Who are some of these 'unAmerican' Americans that Rep Eric Cantor calls a mob?

They're tea-partiers sans the bigotry.

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:

Well, when it's the so-called tea partiers, Republicans put up signs and flags supporting them (and also egging them on, by the way).

But when it's the 99%ers, Republicans condemn them and call them names. If these people want Republican support, they better pool their money and send a BIG campaign contribution to Eric Cantor. Then maybe he'll praise this 'unAmerican' mob.

wel when people start calling then TEABAGGERS, Nazis, hostage takers, etc etc... you all get back to us with the whining.
and they are nothing more than a mob. they call themselves OCCUPYERS..Like they even know what the hell it is they are occupying.:lol:
What this protest makes glaringly clear is the fact that conservative Republicans don't give a hoot in hell about average Americans.

And whose support at the ballot box do Republican presidential candidates like Cain think they're going to win when they insult average Americans who by making derogatory statements about the protestors like he did on Sunday.

Cain referred to the protestors as “jealous’ Americans who "play the victim card” and want to “take somebody else’s Cadillac." Try asking them for their vote now, Cain!

Herman Cain steps up attacks on Occupy Wall Street protests - latimes.com

Hey, these average Americans watched as the banks got bailed out and thrive while they're the ones whose economic lives have unravelled with job losses, and home foreclosures, and student loan debts which can't be repaid when there are no jobs to be had. This reality is made even more bitter because average Americans know that it was the bankers who precipitated the financial meltdown of 2008.

So, when conservative Republicans refuse to even consider returning the tax rates on millionaires to what they were just a few short years before, how would you expect average Americans who are hurting in this economy to react?
Actually what it makes clear is that the protestors don't have the slightest fucking clue. And the Dems are happy because they deflect attention from their failures.
Well, when it's the so-called tea partiers, Republicans put up signs and flags supporting them (and also egging them on, by the way).

But when it's the 99%ers, Republicans condemn them and call them names. If these people want Republican support, they better pool their money and send a BIG campaign contribution to Eric Cantor. Then maybe he'll praise this 'unAmerican' mob.

Yeah. They're supported, as is Bible Spice/Caribou ;) , by groups such as americans for Prosperity *bARF* and FreedomWerks (Koch industries). The T-partiers are co-opted.
And when the OWStreeters are coopted by the SEIU then that's OK?

This is really where the rubber hits the road and the Left shows themselves to be the biggest fucking hypocrites to walk the planet.


This is what people say when they see the other side doing what worked for them.
Thanks for the negrep, Rabbi, good to see I hit a nerve with you.

Btw, numbnuts, how's your boy Perry doing these days?

Rep Cantor calls them a mob.

Herman Cain calls them unAmerican.

I've heard other conservatives denigrate them by calling them bums, and drug addicts, and worse.

So, who are some of these so-called 'unAmeican' Americans who are demonstrating in several cities across the country for over 3 weeks?

Maybe they're your (our) neighbors?!

Maybe conservative legislators and commentators should come down from their ivory towers long enough to actually meet their fellow Americans instead of insulting them.

Or is that too much to ask?

Protesters across the U.S.: Who are they? - CNN.com

Sharpton to broadcast from Occupy Wall Street protests - CNN.com

Open Story: Occupy Wall Street protests - CNN iReport

And your mob called the Tea Party

tea baggers



so cry us a big old wide fucking river why donchya?
They're tea-partiers sans the bigotry.

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:

Really? What bigotry? And spare us the photoshopped bullshit of some dude in a mullet with a sign reading "Morans"....

How 'bout pictures of idiots dressed in revolutionary war period costumes or idiots with teabags hanging off their hats. Might even find that some of them are even carrying signs saying "Keep your government hands off my Medicare!"

They're tea-partiers sans the bigotry.

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:

Really? What bigotry? And spare us the photoshopped bullshit of some dude in a mullet with a sign reading "Morans"....

How 'bout pictures of idiots dressed in revolutionary war period costumes or idiots with teabags hanging off their hats. Might even find that some of them are even carrying signs saying "Keep your government hands off my Medicare!"


What this protest makes glaringly clear is the fact that conservative Republicans don't give a hoot in hell about average Americans.

And whose support at the ballot box do Republican presidential candidates like Cain think they're going to win when they insult average Americans who by making derogatory statements about the protestors like he did on Sunday.

Cain referred to the protestors as “jealous’ Americans who "play the victim card” and want to “take somebody else’s Cadillac." Try asking them for their vote now, Cain!

Herman Cain steps up attacks on Occupy Wall Street protests - latimes.com

Hey, these average Americans watched as the banks got bailed out and thrive while they're the ones whose economic lives have unravelled with job losses, and home foreclosures, and student loan debts which can't be repaid when there are no jobs to be had. This reality is made even more bitter because average Americans know that it was the bankers who precipitated the financial meltdown of 2008.

So, when conservative Republicans refuse to even consider returning the tax rates on millionaires to what they were just a few short years before, how would you expect average Americans who are hurting in this economy to react?
Actually what it makes clear is that the protestors don't have the slightest fucking clue. And the Dems are happy because they deflect attention from their failures.

What do you mean the protesters don't have a clue. They KNOW they got (and are getting) screwed while the bankers and financial 'whiz kids' who precepitated this crisis landed on their feet in clover.

And these protests don't deflect anything. They punctuate the Republicans current strategy of doing nothing as if there really isn't any immediate problem. These protests say otherwise. There's a BIG problem, and doing nothing is no solution.
What this protest makes glaringly clear is the fact that conservative Republicans don't give a hoot in hell about average Americans.

And whose support at the ballot box do Republican presidential candidates like Cain think they're going to win when they insult average Americans who by making derogatory statements about the protestors like he did on Sunday.

Cain referred to the protestors as “jealous’ Americans who "play the victim card” and want to “take somebody else’s Cadillac." Try asking them for their vote now, Cain!

Herman Cain steps up attacks on Occupy Wall Street protests - latimes.com

Hey, these average Americans watched as the banks got bailed out and thrive while they're the ones whose economic lives have unravelled with job losses, and home foreclosures, and student loan debts which can't be repaid when there are no jobs to be had. This reality is made even more bitter because average Americans know that it was the bankers who precipitated the financial meltdown of 2008.

So, when conservative Republicans refuse to even consider returning the tax rates on millionaires to what they were just a few short years before, how would you expect average Americans who are hurting in this economy to react?
Actually what it makes clear is that the protestors don't have the slightest fucking clue. And the Dems are happy because they deflect attention from their failures.

What do you mean the protesters don't have a clue. They KNOW they got (and are getting) screwed while the bankers and financial 'whiz kids' who precepitated this crisis landed on their feet in clover.

And these protests don't deflect anything. They punctuate the Republicans current strategy of doing nothing as if there really isn't any immediate problem. These protests say otherwise. There's a BIG problem, and doing nothing is no solution.

Obviously they arent the only ones without a clue.

How, exactly are they getting "screwed"? Have you seen layoffs on Wall St and at the banks? BofA laying off 20k people. If that is landing on your feet in clover I'd hate to see the alternative.
What is the GOP, which barely controls the House, supposed to you, you moron? The Democrats run this country right now. What have they been doing for the past 5r years?
Question.............anyone remember when Obama passed his health care bill and the tea baggers were showing up with automatic weapons, screaming about second amendment rights?

What would happen if the protest Wall St. people did the same thing as the teabaggers?
How, exactly are they getting "screwed"? Have you seen layoffs on Wall St and at the banks? BofA laying off 20k people. If that is landing on your feet in clover I'd hate to see the alternative.

Want to bet BofA's CEO gets a big bonus?

The banks employees aren't landing in clover, that's true. They, unlike the bank's owners, are among the 99%.

The Democrats run this country right now. What have they been doing for the past 5r years?

A very good question and one that's being asked, I assure you. Don't mistake this for the same old D/R partisan phony slugfest.
Rep Cantor calls them a mob.

Herman Cain calls them unAmerican.

I've heard other conservatives denigrate them by calling them bums, and drug addicts, and worse.

So, who are some of these so-called 'unAmeican' Americans who are demonstrating in several cities across the country for over 3 weeks?

Maybe they're your (our) neighbors?!

Maybe conservative legislators and commentators should come down from their ivory towers long enough to actually meet their fellow Americans instead of insulting them.

Or is that too much to ask?

Protesters across the U.S.: Who are they? - CNN.com

Sharpton to broadcast from Occupy Wall Street protests - CNN.com

Open Story: Occupy Wall Street protests - CNN iReport
:doubt: FUCK LIBERALS !!!


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Rep Cantor calls them a mob.

Herman Cain calls them unAmerican.

I've heard other conservatives denigrate them by calling them bums, and drug addicts, and worse.

So, who are some of these so-called 'unAmeican' Americans who are demonstrating in several cities across the country for over 3 weeks?

Maybe they're your (our) neighbors?!

Maybe conservative legislators and commentators should come down from their ivory towers long enough to actually meet their fellow Americans instead of insulting them.

Or is that too much to ask?

Protesters across the U.S.: Who are they? - CNN.com

Sharpton to broadcast from Occupy Wall Street protests - CNN.com

Open Story: Occupy Wall Street protests - CNN iReport

Didn't you get Nancy Pelosi's memo? When these people make a decision to hold protests in this country, we need to make sure they are viewed by the media outlets as being "unpatriotic" or "Terrorists". In fact "this initiative is funded by the high end, we call it Astro Turf it's not really a grass roots movement."
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So, when conservative Republicans refuse to even consider returning the tax rates on millionaires to what they were just a few short years before, how would you expect average Americans who are hurting in this economy to react?

Poop rallies and demonstrations.

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