Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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''Gee-had for thee_____

Fortunes made from welfare fraud have allowed a select few Pal terrorists to live well, far from the territories occupied by the Islamic terrorist welfare recipients.

The leaders of the Palestinian terror groups Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad are continuing to urge Palestinians to take to the streets to engage in the jihad (holy war) against Israel.

These leaders are telling the Palestinians that those who are killed while carrying out attacks against Israel will be considered “heroes” and “martyrs.” They are also telling them that the Palestinians must continue the jihad “until the liberation of Palestine,” a euphemism for the elimination of Israel.

These are the messages that were recently sent to the Palestinians by Hamas leaders Khaled Mashaal and Ismail Haniyeh. Mashaal and Haniyeh are sending the messages from their five-star hotels and luxurious villas in Qatar.

Shocking, really.

I guess the only thing to do is wait till next year and do another poll.

Most Palestinians believe that corruption in Palestinian Authority institutions has increased in 2021, according to a public opinion poll published on Tuesday.

The poll, conducted by The Coalition for Integrity and Accountability (AMAN) at the beginning of October, also found that many Palestinians do not have confidence in various bodies entrusted with combating corruption
Pals speaking out against Hamas?

That's, you know, racist or something.

Montreal’s The Suburban newspaper on February 16, HonestReporting Canada commented on how the vast majority of Gazans are poor, and living in densely populated areas, under the oppressive thumb of the Hamas regime. And now, they may be finally speaking out – at great personal risk – against Hamas. This movement, called They Kidnapped Gaza, is spreading on social media, but will the Canadian media tell their story and show the true face of Hamas?
Who could have predicted that both Islamic terrorist franchises; the PA and Hamas are both viewed as corrupt entities?

A recent poll indicated that the PA’s flat-lining support stems, in part, from the widespread perception (more than 70 percent of those polled) that the longtime leaders of the Palestinian movement have become irreparably corrupt. From allegations of squelching free speech to amassing great personal wealth, the PA has been on the ropes.

But a closer look reveals that – surprisingly – Hamas is not much better in the corruption department. The poll that slams the PA, conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, also found that 57% of Palestinians believe there is widespread corruption in Gaza’s institutions, too. Thus, despite the successful electoral campaign in 2006 that promised to clean up corruption, it appears that the Islamist faction that rules Gaza has succumbed to the temptation of financial vice.
Some discontent in the Islamic paradise of Gaza'istan. The 'protests' were largely online so less likely people will disappear in the night.

Palestinians chant slogans during a protest against the ongoing electricity crisis in Jabalia refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip, January 12, 2017. (AFP/MOHAMMED ABED)
Palestinians chant slogans during a protest against the ongoing electricity crisis in Jabalia refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip, January 12, 2017. (AFP/MOHAMMED ABED)
For the past week, Palestinians from Gaza have been participating in a series of social media events criticizing Hamas rule in the Strip, voicing concerns rarely expressed in the repressive enclave.
It's financing that runs the islamic gee-had and what makes fortunes for the Pal terrorists.

"Follow the money"

Israel seizes cryptocurrency destined for Hamas terrorism funding​

Published: FEBRUARY 28, 2022 11:59
Updated: FEBRUARY 28, 2022 12:00
 A coin representing the bitcoin cryptocurrency is seen on computer circuit boards in this illustrative picture (photo credit: REUTERS)

A coin representing the bitcoin cryptocurrency is seen on computer circuit boards in this illustrative picture
(photo credit: REUTERS)

The Al'matchadun currency exchange company was accused of assisting Hamas with the transfer of tens of millions of dollars per year by the Defense Ministry.​

In case you didn't know, there were pallys even before there were pallys. Pallys even owned 'Pal'istan' before there were pallys, at least according to Mahmoud ''I fell down and bumped my head'' Abbas.

The stuff you learn on the interwebs.

Abbas: “Christians and Muslims fight their enemy” – Israel, to rid the land of its Jews​

Itamar Marcus | Feb 28, 2022
  • Abbas: “We have been the owners of this land since this land’s existence… We will remain in this land forever, while the attackers [the Jews] have no place in Jerusalem and no place here”

  • PA TV preacher: Palestinian narrative is “the true unblemished and undisputed historical narrative,” Jews are “liars”

PA Chairman Abbas has stated that Christians and Muslims are united in “fighting” against the common “enemy” – i.e., Israel. He reiterated a common PA libel that Israel's goal is to “empty the land” of Christians and Muslims, and therefore they must join forces in getting rid of the Jews – because Christians and Muslims “have been the owners of this land since this land’s existence”:
He reiterated a common PA libel that Israel's goal is to “empty the land” of Christians and Muslims, and therefore they must join forces in getting rid of the Jews – because Christians and Muslims “have been the owners of this land since this land’s existence”:

So... Pallys owned the land even before pallys existed.

That's a first cousin absurdity to your claim that the ''country of Pal'istan'' was invented by the Treaty of Lausanne.

It seems that a disconnect from reality is a maladjustment you share with Mahmoud.

The UN Human Rights Council opened its 49th session today in Geneva where it was decided to hold an urgent debate on Ukraine.

Many high ranking national officials spoke, as they always do. Most spoke about their concern over Ukraine. Many spoke about Covid-19 challenges to human rights (including Spain, Thailand, Moldova,) or worries about nuclear war (Marshall Islands), or other issues of human rights that affect the entire planet.

One, however, ignored everything else happening in the world and stuck to his only theme: Israel is evil and the world is treating Israel too well.

Here is the UN summary of Palestinian foreign minister Riyad Maliki's speech:

RIAD AL-MALKI, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the State of Palestine, said every year the international community met to discuss international human rights and international human rights law. But the reality for millions of victims of egregious human rights violations continued to deteriorate, the right to justice continued to be ignored, and the culture of impunity reigned. The reason behind this was double standards. Respect for international human rights and international humanitarian law should be ensured universally. This hall had borne witness to outrageous statements justifying war crimes and crimes against humanity, many committed against the Palestinian people. The Palestinian people had suffered from this, with the Israeli Government given special treatment, allowing it to commit crimes with utter impunity. Hundreds of Palestinian families lived under the intolerable threat of dispossession. Israeli settlers enjoyed legal protection, whilst the Palestinian people were punished for protecting themselves. Israel continued to expand, stripping all Palestinians from their fundamental rights. Some States rewarded Israel with special status: only double-standards and exceptionalism could explain this upside-down reality.

States that respected international law had nothing to hide; they did not bar United Nations officials, nor ban human rights defenders. When they did, they were met with justifiable international disapproval, and yet Israel banned international investigators and got away with it, as it wished for no proof of its crimes, and could count on special treatment by the international community. Palestine called on the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights to update the database of companies involved in illegal activities in Palestine. Exceptionalism was also applied by some Member States who continued to work against item seven on the Human Rights Council agenda.

You get that? No other nation has a dedicated permanent item on the HRC's agenda. No other nation has a database dedicated to attack companies that work on its soil. But Maliki says that the double standards are practiced by those who object to these double standards the UNHRC applies to Israel!

As of this moment, there has been only silence from the Palestinian Authority about the Ukraine crisis. Not even a statement of concern about the loss of civilian lives, or a call for a cease fire or negotiations. Not a word. Because the "State of Palestine" has only one purpose for existing: to deny the right of the Jewish state to exist. There is little interest in building a functioning society, there is no interest in helping Palestinians live dignified lives, there is no tolerance for anyone who points out that they are led by a split between two dictators who don't want to even see Palestinian unity.

(full article online)

(Never against the Crusaders or the Ottoman Empire.
Jews get some of their homeland back........They wake up.....they rise.....they want to kill....... Islam in a nutshell )

He then goes on to describe how incredibly important chanting is to Palestinian culture.

I could not verify the expression "min el-maiyeh lel mayieh" as being used before the "river to the sea" chant. I'm no expert, but if it was true, I would expect to see it somewhere on the Web in that context (the closest I could find was Arabic textbooks describing the water cycle with a variant of this.)

But the most interesting piece of this revisionist article is that it ignores other antisemitic chants that have been heard at anti-Israel rallies for decades.

The most famous is, of course, "Khaybar Khaybar, ya yahud, Jaish Muhammad, sa yahud" or "Jews, remember Khaybar, the army of Muhammad is returning". It is a call to genocide of Jews as Mohammed massacred them in Khaybar.

There are also chants of "Itbach al-Yahud" - slaughter the Jews - heard in rallies, which pre-dates Israel.

Once we are talking history, "Al Yahud Kelabna," - "The Jews are our dogs" - has been an Arab and Palestinian Arab chant for over a century.

This wonderful Palestinian tradition of chanting, so movingly described as an essential part of Palestinian culture by Moussa, has spawned an equally inspiring tradition of antisemitic chants in English:

"Long live the intifada"
"There is only one solution - intifada revolution"
"Hey hey, ho ho, Zionists have got to go"
“With fire and blood, we will liberate Palestine!”
And the popular European chant, "Hamas, Hamas, Jews to the gas"

For some reason, this article that rhapsodizes about the importance of chants to Palestinian culture, which argues that they are completely innocuous and misunderstood by the racist West, completely missed these other examples of Palestinian and pro-Palestinian chants. Must have been an oversight.

(full article online)

This seems to be a strategy that is re implemented with an Islamic terrorist entity that sees Israeli attempts at coexistence as a reason to expand the gee-had against them.

RAMALLAH, West Bank—Israel is rushing to prop up the Palestinian Authority, promising loans, allowing infrastructure upgrades and holding high-level talks with West Bank leaders for the first time in years, in a bid to stem the growing influence of Hamas and keep a lid on violent unrest.
Defense Minister Benny Gantz has signed a seizure order for tens of thousands of shekels in cryptocurrency from 12 digital accounts in violation of terror financing laws, the Defense Ministry announced on Monday.

According to the ministry, this is the third seizure of cryptocurrency so far this year.

Some 30 of the digital wallets seized belonged to businesses that assisted the Al Mutahadun currency-exchange company, owned by the Shamlach family from the Gaza Strip. Al Mutahadun is one of two companies designated in 2021 as terrorist organizations on the recommendation of the National Bureau for Counter Terror Financing (NBCTF) for their role in funneling funds to Hamas.

The Shamlach family's companies facilitate the transfer of tens of millions of dollars a year from Iran to Hamas, the Defense Ministry said, adding that some of the seized cryptocurrency belongs to the Shamlach family.

The seizure was a joint operation of the NBCTF, the national cyber unit of the Israel Police's Lahav 433 and the IDF Intelligence Directorate, the ministry said.

(full article online)

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