Who Are The Palestinains?

My grandmama's ID says "Born in Palestine".


She was born in Israel, 1919, the original family immigrated in early 1883.

So yeah, I guess you can say she's a

What she really was is a native Zionist Israeli.
You're grandmother grew up during a time where people interacted face-to-face. Where you took responsibility for your actions and treated others with respect. And when someone wanted to start a fight, you're always ready to finish it. Her society didn't have that strong element of narcissism, that permeates our generation. So I doubt she's a Zionist. In order to be a Zionist, you have to be an asshole. And I don't think your grandmother is an asshole.

If she's a Palestinian-Jew, ask her what it was like back then living in the same area with Palestinian-Arabs? I'm willing to wager her stories won't be the same as yours.

Fact that you put something in feathers and glued a beak to it, still doesn't make it a duck.

She's in heaven, I cannot ask her anything, anymore.

And she came from a generation when it was a pride to be a Zionist fighter.

After her ranch got burned up by Arabs, she, let's put it into a civil manner, didn't like them very much.

She was defined as a right-winger Zionist. That's how she saw herself and that's how she let others see her.

Her memories of the Arabs were not pleasent ones.
It was like that with every Jew that lived among Muslims. They are intolerant savages, been that way before Israel came into existence.
Your grandmother is a Palestinian?

Boy, would that be a game changer!

My grandmama's ID says "Born in Palestine".


She was born in Israel, 1919, the original family immigrated in early 1883.

So yeah, I guess you can say she's a

What she really was is a native Zionist Israeli.

What's confusing about it? [MENTION=21837]P F Tinmore[/MENTION] Don't try to think so hard. You'll pull a muscle.
Just curious, who were those bottom of the barrel low life scum who murdered an entire world Olympics team in Munich?

And you're such a joke, the only way you can debate, is with cartoon caricatures.

And the best part is, whenever you do try to make your point verbally, you show the world the Palestinian's aren't the problem. Or the animals. Or the beasts. Or the inhuman skum. Your posts reflect everything you're trying to get people to think about the Palestinian's.

You say they're inhuman; yet everyone of your posts are completely void of humanity.

Can you show us some JEWISH HOMICIDE KILLERS? Your people aren't animals, they are INHUMAN! We saw it with YOUR PEOPLE killing almost 3000 innocent Americans, how many more Americans must die before American's realize that the muslim animals, need to be eradicated from this planet?.... Another 3,000 and a few large buildings?....A small briefcase nuke, and a hundred thousand killed or maimed?...No, it YOUR scum, shit people that are the cold blooded killers, doing it in the name of a CULT LEADER, your people are BRAIN DEAD ZOMBIES!

Where are the SUPPOSED muslims that PROTEST your killing instinct? They're AFRAID that they will be KILLED by their own, as you do with the different sects of muslims.... No, there is only one way to keep good people safe....dispatching ALL of your cult! To not do it, is committing suicide on our part!
My grandmama's ID said otherwise.
Your grandmother is a Palestinian?

Boy, would that be a game changer!

I have a great uncle that is a palestinian. He still teaches hebrew to students at his church.

Regardless of their religion or nationality, I don't find anything unusual with posters that have palestinian relatives in their family tree.
Why does Israel continue to allow those Palestinian squatters to remain in Israel?
I find it difficult to feel any love or even sympathy for a people who blow themselves up, along with their own children & innocent others to honor God.

Perhaps THIS should be made into a flyer and DROPPED all over the muslim ME.... even those brain dead heathens will get the idea???...Probably not, but the point is well taken!

Why does Israel continue to allow those Palestinian squatters to remain in Israel?
Because the average Palestinian family cannot be held responsible for the fact that there are other people from their country that are terrorists. They often have no bad intentions and I don't see why a usual family must be the victim of a war.
Why does Israel continue to allow those Palestinian squatters to remain in Israel?
Because the average Palestinian family cannot be held responsible for the fact that there are other people from their country that are terrorists. They often have no bad intentions and I don't see why a usual family must be the victim of a war.
Except for the fact that there never has been a "Palestinian country" or identity.
I find it difficult to feel any love or even sympathy for a people who blow themselves up, along with their own children & innocent others to honor God.

Perhaps THIS should be made into a flyer and DROPPED all over the muslim ME.... even those brain dead heathens will get the idea???...Probably not, but the point is well taken!

It's NOT GOD, they honor a pedophile cult leader, much like a Jim Jones who could make perfectly sane people act in an insane way, that killed uncounted people when he was alive!
Why does Israel continue to allow those Palestinian squatters to remain in Israel?
Because the average Palestinian family cannot be held responsible for the fact that there are other people from their country that are terrorists. They often have no bad intentions and I don't see why a usual family must be the victim of a war.

Then stop acting like cowards, control the killers, or be counted with them!
I find it difficult to feel any love or even sympathy for a people who blow themselves up, along with their own children & innocent others to honor God.
If they were as bad as you want people to believe they are, you would have a helluva lot more examples than that lame ass one you keep regurgitating again and again. And they wouldn't be blanket generalizations, you'd be able to list at least 3 specific examples off the top of your head.
"In order to be a Zionist you have to be an asshole".

I believe this lines sums up its user.
Well, what do you call someone who constantly trashes an entire society of people 24/7 and finds violence against them perfectly acceptable and most times necessary?
I have a great uncle that is a palestinian. He still teaches hebrew to students at his church.

Regardless of their religion or nationality, I don't find anything unusual with posters that have palestinian relatives in their family tree.
I hear that. I have a relative who's actually a Boston Celtic fan and that just doesn't go well in Kobe country.
"In order to be a Zionist you have to be an asshole".

I believe this lines sums up its user.
Well, what do you call someone who constantly trashes an entire society of people 24/7 and finds violence against them perfectly acceptable and most times necessary?
A neo Nazi, IslamoNazi, or perhaps just an ignorant moron like you. :lmao:
"In order to be a Zionist you have to be an asshole".

I believe this lines sums up its user.
Well, what do you call someone who constantly trashes an entire society of people 24/7 and finds violence against them perfectly acceptable and most times necessary?
A neo Nazi, IslamoNazi, or perhaps just an ignorant moron like you. :lmao:
I think Billo is a wannabe community organizer with a foul mouth and a rotten disposition.
Now don't get me wrong. You see, I have no problem or issue whatsoever with Palestinians pulling their pins to kill themselves & their own children. It's just those innocent others I object to their killing.

I find it difficult to feel any love or even sympathy for a people who blow themselves up, along with their own children & innocent others to honor God.
If they were as bad as you want people to believe they are, you would have a helluva lot more examples than that lame ass one you keep regurgitating again and again. And they wouldn't be blanket generalizations, you'd be able to list at least 3 specific examples off the top of your head.
Now don't get me wrong. You see, I have no problem or issue whatsoever with Palestinians pulling their pins to kill themselves & their own children. It's just those innocent others I object to their killing.

I find it difficult to feel any love or even sympathy for a people who blow themselves up, along with their own children & innocent others to honor God.
If they were as bad as you want people to believe they are, you would have a helluva lot more examples than that lame ass one you keep regurgitating again and again. And they wouldn't be blanket generalizations, you'd be able to list at least 3 specific examples off the top of your head.


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