Who are the Israelis?

Druze fighting with us | The Biblical hero from Yarca

On the closest ally and friend of King David,
the unique covenant of fate between the state of Israel,
and our Druze brothers, members of the Druze community.

Chechen Republic: Ramzan Kadyrov orders all pro-Hamas "demonstrations" - shot at warning.


The head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov ordered the local law enforcement officers to strictly suppress possible "unsanctioned riots".

According to the Kremlin-controlled RIA Novosti news agency, at a meeting with representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Guard in Grozny, Kadyrov said that "if even one person goes on an unauthorized riot," he should be "arrested and imprisoned" or "fire three warning shots in the air and If after that a person does not comply with the requirements of the law, the fourth shot should be in the forehead." As Kadyrov said, "they will not appear again" and this is his "order".


Economic corridor to link India, West Asia and Europe | Latest News | WION

Israel Railways has begun laying the new tracks that will form strategic rail connections to Israel's two new seaports, Ashdod and Haifa

Israel Railways has begun laying the new tracks that will form strategic rail connections to the two seaports Israel's new ones, in Ashdod and Haifa,

Along with the development, expansion and doubling of the main railway lines in the area of Pleshet Ashkelon, Ashdod, Rehovot and Lod.



Repression in the Shadow of Israelโ€™s War on Gaza Pt 1: 5 Israeli Human Rights Groups Sound the Alarm​

Temple Mount Update | The test of deterrence at the end of the war will be on the Temple Mount!

Israel is at war, hundreds of thousands are being recruited to war, and in the midst of all this chaos Israelis remain connected to the Temple Mount, 2767 dear Jews some in uniform ascended to the Temple Mount in the month of Chesvan!

Temple Mount Live | Minhah prayer and Shabbat Acceptance

"Time for New Home in Israel" - National Marriage Conference



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