Who and/or What Are Establishment Republicans?

But surely you can understand both concepts are subjective. You can't live your life in a vacuum and expect everyone else to blindly accept your notions. Life doesn't work that way.

There is ZERO subjectivity in the workd so far as I am concerned. I expect thise people who want something from me or wish to interact wuth me to adhere to my view of the world. Those who choose not to will receive their reqard one way or snother.
This seems to be the hot term these days, but can anyone define it?

If so, please do.

Also, who are the Establishment Republicans in office? How about in the media? Can we get some names?

Finally, do we have any local Establishment Republicans here on USMB, self-proclaimed or otherwise?

I'm looking for some clarity here.

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What's funny is that once again, the wingers can't make up their minds. They call anyone who is an "establishment" republican a "RINO"... but "establishment" means traditional and something that has been "Established". the wingers are the RINO's. they're just too stupid to understand it and by standing there and stamping their feet because they can't win votes honestly (since they're only about 1/10 of the house of representatives).... they managed to hijack what used to be a respectable party.
True. Sad, but true.

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You're more big government and fascist than anything going. You heard it here first.

Large or Small isn't the determiner of proper Government. Propriety is the cirrect measure. Government can be smaller when the people can be trusted to act properly. It must be larger when they can't. It ends up being huge when the people are as Immiral as most Americans are these days.
Where are you from, originally?

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You're more big government and fascist than anything going. You heard it here first.

Large or Small isn't the determiner of proper Government. Propriety is the cirrect measure. Government can be smaller when the people can be trusted to act properly. It must be larger when they can't. It ends up being huge when the people are as Immiral as most Americans are these days.
Where are you from, originally?

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Planet X.
But surely you can understand both concepts are subjective. You can't live your life in a vacuum and expect everyone else to blindly accept your notions. Life doesn't work that way.

There is ZERO subjectivity in the workd so far as I am concerned. I expect thise people who want something from me or wish to interact wuth me to adhere to my view of the world. Those who choose not to will receive their reqard one way or snother.

Ooo. Difficult grammar. Though I'm trying to understand what you're truly trying to say, it would seem of course you feel that your view of the world is the correct one. But, what if others do not require *anything* from you? Then the world would be a lot more subjective, wouldn't it? There are others that reside here on planet earth (hence, the vacuum remark) that might not feel you're exactly qualified to define 'right' and 'wrong'. Hate to break it to you, bud, but I don't believe you're the qualifier.
Why LOOK....there is one of those ESTABLISHMENT Republican's now, taking his marching orders from the Manchurian muslim!

it wont bring money to Cobb county ......many studies have shown they are neutral if not negative on economic development.....but thats not really the point.....these hick Cobb county Republicans likely ran on free market principles...so they are being hypocrites and liars.

Democrats who support funding of projects like the solar panel factory at least arent being hypocrites, they likely ran to do just that. I do have some problems with that too but it is more justifiable, and from what I understand it was loans not outright gifts.
In several cases, it was loans that were defaulted on when companies went bankrupt after principals donated heavily to barack obama.
So, was the purpose of department of Energy loans to Solyndra an investment in "green energy" or an investment in a political campaign.

And you call Republicans hypocrites.... The argument is occasionally valid, but Democrats are always thieves.

Youve got a point on green energy or donation to campaign

you dont on "democrats are always thieves"

but from what I can tell in congress virtually every republican is a liar and hypocrite
Point out one democrat, with the possible exception of Jimmy Carter, who is not a thief.

ridiculous question
Ridiculous because you don't want to answer.
No, it's ridiculous because it is ridiculous, in addition to being partisan and inane – not worthy of being 'answered.'
This seems to be the hot term these days, but can anyone define it?

If so, please do.

Also, who are the Establishment Republicans in office? How about in the media? Can we get some names?

Finally, do we have any local Establishment Republicans here on USMB, self-proclaimed or otherwise?

I'm looking for some clarity here.

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Establishment Republicans are the ones who are potty trained and aren't afraid of math or science.

When establishment types like Jeb and Rubio analyze the studies that say even the free market is in favor of comprehensive immigration reform because it will mean more revenue, lower deficits and a higher credit rating for America, they think about what they've read and they evolve on the issue and agree that it should be done. Bring those 8 million undocumented workers out of the shadows and have them pay into the system. And then make them jump through about 10 hoops to be able to become American citizens, which is a fair penalty to pay and NOT amnesty, since amnesty is amnesty. Making someone pay fines, penalties, back taxes, take English courses, have criminal background checks done in two countries is NOT amnesty. It's a fair pathway to citizenship for people that our very own free market said it needed to have working here.

People that aren't "establishment" refuse math and science and refuse all studies that ask them to actually think and consider things like facts and statistics, because of course that would get in the way of their subtle prejudices and fairytale thinking, like how Mexico will somehow be happy to pay for a great big wall along their border.
Where are you from, originally?

Born snd raised in Connecticut. Went to college in Rhode Island. Now live in Massachusetts. I've traveled throughout the Eastern/Central US and would prefer to livr in the Carolinas if possible.
Seems normal, but you're one sick puppy.

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In several cases, it was loans that were defaulted on when companies went bankrupt after principals donated heavily to barack obama.
So, was the purpose of department of Energy loans to Solyndra an investment in "green energy" or an investment in a political campaign.

And you call Republicans hypocrites.... The argument is occasionally valid, but Democrats are always thieves.

Youve got a point on green energy or donation to campaign

you dont on "democrats are always thieves"

but from what I can tell in congress virtually every republican is a liar and hypocrite
Point out one democrat, with the possible exception of Jimmy Carter, who is not a thief.

ridiculous question
Ridiculous because you don't want to answer.
No, it's ridiculous because it is ridiculous, in addition to being partisan and inane – not worthy of being 'answered.'
It's your pattern Clayton. Someone makes a point and you deflect You've got nothing.

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