Who Are The Palestinains?

Seems to me the least Israel can do is offer them Soda Stream to help them massacre each other & their own children.

Sorry, the Palestinians are temporarily out of children WILLING to kill themselves for a cult leader.... New supply of suicide Kool-Aid due this summer!
Good boy Tinmore. When you're hot, you're hot. I never knew you were such a blessing to pro Israel side in this conflict.

Palestinian women seek tougher laws to combat honor killings - Middle East Israel News | Haaretz
Hold on there, babalooey, I wouldn't be patting yourself on the back just yet.

On the one hand, you provided evidence for 9 documented cases of child suicide bombers between 2000 - 2004. So you get credit for that. In regards to the 9 cases, that was fucked and the parents of those children were fucked.

And on the other hand, 9 cases 10 years ago, does not prove your claim that the entire society is like that. In fact, your own link disagrees with you!

From your own link:
In 2004, the Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers reported that "there was no evidence of systematic recruitment of children by Palestinian armed groups," also noting that this remains a small fraction of the problem in other conflict zones such as Africa, where there are an estimated 20,000 children involved in active combat roles in the Sudan alone. Human Rights Watch also reported that "there was no evidence that the Palestinian Authority (PA) recruited or used child soldiers."
It also provides some insight as to why these children become suicide bombers.
there was little difficulty in finding young men interested in becoming suicide bombers in Gaza and the West Bank. Repeated actual and expected events humiliate youngsters and interfere with their adaptive identifications with their parents because their parents are humiliated as well.
And just who are the ones doing the humiliating?

You fuckers!
Good boy Tinmore. When you're hot, you're hot. I never knew you were such a blessing to pro Israel side in this conflict.

Palestinian women seek tougher laws to combat honor killings - Middle East Israel News | Haaretz
Hold on there, babalooey, I wouldn't be patting yourself on the back just yet.

On the one hand, you provided evidence for 9 documented cases of child suicide bombers between 2000 - 2004. So you get credit for that. In regards to the 9 cases, that was fucked and the parents of those children were fucked.

And on the other hand, 9 cases 10 years ago, does not prove your claim that the entire society is like that. In fact, your own link disagrees with you!

From your own link:
In 2004, the Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers reported that "there was no evidence of systematic recruitment of children by Palestinian armed groups," also noting that this remains a small fraction of the problem in other conflict zones such as Africa, where there are an estimated 20,000 children involved in active combat roles in the Sudan alone. Human Rights Watch also reported that "there was no evidence that the Palestinian Authority (PA) recruited or used child soldiers."
It also provides some insight as to why these children become suicide bombers.
there was little difficulty in finding young men interested in becoming suicide bombers in Gaza and the West Bank. Repeated actual and expected events humiliate youngsters and interfere with their adaptive identifications with their parents because their parents are humiliated as well.
And just who are the ones doing the humiliating?

You fuckers!
Fun, isn't it?
An idiot or Nazi came earlier to my mind than a Zionist, actually.
You are correct!

Are they as bad as the Nazis? No. Are their actions as bad as the Holocaust? No.

Are there similarities between the two? Yes. A lot of their propaganda, is right out of the Goebbels's playbook.

And ONCE AGAIN, we see a pro Palestinian blame Israel for exactly what the Palestinians are guilty of.
Goebbels propaganda?? Look no further than Hamass propaganda videos:

http://m.youtube.com/results?q=hamas music video&sm=12
"In order to be a Zionist you have to be an asshole".

I believe this lines sums up its user.
Well, what do you call someone who constantly trashes an entire society of people 24/7 and finds violence against them perfectly acceptable and most times necessary?

You're keep making claims of what I believe is correct and incorret, but never back them up.

I find you to be a very dishonest man, Billy.
You're grandmother grew up during a time where people interacted face-to-face. Where you took responsibility for your actions and treated others with respect. And when someone wanted to start a fight, you're always ready to finish it. Her society didn't have that strong element of narcissism, that permeates our generation. So I doubt she's a Zionist. In order to be a Zionist, you have to be an asshole. And I don't think your grandmother is an asshole.

If she's a Palestinian-Jew, ask her what it was like back then living in the same area with Palestinian-Arabs? I'm willing to wager her stories won't be the same as yours.

She's in heaven, I cannot ask her anything, anymore.

And she came from a generation when it was a pride to be a Zionist fighter.

After her ranch got burned up by Arabs, she, let's put it into a civil manner, didn't like them very much.

She was defined as a right-winger Zionist. That's how she saw herself and that's how she let others see her.

Her memories of the Arabs were not pleasent ones.
It was like that with every Jew that lived among Muslims. They are intolerant savages, been that way before Israel came into existence.

It was not about religion, it was about ideology. She was born in the land, and the Arabs didn't like that Jews were present there.

The way of violence was acceptable by them. So, fair enough, the Zionist pioneers fought back.

She saw how her generation fought, she lived through the british occupation to see how things drastically changed since then.

If anyone is credible to talk about the Israeli Palestinian conflict, are people fron that generation.

Besides my soul constantly missing her everyday, and craving her company, I also feel very sad that I cannot ask her the tough questions now. She died when I was a teenager, I didn't see things back then like I see them now, and she didn't want me to know things before my mind reached maturity.

Sadly, there are things I will never know, now
A neo Nazi, IslamoNazi, or perhaps just an ignorant moron like you. :lmao:
Except for the fact I don't trash people 24/7. And when I do, I have a good reason for doing so and I am able to explain that reason specifically and I don't use the same "reason" for everyone I trash.
If anyone is credible to talk about the Israeli Palestinian conflict, are people fron that generation.
Here's someone from that generation, care to comment on what he said?

...the settlers must under no circumstances arouse the wrath of the natives ...
Notice he makes the distinction between "settlers" and "natives".

Settlers were the Zionists; natives were the Palestinian-Arabs and Palestinian-Jews.

'Yet what do our brethren do in Palestine? Just the very opposite! Serfs they were in the lands of the Diaspora and suddenly they find themselves in unrestricted freedom and this change has awakened in them an inclination to despotism. They treat the Arabs with hostility and cruelty, deprive them of their rights, offend them without cause and even boast of these deeds; and nobody among us opposes this despicable and dangerous inclination ...'
Ahad Ha'am
Now go ahead and argue you played no role in causing the violence.
You're keep making claims of what I believe is correct and incorret, but never back them up.

I find you to be a very dishonest man, Billy.
Show me one post where you took a Palestinian's side. Or defended a Palestinian against an Israeli. Or one post showing empathy towards a Palestinian story that had no Israeli element to it?

I'm not making anything up. I provided you an example of an extreme case of violence and your initial reaction was indifference. Your second reaction was casting irrelevant aspersions in defense of the shooter.

But if I'm wrong, prove it, don't say it.
An idiot or Nazi came earlier to my mind than a Zionist, actually.
You are correct!

Are they as bad as the Nazis? No. Are their actions as bad as the Holocaust? No.

Are there similarities between the two? Yes. A lot of their propaganda, is right out of the Goebbels's playbook.
You must be referring to Muslims.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage
You're keep making claims of what I believe is correct and incorret, but never back them up.

I find you to be a very dishonest man, Billy.
Show me one post where you took a Palestinian's side. Or defended a Palestinian against an Israeli. Or one post showing empathy towards a Palestinian story that had no Israeli element to it?

I'm not making anything up. I provided you an example of an extreme case of violence and your initial reaction was indifference. Your second reaction was casting irrelevant aspersions in defense of the shooter.

But if I'm wrong, prove it, don't say it.
That's rich, coming from a Pali terrorist worshipping nutjob.
It was like that with every Jew that lived among Muslims. They are intolerant savages, been that way before Israel came into existence.
You really shouldn't go there!

As far as "intolerant savages" go, your track record is far worse than there's.
"Go there". You ignoramus, Jews had been living in those countries for in some cases for thousands of years, and are the descendants of Jews that fled the destruction of the first and second temples. That means they are more native to those lands than even the Arab Muslim invaders.

Now, thanks to Arab /Muslim intolerance and savagery, many of those same Jews are back in Israel, where their ancestors came from. In fact a majority of Israelis are these same Sephardic or Mizrahi Jews. :clap2:
You betcha Israel played a role in causing the violence. What kind of people make peace offerings to Palestinians, build a security fence & concede land to them so the squatters can remain to kill Israeli's? Face it folks, no surrounding Arab country, who know the Palestinians best, ever treated them like Israel does. If there is ever to be a lasting peace, first this entire failed Zionist agenda has to go.

If anyone is credible to talk about the Israeli Palestinian conflict, are people fron that generation.
Here's someone from that generation, care to comment on what he said?

...the settlers must under no circumstances arouse the wrath of the natives ...
Notice he makes the distinction between "settlers" and "natives".

Settlers were the Zionists; natives were the Palestinian-Arabs and Palestinian-Jews.

'Yet what do our brethren do in Palestine? Just the very opposite! Serfs they were in the lands of the Diaspora and suddenly they find themselves in unrestricted freedom and this change has awakened in them an inclination to despotism. They treat the Arabs with hostility and cruelty, deprive them of their rights, offend them without cause and even boast of these deeds; and nobody among us opposes this despicable and dangerous inclination ...'
Ahad Ha'am
Now go ahead and argue you played no role in causing the violence.

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