Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Here we are again, watching as the islamic terrorist misfits of the Abbas emirate announce their intention to spend their donated welfare money on the killers they breed.

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Feb 25, 2022
Would you give your last penny to a murderer?

Abbas: “We are dedicating all attention to the topic of the prisoners. Even if we are left with just one penny, we will pay it to those heroes”
Would you give your last penny to a murderer?
No, right!?

But PA Chairman Abbas would.

Again and again – despite international criticism and donors cutting off aid – Abbas has ensured Palestinians that his “last penny” will go to terrorists and murderers - be they imprisoned, released, or dead as “Martyrs.”

Abbas is adamant about this and recently vowed yet again:

“During a speech… at the evening meeting of the [PLO] Central Council…

On the topic of the prisoners, the president said: ‘We are dedicating all attention to the topic of the prisoners. Even if we are left with just one penny, we will pay it to those heroes who we must protect and whose families [we must] listen to.’”

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Feb. 8, 2022]
It ought to be beyond belief that the west still showers welfare dollars on the pal Islamic terrorists.

Girls attending a PFLP 'summer camp' in Gaza.

Super. An abundance of pally children means the excess can be pushed into contract positions for gee-had.

Lebanese authorities have arrested members of a “terrorist” militant group which recruited Palestinian youths to carry out bombings, they said on Wednesday.

Security forces also thwarted three bombings being planned by the ISIS-linked group targeting Shiite places of worship in Beirut's southern suburbs, said Interior Minister Bassam Mawlawi.

“Today, we arrested a terrorist takfiri network of Palestinian nationals that recruits young people to carry out major operations with explosive belts and missiles that could have caused many casualties,” Mr Mawlawi told the state NNA news agency.
Islamic terrorists adopted by the PA.

Fatah and the Palestinian Authority adopt the three terrorists killed in Nablus

  • On February 8, 2022, during an Israeli security force activity in Nablus three Palestinian terrorists were killed. They were members of the al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades (Fatah’s military terrorist wing) and responsible for a recent series of shooting attacks targeting IDF forces and Israeli civilians, and were planning more. A large quantity of weapons were found in their vehicle (Israeli media, February 8, 2022). The Palestinian media reported the three were Ashraf al-Mabslat, Adhem Mabrouk and Muhammad al-Dakheil, all operatives in the al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades.
I suspect most of us don’t see mass murder / suicide in the name of religious fundamentalism as either honorable or praiseworthy. I suspect most of us would not raise our children in an environment where we make their formative years as a period of grooming for their eventual death in the act of a suicide bombing.

The Pal culture of death, on the other hand…

PA issues stamp in honor of suicide bombers and other terrorist murderers​

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Feb 23, 2022

The Palestinian Authority has issued a new stamp in honor of “the Martyrs of the numbered cemeteries” because “their names remain as torches illuminating the path.”

But who are these “Martyrs” and what are “the numbered cemeteries”?
The “Martyrs” are in fact suicide bombers and other terrorist murderers who were killed during their attacks.
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