Who are the lesser of two evils: democrats or republicans? State your case.


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Using objective facts and/or statistics, make your argument. Be specific. Which party is the greater evil?

I know many of you like to say they are equally evil, but you are sorely mistaken. Just because you can find corruption on both sides of the aisle does not mean they are on the same level. One party undermines the country while the other is largely self-interested, but still proposes policies that benefit the nation as a whole.
If I can help it I don't vote for either. Shit still smells whether it's a little poo or a pile.
The Dems are the lesser evil since they are much more reasonable about the needs of the collective. They can understand the Social Contract, balance necessary between the Individual and their Society, between Liberty and the State, between Rights and Responsibilities, Freedom and Security. It's why, for all their faults, they are not the party of one race and the "I Got Mine so Fuck You" mentality. They also do not give a passing nod to the theocratic among us who would destroy our Liberal Nation in the name of their gods. The Dems can see that they might be doing evil, the GOP can't even begin to imagine such a thing, the very first sign that you are in fact, evil.
If I can help it I don't vote for either. Shit still smells whether it's a little poo or a pile.
I dont blame you for not voting for either, but perhaps you can explain why you feel they are on the same level of corruption.

I could explain, but I'm certainly not wasting my time on you. I already know you're a biased partisan.
They both suck in their own little way.
Democrats-They support crime of certain races, support identity politics and pretty much want to destroy the family. They're anti-male as all hell. Loonyville is what they're!

Republicans-They want to cut, slash and burn. Nasa? We don't need it. Nws? We don't need it. SSI for our old people to save into? We don't need it. Infrastructure funding? We don't need it. Education for our children. We don't need it? Pretty much the only thing that has to do with fiscal that the republicans get right is borders, milliary and a little bit on the accountability side.

On the otherhand, the republicans aren't loons on social issues like the left and support the family.

Give me a moderate with the strengths of both = I'll vote for it.
If I can help it I don't vote for either. Shit still smells whether it's a little poo or a pile.
I dont blame you for not voting for either, but perhaps you can explain why you feel they are on the same level of corruption.

I could explain, but I'm certainly not wasting my time on you. I already know you're a biased partisan.
I am biased toward liberal policies, not democrats. See, be honest. You can't explain worth a shit why democrats are the greater evil.
I could explain, but I'm certainly not wasting my time on you. I already know you're a biased partisan.
I am biased toward liberal policies, not democrats. See, be honest. You can't explain worth a shit why democrats are the greater evil.

Yes, well, that would be because I never said they were.:dance:
Using objective facts and/or statistics, make your argument. Be specific. Which party is the greater evil?

I know many of you like to say they are equally evil, but you are sorely mistaken. Just because you can find corruption on both sides of the aisle does not mean they are on the same level. One party undermines the country while the other is largely self-interested, but still proposes policies that benefit the nation as a whole.
If you are timid and cautious, and fearful be a progressive. If you are aggressive, independent and a risk taker be a conservative...
Using objective facts and/or statistics, make your argument. Be specific. Which party is the greater evil?

I know many of you like to say they are equally evil, but you are sorely mistaken. Just because you can find corruption on both sides of the aisle does not mean they are on the same level. One party undermines the country while the other is largely self-interested, but still proposes policies that benefit the nation as a whole.
If you are timid and cautious, and fearful be a progressive. If you are aggressive, independent and a risk taker be a conservative...
Lol that is too rich. Seriously dude are you listening to yourself ? Conservatives are risk takers and progressives aren't? Risk taking is what progressvism represents. Conservatives are pussies. They only allow tradition and dogma. Progressivism breaks the mold.

Think of a conservative and a progressive on a date:

Progressive: "let's try that new restaurant that has opened up"
Conservative: "what? Hell no. I want the number 5 at the local old fart diner as always!"
If I can help it I don't vote for either. Shit still smells whether it's a little poo or a pile.
I dont blame you for not voting for either, but perhaps you can explain why you feel they are on the same level of corruption.

I could explain, but I'm certainly not wasting my time on you. I already know you're a biased partisan.
Shhh, I think they're pretending this is some sort of open-minded, thoughtful, objective discussion.

If I can help it I don't vote for either. Shit still smells whether it's a little poo or a pile.
I dont blame you for not voting for either, but perhaps you can explain why you feel they are on the same level of corruption.

I could explain, but I'm certainly not wasting my time on you. I already know you're a biased partisan.
Shhh, I think they're pretending this is some sort of open-minded, thoughtful, objective discussion.

It certainly can be. You start us off.
Democrats want to take us down the same path as what happened to Greece, Detroit and Chicago.
Republicans want us to be more like Hong Kong and Singapore.

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