Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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I guess Islamic dictatorships are the preferred model of authoritarianism for Arabs-Moslems.

Much has been said about the sums that the Palestinian Authority spends on salaries of terrorists imprisoned in Israel and the families of “martyrs” – in other words, suicide-terrorists and those killed during their murderous operation. But when you talk to Palestinians about the misappropriation of funds allocated by the international community, the first term they use is “corruption.”

Indeed, a study by AMAN – a chapter of Transparency International co-founded by Jordan – shows that, according to several surveys of the Palestinian population, the corruption of their leaders is the second most popular cause of their misery. According to the same surveys, the first cause would be the inability of these same leaders to create a strong economy. The Israeli occupation comes in third place.

It’s like watching a comedy of errors where the stakes are life and death. These angry Cultists have a history of murder and torture of those in the competing Cult so being a loser has real consequences.

Good times.

Hamas yesterday called for a full investigation to be carried out into corruption in the Palestinian Authority (PA) following a "shocking" report issued by the State Audit Administrative Bureau.

In a statement, Hamas spokesperson Hazem Qasem said: "The shocking corruption of the PA's institutions and the PA government in Ramallah revealed by the State Audit Administrative Bureau reiterated the necessity to open a real and full investigation into the PA's corruption."

All the corrupt PA officials "should be sent to courts", he added.
Here’s a story only The New Arab seems to have covered.

And you already know why the mainstream media, so-called ‘human rights’ groups, so-called feminists like Linda Sarsour, and of course so-called “pro-palestinian” folk, have been completely silent about it.

Pally'dom is in large part about a continuous need to press the next generation of child soldiers into the gee-had. The scam of the ''poor, oppressed Islamic terrorist'' has been a theme for decades. The Islamic terrorist franchises and the sheer volume of international welfare money that pours into the territories controlled by those franchises makes Islamic terrorists very wealthy.

"Palestinian" Children Play With Terror​

The children are taught from infancy through adulthood all the basic lessons and techniques of terrorism. From birth and the cradle the children learn hatred, incitement, terrorism and violence.​

Pally'dom is in large part about a continuous need to press the next generation of child soldiers into the gee-had. The scam of the ''poor, oppressed Islamic terrorist'' has been a theme for decades. The Islamic terrorist franchises and the sheer volume of international welfare money that pours into the territories controlled by those franchises makes Islamic terrorists very wealthy.

"Palestinian" Children Play With Terror​

The children are taught from infancy through adulthood all the basic lessons and techniques of terrorism. From birth and the cradle the children learn hatred, incitement, terrorism and violence.​

Ooooo, you plated the terrorist card.

Good girl.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
I believe I'm finally understanding the "two state solution"

As we know, the "country of Pal'istan" was invented in 1924 by the Treaty of Lausanne... (snicker). The Pallys are now demanding another, new "state of Pal'istan", hence the "two state solution"... or else they will continue acts of Islamic terrorism which they will continue with two, three or more "countries of Pal'istan".

Who cares if the PLO revokes its recognition of Israel?

Maurice Hirsch, Adv. | Feb 21, 2022
The PLO has never truly recognized Israel

Unless Israel “freezes settlements” and “establish a Palestinian state in the June 4 [1967] borders whose capital is East Jerusalem… we will revoke all the agreements, including revoking recognition of the State of Israel… and the security coordination” - Head of the Palestinian National Council

“We will continue to fight through all the means that are available to us... Even armed struggle is permitted” – PLO official


Who can keep track of the alphabet soup collection of Islamic terrorist franchises?
I suspect the night 'take one for the gee-had' clowns are going to discover very quickly what night vision gear is all about.

Pally teenagers are a disposable commodity.

Al-Jazeera Report On 'Night Disturbance Unit' In Palestinian Authority's Jenin Refugee Camp: We Prepare Explosive Devices And Hurl Them At Israeli Soldiers​

Hamas official Issam Al-Dalis revealed on Monday that a plan to help Gazans economically.

Part of the plan includes negotiating (indirectly) with Israel to provide an additional 30,000 work permits for Gazans to work in Israel.

Palestinians and their allies tell the world how awful the Jews are and how they want everyone to boycott Israel, but at the same time even Hamas wants Gazans to have jobs with the hated enemy that supposedly wantonly kills Arabs.

In the end, even Hamas and Fatah don't believe their own propaganda. But credulous Westerners do, which is the intent all along.

(full article online)

Hamas official Issam Al-Dalis revealed on Monday that a plan to help Gazans economically.

Part of the plan includes negotiating (indirectly) with Israel to provide an additional 30,000 work permits for Gazans to work in Israel.

Palestinians and their allies tell the world how awful the Jews are and how they want everyone to boycott Israel, but at the same time even Hamas wants Gazans to have jobs with the hated enemy that supposedly wantonly kills Arabs.

In the end, even Hamas and Fatah don't believe their own propaganda. But credulous Westerners do, which is the intent all along.

(full article online)

''30,000 work permits for Gazans to work in Israel.''

This is apartheid'ism. Time to alert the UN.
Gee-had denied.

The three terrorists, all of them armed, were in a vehicle at the time and were killed while preparing to open fire at members of Israel’s “Yamam” counter terrorism force. There were no Israeli casualties, the Shin Bet said. According to the PA’s official WAFA news agency, a fourth terrorist was arrested.
Unfortunately, this is who the they are. The 'leadership' especially is consumed by a 1,400 year old politico- religious ideological
hatred for Jews that goes back to the invention of the ideology by an Arab warlord.

The vile PA Jew hatred
Maurice Hirsch, Adv. | Feb 22, 2022
Since its creation, Palestinian Media Watch has documented the vile Jew hatred spouted by the Palestinian Authority and its leaders, as presented to the Palestinian people through the official PA media. While Jew hatred is common place in PA discourse, occasionally even the PA organs and mouthpieces outdo themselves.

In an article recently published in the official PA daily, Omar Hilmi Al-Ghoul, one of the paper’s regular columnists, presented his overview of the creation of Israel in the aftermath of the Holocaust as a “colonialist state” created to “establish a swamp for the savages who were massacred.” Al-Ghoul continued his diatribe, following the general PA narrative that the “Palestinians” granted the Jews shelter from the “barbaric Nazi, and fascist western and eastern Europe and against the American cowboy” but that the Jews betrayed that kindness:
So in order to convince their audience that they are Jews, these actors have to be a "chameleon," "act out all colors" and "play their part well?"

Big deal.

Anyone walking down the street in Malmo, Sweden -- which has a large Muslim population -- can get the same reaction from complete strangers, without saying a word, just by wearing a kippah. No acting necessary.

Given the children shows in Gaza that teach kids to hate Jews, the summer camps where children can learn to act out attacking Jews and the other forms of incitement that Hamas uses -- hatred of Jews is so systemic that it is hard to see what all the fuss is about actors being attacked for being identified as Jews on TV.

And these attacks that these actors look upon as a source of pride is seen elsewhere as hatred that needs to be combatted.

The AFP article itself misses the point as well.

It describes Fauda as nothing more than a show that "portrays a military unit...that launches raids inside Palestinian territories" and against which Hamas wants "to flip the equation, to show the Palestinian point of view, to broadcast a drama about the spirit of our resistance."

The description by the Associated Press of the first season of the show gives a little more context, describing the show as "the adventures of an undercover Israeli commando team who immerse themselves in the heart of Palestinian society to capture a terrorist behind a wave of suicide bombings."

By taking their cue from Hamas and reducing the Israeli and Gaza TV shows as a propaganda war, AFP completely overlooks one of elements of Fauda that has made it so popular:

In addition to the shootouts and chases, it also delves into the politics and personal drama of the commandos and terrorists, depicting their motivations and family lives, often in a sympathetic manner.

The creators, though they identify as Zionist Jews, don’t shy away from showing the uglier sides of the West Bank occupation and the struggles of the other side. They even look to smash one of the greatest taboos of all, exploring the possibility of an Israeli-Palestinian romance.
That may be one of the reasons why, as AP points out, Fauda has fans among Arabs and even among Palestinian Arabs. And that may be what actually has Hamas worried, since they see Gazans watching the show as a form of normalization with Israel.

Neither AFP nor Hamas seem to realize that one of the strong points of Fauda is that it does not present the conflict as black and white, that it is willing to portray the other side sympathetically.

And that would take real acting.

(full article online)

A bit of 'gee-had for thee but not for me', going on here.

The leaders of the Palestinian terror groups Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad are continuing to urge Palestinians to take to the streets to engage in the jihad (holy war) against Israel.

These leaders are telling the Palestinians that those who are killed while carrying out attacks against Israel will be considered “heroes” and “martyrs.” They are also telling them that the Palestinians must continue the jihad “until the liberation of Palestine,” a euphemism for the elimination of Israel
The Palestinian Authority has issued a new stamp in honor of “the Martyrs of the numbered cemeteries” because “their names remain as torches illuminating the path.”

But who are these “Martyrs” and what are “the numbered cemeteries”?

The “Martyrs” are in fact suicide bombers and other terrorist murderers who were killed during their attacks.

The Cemeteries for Enemy Casualties (“the numbered cemeteries”) are two burial sites maintained by the Israeli army for burying the bodies of enemy soldiers during wartime as well as terrorists. Graves have markers instead of gravestones. The bodies are buried in numbered caskets after their identities are documented, and no burial ceremony is held. Burial is temporary, as the bodies are eventually returned to their countries of origin.

The PA’s new stamp exemplifies PA policy, glorifying Palestinian terrorists who attacked, wounded, and murdered Israelis. Reporting on the new PA stamp, the official PA daily described these terrorists as “pure souls” whose “struggle” is “appreciated” – qualities that prompted the PA Ministry of Communications and IT and the Palestinian Postal Administration to issue the stamp.

Palestinian Media Watch has previously documented stamps issued by Hamas in the name of the Palestinian Authority. For example the stamps below featuring rockets aimed at Israelfrom the Gaza Strip (2012) and a hand raising the Palestinian flag over all of Israel, implying political sovereignty over the entire area (2010):

(full article online)

(Never did it against the Crusaders. Or the Ottomans. But Jews???????? By all means. Kill the Jews !!! )

Two songs recently broadcast by the Palestinian Authority on its Live TV channel both promoted terror and martyrdom-death for “Palestine.” One song talks about “revolution” and vows to “wake the sleeping rifle.” It refers to death romantically, stating that “the blood of the Martyrs is in the anemones.” The song implies that more Palestinians are to die for “Palestine” as they “will water your plains and hills” – i.e., with their blood when they die:



Nope!!!!! There is no history at all of Muslims in the region called Palestine (by the Romans) fighting the Crusaders, and much less the Ottomans who defeated the Crusaders.

It gets curiouser and curiouser by each attacks on Jews.

So many Arabs sacrificed on the altar of Martyrdom over a piece of land. Never mind that the same was not done to the Hashemites who took TransJordan and then Judea and Samaria. No outcry at all.

Nor when Egypt took Gaza in 1948. No a peep.

It is Islam's war against the Jews, and the need for Islam to continue to have Jews only as a subjugated people.

The human sacrifice for that small piece of land is simply unforgivable .
It's gratifying to see Islamic terrorists being held accountable for their actions. Nothing can undue the damage caused by a belligerent, unreformed politico-religious ideology but some sense of justice for the victims of that ideology is important.

MANHATTAN (CN) - More than a decade after filing their lawsuit, victims of a wave of terror attacks known as the Second Intifada stood before a New York jury on Tuesday, as their long-anticipated case finally made it to trial.

Lawyers for both the victims of the bombings and the Palestinian governing bodies being sued now condemn the attacks at issue in the case, which killed dozens and maimed hundreds.
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