Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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The PA turns sick imprisoned terrorist responsible for the murder of 7 into a role model for Palestinian society

  • “We salute all the noble heroes”
    – Abbas’ advisor

  • “Rise and restore the pride to the gleaming ax”
    - PA TV host recites poem for “hero” Abu Hmeid

  • “Make sounds of joy, O rifle”
    - Fatah and PFLP in honor of murderer, while gun shots are fired in the air

  • “With bullets he writes an inscription of glory”
    - PA TV song

  • “Hero” and “lion”
    - PA TV

  • PA about terror mom:
    “Um Nasser Abu Hmeid is the Palestinian woman of the hour. [This is] not only because she nursed her children with the milk of pure heroism, honor, and patriotism until they became unequal knights in the paths of resistance”

  • PA libel: Israel “wants to murder” the imprisoned terrorists, deliberately making their illnesses worse

(full article online)

The Pal hero worship of Islamic terrorists just put them a bit more on the fringe.

Australia had previously listed Hamas’s al-Qassam Brigades military wing as a “terror” group in 2003, but the new designation which will come into force in April, will list the organisation in its entirety, including its political wing.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Designated Terrorist Group
※→ Hollie, et al,

I am not sure this really means anything anymore.

The Pal hero worship of Islamic terrorists just put them a bit more on the fringe.

Australia had previously listed Hamas’s al-Qassam Brigades military wing as a “terror” group in 2003, but the new designation which will come into force in April, will list the organisation in its entirety, including its political wing.

As an example, the International Criminal Court (ICC) acts as an advocate for HAMAS. The ICC has had access to Palestinian terrorist operations information since the ICC went into effect. Yet, the ICC is acting as the advocate that will stir the investigation away from West Bank terrorism and Gaza Strip terrorism.

Times of Israel said:
In February, a pre-trial chamber of the ICC determined that The Hague has jurisdiction to open a criminal investigation into Israel and the Palestinians for war crimes alleged to have taken place in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem, paving the way for a full investigation after a five-year preliminary probe opened by Bensouda.
SOURCE: Focus: Crimes within the jurisdiction of the Court that are alleged to have been committed in the Situation since 13 June 2014, the date to which reference is made in the Referral of the Situation to the Office of the Prosecutor.

Chief Prosecutor Bensouda promised to investigate "impartially and objectively." We shall see how many HAMAS rocket attacks are reported in the findings or the investigation. It will be interesting to see how many of the incidents involved the use of cover and concealment launch sites from densely populated civilian areas; using the population as hostages. It will be interesting to see how many incidents of criminal incitement to violence the Investigators report.

In this regard, ICC Prosecutor has previously identified in her request for a jurisdictional ruling a reasonable basis to believe crimes within the jurisdiction of the Court were allegedly committed by members of the Israeli Defense Forces, Israeli authorities, Hamas and Palestinian armed groups.

It will be very, very interesting to see how many times the ICC Investigation cites the authority to prosecute under Article 68 of the Fourth Geneva Convention.

Just My Thoughts,

Most Respectfully,
Al Jazeera reports:
The Australian government has said it planned to list the whole of the Palestinian movement Hamas to its list of outlawed “terrorist” organisations.

Australia had previously listed Hamas’s al-Qassam Brigades military wing as a “terror” group in 2003, but the new designation which will come into force in April, will list the organisation in its entirety, including its political wing.

“The views of Hamas and the violent extremist groups listed today are deeply disturbing, and there is no place in Australia for their hateful ideologies,” said Home Affairs Minister Karen Andrews.

The designation will place restrictions on financing or providing other support to Hamas – with certain offences carrying a 25-year prison sentence.

“It is vital that our laws target not only terrorist acts and terrorists, but also the organisations that plan, finance and carry out these acts,” Andrews said.
Hamas denounced the move on its website:
At the very same time, the Hamas website has an article praising their late engineer who pioneered designing missiles aimed at civilians - the very definition of terrorism:

(full article online)

Kweansmom asked me to check out this photograph of a man bathing his kids in Gaza.

I dug a little and found this article about the photo and photographer:

In an interview with Independent Journal Review, [Emad] Nassar said he captured the shot on June 26, 2015, while he was taking pictures of the conflict in Gaza.

He was walking around the apartment complex when he suddenly saw the family and snapped the photo. It was not staged.

The only information he knows about the family in the photograph are the names of the people and how they’re related; Salem Saoody, 30, daughter Layan (left), and his niece Shaymaa (right).

OK, there are a few points right off the bat.

The photo was taken in the Shejaiya neighborhood of Gaza, which was a Hamas stronghold during the 2014 war. Hamas purposefully didn't rebuild the area for well over a year as it would show it off to clueless Europeans about how evil Israel was to bomb Hamas targets purposefully placed in a residential area.

As we can see, photographers loved this neighborhood and continued to take staged photos over a year after the war. After all, the destruction was photogenic and served a wonderful propaganda purpose, even as tens of thousands of homes in other sections of Gaza were rebuilt.

Now, how likely is it that this photo was not staged?

Let us take at face value that a loving father would want to give his daughter and niece a bath or have them splash around in the equivalent of a kiddie pool in a clearly dangerous room.

A corner bathtub holds at least 50 gallons/200 liters. This photo was taken at least on the third floor of the building. There is obviously no running water there. This means that according to the photographer, the father carried a great deal of water up and down three flights of dangerous stairs alone, several trips, yet not bothering to clear a path to the tub he was filling up and preferring instead to step over rubble. He then asked his daughter and niece to walk up the same path, on top of the rubble.

Now, what if the father had help - say, the photographer Emad Nassar, helping him carry the water with the intent to stage an award winning photograph? Seems somewhat more likely, although it would still be a lot of work.

What if there was at least a third person there - say, Emad's brother Wissam, whom he doesn't mention but who is also a photographer, and who also won awards for his versions of the same scene at the same time?

Suddenly the idea that Emad was wandering around the neighborhood and stumbled onto this scene on the third floor of a teetering building seems a lot less likely.

The brothers seem to have found other similar scenes of ordinary Gazans just hanging out in ruins a few floors up in very photogenic ruins.


(full article online)

  • Hamas leaders are not sitting among their people in the Gaza Strip or the West Bank. It is easier and safer for them to call on the Palestinians to send their children to carry out terrorist attacks against Israel while they are relaxing in the comfort of their hotel rooms, villas and gyms in the Qatari capital of Doha. The Hamas leaders are not going to send their own sons and daughters to engage in the jihad against Israel.
  • The Iranian-backed Hamas and PIJ are the two largest groups in the Gaza Strip. Instead of investing their resources and efforts in improving the living conditions of their people, the Hamas and PIJ leaders have brought on them one disaster after the other. They have brought war and destruction on the people of the Gaza Strip by firing thousands of rockets towards Israel, forcing Israel to fire back to defend itself.
  • Instead of building schools and hospitals, the Hamas and PIJ leaders have chosen to invest tens of millions of dollars in a network of tunnels along Gaza's border with Israel, to attack and kill Jews.
  • The leaders of Hamas and PIJ left scorched earth behind them and chose to lead luxurious lives in Doha, Istanbul and Beirut. Strangely, however, instead of hiding their faces in shame, they are calling from their gyms, jets, and jacuzzis for the Palestinians to pursue the fight against Israel.
  • Some Palestinians, it seems, refuse to be duped by the deception of the Hamas and PIJ leaders. These Palestinians have finally realized that their leaders care only about their personal interest and the well-being of their families and are enjoying the good life in Doha and Istanbul.
  • Above all, the Palestinians need to boot out the thieves who masquerade as their leaders, the butchers responsible for the deaths of the young men and women in the Hamas-incited jihad against Israel. The Palestinians will never move forward with their lives as long as their leaders are relaxing in hot tubs in Qatar and Turkey while sending them orders to bathe themselves in yet more Jewish blood.

(full article online)

Australia announced its intention to designate the entirety of the Hamas movement as a terrorist organization, Australian media reported on Thursday. The designation will come into effect in the coming weeks, Army Radio noted.

Australia had previously designated Hamas’s Izzadin al-Qassam Brigades as a terror group, but the revised labeling will include all other parts of the Palestinian faction that controls the Gaza Strip.

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and his Australian counterpart, Scott Morrison, discussed the designation at the COP26 2021 UN Climate Change Conference last year. With this move, Australia is following in the footsteps of the United Kingdom, which applied the same designation in November.

(full article online)

The Australian government announced Wednesday that it has defined the Hamas organization, including its political arm, as a terrorist organization. The Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas’ military wing, was already proscribed in Australia, and now the organization in its entirety will be defined as a terror organization.

However, the real severe blow now hitting Hamas is Turkey’s intention to expel Hamas military operatives from its territory, according to a report by the Turkish newspaper Hurriyet. Turkey has informed Hamas that its military operatives must leave the country and the military assistance to Hamas from Turkey will be stopped, but it will allow Hamas’ political activity.

(full article online)

n a Friday, February 11, 2022 sermon at the Surda Mosque in the West Bank, Dr. Nasser Al-Qaram, the head of the Shari’a Court of Appeals in Nablus, extolled martyrdom and described rewards granted by Allah to martyrs. Dr. Al-Qaram delivered his sermon on the backdrop of Israeli forces having killed three Fatah terrorists in Nablus earlier that week. Dr. Al-Qaram criticized Arab countries for normalizing relations with the "enemies of Allah," and he said that the State of Israel was built on a foundation of "terrorism, racism, and extremism." In addition, Dr. Al-Qaram quoted several verses from the Quran in which Jews are referred to as evil corrupters. The sermon was aired on Palestine TV.

(full article and videos online)

RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Designated Terrorist Group
※→ Hollie, et al,

I am not sure this really means anything anymore.


As an example, the International Criminal Court (ICC) acts as an advocate for HAMAS. The ICC has had access to Palestinian terrorist operations information since the ICC went into effect. Yet, the ICC is acting as the advocate that will stir the investigation away from West Bank terrorism and Gaza Strip terrorism.

Chief Prosecutor Bensouda promised to investigate "impartially and objectively." We shall see how many HAMAS rocket attacks are reported in the findings or the investigation. It will be interesting to see how many of the incidents involved the use of cover and concealment launch sites from densely populated civilian areas; using the population as hostages. It will be interesting to see how many incidents of criminal incitement to violence the Investigators report.

In this regard, ICC Prosecutor has previously identified in her request for a jurisdictional ruling a reasonable basis to believe crimes within the jurisdiction of the Court were allegedly committed by members of the Israeli Defense Forces, Israeli authorities, Hamas and Palestinian armed groups.

It will be very, very interesting to see how many times the ICC Investigation cites the authority to prosecute under Article 68 of the Fourth Geneva Convention.

Just My Thoughts,

Most Respectfully,
I do agree that the move by Australia will have little, if any impact. And definitely, the ICC is entirely aligned with the Hamas regime, and are ready to support / favor it in spite of the human rights violations committed by Hamas against both Israel and the pals.. We can expect the UN to go about assembling “confirming prognoses” from ''experts'' such as Richard Falk and Virginia Tilley, while proclaiming with ever more authority the rights of Islamic terrorists to legitimately wage war on a sovereign nation without penalty. Some of the UN quasi-experts will defend the islamic terrorist regimes as the oppressed masses which is why we should make allowances for their behaviors.
In a Times of Israel post published earlier in the week, we argued that, in addition to the countless factual errors in Amnesty International’s report accusingIsrael of ‘apartheid’, the NGO’s failure to even note decisions by Palestinian leaders that have perpetuated the conflict demonstrates that what they’re engaged in is not neutral ‘human rights’ advocacy, but anti-Israel advocacy.

The denial of agency to Palestinians was, we argued, evident in the report’s erasure of the wars and terror – and the Palestinian leadership’s repeated rejection of peace offers – which significantly contributed to the current territorial, political and security situation.

The erasure of Palestinian responsibility and agency – be it in the ‘human rights’ community or the mainstream media – not only grossly distorts our understanding of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but also represents what’s been referred to as “the bigotry of low expectations” or, within another political context, “Woke Racism”. Both of these represent ways of describing the refusal to expect minorities, or any group deemed oppressed or disadvantaged, to meet the same standards of moral behaviour set for most people.

This isn’t to deny that such groups face real discrimination, only that they, like all individuals, have choices, and to judge their behavior by lower standards than we judge others denies their very humanity – racism in its most basic form.

So, what can Palestinians – and, especially, Palestinian leaders – do to contribute to peace and end the occupation? The sad fact is that this question is rarely even asked.

So, whilst the list below isn’t an exhaustive one, it represents a crucial paradigm by which to view, and judge commentary about, Palestinians and the choices they make.

These ideas also serve as a corrective to the historical amnesia which frames Israeli skepticism over Palestinian intentions – based on the trauma of the 2nd Intifada, frustration over the PA’s rejection of peace offers and the Palestinian culture of incitement – as Israeli intransigence, the society’s ‘move right’ or increased racism.

  1. The Palestinian Authority can hold elections for the first time in 16 years.
  2. Palestinians can advocate for such elections to be held.
  3. The Palestinian Authority can begin the process of building transparent democratic institutions, and a healthy civil society, in preparation for statehood.
  4. Palestinians can advocate for this process to begin.
  5. The Palestinians Authority can cease promoting and incentivisingterrorism.
  6. Palestinians can advocate for the PA to cease such toxic propaganda.
  7. The Palestinian Authority can cease promoting antisemitism.
  8. Palestinians can reject antisemitism.
  9. The Palestinian Authority can announce they’re open to peace talks with Israel without pre-conditions.
  10. Palestinians can advocate for the PA to make such an announcement.
  11. The Palestinian Authority can encourage co-existence projects with Israelis
  12. Palestinians can volunteer to participate in such projects.
  13. Palestinians, of all stripes, can reject Hamas and all such groups which represent an immutable obstacle to peace.

(full article online)

I suppose some of them breed for one purpose.

''Behind every Martyr there’s a mighty mother!” – The PA’s twisted ideal mother​

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Feb 17, 2022
  • “They confront death in a manner that amazed everyone, and despite the pain and the tears, gusts of joy burst forth, as if they were laughter rising from the rubble. With roses, with fragrant herbs, with sounds of joy – this is how the mothers accompanied their sons and sons of the Fatah Movement to Heaven”

  • “As is fitting for the mothers of the Martyrs, [she] accompanied her son to the wedding. She shed two rose tears and did not seclude herself in clothes of mourning. She marched at the front of the participants in the funeral and called out loudly: ‘With spirit, with blood, we will redeem you Martyr’”

  • “She made sounds of joy while making the sign of victory. With determination and resolution she raised his rifle and shot a bullet of joy and pride, while saying: ‘Today is the wedding day of my beloved, give me blessings and well-wishes’”

It appears that taking one for the glory of the islamic terrorist gee-had is big business in the territories occupied by the Abbas misfits.

Three ways the PA tried to hide its terror reward payments in 2021​

Maurice Hirsch, Adv. | Feb 9, 2022
  1. Integrating released terrorists into PA ministries to deceive the international community

  2. Developing a new payment system to circumvent the banks who refuse to provide services to terrorists

  3. Manipulating published PA financial reports to mask the payments

Palestinian Media Watch estimates that in 2021 the PA spent no less than 841 million shekels ($270.75 million) paying rewards to terrorists. 600 million shekels ($193.16) were paid to terrorist prisoners and released terrorists and another 241 million shekels ($77.59 million), at least, were paid to wounded terrorists and the families of dead terrorists.
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