Who are happier, liberals or conservatives?


Senior Member
Feb 22, 2015
Who are happier liberals or conservatives - CBS News

I can't see how anyone could be surprised by this. :)


Republicans may be running the show in Congress but it seems it's the Democrats who are happier.

That's the finding from a wide-ranging study published in Science Thursday examining the happiness of conservatives and liberals. As part of the study, the researchers examined 432 million words in the Congressional Record over the past 18 years as well the "smiling behavior" of politicians in their publicly available photographs from 2013.

Liberal members of Congress used a higher ratio of positive words, such as "interested," "excited," "enthusiastic" and "proud" to negative words, such as "afraid," "upset," "distressed" and "irritable." Those with more conservative beliefs, meanwhile, were less likely to be found beaming in their portraits.

"Conservatism predicted significantly less intense facial action in the muscles around the eyes that indicates genuine happiness," the study found, adding that liberal politicians "smile more intensely and smile more genuinely."

More at the link.
I've always heard it the other way around. Wouldn't be surprised if both sides are actively pushing the idea that theirs is the happy, mentally stable one. It would be consistent with the increasing polarization.
Liberals are much happier.We are the ones with giving hearts, open minds, and wilfulness to embrace differences. Conserve-hate-ives have none of these qualities.
Conservatives seem to let politics affect their day-to-day lives a lot more than Liberals.
Who are happier liberals or conservatives - CBS News

I can't see how anyone could be surprised by this. :)


Republicans may be running the show in Congress but it seems it's the Democrats who are happier.

That's the finding from a wide-ranging study published in Science Thursday examining the happiness of conservatives and liberals. As part of the study, the researchers examined 432 million words in the Congressional Record over the past 18 years as well the "smiling behavior" of politicians in their publicly available photographs from 2013.

Liberal members of Congress used a higher ratio of positive words, such as "interested," "excited," "enthusiastic" and "proud" to negative words, such as "afraid," "upset," "distressed" and "irritable." Those with more conservative beliefs, meanwhile, were less likely to be found beaming in their portraits.

"Conservatism predicted significantly less intense facial action in the muscles around the eyes that indicates genuine happiness," the study found, adding that liberal politicians "smile more intensely and smile more genuinely."

More at the link.

CBS news :muahaha: ... :muahaha: ... :muahaha: ... :trolls:
Liberals are much happier.We are the ones with giving hearts, open minds, and wilfulness to embrace differences. Conserve-hate-ives have none of these qualities.

If your mind was actually open, you would not divide people into two groups with one the good guys and one the bad.

That is extreme simple-mindedness and not open-mindedness.

I'd think hardcore partisan ideologues on both ends have to be unhappy - hence their need for personal insults, name-calling, hyperbole, denial, distortions and lies.

Doesn't seem to be the behavior of a confident, well-adjusted person who is at peace with themselves.

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Liberals are much happier.We are the ones with giving hearts, open minds, and wilfulness to embrace differences.

what a huge load of fucking :bsflag: libertards are just the fucking opposite.., proof is right here on USMB :up:

i could name at least a dozen.., you are one of them :up:
Liberals are optimistic, Conservatives are suspicious. Liberals embrace change and justice for all, Conservatives resist it. Liberal ideology is driven by a better tomorrow, Conservative ideology is driven by resistance to change and a more authoritarian tomorrow. Liberals are for freedom of expression, Conservatives seem to need folks to conform and be silent as to who they are or want to be. Liberals want a clean environment to give to their children. Conservatives think that human beings do not have the capability to mess up the planet and are therefore satisfied to live in filth.

Which group seems happier?.
Liberals are much happier.We are the ones with giving hearts, open minds, and wilfulness to embrace differences. Conserve-hate-ives have none of these qualities.

Ok everything you said is wrong but giving hearts??? It's been proven time after time that conservatives give more to charity than liberals.
I just did a little look see being as the CBS article wasn't linked and I found this:
New study questions trope that conservatives are happier than liberals
New study questions trope that conservatives are happier than liberals Science AAAS News
And then I found this:
Conservatives report, but liberals display, greater happiness
Conservatives report but liberals display greater happiness
So what we have here is; what and how the methodology of determining happiness is determined..
This leaves the debate, wide open.
Liberals are much happier.We are the ones with giving hearts, open minds, and wilfulness to embrace differences. Conserve-hate-ives have none of these qualities.

Ok everything you said is wrong but giving hearts??? It's been proven time after time that conservatives give more to charity than liberals.

Guilty consciences for being such money grubbing, greedy humps.
I have had several experiences with women who express their most devout expressions of piety when they are at their absolute happiest. That would make conservatives the most happy, wouldn't it?

I mean, there is really no mistaking the level of happiness when a man hears "oh god......OH GOD.....OHGODOHGODOHGAH........... right?
Of course liberals are happier. They have a President that is systematically destroying this country.

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