Who Are The Palestinains?

How did you get to be so silly? It is the Palestinians who are squatters on Israel's land for generations without any deeds to the land they stole.

It's a cultural thing us Westerners in the civilized world just can't understand.
How would you like it if someone who just moved into the neighborhood came up to you and said your house was now his? started beating up your relatives; built a fence across your driveway to the point where your car no longer had access to the street; and went around trashing you to your neighbor's, telling them all it was your fault things had deteriorated?

What would you do?

The Christians and Muslims of Palestine have been there since before the time of Christ. Because they converted from earlier religions doesn't make them less indigenous. The European settlers, on the other hand, are occupiers. Your crap propaganda convinces no one but a few ignorant Americans. Americans with any brains know better than fall for the crap propaganda and there are more and more of every day.
Do you think the Israeli parties in the Israeli cabinet that call for the expulsion or genocide of the non-Jews should also change their positions? Shas is not the most radical of these parties but has positions towards the non-Jews that Hamas has towards the Jews.

For example, Ovadia Yosef leader of Shas has been quoted as saying "Abu Mazen and all these evil people should perish from this world. God should strike them with a plague, them and these Palestinians."

also this same party leader called Arabs "vipers," and called for Israel to "annihilate" them. "It is forbidden to be merciful to them. You must send missiles to them and annihilate them. They are evil and damnable."

Hamas are pretty mild compared to the equivalent Israeli radicals.

Shas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hamas are terrorist animals and designated as a terrorist group by US and Western govt's. Israel like the US is a free country you have extremists saying all kinds of stupid shit. Heck we even allow terrorist supporting morons like you IslamoNaz lovers have their say. Hamas is to Israelis as Al Queda is to the US.

It's one thing to talk, it's another thing to shot rockets at innocent civilians and carry out suicide bombings and other terrorist acts.
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How did you get to be so silly? It is the Palestinians who are squatters on Israel's land for generations without any deeds to the land they stole.

How would you like it if someone who just moved into the neighborhood came up to you and said your house was now his? started beating up your relatives; built a fence across your driveway to the point where your car no longer had access to the street; and went around trashing you to your neighbor's, telling them all it was your fault things had deteriorated?

What would you do?

The Christians and Muslims of Palestine have been there since before the time of Christ. Because they converted from earlier religions doesn't make them less indigenous. The European settlers, on the other hand, are occupiers. Your crap propaganda convinces no one but a few ignorant Americans. Americans with any brains know better than fall for the crap propaganda and there are more and more of every day.
Idiot, there was no Islam or Muslims before Christ, and even centuries after. the fact that Muslims INVADED, looted, and killed people in the holy land (like they did everywhere else) doesn't make the land theirs.

Wow, how stoopid can you Pali terrorist lovers get. Ha ha ha
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How did you get to be so silly? It is the Palestinians who are squatters on Israel's land for generations without any deeds to the land they stole.

The Christians and Muslims of Palestine have been there since before the time of Christ. Because they converted from earlier religions doesn't make them less indigenous. The European settlers, on the other hand, are occupiers. Your crap propaganda convinces no one but a few ignorant Americans. Americans with any brains know better than fall for the crap propaganda and there are more and more of every day.
Idiot, there was no Islam or Muslims before Christ, and even centuries after. the fact that Muslims INVADED, looted, and killed people in the holy land (like they did everywhere else) doesn't make the land theirs.

Wow, how stoopid can you Pali terrorist lovers get. Ha ha ha

You really do have a reading comprehension problem. I suspect that English is not your first (or second) language.

The Muslims of Palestine are simply Christians (who had lived in Palestine since before the time of Christ) that converted from the Byzantine state Church (Greek Orthodox) to Islam after the Muslim conquests. This is just basic historical fact.

" When the Muslim Caliph Omar conquered Syria from the Byzantine Empire around 636, he protected the Christians under his rule, allowing them to keep their churches and worship as they pleased. But many Christians converted to Islam anyway, preferring its emphasis on a personal connection with God to the oppressive hierarchies of the Byzantine Church."

National Geographic Magazine - NGM.com
The original people of Palestine. Part of the Canaan society that Hebrews could not defeat when they invaded Palestine.

no.... learn history...

bedouins who started a war against the jewish population of israel.

there has never been a palestine... it was a designation given to judea by it's occupiers.

The 'designation' given to it by its current occupiers is Israel.

designation used since before the Roman occupation. It goes back three thousand years.
Do you think the Israeli parties in the Israeli cabinet that call for the expulsion or genocide of the non-Jews should also change their positions? Shas is not the most radical of these parties but has positions towards the non-Jews that Hamas has towards the Jews.

For example, Ovadia Yosef leader of Shas has been quoted as saying "Abu Mazen and all these evil people should perish from this world. God should strike them with a plague, them and these Palestinians."

also this same party leader called Arabs "vipers," and called for Israel to "annihilate" them. "It is forbidden to be merciful to them. You must send missiles to them and annihilate them. They are evil and damnable."

Hamas are pretty mild compared to the equivalent Israeli radicals.

Shas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

One person in a minority movement as compared to millions of Islamics throughout the world and their clerics calling for the destruction of Jews. Not such a comparison really is it?

It is not one person, it is the platform of Shas and a number of right wing parties included in the current ruling coalition in Israel. Since Netanyahu cannot rule without radical parties that promote the annihilation, expulsion or destruction of the non-Jews, perhaps Abbas can't rule without including radicals in his government.

The percentage of Jews that think that way is probably similar to the percentage of Muslims that think that way about Jews. That there are more than a billion Muslims and perhaps 15 million Jews in the world, is just a fact and for that reason you will many millions of radical Muslims compared the same percentage but many less radical Jews.
How did you get to be so silly? It is the Palestinians who are squatters on Israel's land for generations without any deeds to the land they stole.

The Christians and Muslims of Palestine have been there since before the time of Christ. Because they converted from earlier religions doesn't make them less indigenous. The European settlers, on the other hand, are occupiers. Your crap propaganda convinces no one but a few ignorant Americans. Americans with any brains know better than fall for the crap propaganda and there are more and more of every day.
Idiot, there was no Islam or Muslims before Christ, and even centuries after. the fact that Muslims INVADED, looted, and killed people in the holy land (like they did everywhere else) doesn't make the land theirs.

Wow, how stoopid can you Pali terrorist lovers get. Ha ha ha
I think Forrest Gump had a comeback for that. "Stupid is as stupid does"
Oh now I get it. Read this folks. "The Christians and Muslims of Palestine have been there since before the time of Christ." Good one. Heh Heh.

How did you get to be so silly? It is the Palestinians who are squatters on Israel's land for generations without any deeds to the land they stole.

How would you like it if someone who just moved into the neighborhood came up to you and said your house was now his? started beating up your relatives; built a fence across your driveway to the point where your car no longer had access to the street; and went around trashing you to your neighbor's, telling them all it was your fault things had deteriorated?

What would you do?

The Christians and Muslims of Palestine have been there since before the time of Christ. Because they converted from earlier religions doesn't make them less indigenous. The European settlers, on the other hand, are occupiers. Your crap propaganda convinces no one but a few ignorant Americans. Americans with any brains know better than fall for the crap propaganda and there are more and more of every day.
Oh now I get it. Read this folks. "The Christians and Muslims of Palestine have been there since before the time of Christ." Good one. Heh Heh.

How did you get to be so silly? It is the Palestinians who are squatters on Israel's land for generations without any deeds to the land they stole.

The Christians and Muslims of Palestine have been there since before the time of Christ. Because they converted from earlier religions doesn't make them less indigenous. The European settlers, on the other hand, are occupiers. Your crap propaganda convinces no one but a few ignorant Americans. Americans with any brains know better than fall for the crap propaganda and there are more and more of every day.
MJ, didn't you know that Dollar Store sells a cheap version of a Time Machine?
LOL! "Christians & Muslims before the time of Christ." Oh Gawd I love this board for all the laughs.

Oh now I get it. Read this folks. "The Christians and Muslims of Palestine have been there since before the time of Christ." Good one. Heh Heh.

The Christians and Muslims of Palestine have been there since before the time of Christ. Because they converted from earlier religions doesn't make them less indigenous. The European settlers, on the other hand, are occupiers. Your crap propaganda convinces no one but a few ignorant Americans. Americans with any brains know better than fall for the crap propaganda and there are more and more of every day.
MJ, didn't you know that Dollar Store sells a cheap version of a Time Machine?
Do you think the Israeli parties in the Israeli cabinet that call for the expulsion or genocide of the non-Jews should also change their positions? Shas is not the most radical of these parties but has positions towards the non-Jews that Hamas has towards the Jews.

For example, Ovadia Yosef leader of Shas has been quoted as saying "Abu Mazen and all these evil people should perish from this world. God should strike them with a plague, them and these Palestinians."

also this same party leader called Arabs "vipers," and called for Israel to "annihilate" them. "It is forbidden to be merciful to them. You must send missiles to them and annihilate them. They are evil and damnable."

Hamas are pretty mild compared to the equivalent Israeli radicals.

Shas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And what about the most fundamental aspect of islam the words spoken by Mohamed the psychopath when he declared open season on the Jews and commanded his followers to "WIPE OUT THE JEWS" and "KILL ALL THE JEWS". That is 2.5 billion muslims thinking and acting in this way every day, all day. Now how many Jews in the whole world say this
How did you get to be so silly? It is the Palestinians who are squatters on Israel's land for generations without any deeds to the land they stole.

How would you like it if someone who just moved into the neighborhood came up to you and said your house was now his? started beating up your relatives; built a fence across your driveway to the point where your car no longer had access to the street; and went around trashing you to your neighbor's, telling them all it was your fault things had deteriorated?

What would you do?

The Christians and Muslims of Palestine have been there since before the time of Christ. Because they converted from earlier religions doesn't make them less indigenous. The European settlers, on the other hand, are occupiers. Your crap propaganda convinces no one but a few ignorant Americans. Americans with any brains know better than fall for the crap propaganda and there are more and more of every day.

The muslims did not turn up until 632C.E. so they could not have been there since before Christ. Same with the Christians many of which were pilgrims from other nations outside the M.E. But the Jews had been there since the time of David and had never left their land without a Jewish presence in the last 4,500 years. The history books show that the majority of arab muslims are recent migrants from other parts of the Ottoman Empire because the land was devoid of any human life but the Jews and Christians
The Christians and Muslims of Palestine have been there since before the time of Christ. Because they converted from earlier religions doesn't make them less indigenous. The European settlers, on the other hand, are occupiers. Your crap propaganda convinces no one but a few ignorant Americans. Americans with any brains know better than fall for the crap propaganda and there are more and more of every day.
Idiot, there was no Islam or Muslims before Christ, and even centuries after. the fact that Muslims INVADED, looted, and killed people in the holy land (like they did everywhere else) doesn't make the land theirs.

Wow, how stoopid can you Pali terrorist lovers get. Ha ha ha

You really do have a reading comprehension problem. I suspect that English is not your first (or second) language.

The Muslims of Palestine are simply Christians (who had lived in Palestine since before the time of Christ) that converted from the Byzantine state Church (Greek Orthodox) to Islam after the Muslim conquests. This is just basic historical fact.

" When the Muslim Caliph Omar conquered Syria from the Byzantine Empire around 636, he protected the Christians under his rule, allowing them to keep their churches and worship as they pleased. But many Christians converted to Islam anyway, preferring its emphasis on a personal connection with God to the oppressive hierarchies of the Byzantine Church."

National Geographic Magazine - NGM.com

Try again little boy as most Christians were migrants that turned up on pilgrimages and stayed. The Greek Orthodox church did not come into existence until after the death of Jesus, founded by St Paul. They were allowed so much freedom but not enough to rebuild churches in a state of disrepair, or to build new ones higher than the lowest Islamic building. The penalty for doing so was death. They could not openly display their religion on pain of death. The people who converted did so because of the oppressive and restrictive nature of the pact of Omar.

But your ramblings still do not prove that the Palestinians of today are descendants of people who lived there 1400 years before
The Christians and Muslims of Palestine have been there since before the time of Christ. Because they converted from earlier religions doesn't make them less indigenous. The European settlers, on the other hand, are occupiers. Your crap propaganda convinces no one but a few ignorant Americans. Americans with any brains know better than fall for the crap propaganda and there are more and more of every day.
Idiot, there was no Islam or Muslims before Christ, and even centuries after. the fact that Muslims INVADED, looted, and killed people in the holy land (like they did everywhere else) doesn't make the land theirs.

Wow, how stoopid can you Pali terrorist lovers get. Ha ha ha

You really do have a reading comprehension problem. I suspect that English is not your first (or second) language.

The Muslims of Palestine are simply Christians (who had lived in Palestine since before the time of Christ) that converted from the Byzantine state Church (Greek Orthodox) to Islam after the Muslim conquests. This is just basic historical fact.

" When the Muslim Caliph Omar conquered Syria from the Byzantine Empire around 636, he protected the Christians under his rule, allowing them to keep their churches and worship as they pleased. But many Christians converted to Islam anyway, preferring its emphasis on a personal connection with God to the oppressive hierarchies of the Byzantine Church."

National Geographic Magazine - NGM.com
Dipshit! You said "Muslims have been there before Christ". Islam appeared in the holy land centuries after Jesus died, after the Muslim savages invaded the Holy land. Israel is not Moooooslem holyland, never has been, and never will be.

And stop making it look like Muslims didn't attack and invade Israel. The are invading savages, always have been, always will be. That's what your Koran tells you to do, convert:


The Islamization of Palestine occurred as a result of the Islamic conquest of Palestine in 640. It was a long process that included immigration of Arabs and Muslims from other regions, as well as gradual conversion to Islam by some of the indigenous Christian, Samaritan and Jewish population of the area. Islam did not become the majority religion of Palestine until at least the 9th century and possibly even as late as the Mamluk era (1250 - 1516). This occurred simultaneously with acculturation of the locals into Arab identity and the establishment of Arabic as the lingua franca, which eventually became their sole vernacular.

The Muslim Arab army attacked Jerusalem, held by the Byzantine Romans, in November, 636. For four months the siege continued. Ultimately, the Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem, Sophronius, agreed to surrender Jerusalem to Caliph Umar in person. Caliph Umar, then at Medina, agreed to these terms and traveled to Jerusalem to sign the capitulation in the spring of 637. Sophronius also negotiated a pact with Caliph Umar, known as the Umariyya Covenant or Covenant of Omar, allowing for religious freedom for Christians in exchange for "jizya," a tax to be paid by conquered non-Muslims, called "dhimmis." APARTHEID, ANYONE?

Christians in Jerusalem who sided with the Romans were put to death for high treason by the ruling Muslims. In 969, the Patriarch of Jerusalem, John VII, was put to death for treasonable correspondence with the Romans.


So, to conclude, the filth of Islam didn't invade Israel until centuries after the death of Jesus.
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Idiot, there was no Islam or Muslims before Christ, and even centuries after. the fact that Muslims INVADED, looted, and killed people in the holy land (like they did everywhere else) doesn't make the land theirs.

Wow, how stoopid can you Pali terrorist lovers get. Ha ha ha

You really do have a reading comprehension problem. I suspect that English is not your first (or second) language.

The Muslims of Palestine are simply Christians (who had lived in Palestine since before the time of Christ) that converted from the Byzantine state Church (Greek Orthodox) to Islam after the Muslim conquests. This is just basic historical fact.

" When the Muslim Caliph Omar conquered Syria from the Byzantine Empire around 636, he protected the Christians under his rule, allowing them to keep their churches and worship as they pleased. But many Christians converted to Islam anyway, preferring its emphasis on a personal connection with God to the oppressive hierarchies of the Byzantine Church."

National Geographic Magazine - NGM.com

Try again little boy as most Christians were migrants that turned up on pilgrimages and stayed. The Greek Orthodox church did not come into existence until after the death of Jesus, founded by St Paul. They were allowed so much freedom but not enough to rebuild churches in a state of disrepair, or to build new ones higher than the lowest Islamic building. The penalty for doing so was death. They could not openly display their religion on pain of death. The people who converted did so because of the oppressive and restrictive nature of the pact of Omar.

But your ramblings still do not prove that the Palestinians of today are descendants of people who lived there 1400 years before
This guy lives in this fantasy land that every single person in Israel was forced into the filth of Islam after the Muslim invasions. He forgets that a tiny minority did, while the rest were forced to live as second class citizens and pay higher taxes, if they choose to keep their religion.

Truth is, Muslim animals practiced apartheid from ancient times.
Idiot, there was no Islam or Muslims before Christ, and even centuries after. the fact that Muslims INVADED, looted, and killed people in the holy land (like they did everywhere else) doesn't make the land theirs.

Wow, how stoopid can you Pali terrorist lovers get. Ha ha ha

You really do have a reading comprehension problem. I suspect that English is not your first (or second) language.

The Muslims of Palestine are simply Christians (who had lived in Palestine since before the time of Christ) that converted from the Byzantine state Church (Greek Orthodox) to Islam after the Muslim conquests. This is just basic historical fact.

" When the Muslim Caliph Omar conquered Syria from the Byzantine Empire around 636, he protected the Christians under his rule, allowing them to keep their churches and worship as they pleased. But many Christians converted to Islam anyway, preferring its emphasis on a personal connection with God to the oppressive hierarchies of the Byzantine Church."

National Geographic Magazine - NGM.com
Dipshit! You said "Muslims have been there before Christ". Islam appeared in the holy land centuries after Jesus died, after the Muslim savages invaded the Holy land. Israel is not Moooooslem holyland, never has been, and never will be.

And stop making it look like Muslims didn't attack and invade Israel. The are invading savages, always have been, always will be. That's what your Koran tells you to do, convert:

Islamization of Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Islamization of Palestine occurred as a result of the Islamic conquest of Palestine in 640. It was a long process that included immigration of Arabs and Muslims from other regions, as well as gradual conversion to Islam by some of the indigenous Christian, Samaritan and Jewish population of the area. Islam did not become the majority religion of Palestine until at least the 9th century and possibly even as late as the Mamluk era (1250 - 1516). This occurred simultaneously with acculturation of the locals into Arab identity and the establishment of Arabic as the lingua franca, which eventually became their sole vernacular.

The Muslim Arab army attacked Jerusalem, held by the Byzantine Romans, in November, 636. For four months the siege continued. Ultimately, the Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem, Sophronius, agreed to surrender Jerusalem to Caliph Umar in person. Caliph Umar, then at Medina, agreed to these terms and traveled to Jerusalem to sign the capitulation in the spring of 637. Sophronius also negotiated a pact with Caliph Umar, known as the Umariyya Covenant or Covenant of Omar, allowing for religious freedom for Christians in exchange for "jizya," a tax to be paid by conquered non-Muslims, called "dhimmis." APARTHEID, ANYONE?

Christians in Jerusalem who sided with the Romans were put to death for high treason by the ruling Muslims. In 969, the Patriarch of Jerusalem, John VII, was put to death for treasonable correspondence with the Romans.


So, to conclude, the filth of Islam didn't invade Israel until centuries after the death of Jesus.

Well, it isn't just a reading comprehension problem. There are other factors at play here, sheer stupidity is one.

Where does the rather badly written Wiki piece alter anything I said? Yes, when the Fatamids (from North Africa and mostly run by Berbers, not Arab,s by the way):

"The Fatimid caliphate was also distinguished by the central role of Berbers in its initial establishment and development especially on military and political levels."

Fatimid Caliphate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

ruled Jerusalem, those that supported the enemy of the time, the Byzantines/Romans, were put to death. What's so unusual with that? The Romans did the same to people that supported the Fatimids.

None of your blathering changes the fact that the Muslims of Palestine are for the most part Christian converts to Islam.
You really do have a reading comprehension problem. I suspect that English is not your first (or second) language.

The Muslims of Palestine are simply Christians (who had lived in Palestine since before the time of Christ) that converted from the Byzantine state Church (Greek Orthodox) to Islam after the Muslim conquests. This is just basic historical fact.

" When the Muslim Caliph Omar conquered Syria from the Byzantine Empire around 636, he protected the Christians under his rule, allowing them to keep their churches and worship as they pleased. But many Christians converted to Islam anyway, preferring its emphasis on a personal connection with God to the oppressive hierarchies of the Byzantine Church."

National Geographic Magazine - NGM.com
Dipshit! You said "Muslims have been there before Christ". Islam appeared in the holy land centuries after Jesus died, after the Muslim savages invaded the Holy land. Israel is not Moooooslem holyland, never has been, and never will be.

And stop making it look like Muslims didn't attack and invade Israel. The are invading savages, always have been, always will be. That's what your Koran tells you to do, convert:

Islamization of Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Islamization of Palestine occurred as a result of the Islamic conquest of Palestine in 640. It was a long process that included immigration of Arabs and Muslims from other regions, as well as gradual conversion to Islam by some of the indigenous Christian, Samaritan and Jewish population of the area. Islam did not become the majority religion of Palestine until at least the 9th century and possibly even as late as the Mamluk era (1250 - 1516). This occurred simultaneously with acculturation of the locals into Arab identity and the establishment of Arabic as the lingua franca, which eventually became their sole vernacular.

The Muslim Arab army attacked Jerusalem, held by the Byzantine Romans, in November, 636. For four months the siege continued. Ultimately, the Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem, Sophronius, agreed to surrender Jerusalem to Caliph Umar in person. Caliph Umar, then at Medina, agreed to these terms and traveled to Jerusalem to sign the capitulation in the spring of 637. Sophronius also negotiated a pact with Caliph Umar, known as the Umariyya Covenant or Covenant of Omar, allowing for religious freedom for Christians in exchange for "jizya," a tax to be paid by conquered non-Muslims, called "dhimmis." APARTHEID, ANYONE?

Christians in Jerusalem who sided with the Romans were put to death for high treason by the ruling Muslims. In 969, the Patriarch of Jerusalem, John VII, was put to death for treasonable correspondence with the Romans.


So, to conclude, the filth of Islam didn't invade Israel until centuries after the death of Jesus.

Well, it isn't just a reading comprehension problem. There are other factors at play here, sheer stupidity is one.

Where does the rather badly written Wiki piece alter anything I said? Yes, when the Fatamids (from North Africa and mostly run by Berbers, not Arab,s by the way):

"The Fatimid caliphate was also distinguished by the central role of Berbers in its initial establishment and development especially on military and political levels."

Fatimid Caliphate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

ruled Jerusalem, those that supported the enemy of the time, the Byzantines/Romans, were put to death. What's so unusual with that? The Romans did the same to people that supported the Fatimids.

None of your blathering changes the fact that the Muslims of Palestine are for the most part Christian converts to Islam.
Nope. ALL the Christians and Jews did NOT convert to Islam. Most of them agreed to live as second class citizens with less rights, as opposed to be forced to convert to the filth of Islam.

So, to conclude, in this case you lied twice, forked tongued Moooslim convert. No Muslims or Arabs in Israel existed before Jesus, and not hundreds of years after. And the only way Islam arrived in Israel was through invasion and violence.
Poor MOHOMOD Latici, he can't face the truth that Jews and Christians were in Israel thousands of years before Muslims and Arabs arrived. He keeps saying "Muslims were in Palestine before the time of Christ" when Islam is merely 1400 years old, and Arab animals invaded Israel hundreds of years after Islam arrived.

This kinda fits into the idiotic Muslim claim that Jesus, Moses, and Abraham were Muslims. Maybe they didn't know it. Ha ha ha.
Poor MOHOMOD Latici, he can't face the truth that Jews and Christians were in Israel thousands of years before Muslims and Arabs arrived. He keeps saying "Muslims were in Palestine before the time of Christ" when Islam is merely 1400 years old, and Arab animals invaded Israel hundreds of years after Islam arrived.

This kinda fits into the idiotic Muslim claim that Jesus, Moses, and Abraham were Muslims. Maybe they didn't know it. Ha ha ha.
When Hamas and Fatah merge maybe they will appoint Monte as Minister of Mis-information.He'd fit right in.
Poor MOHOMOD Latici, he can't face the truth that Jews and Christians were in Israel thousands of years before Muslims and Arabs arrived. He keeps saying "Muslims were in Palestine before the time of Christ" when Islam is merely 1400 years old, and Arab animals invaded Israel hundreds of years after Islam arrived.

This kinda fits into the idiotic Muslim claim that Jesus, Moses, and Abraham were Muslims. Maybe they didn't know it. Ha ha ha.
When Hamas and Fatah merge maybe they will appoint Monte as Minister of Mis-information.He'd fit right in.
He's now on the phone talking to Hamas to getting his next mis-information orders. Apparently that shtick with the Muslims being in Palestine before the time of Christ failed miserably.

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