Who Are Donald Trump’s Supporters?

Rip up corrupt Free Trade deals.
No more Business Visas.
Commoditize visas and citizenships and have them pay for the wall.

The whole point of cheap labor is low wages.
How do you get money out of people making $5.00/hour?

Those from Asia who have money pay SOMEONE for a visa so they can birth in America.
They'll have the money. Don't think all immigrants are broke. Not even most. There will be a million and a half people willing to pay $40k+ for priority visa service here. We wouldn't want to break agreements with our allies regarding immigration. Gouging European applicants just like they were from pakistan will impact our international business community.
Trump Hotel workers use candidate's anti-Latino rhetoric to galvanize union

Donald Trump has called it a “great honor” that workers at the Trump Hotel in Las Vegas had thus far declined to unionize. “They love me,” he said last month on the campaign trail.

But workers were signaling otherwise. That very day, Latino staffers protesting at the Trump Hotel in Las Vegas were using his harsh stance on immigrants to galvanize a majority-Latino workforce to join the Culinary Union, one of the most powerful entities in Nevada politics.

“If Mr Trump wants to make America great again, he should start here,” workers shouted.

In protests, Spanish language radio ads, press releases, and Facebook videos, organizers are highlighting Trump Hotel employees’ own immigrant stories, and channeling the Nevada Latino worker community’s outrage at the Republican presidential frontrunner into political and union engagement by a population that makes up the bulk of Trump’s Las Vegas hotel employees – and a powerful swing state voting bloc.

“Eighty percent of Trump [culinary] employees are Latino,” Carmen Harull, a Trump Hotel housekeeper from Argentina, told the Guardian. “He is very wrong to say that we’re criminals and drug addicts. We are people who work hard for our families.”

“The idea is to draw on the momentum Trump’s campaign has activated within the Latino community,” said the Culinary Union’s political director, Yvanna Cancela. “People are realizing that if they don’t engage on issues like worker’s rights, like voting, like civic engagement, we could very well end up with someone who shares these kind of anti-immigrant sentiments in the White House, whether it’s Donald Trump or one of the other candidates.”

According to the Culinary Union, Trump Hotel employees earn $3.33 less on average than workers who do the same jobs at the Bellagio, Wynn, Caesar’s Palace, the Stratosphere and all of the other 95% of Las Vegas resorts which have organized labor representing hotel staff. In addition to better wages and benefits, organizers are demanding equal treatment and respect, an allusion to the nationalist rhetoric Trump has used throughout his campaign.

More: Trump Hotel workers use candidate's anti-Latino rhetoric to galvanize union

Damn, Trump is a real cheapskate with his Latino hotel workers.
Trump Hotel workers use candidate's anti-Latino rhetoric to galvanize union

Donald Trump has called it a “great honor” that workers at the Trump Hotel in Las Vegas had thus far declined to unionize. “They love me,” he said last month on the campaign trail.

But workers were signaling otherwise. That very day, Latino staffers protesting at the Trump Hotel in Las Vegas were using his harsh stance on immigrants to galvanize a majority-Latino workforce to join the Culinary Union, one of the most powerful entities in Nevada politics.

“If Mr Trump wants to make America great again, he should start here,” workers shouted.

In protests, Spanish language radio ads, press releases, and Facebook videos, organizers are highlighting Trump Hotel employees’ own immigrant stories, and channeling the Nevada Latino worker community’s outrage at the Republican presidential frontrunner into political and union engagement by a population that makes up the bulk of Trump’s Las Vegas hotel employees – and a powerful swing state voting bloc.

“Eighty percent of Trump [culinary] employees are Latino,” Carmen Harull, a Trump Hotel housekeeper from Argentina, told the Guardian. “He is very wrong to say that we’re criminals and drug addicts. We are people who work hard for our families.”

“The idea is to draw on the momentum Trump’s campaign has activated within the Latino community,” said the Culinary Union’s political director, Yvanna Cancela. “People are realizing that if they don’t engage on issues like worker’s rights, like voting, like civic engagement, we could very well end up with someone who shares these kind of anti-immigrant sentiments in the White House, whether it’s Donald Trump or one of the other candidates.”

According to the Culinary Union, Trump Hotel employees earn $3.33 less on average than workers who do the same jobs at the Bellagio, Wynn, Caesar’s Palace, the Stratosphere and all of the other 95% of Las Vegas resorts which have organized labor representing hotel staff. In addition to better wages and benefits, organizers are demanding equal treatment and respect, an allusion to the nationalist rhetoric Trump has used throughout his campaign.

More: Trump Hotel workers use candidate's anti-Latino rhetoric to galvanize union

Damn, Trump is a real cheapskate with his Latino hotel workers.
That means nothing, all unskilled labor thinks they should be making 100,000 a year. Any industry you go into you would get the same thing. The reason they are making noise right now is because they think they hold leverage on his chances of becoming president if they dont get their way.
If I was him I would ship them all back to mexico and hire black Americans (for higher pay) to take their places.
2) Actual conservatives who like Trump because he’s a tough-talking “fighter” and a businessman who “gets things done.”

DETAILS: Who Are Donald Trump's Supporters?

Yep, I'd say all 6 categories are well represented on this forum. Which one are you?

my brother in law is a big number two. lol pun intended.. we laugh at him often.

Yes, Trump gets things done - with FOUR bankruptcies along the way. I've heard it stated that Trump inherited around $400 million from his father - and if Trump had simply invested that money it would have grown to approximately what Forbes says he is actually worth today. In other words, Trump could have done nothing and still be worth the same today.
however, how many people would he have been able to give jobs to had he not taken risks with that money.
then you would be complaining because he didnt earn anything he has and should give it all away to people like you, that also didnt earn anything he had.

Yeah, I'm sure Hispanics who work in his hotels and casinos are highly paid union workers.
I bet they are paid equal to other hotel workers.
besides, if they are Hispanic, chances are they are illegal. Look at how much joy you will get when Trump deports all the illegals and realizes he has nobody to work for him.
we have tried politicians for how many years now? and that has brought us where?
Can anyone honestly ask why somebody would look at a businessman instead of a career politician at this point in time?

  • Highest standard of living on the planet.
  • Recognized as the one truly indispensible nation on the earth.
  • The most benevolent govenment and people relative to the power to snuff you out just as easily as help you.
  • Wealthiest nation on earth
We honestly have a lively debate (not here but in Congress) about the digital divide between connected communities and communities that are disconnected from the Information Superhighway. In other nations, they have debates about whether or not they should print school books or pave roads.

If you want to go in a different direction in a large way and away from the unprecedented prosperity, asking "why" is a perfectly valid question.
[URL="http://www.usmessageboard.com/posts/12567611/"]Who Are Donald Trump’s Supporters?[/URL]


Why no one should take Donald Trump seriously, in one very simple chart
Here's what Donald Trump supporters really believe

Here are the main points from PPP:
  • 66% of respondents who support Trump believe that Obama is Muslim, while only 12% believe that Obama is Christian. That's a higher number than the still stunning 54% of Republican respondents overall who believe that Obama is Muslim.
  • Trump still enjoys support among "birthers" — 61% of supporters believe that Obama was not born in the United States. Just 21% of his supporters believe that Obama was born in the United States. Trump, once the most vocal advocate calling on Obama to release his birth certificate, has said he will no longer comment on the issue. But he has said he doesn't know whether Obama was born in the US.
  • 63% of Trump voters would support changing the Constitution to eliminate birthright citizenship, the policy that automatically grants US citizenship to anyone born in the country. Twenty percent of Trump backers would not.
  • Trump supporters really like Carson, former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina, and Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas. Fifty-four percent said they held a favorable view of Carson, and 49% said they had a favorable opinion of both Cruz and Fiorina. Only 22% of Trump supporters held a favorable opinion of Bush.
  • Most Trump backers support raising the minimum wage. Fifty-four percent responded that they favored raising the minimum wage, though the vast majority only supported an increase to $10 an hour.
  • Trump supporters don't like Fox News host Megyn Kelly. Only 20% hold a favorable view of Kelly, though that is somewhat unsurprising considering Trump's ongoing beef with Kelly and her network. Trump supporters also overwhelmingly trust Trump over Fox News in general, while supporters of virtually every other candidate trust the network far more.
  • Supporters are split over whether they value a conservative candidate or an electable candidate more. Trump backers were split almost straight down the middle on the question of whether it was more important to have a conservative nominee or a nominee who had a shot of winning in the general election.
More: Trump supporters think Obama is Muslim, and more - Business Insider

Trump supporters are a scary bunch.
Any man that does this, and is #1 in all the polls demands a second look as he KNOWS how to make yours and my money work CORRECTLY for us, and the country!

  • Donald Trump Has Only Spent $1.9 Million of His Own Money on Presidential Bid
    yahoo ^ | 10/16/2015
    <p>Donald Trump has only spent around $1.9 million of his own money since launching his presidential bid, the Manhattan developer announced in a statement Thursday. According to the GOP frontrunner’s third quarter Federal Election Commission filing, Trump’s campaign raised $3.9 million between July 1 and Sept. 30 and spent about $5.5 million. The campaign reported having $254,772 in cash on hand.</p>
maybe hillary can appoint him to be secretary of something or other... :lol:
maybe hillary can appoint him to be secretary of something or other... :lol:
I dont think they let non prisoners be secretary of anything in the prison system.
I think you actually have to be a resident to hold a job like that there. Hillary will find someone to do these things, dont worry.
Why are white supremacists so attracted to Trump?
This won't end well. Racism never does.
Why are white supremacists so attracted to Trump?


Other than underpaid Latino hotel workers - what jobs has Trump created?

Trump Hotel workers use candidate's anti-Latino rhetoric to galvanize union
His employees are paid at least minimum wage, get benefits and don't have to work 12 hours a day in the blazing heat and freezing cold.
They are US citizens whose children will get a quality education and become professionals.
Plus his managers are US citizens.

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