Who are the MAGA?

MAGA are a people who support Laura Loomer, a racist, 9-11 truther, psychopath who interrupted a DeSantis event for fallen police officers and spread rumors that his wife was faking her cancer in order to help her husband's presidential campaign.

MAGA are a people who supports a cult leader whose entire prior cabinet except for four won't endorse him for reelection and claims he's dangerous.


and you're a moderator, No wonder you ban me so many times
Does Robert K Bird Ring a bell
and as far as your cabinet lying bull shit goes. Why isn't Biden running for president. Please answer instead of banning me.
Bigotry, hate, and conspiracy is your entire little rant

How can you be so stupid not to see it is you that is what you accuse others of being
Bigotry, Hate, Conspiracy are what formed MAGA
MAGA are a people who claim the CIA and FBI tried to murder the leader of their cult.

MAGA are a people who lied about black immigrants eating pets in Ohio, resulting in that town receiving violent bomb threats.

MAGA are a people who supports a VP candidate who admitted on tv that he makes up lies in order to get media attention.

MAGA are a people who claim the sitting VP used super secret spy earrings to cheat at the debate.

MAGA are a people who support Laura Loomer, a racist, 9-11 truther, psychopath who interrupted a DeSantis event for fallen police officers and spread rumors that his wife was faking her cancer in order to help her husband's presidential campaign.

MAGA are a people who supports a cult leader whose entire prior cabinet except for four won't endorse him for reelection and claims he's dangerous.

MAGA are a people who claims the COVID vaccines are killing people while fervently supporting the man for president who brags about it being his biggest accomplishment.

MAGA are a people whose cult leader can't get a single donation from a Fortune 100 CEO, while claiming the opposition are the communists.

I could continue to go on, but you get the idea. That's who MAGA is. You're a movement of the dumbest people in America, possessing the IQ of a turnip, and peddle in lies and manipulation. You're a danger to this country and will be defeated once for all in a little over 50 days.
All fake news in their world.
Bigotry, Hate, Conspiracy are what formed MAGA
sad for you to be all three of those
maga is all around you
maga waves hello, says thank you at the store, helps you with your life every day

It would be interesting to meet you. I wonder if you walk around all day with these delusions

You would have to be exremely fearful

Even illegal aliens are maga. That is the funny thing, maga is the majority, waking up to the damage you cause, the hate you spew

Remember, as soon as you leave your closet and go outside, we are there
So they don't see themselves that way?
A good percentage of MAGA are not for the total elimination of abortions as an example. In states that may try to do that, they need to think it over as women need time to digest their options. It took time for people to be reckless in sex. It may take time for them to be more careful and use the preventative options. Even so, to know if not the names the percentage of women who have many abortions and account for a fair percentage of them would give us an understanding. In fact, it may make it overrated if say 10% of women have 50% of the yearly abortions.
MAGA are a people who claim the CIA and FBI tried to murder the leader of their cult.

MAGA are a people who lied about black immigrants eating pets in Ohio, resulting in that town receiving violent bomb threats.

MAGA are a people who supports a VP candidate who admitted on tv that he makes up lies in order to get media attention.

MAGA are a people who claim the sitting VP used super secret spy earrings to cheat at the debate.

MAGA are a people who support Laura Loomer, a racist, 9-11 truther, psychopath who interrupted a DeSantis event for fallen police officers and spread rumors that his wife was faking her cancer in order to help her husband's presidential campaign.

MAGA are a people who supports a cult leader whose entire prior cabinet except for four won't endorse him for reelection and claims he's dangerous.

MAGA are a people who claims the COVID vaccines are killing people while fervently supporting the man for president who brags about it being his biggest accomplishment.

MAGA are a people whose cult leader can't get a single donation from a Fortune 100 CEO, while claiming the opposition are the communists.

I could continue to go on, but you get the idea. That's who MAGA is. You're a movement of the dumbest people in America, possessing the IQ of a turnip, and peddle in lies and manipulation. You're a danger to this country and will be defeated once for all in a little over 50 days.
WHOA….when did you dye your hair purple?
For comparison, now tell us who the Left is?
The left considers normal/common sense folks as a threat to their existence.
Weird. The way I see it, magaturds are about as far away from normal/common sense folks as one can get sans lobotomy. :dunno:
No worries, we just want them to bugger-off and go be leftists someplace else.
No worries, we just want them to bugger-off and be magaturds someplace else.
MAGA are a people who claim the CIA and FBI tried to murder the leader of their cult.

MAGA are a people who lied about black immigrants eating pets in Ohio, resulting in that town receiving violent bomb threats.

MAGA are a people who supports a VP candidate who admitted on tv that he makes up lies in order to get media attention.

MAGA are a people who claim the sitting VP used super secret spy earrings to cheat at the debate.

MAGA are a people who support Laura Loomer, a racist, 9-11 truther, psychopath who interrupted a DeSantis event for fallen police officers and spread rumors that his wife was faking her cancer in order to help her husband's presidential campaign.

MAGA are a people who supports a cult leader whose entire prior cabinet except for four won't endorse him for reelection and claims he's dangerous.

MAGA are a people who claims the COVID vaccines are killing people while fervently supporting the man for president who brags about it being his biggest accomplishment.

MAGA are a people whose cult leader can't get a single donation from a Fortune 100 CEO, while claiming the opposition are the communists.

I could continue to go on, but you get the idea. That's who MAGA is. You're a movement of the dumbest people in America, possessing the IQ of a turnip, and peddle in lies and manipulation. You're a danger to this country and will be defeated once for all in a little over 50 days.
Well said! Bravo!!!
J D Vance, even more (hard to believe) than Trump, is the bad guys, the real wannabee Hitler dictator.

J.D. Vance should scare the shit out of anyone right now. He's done this to his constituents, fomented a lie into literal neo-Nazis plaguing a community so hard that they've had to: cancel schools, evacuate/lockdown hospitals, colleges go online, had literal right wing stormtroopers walk through their towns, be paper dropped KKK posters and had to cancel a festival.

All because he decided to continue the fabrication of a story to get attention.

I'm more fearful of Peter Thiel's special golden boy being in the seat of power than I am a Trump presidency at this point, because at least Trump isn't stupid enough to pull all the levers I think Vance is willing to please his monetary masters, and in his actions in Ohio, not care who the fuck he hurts in doing so.

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