Who are some of these 'unAmerican' Americans that Rep Eric Cantor calls a mob?

In this ***Independents*** mind the Republicans have lost their way and have gotten too bought and paid for by the 1%ers.

You're about as independent as a Kommisar in the former Soviet Union.

Well just cuz I disagree with you rather proves that I am ***Independent***. and.. there is more than just me that got sick and tried of your RW crap. Trickle down my ass.

I guess your panties are all tied in a wad--after watching all these videos of the protest group you support.

There is so much out on this group right now--it's impossible to take them seriously.

KARL ROVE--couldn't have explained it better: When you have a group that DOES NOT stand on any SINGLE core issue--they are easily infiltrated with special interest groups--and as we see that's exactly what's happened. The group has now been infiltrated with Unions--who love capitalism--(while many in this protest group are protesting it) and an assortment of other people who have grievances that list from A to Z.

And when they refuse to follow existing laws--they LOSE all credibility as to what they're protesting--henceforth it is THEY that have given themselves the name MOB.

Occupy DC invades Newseum, hates on Ron Paul & Alex Jones - YouTube


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    $OWS member defecating on police car.jpg
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Rep Cantor calls them a mob.

Herman Cain calls them unAmerican.

I've heard other conservatives denigrate them by calling them bums, and drug addicts, and worse.

So, who are some of these so-called 'unAmeican' Americans who are demonstrating in several cities across the country for over 3 weeks?

Maybe they're your (our) neighbors?!

Maybe conservative legislators and commentators should come down from their ivory towers long enough to actually meet their fellow Americans instead of insulting them.

Or is that too much to ask?

Protesters across the U.S.: Who are they? - CNN.com

Sharpton to broadcast from Occupy Wall Street protests - CNN.com

Open Story: Occupy Wall Street protests - CNN iReport
I've seen some Tea Party supporters that would definitely fall into the "AND WORSE" category!

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You're about as independent as a Kommisar in the former Soviet Union.

Well just cuz I disagree with you rather proves that I am ***Independent***. and.. there is more than just me that got sick and tried of your RW crap. Trickle down my ass.

I guess your panties are all tied in a wad--after watching all these videos of the protest group you support.

There is so much out on this group right now--it's impossible to take them seriously.

KARL ROVE--couldn't have explained it better: When you have a group that DOES NOT stand on any SINGLE core issue--they are easily infiltrated with special interest groups--and as we see that's exactly what's happened. The group has now been infiltrated with Unions--who love capitalism--(while many in this protest group are protesting it) and an assortment of other people who have grievances that list from A to Z.

And when they refuse to follow existing laws--they LOSE all credibility as to what they're protesting--henceforth it is THEY that have given themselves the name MOB.

Occupy DC invades Newseum, hates on Ron Paul & Alex Jones - YouTube

Y'all been saying that since day one so your spin has found you out.
Well just cuz I disagree with you rather proves that I am ***Independent***. and.. there is more than just me that got sick and tried of your RW crap. Trickle down my ass.

I guess your panties are all tied in a wad--after watching all these videos of the protest group you support.

There is so much out on this group right now--it's impossible to take them seriously.

KARL ROVE--couldn't have explained it better: When you have a group that DOES NOT stand on any SINGLE core issue--they are easily infiltrated with special interest groups--and as we see that's exactly what's happened. The group has now been infiltrated with Unions--who love capitalism--(while many in this protest group are protesting it) and an assortment of other people who have grievances that list from A to Z.

And when they refuse to follow existing laws--they LOSE all credibility as to what they're protesting--henceforth it is THEY that have given themselves the name MOB.

Occupy DC invades Newseum, hates on Ron Paul & Alex Jones - YouTube

Y'all been saying that since day one so your spin has found you out.

Just like a true occupier--your statement is about as clear as MUD---:lol::lol::lol:

$cartoon picture of occupiers of wall street.jpg
All wrong.

They're also anti-Semites.

Wow, 1st I heard that one. Next they will have beaten up Santa Claus.

Here's your video proving anti--Semites from a OWS protester.

Anti-Semitism at Occupy Wall Street Protest [CLEAN VERSION] - YouTube

oreo is having a slight problem with youtubes, so here is the video he is trying to post.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3Y9CARUwio]Anti-Semitism at Occupy Wall Street Protest [CLEAN VERSION] - YouTube[/ame]
Can someone explain why Wall St. and the large corporations have continued to post record profits while the rest of us go poor?
Well, when it's the so-called tea partiers, Republicans put up signs and flags supporting them (and also egging them on, by the way).

But when it's the 99%ers, Republicans condemn them and call them names. If these people want Republican support, they better pool their money and send a BIG campaign contribution to Eric Cantor. Then maybe he'll praise this 'unAmerican' mob.

Why would Republicans support a bunch of tics looking for a handout?

In this ***Independents*** mind the Republicans have lost their way and have gotten too bought and paid for by the 1%ers.

But selling your soul to insurance companies to keep quiet is not bought and paid for?

Would that be left leaning independent?
Rep Cantor calls them a mob.

Herman Cain calls them unAmerican.

I've heard other conservatives denigrate them by calling them bums, and drug addicts, and worse.

So, who are some of these so-called 'unAmeican' Americans who are demonstrating in several cities across the country for over 3 weeks?

Maybe they're your (our) neighbors?!

Maybe conservative legislators and commentators should come down from their ivory towers long enough to actually meet their fellow Americans instead of insulting them.

Or is that too much to ask?

Protesters across the U.S.: Who are they? - CNN.com

Sharpton to broadcast from Occupy Wall Street protests - CNN.com

Open Story: Occupy Wall Street protests - CNN iReport

When you occupy Public Places, and never bother to get the proper Permits to Demonstrate. You are a Mob.

When you hope to have 1 Group of People make concessions based on your thinly Veiled Threats of Violence, You are a Mob.
Can someone explain why Wall St. and the large corporations have continued to post record profits while the rest of us go poor?

Actually this year is the worst year for Wall Street Profits in a Decade. But since when have facts gotten in the way with Class Warfare Rhetoric.

Some Cooperation's are having Record Profit years, Mostly because they are to afraid to reinvest much of the Profit, However Profit off of Trading is rather low this year.
Can someone explain why Wall St. and the large corporations have continued to post record profits while the rest of us go poor?

Why? Because powerful people take what they want just because they can. Most everyone else is more or less forced to accept what their offered. Just take a look at any corporation's pay structure from the lowest paid workers to the highest paid workers. The disparity has been growing for decades.

Below is a recent example of the disparity in terms of what people at the top are making. It defies all logic and reason, but it's a trend that shows no sign of reversing.

Compensation for the chief executives of America’s biggest corporations is way up in 2011, 28 percent higher than last year on average, according to GovernanceMetrics International. If you were already in the top quartile of high-paid plutocrats, your comp nearly doubled. Cash bonuses are triple what they were before the recession.

Pay for highest-paid US CEO tops $131 million - Business - Forbes.com - msnbc.com
Can someone explain why Wall St. and the large corporations have continued to post record profits while the rest of us go poor?

Why? Because powerful people take what they want just because they can. Most everyone else is more or less forced to accept what their offered. Just take a look at any corporation's pay structure from the lowest paid workers to the highest paid workers. The disparity has been growing for decades.

Below is a recent example of the disparity in terms of what people at the top are making. It defies all logic and reason, but it's a trend that shows no sign of reversing.

Compensation for the chief executives of America’s biggest corporations is way up in 2011, 28 percent higher than last year on average, according to GovernanceMetrics International. If you were already in the top quartile of high-paid plutocrats, your comp nearly doubled. Cash bonuses are triple what they were before the recession.

Pay for highest-paid US CEO tops $131 million - Business - Forbes.com - msnbc.com

Anyone remember back in the day (like the 40's through 60's), when a person went to work for a corporation, and if they stayed long enough, they were offered a retirement at 25 to 30 years? They also took care of the worker's family in the form of some kind of health care.

Now? It's all about bottom lines and making the investors happy, while cutting benefits and pensions for their workers.

No wonder the middle class is being destroyed.
Can someone explain why Wall St. and the large corporations have continued to post record profits while the rest of us go poor?

Why? Because powerful people take what they want just because they can. Most everyone else is more or less forced to accept what their offered. Just take a look at any corporation's pay structure from the lowest paid workers to the highest paid workers. The disparity has been growing for decades.

Below is a recent example of the disparity in terms of what people at the top are making. It defies all logic and reason, but it's a trend that shows no sign of reversing.

Compensation for the chief executives of America’s biggest corporations is way up in 2011, 28 percent higher than last year on average, according to GovernanceMetrics International. If you were already in the top quartile of high-paid plutocrats, your comp nearly doubled. Cash bonuses are triple what they were before the recession.

Pay for highest-paid US CEO tops $131 million - Business - Forbes.com - msnbc.com

Anyone remember back in the day (like the 40's through 60's), when a person went to work for a corporation, and if they stayed long enough, they were offered a retirement at 25 to 30 years? They also took care of the worker's family in the form of some kind of health care.

Now? It's all about bottom lines and making the investors happy, while cutting benefits and pensions for their workers.

No wonder the middle class is being destroyed.

Let's hope not. A large middle class is one of the main reasons why the US is so politically stable (despite all the incendiary political rhetoric).

Unfortunately, as the American middle class is taking a beating and the upper income folks are doing just swell, the Federal gov't is in gridlock because Republicans in the House and the Senate refuse to work toward meaningful solutions with a Democrat in the WH.

These deomonstrations around the country could be the tip of the iceberg.
If the Dems would actually start supporting these demonstrations and representing the people, they'd win 2012 in a landslide.
They're tea-partiers sans the bigotry.

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:

Well, when it's the so-called tea partiers, Republicans put up signs and flags supporting them (and also egging them on, by the way).

But when it's the 99%ers, Republicans condemn them and call them names. If these people want Republican support, they better pool their money and send a BIG campaign contribution to Eric Cantor. Then maybe he'll praise this 'unAmerican' mob.

They dont have money, remember ?
So, who are some of these so-called 'unAmeican' Americans who are demonstrating in several cities across the country for over 3 weeks?

It’s a variation of an old, tired rightist theme dating back decades: those opposed to conservative dogma are accused of being ‘un-American,’ when in fact their acts of protest are the highest form of patriotism.
Question.............anyone remember when Obama passed his health care bill and the tea baggers were showing up with automatic weapons, screaming about second amendment rights?

What would happen if the protest Wall St. people did the same thing as the teabaggers?

I want to see all of the 'tea baggers' with 'automatic weapons' please.
If the Dems would actually start supporting these demonstrations and representing the people, they'd win 2012 in a landslide.

Here are some Dems for ya!

Top Ten Richest Celebrities Supporting Wall Street Protests | NewsBusters.org

#1 Yoko Ono Net Worth - $500 million.

Ono stated “I love ‘Occupy Wall Street’! John is sending his smile to ‘Occupy Wall Street’. I am sending my love to ‘Occupy Wall Street’. We are all working together. ”

#2 Russell Simmons Net Worth - $325 million

Keep in mind that on top of being a hip-hop mogul Simmons is the founder of a high fee credit card company called UniRush Financial Services.

#3 Roseanne Barr Net Worth - $80 million

Roseanne thinks anyone with over $100 million should be beheaded. Interesting that her net worth is $80 million. I guess she doesnt make “the cut”.

#4 Deepak Chopra Net Worth - $80 million

Chopra said #OWS is turning anger into awareness. The fortune he has made off his fluff filled books has just turned me to anger.

#5 Kanye West Net Worth - $70 million

#6 Alec Baldwin Net Worth - $65 million

#7 Susan Sarandon Net Worth - $50 million

#8 Michael Moore Net Worth - $50 million

#9 Tim Robbins Net Worth - $50 million

#10 Nancy Pelosi Net Worth - $35.5 million

Read more: Top Ten Richest Celebrities Supporting Wall Street Protests | NewsBusters.org
because Republicans in the House and the Senate refuse to work toward meaningful solutions with a Democrat in the WH.

Absolute horse shit.

But to be fair maybe you can explain the conference call to label any cut as extreme before negotiations began?

Proposal: OWS reply to purported Democratic support | OccupyWallSt.org Forum

Posted Oct. 11, 2011, 12:02 p.m. EST (4 days ago) by KenzoJoe (Philadelphia, PA)

In recent days, Democrat politicians have began to express their support for OWS, most notably House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi. Most of these politicians have accepted large contributions from the financial industry in the past. I would like to propose the following:

That any elected official that expresses support for OWS should be asked the following question:

Are you willing to stop accepting campaign contributions from such financial institutions as Wall Street Investment firms, hedge funds, and any financial institution that accepted TARP bailout money in 2008? If their answer is not an unequivocal yes, than they should be told that their support is nothing but empty rhetoric and that it is not wanted or needed.

As the highest profile Democrat to publicly support OWS, Nancy Pelosi should be the first elected official to be asked this question.

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