Who Are The Palestinains?

The Roman slave trade had been dead for 1000 years (1500 A.D. - 500 A.D.)

Actually no, as usual I have to correct you. The Roman Empire ended with the conquest of Constantinople in 1453. And, the Romans (Byzantine is a later designation) still had slaves. The Muslims learned the trade (not a pun) from the Romans.

And, just to be clear, all of North Africa, at the time of the European slave trade, was part of the Ottoman Empire.
I cannot believe that you are splitting hairs regarding the nomenclature of the Byzantine Empire in a lame attempt to salvage your position in the matter.



As to your assertion that the Muslims of the Mediterranean Basin and the Saudi Peninsula and the Middle East (including the Turkic peoples and the Persians, et al) and the West African coast all learned the Slave Trade from the Romans or Byzantines...

I don't believe it for a moment...

Slavery existed in the Arabian Peninsula and Egypt and much of the rest of the North African coast (including early Carthage) while Rome was still a collection of mud-huts alnog the Tiber and the Etruscans were running things...

If you have anything substantive to serve-up to the contrary, then have at it, but, in light of your rather embarrassing and unworthy splitting of hairs regarding the nomenclature of the Byzantine Empire, I'm not expecting much.

So, in your opinion, the evil of slavery was established by the evil Arabs even before there were any Arabs outside of the Arabian desert. If it is the way you cope having to defend the indefensible, well, I understand.
Arabs / Muslims came before, and were much worse than Europeans when it came to slavery.
Consider the facts. The slave trade was started by Muslims.

The Origins of the Slave Trade

I see, so the slave trade in ancient Greece or Rome was started by Muslims? Oh wait, there were no Muslims in those days. Could you possibly be mistaken?

Arabs traders were traveling the deserts trading slaves, spice, salt, exotic animals, what ever they could transport. From yemen to iran and across northern africa the caravans existed long before mohammed and islam.

Slavery is part of history, it help build the foundations of the world we know. Modern man and religious morality has evolved, but in some areas it still exists. It may be dressed in different terms but it is still around.
While other religions have advanced in morals & ethics throughout history, Islam has regressed. Oh how I admired the 9th century teachings of Avicenna, Averroes & the Mu'tazillites with their theology of reason. And today we have Palestinians to carry on their faith.
Are you really such an idiot? You see Monte, like Turkey, Tunisia was also part of the Ottoman Empire. Like Jordan is Palestine as displayd by their flags. Get it yet?




Ha ha ha ha! Poor MOHOMOD Latici, cannot explain why the two flags of Palestine and Jordan are virtually identical. Other than the obvious, Jordan is Arab Palestine!

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You're right,, only the fucking demented muslim dogs put HOMICIDE VESTS on their children to blow themselves up and kill Christian and Jews.... But I wouldn't expect a muslim to even acknowledge what everyone knows!
And I wouldn't expect anyone to wanna know, what you know.

It would be like pouring sugar into a gas tank.

Then again, if someone did wanna know what you know, it wouldn't take long to find out.

It's not like you fuckers have volumes of information proving your point, all you got are a half-dozen, lame ass rap lines, that you use over and over and over...

...like the kids and the vests and the blowing up...blah blah blah............it's the same lame ass shit over and over...

...and it all just means one thing.............you're a racist prick, who doesn't know what the fuck your talking about. And judging from the number of times you repeat these dumbass mantra's, you don't even care to know.
Fuck Israel!

They are no Palestinian's, that's for sure.

My grandmama's ID said otherwise.

Of course the Jews were called Palestinians and had passports listing them as Palestinians. In fact, those who manned the Palestine Exhibit at the World's Fair which was held in New York in 1940 were Jews, and the Jerusalem Post was originally called the Palestine Post, and I think we are all aware that the newspaper was started by Jews and is still run by Jews.
You're right,, only the fucking demented muslim dogs put HOMICIDE VESTS on their children to blow themselves up and kill Christian and Jews.... But I wouldn't expect a muslim to even acknowledge what everyone knows!
And I wouldn't expect anyone to wanna know, what you know.

It would be like pouring sugar into a gas tank.

Then again, if someone did wanna know what you know, it wouldn't take long to find out.

It's not like you fuckers have volumes of information proving your point, all you got are a half-dozen, lame ass rap lines, that you use over and over and over...

...like the kids and the vests and the blowing up...blah blah blah............it's the same lame ass shit over and over...

...and it all just means one thing.............you're a racist prick, who doesn't know what the fuck your talking about. And judging from the number of times you repeat these dumbass mantra's, you don't even care to know.

Well look, a muslim dog trying to protest about muslim dogs!


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