whites think their dodo dont stink.

Angry, Armed and White: The Typical Profile of America's Most Violent Extremists

White men, usually right-wingers, are the dominant threat.

By Steven Rosenfeld / AlterNet

February 12, 2015



Police in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, say they’re investigating the role racial hatred played in the killing of three Muslim students by suspect Craig Stephen Hicks. They’re saying the 46-year-old white man had a history of fights over a parking space with the victims, suggesting the killings could be reduced to road rage.


We can safely say that Craig Stephen Hicks fits the profile of the most common type of domestic violent extremist—a white man with grievances and guns. Whether he was provoked by road rage, rage against neighbors who wore traditional Muslim clothing, or other simmering grudges and pathologies, his alleged killing of three young Muslims underscores a trend that mainstream U.S. media avoids: that the face of violent extremism in America since 9/11 is predominantly white. Muslims in America, while not exempt from crime, simply do not compare.

There’s no shortage of crime statistics confirming this. A 2001-2015 “Homegrown Extremism” analysis by the New America Foundation parsed the “ethnicity, age, gender and citizenship” of people who killed or violently attacked others, whether they were motivated by jihadist philosophies or other “right wing, left wing or idiosyncratic beliefs.” Of 448 extremists counted, white men who were U.S. citizens outnumbered every other demographic by wide margins.

“Quite a few reports agree, that more Americans have been killed by the radical right since 9/11 than by jihadists,” said Mark Potok, spokesman for the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate crimes and focuses on the radical right. “Obviously, if you go back one day to 9/11 (2001), nearly 3,000 people were killed.”

The FBI lists nearly 6,000 hate crime incidents in 2013, its latest statistics. Only a fraction of these make the national news, like the Chapel Hill murders. But the big picture, as CNN’s national security reporter, Peter Bergen, reported last April on the anniversary of the Boston Marathon bombing, is that “since 9/11, extremists affiliated with a variety of far-right wing ideologies, including white supremacists, anti-abortion extremists, and anti-government militants, have killed more people in the United States than have extremists motivated by al Qaeda’s ideology.”

More at the link.

My bet is that the white racists, the angry white men on this board will attack the source and the poster but won't have the courage to look at the issue dispassionately and honestly.

All white liberals are "ashamed" of being white. Nothing new there. If you're not doing anything wrong then you have nothing to be ashamed of. But the fact of the matter is that your "shame" stems from within you. Is there something you're not telling us?

I agree about the second part of this post, but I have never encountered any postings by this hack that actually used liberal principles. All the child does is frame something as "RW" and then opposes it.

I would call Luddy a lock-step leftist, a practitioner of mindless identity politics, a multiculturalist or any of a number of other terms, but a liberal? Not a chance.
All white liberals are "ashamed" of being white. Nothing new there. If you're not doing anything wrong then you have nothing to be ashamed of. But the fact of the matter is that your "shame" stems from within you. Is there something you're not telling us?

I agree about the second part of this post, but I have never encountered any postings by this hack that actually used liberal principles. All the child does is frame something as "RW" and then opposes it.

I would call Luddy a lock-step leftist, a practitioner of mindless identity politics, a multiculturalist or any of a number of other terms, but a liberal? Not a chance.

Yep - Exactly as I predicted: Attack the source because they can't deny the facts.
Yep - Exactly as I predicted: Attack the source because they can't deny the facts.

You have listed no facts here. All you have done is offer an opinion piece that plays into the whole white guilt theme you have been conditioned to accept.

You remind me of the religious fundamentalists who thump away about the Earth being only a few thousand years old and who go on and on and on about the evils of homosexuality. They claim they are revealing "facts" as well.

The truth of the matter is that there is absolutely nothing that sets you apart from the religious fundies in terms of approach. Mindless conformity is mindless conformity no matter the political stripe.
Human beings commit the same acts, no matter what race. We are not all angels.

However, the white man’s actions and history, document his behavior; and I think it only appropriate to speak about it bluntly.

White people love to point fingers at others, particularly minorities, but it’s so hard for them to look in the mirror and examine their own souls. How many times have we witnessed some white man or woma

n, prefacing their statements about Black people, with outdated statistics that they couldn’t break down if they were given them instructions, in order to validate their bias toward Black people?

There are things that need to be confronted.

People today are not independent thinkers–most group-think. Their opinions are formed from ignorance and they become comfortable with that if not challenged or confronted about their views.

Let me get to the break down: I’m tired of white people thinking their opinion matters. Only they have the right of freedom of speech. When they have guns, it’s because of the second Amendment. When we have guns, “we’re violent.” Interesting how they change the intent when it applies to them. That’s a double-standard. But hey! White Privilege gives them a pass by default, right?

You're doing the same thing you accuse whites of doing - judging all of the race by the few.

Other than that, you're spot on.

Seldom a day goes by when, reading this board, I'm not deeply ashamed of being white.

White privilege is a fact of my life that I never have to think about. It has meant that if you and I applied for the same job, I'd get it because I'm white - not necessarily because I'm more qualified. It has meant that I have never looked at a cop with fear, never had to be afraid of seeing a cop in my rear view mirror and never had to teach my son to grovel to a cop. If I break a law, I may be arrested and tried but I won't be beaten or shot down because of my color. I can pick up a toy gun in a store and no one will call the cops to shoot me down. No cop would kill me if I had my hands up or if I were standing on a street corner, doing nothing. My child will not be shot down for having a toy gun in his hand.

Being white has meant that that I'm treated with respect out in the world, even if I've done nothing to deserve it.

All of that is simply my life while yours is one of fear and distrust, and both is because of color and nothing else.



if you want to grovel to the black man go ahead

just don't expect everyone else to follow your obsequies example
Yep - Exactly as I predicted: Attack the source because they can't deny the facts.

You have listed no facts here. All you have done is offer an opinion piece that plays into the whole white guilt theme you have been conditioned to accept.

You remind me of the religious fundamentalists who thump away about the Earth being only a few thousand years old and who go on and on and on about the evils of homosexuality. They claim they are revealing "facts" as well.

The truth of the matter is that there is absolutely nothing that sets you apart from the religious fundies in terms of approach. Mindless conformity is mindless conformity no matter the political stripe.

Actually, the article I quoted included many links to facts.
Huey...name a predominantly white neighborhood anywhere in America where white thugs gun one another down in the manner of blacks in hoods all across the country every single day of the year.

Black violence in the hood, otherwise known as victimhood.
Woptown in Philly,Polacktown in fishtown Philly.
Human beings commit the same acts, no matter what race. We are not all angels.

However, the white man’s actions and history, document his behavior; and I think it only appropriate to speak about it bluntly.

White people love to point fingers at others, particularly minorities, but it’s so hard for them to look in the mirror and examine their own souls. How many times have we witnessed some white man or woma

n, prefacing their statements about Black people, with outdated statistics that they couldn’t break down if they were given them instructions, in order to validate their bias toward Black people?

There are things that need to be confronted.

People today are not independent thinkers–most group-think. Their opinions are formed from ignorance and they become comfortable with that if not challenged or confronted about their views.

Let me get to the break down: I’m tired of white people thinking their opinion matters. Only they have the right of freedom of speech. When they have guns, it’s because of the second Amendment. When we have guns, “we’re violent.” Interesting how they change the intent when it applies to them. That’s a double-standard. But hey! White Privilege gives them a pass by default, right?

Sucks to be you with all you have to deal with. What a drag


Yeah ... the endless whining is getting a bit tiresome! I find it interesting that blacks are obsessed with comparing themselves to whites.
We are noty comparing ourselves to whites we know we are superior to you whites
Human beings commit the same acts, no matter what race. We are not all angels.

However, the white man’s actions and history, document his behavior; and I think it only appropriate to speak about it bluntly.

White people love to point fingers at others, particularly minorities, but it’s so hard for them to look in the mirror and examine their own souls. How many times have we witnessed some white man or woma

n, prefacing their statements about Black people, with outdated statistics that they couldn’t break down if they were given them instructions, in order to validate their bias toward Black people?

There are things that need to be confronted.

People today are not independent thinkers–most group-think. Their opinions are formed from ignorance and they become comfortable with that if not challenged or confronted about their views.

Let me get to the break down: I’m tired of white people thinking their opinion matters. Only they have the right of freedom of speech. When they have guns, it’s because of the second Amendment. When we have guns, “we’re violent.” Interesting how they change the intent when it applies to them. That’s a double-standard. But hey! White Privilege gives them a pass by default, right?

Sucks to be you with all you have to deal with. What a drag


Yeah ... the endless whining is getting a bit tiresome! I find it interesting that blacks are obsessed with comparing themselves to whites.
We are noty comparing ourselves to whites we know we are superior to you whites

LOL. Silly boy.
Angry, Armed and White: The Typical Profile of America's Most Violent Extremists

White men, usually right-wingers, are the dominant threat.

By Steven Rosenfeld / AlterNet

February 12, 2015



Police in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, say they’re investigating the role racial hatred played in the killing of three Muslim students by suspect Craig Stephen Hicks. They’re saying the 46-year-old white man had a history of fights over a parking space with the victims, suggesting the killings could be reduced to road rage.


We can safely say that Craig Stephen Hicks fits the profile of the most common type of domestic violent extremist—a white man with grievances and guns. Whether he was provoked by road rage, rage against neighbors who wore traditional Muslim clothing, or other simmering grudges and pathologies, his alleged killing of three young Muslims underscores a trend that mainstream U.S. media avoids: that the face of violent extremism in America since 9/11 is predominantly white. Muslims in America, while not exempt from crime, simply do not compare.

There’s no shortage of crime statistics confirming this. A 2001-2015 “Homegrown Extremism” analysis by the New America Foundation parsed the “ethnicity, age, gender and citizenship” of people who killed or violently attacked others, whether they were motivated by jihadist philosophies or other “right wing, left wing or idiosyncratic beliefs.” Of 448 extremists counted, white men who were U.S. citizens outnumbered every other demographic by wide margins.

“Quite a few reports agree, that more Americans have been killed by the radical right since 9/11 than by jihadists,” said Mark Potok, spokesman for the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate crimes and focuses on the radical right. “Obviously, if you go back one day to 9/11 (2001), nearly 3,000 people were killed.”

The FBI lists nearly 6,000 hate crime incidents in 2013, its latest statistics. Only a fraction of these make the national news, like the Chapel Hill murders. But the big picture, as CNN’s national security reporter, Peter Bergen, reported last April on the anniversary of the Boston Marathon bombing, is that “since 9/11, extremists affiliated with a variety of far-right wing ideologies, including white supremacists, anti-abortion extremists, and anti-government militants, have killed more people in the United States than have extremists motivated by al Qaeda’s ideology.”

More at the link.

My bet is that the white racists, the angry white men on this board will attack the source and the poster but won't have the courage to look at the issue dispassionately and honestly.

do we need to reference the black on white crime rate?

hmmmm? do we?
Human beings commit the same acts, no matter what race. We are not all angels.

However, the white man’s actions and history, document his behavior; and I think it only appropriate to speak about it bluntly.

White people love to point fingers at others, particularly minorities, but it’s so hard for them to look in the mirror and examine their own souls. How many times have we witnessed some white man or woma

n, prefacing their statements about Black people, with outdated statistics that they couldn’t break down if they were given them instructions, in order to validate their bias toward Black people?

There are things that need to be confronted.

People today are not independent thinkers–most group-think. Their opinions are formed from ignorance and they become comfortable with that if not challenged or confronted about their views.

Let me get to the break down: I’m tired of white people thinking their opinion matters. Only they have the right of freedom of speech. When they have guns, it’s because of the second Amendment. When we have guns, “we’re violent.” Interesting how they change the intent when it applies to them. That’s a double-standard. But hey! White Privilege gives them a pass by default, right?
Well, I differ to Huey on this, he is the biggest piece of shit on this board.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Human beings commit the same acts, no matter what race. We are not all angels.

However, the white man’s actions and history, document his behavior; and I think it only appropriate to speak about it bluntly.

White people love to point fingers at others, particularly minorities, but it’s so hard for them to look in the mirror and examine their own souls. How many times have we witnessed some white man or woma

n, prefacing their statements about Black people, with outdated statistics that they couldn’t break down if they were given them instructions, in order to validate their bias toward Black people?

There are things that need to be confronted.

People today are not independent thinkers–most group-think. Their opinions are formed from ignorance and they become comfortable with that if not challenged or confronted about their views.

Let me get to the break down: I’m tired of white people thinking their opinion matters. Only they have the right of freedom of speech. When they have guns, it’s because of the second Amendment. When we have guns, “we’re violent.” Interesting how they change the intent when it applies to them. That’s a double-standard. But hey! White Privilege gives them a pass by default, right?

You're doing the same thing you accuse whites of doing - judging all of the race by the few.

Other than that, you're spot on.

Seldom a day goes by when, reading this board, I'm not deeply ashamed of being white.

White privilege is a fact of my life that I never have to think about. It has meant that if you and I applied for the same job, I'd get it because I'm white - not necessarily because I'm more qualified. It has meant that I have never looked at a cop with fear, never had to be afraid of seeing a cop in my rear view mirror and never had to teach my son to grovel to a cop. If I break a law, I may be arrested and tried but I won't be beaten or shot down because of my color. I can pick up a toy gun in a store and no one will call the cops to shoot me down. No cop would kill me if I had my hands up or if I were standing on a street corner, doing nothing. My child will not be shot down for having a toy gun in his hand.

Being white has meant that that I'm treated with respect out in the world, even if I've done nothing to deserve it.

All of that is simply my life while yours is one of fear and distrust, and both is because of color and nothing else.



maybe the bleeding heart white guilt ridden libs should adopt those black babies; oh wait; they are too busy aborting their own.
Human beings commit the same acts, no matter what race. We are not all angels.

However, the white man’s actions and history, document his behavior; and I think it only appropriate to speak about it bluntly.

White people love to point fingers at others, particularly minorities, but it’s so hard for them to look in the mirror and examine their own souls. How many times have we witnessed some white man or woma

n, prefacing their statements about Black people, with outdated statistics that they couldn’t break down if they were given them instructions, in order to validate their bias toward Black people?

There are things that need to be confronted.

People today are not independent thinkers–most group-think. Their opinions are formed from ignorance and they become comfortable with that if not challenged or confronted about their views.

Let me get to the break down: I’m tired of white people thinking their opinion matters. Only they have the right of freedom of speech. When they have guns, it’s because of the second Amendment. When we have guns, “we’re violent.” Interesting how they change the intent when it applies to them. That’s a double-standard. But hey! White Privilege gives them a pass by default, right?
Well, I differ to Huey on this, he is the biggest piece of shit on this board.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
and your shit stinks too.
Non stink dodo came with my white privelege.....sucks to be you.

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