so desparately need.

if the child continues to act out, is distrustful of these new people and does not readily adapt to his new circumstances, is it HIS fault for having the history he was subjected to?

his circumstances are actually better than the black american's because there was no "loving family" to take us in and try to make things right after the signing of the Proclomation, or the end of segregation. . . .in fact black people could hardly depend upon one another! not quite half a century afterward, whites are exasperated with us for the reasons which Mr. Joyce so eloquently enumerated. . . . .
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Look everybody!!! The resident race, sub-forum troll is back, Tank :) ZZZzzz
Like I said everyone, I am not on here everyday exposeing the evils of the white race.
But this tank, Stormfront Skinhead white boy is on here almost everyday with his blacks this, and Blacks that threads!!
Does this white boy have a job or a girlfriend.?
The truth is a lot of people see what we're saying about race. A lot of perfectly everyday people who don't go to protests and stuff. But they vote, they talk, they sit on juries, they can make decisions on where to live and what to do. They don't avoid living in black neighborhoods because of what I say on the Internet, though maybe that helps. They avoid living in black neighborhoods because blacks tend to be more violent, more criminal, less clean, less hard-working, etc. It isn't "talking shit" to simply state the truth. Most of the whites who bloviate about how much they love the blacks, aren't racist, whatever -- they've got the biggest reservations. Most people try to be friendly to blacks, and there is some of the reverse. People generally want to avoid trouble. It doesn't mean they love each other.

wow. . . .i'm almost speechless, but i've come to understand a little of why "the majority" think the way that they do.

to address your statement about the tendency of blacks to be "more violent, more criminal, etc. . . ." these tendencies--WHEN and WHERE they occur-- are a manifestation of the psychological impacts of the generational abuse suffered by black people at the hands of a hostile, prejudiced society. as i've stated several times in my discussions on these boards, the african man and woman are the very founders of what we know as civilized culture here on earth. so there is no validity in an argument to the effect that black people are in any way innately inferior to any other race on earth.

for centuries, the black man and woman were forced to perform backbreaking labor, with no benefit or rights to the rewards of his work. this fostered in the black people an apathy and detachment to the work that he performed. he was not a part of the collective effort in the eyes of the society which was built on his back. indeed, he was considered to be of no more value than the livestock on the plantation he was bound to. there was no reason for him to put forth a wholehearted effort in his labor, as it would do him and his family no benefit, nor change his status as a slave.

throughout slavery & for up to a century afterward we were degraded, brutalized, and murdered in the most inhumane and obscene ways fathomable, with no recourse or protection afforded us because these deplorable acts were all LEGAL in the eyes of the US Justice system. this would foster in the black man and woman a need to be ruthless and to be ready and willing to go to any length to protect themselves and their families. even to the point of becoming the aggressor in the majority of instances in an attempt to avoid being victimized.

i don't know what your basis is for your claim that blacks are less clean than whites, but i will say that any deficiency in hygiene that i have ever witnessed amongst my brothers and sisters has been inextricably tied to the conditions of extreme poverty that they had been subjected to.

as for us being more criminal, i've already posted the numbers to dispute that!

so then the argument is--well the days of slavery/jim crow are long gone, and that's absolutely true. legislation has been enacted to, at least on a general level, ensure that the horrors of yesteryear will never be repeated. but to assert that that is sufficient to correct the problems incurred by the years of intolerance/mutual hatred and resentment between blacks and whites, not to mention the destructive degrading impressions and practices that had been branded into black culture, would be erroneous to say the very least.

think of a child, abused in his home from the time he is born until his parents are finally caught and arrested when he is 13 years old. then he's turned over to foster care, where he endures new fears and insecurities. he never know who he can trust and no sense of family, love or self-worth. . . .then he is adopted by a loving family who tries to make up for all of the horrors he has endured in his young life and provide the foundation that he will so desparately need.

if the child continues to act out, is distrustful of these new people and does not readily adapt to his new circumstances, is it HIS fault for having the history he was subjected to?

his circumstances are actually better than the black american's because there was no "loving family" to take us in and try to make things right after the signing of the Proclomation, or the end of segregation. . . .in fact black people could hardly depend upon one another! not quite half a century afterward, whites are exasperated with us for the reasons which Mr. Joyce so eloquently enumerated. . . . .

But "psychological impact" isn't going to hop from generation to generation. A black person born today is generations away from slavery.

Whites have endured slavery or its equivalent throughout the ages, as have Asians and other groups. Yet there are not lasting effects here. An Irish indentured servant might have been treated worse that a black African slave, yet today the Irish do quite well.

Asians were treated like total shit here. In the wars, we bombed the hell out of them. But today, they do fine.

Meanwhile, blacks in Africa have never been slaves (at least of whites), yet their standard of living is even lower than that of American blacks.

In Haiti, they've been free from white rule or influence for a CENTURY. Yet Haiti is the shit-poorest nation in the Western hemisphere.

It sounds like you're black, so I don't expect you to be excited about my view. I get that plenty of blacks are on the ball, law-abiding and want to do the right thing. It's just that they are, as a group, not as smart as whites. Hey, Asians (north Asians, anyway) are smarter than whites -- this doesn't really dog me too much. Having Jews as competitors -- who are even smarter still -- can really suck, but it's a reality. Jews are extremely smart. And it shows... they're pretty much kicking everyone else's ass, without big numbers, good looks or lots of land and resources.

But hey. Let's assume that the single explanation for blacks doing less well than whites is: Slavery. When, exactly, does that end? Next generation? The one after? Whatever sins whites have committed, they've paid for them a thousand times over. But blacks are never going to let it go, it seems. We have a black president. I'm thinking, WHAT THE FUCK ELSE DO YOU PEOPLE WANT? FOR US TO BOW DOWN TO YOU? I'm sick of it. No matter what whites do, it's never pleasing to the blacks. We're accused of "racism" every day, for everything. The harder we work to prove ourselves "non-racist", the more it backfires.

If banks loan to blacks, that's "predatory lending", and it's racist.

If they don't, that's "redlining", and it's racist.

And on and on.

It never stops.

All I'm saying is, IT NEEDS TO STOP.
But no need to be fixated on blacks. When it comes to the racial clusterfuck that is America, there's plenty of blame to go around: liberal whites, conservative whites, Hispanics, Jews, WASPs...
Also, maatsmom843, in 2009 the murder statistics show that Blacks had a higher Murder count than 'Whites'....


so murder is gonna be the standard of measure for ALL crime in the US now? the murder rate amongst Blacks was higher in the report that I cited as well. . . .

furthermore, i didn't contradict any argument, i simply posted numbers. . . .and they irrevocably illuminate the fact that Black people were responsible for less than a quarter of all crimes committed at the time of the report. . . . . what white and latino guys are doing has no effect on that fact!

You are missing the point...Blacks are only 13% of the population, so even if its as you claim and they are committing 1/4 of all crime, that simply shows that blacks are WAY MORE likely to commit crimes than other races. If crime were equal in races, blacks being 13% of the population, would also commit 13% of the crimes.
When you talk about violent crimes, blacks are FAR more dangerous than other races.
Sorry, racism is JUSTIFIED
I counted over 10 to 8 threads on this race forum of whites posting derogatory threads about
the black men or black people in general.do you white men have a fixation with black men?

in response to this question--though the bigoted predjudiced ideals that are so commonly expressed on this forum are no longer fashionable does not mean they are not still prevalent in the minds of our melanin-deficient countrymen

since they know that they can no longer safely express their crude, base, and disgusting views safely amonst the general population, they use these message boards as an outlet where they can spew their worst slurs and insults at us and ours. . . their computer monitor and screennames give them a measure of protection from the consequences of their actions

if only they understood that it is themselves that they are ultimately hating and discrediting, their attitudes do us no real disservice

So, what we have here is a bunch of White boy closet racists, who are using their computers to vent their white boy inferiority complex.?
That they can not vent in public.?

Im not a closet racist at all. Im happy to admit im racist.
Serious question, why would I ever be scared to express my ideology in public? What could possibly happen? I have to say, Ive always been a bit racist, and I have never been scared to express my beliefs in public, and nothing has happened.
Like I said everyone, I am not on here everyday exposeing the evils of the white race.
But this tank, Stormfront Skinhead white boy is on here almost everyday with his blacks this, and Blacks that threads!!
Does this white boy have a job or a girlfriend.?
Just keeping it real Mofo, you want me to shut up? Just let me know if I'm wrong about something.

Got a girlfriend with a job.
The truth is a lot of people see what we're saying about race. A lot of perfectly everyday people who don't go to protests and stuff. But they vote, they talk, they sit on juries, they can make decisions on where to live and what to do. They don't avoid living in black neighborhoods because of what I say on the Internet, though maybe that helps. They avoid living in black neighborhoods because blacks tend to be more violent, more criminal, less clean, less hard-working, etc. It isn't "talking shit" to simply state the truth. Most of the whites who bloviate about how much they love the blacks, aren't racist, whatever -- they've got the biggest reservations. Most people try to be friendly to blacks, and there is some of the reverse. People generally want to avoid trouble. It doesn't mean they love each other.

wow. . . .i'm almost speechless, but i've come to understand a little of why "the majority" think the way that they do.

to address your statement about the tendency of blacks to be "more violent, more criminal, etc. . . ." these tendencies--WHEN and WHERE they occur-- are a manifestation of the psychological impacts of the generational abuse suffered by black people at the hands of a hostile, prejudiced society. as i've stated several times in my discussions on these boards, the african man and woman are the very founders of what we know as civilized culture here on earth. so there is no validity in an argument to the effect that black people are in any way innately inferior to any other race on earth.

for centuries, the black man and woman were forced to perform backbreaking labor, with no benefit or rights to the rewards of his work. this fostered in the black people an apathy and detachment to the work that he performed. he was not a part of the collective effort in the eyes of the society which was built on his back. indeed, he was considered to be of no more value than the livestock on the plantation he was bound to. there was no reason for him to put forth a wholehearted effort in his labor, as it would do him and his family no benefit, nor change his status as a slave.

throughout slavery & for up to a century afterward we were degraded, brutalized, and murdered in the most inhumane and obscene ways fathomable, with no recourse or protection afforded us because these deplorable acts were all LEGAL in the eyes of the US Justice system. this would foster in the black man and woman a need to be ruthless and to be ready and willing to go to any length to protect themselves and their families. even to the point of becoming the aggressor in the majority of instances in an attempt to avoid being victimized.

i don't know what your basis is for your claim that blacks are less clean than whites, but i will say that any deficiency in hygiene that i have ever witnessed amongst my brothers and sisters has been inextricably tied to the conditions of extreme poverty that they had been subjected to.

as for us being more criminal, i've already posted the numbers to dispute that!

so then the argument is--well the days of slavery/jim crow are long gone, and that's absolutely true. legislation has been enacted to, at least on a general level, ensure that the horrors of yesteryear will never be repeated. but to assert that that is sufficient to correct the problems incurred by the years of intolerance/mutual hatred and resentment between blacks and whites, not to mention the destructive degrading impressions and practices that had been branded into black culture, would be erroneous to say the very least.

think of a child, abused in his home from the time he is born until his parents are finally caught and arrested when he is 13 years old. then he's turned over to foster care, where he endures new fears and insecurities. he never know who he can trust and no sense of family, love or self-worth. . . .then he is adopted by a loving family who tries to make up for all of the horrors he has endured in his young life and provide the foundation that he will so desparately need.

if the child continues to act out, is distrustful of these new people and does not readily adapt to his new circumstances, is it HIS fault for having the history he was subjected to?

his circumstances are actually better than the black american's because there was no "loving family" to take us in and try to make things right after the signing of the Proclomation, or the end of segregation. . . .in fact black people could hardly depend upon one another! not quite half a century afterward, whites are exasperated with us for the reasons which Mr. Joyce so eloquently enumerated. . . . .

But "psychological impact" isn't going to hop from generation to generation. A black person born today is generations away from slavery.

Whites have endured slavery or its equivalent throughout the ages, as have Asians and other groups. Yet there are not lasting effects here. An Irish indentured servant might have been treated worse that a black African slave, yet today the Irish do quite well.

Asians were treated like total shit here. In the wars, we bombed the hell out of them. But today, they do fine.

Meanwhile, blacks in Africa have never been slaves (at least of whites), yet their standard of living is even lower than that of American blacks.

In Haiti, they've been free from white rule or influence for a CENTURY. Yet Haiti is the shit-poorest nation in the Western hemisphere.

It sounds like you're black, so I don't expect you to be excited about my view. I get that plenty of blacks are on the ball, law-abiding and want to do the right thing. It's just that they are, as a group, not as smart as whites. Hey, Asians (north Asians, anyway) are smarter than whites -- this doesn't really dog me too much. Having Jews as competitors -- who are even smarter still -- can really suck, but it's a reality. Jews are extremely smart. And it shows... they're pretty much kicking everyone else's ass, without big numbers, good looks or lots of land and resources.

But hey. Let's assume that the single explanation for blacks doing less well than whites is: Slavery. When, exactly, does that end? Next generation? The one after? Whatever sins whites have committed, they've paid for them a thousand times over. But blacks are never going to let it go, it seems. We have a black president. I'm thinking, WHAT THE FUCK ELSE DO YOU PEOPLE WANT? FOR US TO BOW DOWN TO YOU? I'm sick of it. No matter what whites do, it's never pleasing to the blacks. We're accused of "racism" every day, for everything. The harder we work to prove ourselves "non-racist", the more it backfires.

If banks loan to blacks, that's "predatory lending", and it's racist.

If they don't, that's "redlining", and it's racist.

And on and on.

It never stops.

All I'm saying is, IT NEEDS TO STOP.

im afraid your previous post is flawed in several instances. the irish were not slaves in the sense the the african was. Indentured Servitude for a specified time period for repayment of debt or punishment of a crime is the practice I think you are referring to in reference to the irish. funny you should mention the irish, ever wonder why they've caught so much hell from their fellow europeans? unlike the irish, the enslavement of the african was non negotiable, and was to be perpetual. furthermore, in no historical instance of forced servitude was the enslave people ever stripped of their culture and history.

haiti acheived independence in the early 19th century and has remained poor because there has been no inflow of western capital to industrialize the impoverished nation. where is a group of ex-slaves supposed to get the accumulated capital it takes to industrialize a nation? after america bombed japan they invested billions of dollars in capital to re establish it's economy, resulting in japan becoming the worlds second biggest economy. today, western dollars pour into china's economy. coincidentally it is now the world's second biggest economy. see a pattern here?

your litany of sterotypes, while erroneous to say the least, only reflects part of the picture. asians and jews have a rich cultural history to draw on that motivates them to high acheivement. the former slaves are to this day attempting to reassemble the history that the slavemaster stole from them, and the rapacious system he created has never been changed. So here we stand today with one of his descendants enjoying all the fruits of his diabolical labors telling the descendants of the slave that it's his fault the slavemaster stole his history.

Now your misguided brothers tell me and mine to go back to africa.

why?!?! we were here first!!! we brought you here!!! It appears to me that perhaps you should pay alittle more attention during black history month.
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