Who Are The Palestinains?

Poor MOHOMOD Latici, he can't face the truth that Jews and Christians were in Israel thousands of years before Muslims and Arabs arrived. He keeps saying "Muslims were in Palestine before the time of Christ" when Islam is merely 1400 years old, and Arab animals invaded Israel hundreds of years after Islam arrived.

This kinda fits into the idiotic Muslim claim that Jesus, Moses, and Abraham were Muslims. Maybe they didn't know it. Ha ha ha.

Firstly, since before the time of Christ and prior to 614 AD the area was called Palestina Prima and was a province of the Roman Empire (either Western or Eastern/Byzantine).

In 614 the Persian Sassanid Empire (which was not Muslim at the time) with their Jewish allies conquered Palestina Prima from the Romans (Byzantines) they massacred most of the Christians and for a brief period it had a Jewish Governor.

The Romans retook Palestina Prima in 629 AD and the Jews were either killed, fled or converted to Christianity.

The Muslim never conquered Israel. They conquered the Roman Province of Palestina Prima for the first time in 637 when it was ruled by, and populated by Christians.

After the Muslim conquest, most Christians converted to Islam (obvious tax advantage). That is why the Muslims of Palestine today are, for the most part. the offspring of the same people that were once the Christians of Palestine. The Christian Palestinians are those that did not convert, for the most part.

Of course, the Christian Crusaders reconquered Palestine and ruled it as the Latin Kingdom from 1099 to 1187. Jews were less welcome in the Latin Kingdom than Muslims since they had helped the Muslims defend Jerusalem against the Crusaders. But, that's another part of history.

Timeline of Jerusalem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Kingdom of Jerusalem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Kingdom of Jerusalem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Poor MOHOMOD Latici, he can't face the truth that Jews and Christians were in Israel thousands of years before Muslims and Arabs arrived. He keeps saying "Muslims were in Palestine before the time of Christ" when Islam is merely 1400 years old, and Arab animals invaded Israel hundreds of years after Islam arrived.

This kinda fits into the idiotic Muslim claim that Jesus, Moses, and Abraham were Muslims. Maybe they didn't know it. Ha ha ha.

Firstly, since before the time of Christ and prior to 614 AD the area was called Palestina Prima and was a province of the Roman Empire (either Western or Eastern/Byzantine).

In 614 the Persian Sassanid Empire (which was not Muslim at the time) with their Jewish allies conquered Palestina Prima from the Romans (Byzantines) they massacred most of the Christians and for a brief period it had a Jewish Governor.

The Romans retook Palestina Prima in 629 AD and the Jews were either killed, fled or converted to Christianity.

The Muslim never conquered Israel. They conquered the Roman Province of Palestina Prima for the first time in 637 when it was ruled by, and populated by Christians.

After the Muslim conquest, most Christians converted to Islam (obvious tax advantage). That is why the Muslims of Palestine today are, for the most part. the offspring of the same people that were once the Christians of Palestine. The Christian Palestinians are those that did not convert, for the most part.

Of course, the Christian Crusaders reconquered Palestine and ruled it as the Latin Kingdom from 1099 to 1187. Jews were less welcome in the Latin Kingdom than Muslims since they had helped the Muslims defend Jerusalem against the Crusaders. But, that's another part of history.

Timeline of Jerusalem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Kingdom of Jerusalem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Kingdom of Jerusalem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How come, for such "important facts" a regular encycl-opedia like the Encyclopedia Britanica or even something from a history department of a major university which will verify these facts. I can see why some teacher out here doesn't let her pupils use Wikipedia because people can put in anything they want and present them as true facts. With so many sources available, why is Wikipedia the one that is generally used?
Poor MOHOMOD Latici, he can't face the truth that Jews and Christians were in Israel thousands of years before Muslims and Arabs arrived. He keeps saying "Muslims were in Palestine before the time of Christ" when Islam is merely 1400 years old, and Arab animals invaded Israel hundreds of years after Islam arrived.

This kinda fits into the idiotic Muslim claim that Jesus, Moses, and Abraham were Muslims. Maybe they didn't know it. Ha ha ha.

Firstly, since before the time of Christ and prior to 614 AD the area was called Palestina Prima and was a province of the Roman Empire (either Western or Eastern/Byzantine).

In 614 the Persian Sassanid Empire (which was not Muslim at the time) with their Jewish allies conquered Palestina Prima from the Romans (Byzantines) they massacred most of the Christians and for a brief period it had a Jewish Governor.

The Romans retook Palestina Prima in 629 AD and the Jews were either killed, fled or converted to Christianity.

The Muslim never conquered Israel. They conquered the Roman Province of Palestina Prima for the first time in 637 when it was ruled by, and populated by Christians.

After the Muslim conquest, most Christians converted to Islam (obvious tax advantage). That is why the Muslims of Palestine today are, for the most part. the offspring of the same people that were once the Christians of Palestine. The Christian Palestinians are those that did not convert, for the most part.

Of course, the Christian Crusaders reconquered Palestine and ruled it as the Latin Kingdom from 1099 to 1187. Jews were less welcome in the Latin Kingdom than Muslims since they had helped the Muslims defend Jerusalem against the Crusaders. But, that's another part of history.

Timeline of Jerusalem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Kingdom of Jerusalem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Kingdom of Jerusalem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Useless response and even more useless links that have nothing to do with the discussion.

So to recap, you're fulla shit again, you haven't been able to prove "there were Muslims in Palestine since the time of Christ", just spouting more bullshit Islamist propaganda and wishful thinking that "most Christians and Jews converted" without a shred of proof for that either.

Therefore, like a good convert you simply repeat the Islamist talking points about Israel and Jerusalem, which are simply garbage.

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Poor MOHOMOD Latici, he can't face the truth that Jews and Christians were in Israel thousands of years before Muslims and Arabs arrived. He keeps saying "Muslims were in Palestine before the time of Christ" when Islam is merely 1400 years old, and Arab animals invaded Israel hundreds of years after Islam arrived.

This kinda fits into the idiotic Muslim claim that Jesus, Moses, and Abraham were Muslims. Maybe they didn't know it. Ha ha ha.

Firstly, since before the time of Christ and prior to 614 AD the area was called Palestina Prima and was a province of the Roman Empire (either Western or Eastern/Byzantine).

In 614 the Persian Sassanid Empire (which was not Muslim at the time) with their Jewish allies conquered Palestina Prima from the Romans (Byzantines) they massacred most of the Christians and for a brief period it had a Jewish Governor.

The Romans retook Palestina Prima in 629 AD and the Jews were either killed, fled or converted to Christianity.

The Muslim never conquered Israel. They conquered the Roman Province of Palestina Prima for the first time in 637 when it was ruled by, and populated by Christians.

After the Muslim conquest, most Christians converted to Islam (obvious tax advantage). That is why the Muslims of Palestine today are, for the most part. the offspring of the same people that were once the Christians of Palestine. The Christian Palestinians are those that did not convert, for the most part.

Of course, the Christian Crusaders reconquered Palestine and ruled it as the Latin Kingdom from 1099 to 1187. Jews were less welcome in the Latin Kingdom than Muslims since they had helped the Muslims defend Jerusalem against the Crusaders. But, that's another part of history.

Timeline of Jerusalem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Kingdom of Jerusalem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Kingdom of Jerusalem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How come, for such "important facts" a regular encycl-opedia like the Encyclopedia Britanica or even something from a history department of a major university which will verify these facts. I can see why some teacher out here doesn't let her pupils use Wikipedia because people can put in anything they want and present them as true facts. With so many sources available, why is Wikipedia the one that is generally used?
Because he has no evidence for his asinine claims. So he posts these long irrelevant Wikipedia links. Pathetic. Bottom line is Israel and Jerusalem have always belonged to Jews and been in their hearts and souls, and despite many invasions and conquests, the Jews are back home again. :clap: :eusa_whistle:

Can we get a praise to Allah from the convert?
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Firstly, since before the time of Christ and prior to 614 AD the area was called Palestina Prima and was a province of the Roman Empire (either Western or Eastern/Byzantine).

In 614 the Persian Sassanid Empire (which was not Muslim at the time) with their Jewish allies conquered Palestina Prima from the Romans (Byzantines) they massacred most of the Christians and for a brief period it had a Jewish Governor.

The Romans retook Palestina Prima in 629 AD and the Jews were either killed, fled or converted to Christianity.

The Muslim never conquered Israel. They conquered the Roman Province of Palestina Prima for the first time in 637 when it was ruled by, and populated by Christians.

After the Muslim conquest, most Christians converted to Islam (obvious tax advantage). That is why the Muslims of Palestine today are, for the most part. the offspring of the same people that were once the Christians of Palestine. The Christian Palestinians are those that did not convert, for the most part.

Of course, the Christian Crusaders reconquered Palestine and ruled it as the Latin Kingdom from 1099 to 1187. Jews were less welcome in the Latin Kingdom than Muslims since they had helped the Muslims defend Jerusalem against the Crusaders. But, that's another part of history.

Timeline of Jerusalem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Kingdom of Jerusalem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Kingdom of Jerusalem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How come, for such "important facts" a regular encycl-opedia like the Encyclopedia Britanica or even something from a history department of a major university which will verify these facts. I can see why some teacher out here doesn't let her pupils use Wikipedia because people can put in anything they want and present them as true facts. With so many sources available, why is Wikipedia the one that is generally used?
Because he has no evidence for his asinine claims. So he posts these long irrelevant Wikipedia links. Pathetic. Bottom line is Israel and Jerusalem have always belonged to Jews and been in their hearts and souls, and despite many invasions and conquests, the Jews are back home again. :clap: :eusa_whistle:

Can we get a praise to Allah from the convert?
Allahu Akbar! Whoa, Clyde!
"Chriustians & Muslims before the time of Christ." That has got to be his best one yet. Heh Heh!

MOHOMOD Latici, he can't face the truth that Jews and Christians were in Israel thousands of years before Muslims and Arabs arrived. He keeps saying "Muslims were in Palestine before the time of Christ" when Islam is merely 1400 years old, and Arab animals invaded Israel hundreds of years after Islam arrived.

This kinda fits into the idiotic Muslim claim that Jesus, Moses, and Abraham were Muslims. Maybe they didn't know it. Ha ha ha.[/quote]

Firstly, since before the time of Christ and prior to 614 AD the area was called Palestina Prima and was a province of the Roman Empire (either Western or Eastern/Byzantine).

In 614 the Persian Sassanid Empire (which was not Muslim at the time) with their Jewish allies conquered Palestina Prima from the Romans (Byzantines) they massacred most of the Christians and for a brief period it had a Jewish Governor.

The Romans retook Palestina Prima in 629 AD and the Jews were either killed, fled or converted to Christianity.

The Muslim never conquered Israel. They conquered the Roman Province of Palestina Prima for the first time in 637 when it was ruled by, and populated by Christians.

After the Muslim conquest, most Christians converted to Islam (obvious tax advantage). That is why the Muslims of Palestine today are, for the most part. the offspring of the same people that were once the Christians of Palestine. The Christian Palestinians are those that did not convert, for the most part.

Of course, the Christian Crusaders reconquered Palestine and ruled it as the Latin Kingdom from 1099 to 1187. Jews were less welcome in the Latin Kingdom than Muslims since they had helped the Muslims defend Jerusalem against the Crusaders. But, that's another part of history.

Timeline of Jerusalem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Kingdom of Jerusalem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Kingdom of Jerusalem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/QUOTE]
Useless response and even more useless links that have nothing to do with the discussion.

So to recap, you're fulla shit again, you haven't been able to prove "there were Muslims in Palestine since the time of Christ", just spouting more bullshit Islamist propaganda and wishful thinking that "most Christians and Jews converted" without a shred of proof for that either.

Therefore, like a good convert you simply repeat the Islamist talking points about Israel and Jerusalem, which are simply garbage.

1. Israel and Jerusalem have not always belonged to the Jews. The Phoenician Caanites founded and ruled Jerusalem from about 2,500 BC to 1,000 BC when the Jews invaded and conquered the city. So the Jews ruled the city for less than 1,000 years.

Canaanite Phoenician Jerusalem, Urushalim, The City Founded by Shalem, Phoenician God of Dusk

2. The Encyclopedia Britanica pay per view, I certainly am not going to pay money to educate you ignoramuses. But, it won't be any different than Wiki. 99% of Middle East historians will tell you the same thing, that the Palestinians are for the most part converted Christians. No one questions it except Zionutters. Even historians like this Katz guy, who is Jewish, write the same thing:

Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity, and later Islam, not Arab in origin

In Palestine the "small" number of Arab invaders who had been imported by the Arabian conquerors were wiped out by disease. Thus the "myth" of the "Palestinian Arab" descending "from the Arab conquerors" appears to be factually incorrect for all but perhaps a few. Supporting Hogarth, Hitti, and Lewis, the Reverend Parkes found that
"During the first century after the Arab conquest the caliph and governors of Syria and The Land [Palestine] ruled almost entirely over Christian and Jewish subjects. Apart from the bedouin [nomads], in the earliest days the only Arabs west of the Jordan (not all of whom were themselves Muslims) were the garnisons... "

"The "vast majority" remaining in Palestine was "native Christians," of "mixed origin ... carelessly known as Christian Arabs."

Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted

But, for any of you that have any brains at all, think about this. Before the Arab "hordes" there were the German "hordes". They conquered most of Europe, and sacked Rome. They ruled much of Italy thereafter. Did the Italians turn into Germans. The Germans (Franks) conquered Gaul (France), did the French turn into Germans. Same with Spain. The Germans (Visigoths) conquered Spain but the Spanish remained Iberian. And finally, an Arab "horde" analogy, Sicily was conquered and ruled by the Arabs from 831 to 1072, the Sicilians did not magically become Arabs.
So are those Palestinians you refer to who are "for the most part converted Christians" the ones who converted before the birth of Jesus?

1. Israel and Jerusalem have not always belonged to the Jews. The Phoenician Caanites founded and ruled Jerusalem from about 2,500 BC to 1,000 BC when the Jews invaded and conquered the city. So the Jews ruled the city for less than 1,000 years.

Canaanite Phoenician Jerusalem, Urushalim, The City Founded by Shalem, Phoenician God of Dusk

2. The Encyclopedia Britanica pay per view, I certainly am not going to pay money to educate you ignoramuses. But, it won't be any different than Wiki. 99% of Middle East historians will tell you the same thing, that the Palestinians are for the most part converted Christians. No one questions it except Zionutters. Even historians like this Katz guy, who is Jewish, write the same thing:

Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity, and later Islam, not Arab in origin

In Palestine the "small" number of Arab invaders who had been imported by the Arabian conquerors were wiped out by disease. Thus the "myth" of the "Palestinian Arab" descending "from the Arab conquerors" appears to be factually incorrect for all but perhaps a few. Supporting Hogarth, Hitti, and Lewis, the Reverend Parkes found that
"During the first century after the Arab conquest the caliph and governors of Syria and The Land [Palestine] ruled almost entirely over Christian and Jewish subjects. Apart from the bedouin [nomads], in the earliest days the only Arabs west of the Jordan (not all of whom were themselves Muslims) were the garnisons... "

"The "vast majority" remaining in Palestine was "native Christians," of "mixed origin ... carelessly known as Christian Arabs."

Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted

But, for any of you that have any brains at all, think about this. Before the Arab "hordes" there were the German "hordes". They conquered most of Europe, and sacked Rome. They ruled much of Italy thereafter. Did the Italians turn into Germans. The Germans (Franks) conquered Gaul (France), did the French turn into Germans. Same with Spain. The Germans (Visigoths) conquered Spain but the Spanish remained Iberian. And finally, an Arab "horde" analogy, Sicily was conquered and ruled by the Arabs from 831 to 1072, the Sicilians did not magically become Arabs.
It doesn't even matter who was there first. Just look at the Americas...
Anyways, moo slims will just fuck up any territory with sharia law like they've done everywhere else they are.
It doesn't even matter who was there first. Just look at the Americas...
Anyways, moo slims will just fuck up any territory with sharia law like they've done everywhere else they are.
So you think its okay for someone you never met, to come over to your house and declare it theirs?
1. Israel and Jerusalem have not always belonged to the Jews. The Phoenician Caanites founded and ruled Jerusalem from about 2,500 BC to 1,000 BC when the Jews invaded and conquered the city. So the Jews ruled the city for less than 1,000 years.

Canaanite Phoenician Jerusalem, Urushalim, The City Founded by Shalem, Phoenician God of Dusk

2. The Encyclopedia Britanica pay per view, I certainly am not going to pay money to educate you ignoramuses. But, it won't be any different than Wiki. 99% of Middle East historians will tell you the same thing, that the Palestinians are for the most part converted Christians. No one questions it except Zionutters. Even historians like this Katz guy, who is Jewish, write the same thing:

Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity, and later Islam, not Arab in origin

In Palestine the "small" number of Arab invaders who had been imported by the Arabian conquerors were wiped out by disease. Thus the "myth" of the "Palestinian Arab" descending "from the Arab conquerors" appears to be factually incorrect for all but perhaps a few. Supporting Hogarth, Hitti, and Lewis, the Reverend Parkes found that
"During the first century after the Arab conquest the caliph and governors of Syria and The Land [Palestine] ruled almost entirely over Christian and Jewish subjects. Apart from the bedouin [nomads], in the earliest days the only Arabs west of the Jordan (not all of whom were themselves Muslims) were the garnisons... "

"The "vast majority" remaining in Palestine was "native Christians," of "mixed origin ... carelessly known as Christian Arabs."

Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted

But, for any of you that have any brains at all, think about this. Before the Arab "hordes" there were the German "hordes". They conquered most of Europe, and sacked Rome. They ruled much of Italy thereafter. Did the Italians turn into Germans. The Germans (Franks) conquered Gaul (France), did the French turn into Germans. Same with Spain. The Germans (Visigoths) conquered Spain but the Spanish remained Iberian. And finally, an Arab "horde" analogy, Sicily was conquered and ruled by the Arabs from 831 to 1072, the Sicilians did not magically become Arabs.

Now make your mind up about what the people who lived in Palestine were. As you say when the Germanic tribes conquered Italy the Italians did not become Germanic. By the same token when the arab muslims hordes conquered Palestine the people did not become Arabic. So the people stayed Judaic and European while becoming Islamic by force.

So how did the people of Samaria and Judea suddenly become arabs, unless the arab invaders wiped them out.................
How did you get to be so silly? It is the Palestinians who are squatters on Israel's land for generations without any deeds to the land they stole.
Every country on the planet and over 100 UN resolutions say you're full of shit!

So fuck off, prick!
Just as long as you realize that your strawman argument about Hamas renouncing destroying Israel once they are a political entity is total crap, my job is done.

And just what do you base that conclusion on?
Are you too ashamed to ask the Indians?
What makes you think I haven't already?

They'd probably tell you the same thing that I'm telling you now: you snooze, you lose. So move on already and be happy with whatever they give you.
So you're saying, Israel should just "move on" and "be happy", with whatever the Palestinian's give them?

That makes no sense whatsoever!

But you being too pussy to answer a direct question, does.
Are you too ashamed to ask the Indians?
What makes you think I haven't already?

They'd probably tell you the same thing that I'm telling you now: you snooze, you lose. So move on already and be happy with whatever they give you.
So you're saying, Israel should just "move on" and "be happy", with whatever the Palestinian's give them?

That makes no sense whatsoever!

But you being too pussy to answer a direct question, does.

No, the Pals have been beaten and should move onto small reservations out of sight. Just like your Indians did after you massacred them.
The overwhelming majority of Palestinians are just a bunch of squatters on stolen land in Israel that they hold no deeds to. How about this proposal? All Palestinians who hold deeds to the land they reside on can stay & all those who do not must leave. Fair eneough?

It doesn't even matter who was there first. Just look at the Americas...
Anyways, moo slims will just fuck up any territory with sharia law like they've done everywhere else they are.
So you think its okay for someone you never met, to come over to your house and declare it theirs?

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