Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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I have to wonder if Qatar is dumping cash on the pals in a desperate attempt to try and keep them in the Sunni fold. The gulf Arabs have some real concerns with the pals being a conduit for Shia influence in the region so maybe Qatari cash is a negotiating ploy.

Qatari cash pays for weapons and explosives used in terror attacks against Israeli citizens; Qatari money has financed the construction of an extensively elaborate underground network of terror tunnels that rival some of the most efficient subway systems in the world; money that was supposed to be used for concrete and steel which should have been earmarked for homes and hospitals was diverted to build a subterranean city to move terrorists and store weapons.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Terrorism Camouflaged as Patriotism
※→ Sixties Fan (Posting #21779), et al,

Criticism of the International Courts System​

The Hostile Arab Palestinians cannot be both heroic and criminals at the same time. I am not an attorney, but merely an example of a person who has lost the trust and confidence in the leadership from the Hague.

MEMRI said:
Al-Jazeera Network Report on “Night Disturbance Unit” in Jenin Refugee Camp: We Prepare Explosive Devices and Hurl Them at Israeli Soldiers #Palestinians #Fatah #Terrorism

International law essentially says that Arab Palestinians CAN NOT be "following the law" and "be prosecuted for the same acts of violence at the same time. (I really do not care what those fools in the Hague say.)

The general public represented by the members of the United Nations should have confidence in the international court system that the court will speak up if the law is being misrepresented by international political leaders. To avoid misunderstandings and instill trust and confidence in the international court system, the court should speak up promptly and fully to correct misinterpretations, in order to better serve the greater international community and to stave off unnecessary criticism of the courts, and to prevent erosion of the public trust and confidence in the system. This is not the practice of the Hague. The international system will allow the public flaunting of practices that are clearly questionable.

◈ The Hague will give what appears to be tacit approval for hostile interests to commit offenses that are solely intended to harm the Occupying Power, and seriously damage the property of the occupying forces or administration or the installations used by them without fear of prosecution.​
◈ The court lends tacit approval for international leadership forums to prompt propaganda for the continuation of a conflict.​
◈ The court lends tacit approval for international leadership to advocate for racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or further violence.​
◈ The court lends tacit approval for international leadership to publicly say (without challenge) it is a "human right" for Palestinians to kill Jews.​
◈ The court lends tacit approval for international leadership to further advocate for Criminal Acts directed against a State with the intention of → or calculated to → cause death or serious bodily injury to the civilian population.​
◈ The court lends tacit approval for international leadership to further hostilities, the purpose of which is to intimidate a population and to compel a government or an international organization to do (or to abstain from doing) some act that furthers the criminal objective.​
◈ The court lends tacit approval for international leadership to in accordance with the United Nations Charter.​
The International Courts must take corrective action, when it becomes obvious that the International leadership is intentionally misrepresenting the legal intent of the law and deliberately intending to deceive the general international population.


Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Terrorism Camouflaged as Patriotism
※→ Sixties Fan (Posting #21779), et al,

Criticism of the International Courts System

The Hostile Arab Palestinians cannot be both heroic and criminals at the same time. I am not an attorney, but merely an example of a person who has lost the trust and confidence in the leadership from the Hague.


International law essentially says that Arab Palestinians CAN NOT be "following the law" and "be prosecuted for the same acts of violence at the same time. (I really do not care what those fools in the Hague say.)

The general public represented by the members of the United Nations should have confidence in the international court system that the court will speak up if the law is being misrepresented by international political leaders. To avoid misunderstandings and instill trust and confidence in the international court system, the court should speak up promptly and fully to correct misinterpretations, in order to better serve the greater international community and to stave off unnecessary criticism of the courts, and to prevent erosion of the public trust and confidence in the system. This is not the practice of the Hague. The international system will allow the public flaunting of practices that are clearly questionable.

◈ The Hague will give what appears to be tacit approval for hostile interests to commit offenses that are solely intended to harm the Occupying Power, and seriously damage the property of the occupying forces or administration or the installations used by them without fear of prosecution.​
◈ The court lends tacit approval for international leadership forums to prompt propaganda for the continuation of a conflict.​
◈ The court lends tacit approval for international leadership to advocate for racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or further violence.​
◈ The court lends tacit approval for international leadership to publicly say (without challenge) it is a "human right" for Palestinians to kill Jews.​
◈ The court lends tacit approval for international leadership to further advocate for Criminal Acts directed against a State with the intention of → or calculated to → cause death or serious bodily injury to the civilian population.​
◈ The court lends tacit approval for international leadership to further hostilities, the purpose of which is to intimidate a population and to compel a government or an international organization to do (or to abstain from doing) some act that furthers the criminal objective.​
◈ The court lends tacit approval for international leadership to in accordance with the United Nations Charter.​
The International Courts must take corrective action, when it becomes obvious that the International leadership is intentionally misrepresenting the legal intent of the law and deliberately intending to deceive the general international population.


Most Respectfully,
MEMRI said:

Al-Jazeera Network Report on “Night Disturbance Unit” in Jenin Refugee Camp: We Prepare Explosive Devices and Hurl Them at Israeli Soldiers

Hostile foreigners can expect attack.
Wow. ''pallys reject''.

Quite a dilemma for the Australians. They might want to engage with the PLO, PNC, PCC, PLC, MB, PIJ, PFLP, ....., maybe some focus groups to address Islamic terrorist's hurt feelings.


Negotiations with hyper-religious loons should go well.

High-ranking official bodies from the Palestine Liberation Organization announced their total rejection of Australia’s declaration describing Hamas as a terrorist organization, saying that this reflects double standards as it allows extremist Israeli settlers groups to work for the benefit of Israeli settlements in the Palestinian territories.

Dr. Hanan Ashrawi​

Beyond a Last Chance: Challenges to achieving a Palestinian-Israeli Peace​

Those who know their koranology and Muhammud's concept of Hudna know that a tactic of Islamic warring Involves a temporary halt to hostilities in order to rearm before resuming the war.

With Shia Iranian money for resupply of arms and demands by the Mullocrats that their minions obey orders, attacks by Hamas are inevitable.

Photo: Atia Mohammed/Flash90
Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, two Gaza-based terror groups, closed an alliance at the beginning of last week to step up terror attacks in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem. The commanders of the Hamas and PIJ military branches met last Sunday to discuss intensifying cooperation between the two terrorist groups.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Concealment of the Intent
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

People like Dr Ashrawi, mimic talks with the objective of peace. It is a disguise that masks the intent by saying one thing and doing something completely different.

Because the impact of suggestions can not stimulate the change with the development of political, economic, and social differences, the actual meaning behind such Madison Avenue jargon such as "Challenges to achieving a Palestinian-Israeli Peace" - the objective of "Peace" is not even on the table. The true conditions are masked by compensatory mechanisms that promote hostile thinking at all levels of the Arab Palestinian community.

◈ Fatah: Murdering children is a "legitimate human struggle" - when the killer is Palestinian and victims are Israelis
◈ PA, PLO, and Fatah inciting and promoting violence against Israeli flag march in Jerusalem

Dr. Hanan Ashrawi​

Beyond a Last Chance: Challenges to achieving a Palestinian-Israeli Peace​


It is Palestinian speech that is based on social communication impairments and repetitive that establishes the Hostile Arab Palestinian patterns of violent behaviors.


Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Concealment of the Intent
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

People like Dr Ashrawi, mimic talks with the objective of peace. It is a disguise that masks the intent by saying one thing and doing something completely different.

Because the impact of suggestions can not stimulate the change with the development of political, economic, and social differences, the actual meaning behind such Madison Avenue jargon such as "Challenges to achieving a Palestinian-Israeli Peace" - the objective of "Peace" is not even on the table. The true conditions are masked by compensatory mechanisms that promote hostile thinking at all levels of the Arab Palestinian community.

◈ Fatah: Murdering children is a "legitimate human struggle" - when the killer is Palestinian and victims are Israelis
◈ PA, PLO, and Fatah inciting and promoting violence against Israeli flag march in Jerusalem


It is Palestinian speech that is based on social communication impairments and repetitive that establishes the Hostile Arab Palestinian patterns of violent behaviors.


Most Respectfully,
All of the Palestinian's actions are a response to Israeli violence.
In keeping with their pattern of continuing to plumb the depths of really depraved Cult stereotypes

The Pallys need a new leader.


PA/Fatah: Terror is the "path to victory," Dead terrorists “are our heroes… who illuminate the path for our people… We all need to be like [them],”​

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Feb 20, 2022

  • Three killed terrorist “heroes” will be “a curse” for Israel, says Fatah spokesman, calling for “liberation of the land”


When I read the term “pally official”, I expect a loud sucking sound to be heard as a reality based worldview is consumed by a vortex of Islamist absurdity.
It sure looks like the Iranian Mullocrats are hoping to broaden the Islamic terrorist enterprise of Hamas.

MANILA, Philippines — The Philippine National Police said it uncovered a terror plot by militant Islamic organization Hamas against Israelis and Arabs in the country to wage a proxy war in the country by recruiting Filipino affiliates to carry out terrorist activities against Westerners and Middle Eastern nationals.

According to a report by Police Brig. Gen. Neil Alinsangan, PNP Intelligence Group director, the conspiracy was uncovered from information disclosed by a local contact of Hamas. The plots were meant to "establish a foothold" in the Philippines by inciting violence that targets Israelis in the country, the PNP said.
Like the UN, Amnesty International has become just another far left advocacy group catering to the wishes and desires of misfit Islamic terrorist Pallys. Sovereign nations make their own laws absent interference from agenda driven bureaucrats and while the pal darlings of Amnesty International are their top priority, Amnesty can best spend their time writing press releases no one cares about.

February 20, 2022 / JNS) Much has been written about the Feb. 1, 2022 Amnesty International report alleging that Israel practices apartheid against the Palestinians.1

From its opening paragraphs and throughout, this report is rife with over-generalized and sweeping accusations and irresponsible value judgments, all of which do nothing but prejudice any claim to professionalism and credibility on the part of the authors of the report, as well as of the organization that has endorsed it.
Like the UN, Amnesty International has become just another far left advocacy group catering to the wishes and desires of misfit Islamic terrorist Pallys. Sovereign nations make their own laws absent interference from agenda driven bureaucrats and while the pal darlings of Amnesty International are their top priority, Amnesty can best spend their time writing press releases no one cares about.

February 20, 2022 / JNS) Much has been written about the Feb. 1, 2022 Amnesty International report alleging that Israel practices apartheid against the Palestinians.1

From its opening paragraphs and throughout, this report is rife with over-generalized and sweeping accusations and irresponsible value judgments, all of which do nothing but prejudice any claim to professionalism and credibility on the part of the authors of the report, as well as of the organization that has endorsed it.

PF Tinmore said:

He couldn’t find a YouTube video.
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