Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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The next generation of sociopaths.

The international community keeps the welfare flowing which perpetuates this.

If you want to create generation after generation of sociopaths, get’em while they’re young. Those pre-teen females, too.

Islamism has a long, lurid history of exploiting female children and the islamists with an entire UN welfare agency at their disposal are quick to continue that practice.

Annual 'Palestinian Child Soldier's Week' begins today, aims to stop western funding of NGOs linked to terrorist organisations who put children at risk.

Girls attending a PFLP 'summer camp' in Gaza

BRUSSELS, BELGIUM, February 7, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ -- According to the Coalition to save Palestinian Child Soldiers Coalition (CPCS), whose annual awareness campaign takes place this week (February 7 - 13th), "The ruling power of the Gaza Strip, the terrorist organisation Hamas, has child training camps in which it trainschildren as auxiliaries and militia members. Approximately 10,000 children and teens are trained each year with terrorist “summer camps” which are grueling basic training boot camps. There, children learn combat manoeuvres, weapon operation, and terrorist tactics."
Really incredible that the west stills finances the Pal, UN funded welfare program and the Pal child abuse / exploitation.

HAMAS SUPPORTERS attend an anti-Israel rally in the northern Gaza Strip on Sunday. (photo credit: MOHAMMED SALEM/REUTERS)

HAMAS SUPPORTERS attend an anti-Israel rally in the northern Gaza Strip on Sunday.

CAF America provides funds to Palestinian NGOs with ties to the PFLP terrorist organization​

I would hope that more nations which contribute to pal Islamic terrorist welfare will reconsider.

Israel and Germany will discuss means of keeping money away from six Palestinian groups Tel Aviv banned last year to allow funding to proceed for programmes they were intended to run.
“Proud” of sociopaths who belong to an Islamic terrorist franchise that exists because of a UN funded welfare program.

Top Fatah official to ‘Post’: PA is very weak; Fatah ‘proud’ of its armed wing​

Published: FEBRUARY 12, 2022 19:19
Updated: FEBRUARY 12, 2022 20:52
Palestinian militants of Fatah's al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades take part in a military show as they protest against the deal between Israel and the UAE. August 22, 2020.  (photo credit: NASSER ISHTAYEH/FLASH90)
Game on for Pally pre-teens?

With the Emir of Pally’land exhorting his minions to “dish out to them twice as much as we’ve received.”, that might be a rallying call for Mahmoud’s sacrificial boys and girls to take one for the gee-had.

Abbas openly calls on Palestinians to murder Israelis​

Maurice Hirsch, Adv. | Feb 13, 2022
After Israel killed three terrorists who had already carried out a number of terror attacks and were planning another imminent attack, Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas called on Palestinians to “dish out to them twice as much as we’ve received.”

There's a bit of a kerfuffle taking place in that little slice of absurdity called the Islamic terrorist occupied territories.

As you might expect, it's just a total mess. The Emir of West Bankistan is apparently in control of something called the Palestinian Central Council (PCC) (whatever that is), the something to which he made appointments as favors to those loyal to him.

Among a host of phony, non-functioning agencies to include the PCC, there is the alphabet soup compilation of faux agencies to include the PLO, PLC, PNC and collections of money laundering entities existing on letterhead but with no physical address.

Three Palestinian groups – Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) have announced that they do not recognize the appointment of loyalists of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to senior positions in the PLO.

“No recognition of, and no legitimacy to, the appointments announced by the Palestinian Central Council (PCC) during its illegitimate meeting on Sunday and Monday,” the groups said in a joint statement.
(Oh Ramadan, Oh Ramadan...... )

The tensions in Sheikh Jarrah come amid heightened tensions in the West Bank after the assassination of three al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terrorists in Nablus last week, as well as threats of an escalation in Israeli prisons due to Palestinian complaints against the Israel Prison Service.

Palestinian prisoner groups have warned that they would escalate measures against the prison service due to alleged violations of agreements reached after the Gilboa Prison escape. The Supreme Leadership Council of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad's prisoners stated on Saturday that the "third intifada" has begun and was sparked from within the prisons. The council added that, for the first time, all the factions' prisoners are united in clashing with Israel.

The council additionally warned against refusing the demands of Palestinian prisoners, saying "wait for the month of Ramadan for the major confrontation."

(full article online)

Lebanon's State Shura Council decided this month to reverse an order issued in December allowing Palestinian refugees to work in trade-union regulated professions, after complaints that the order would encroach on the rights of Lebanese professionals and claims that the order was trying to pave the way for naturalizing Palestinian refugees.

The reversal was made after the council accepted an appeal by the Maronite League, the head of the league, Neamatallah Abi Nasr, announced on Thursday, according to Lebanon's National News Agency (NNA).

In December, amended regulations published by the country's Labor Ministry stated that Palestinians who were born in Lebanon and officially registered in the records of the Lebanese Interior Ministry will be allowed to work in professions that are in general limited to Lebanese citizens only, such as law, engineering and medicine, among others.

The appeal filed by the Maronite League claimed that the labor minister had overstepped his authority when he issued a decision allowing Palestinians to access previously barred professions. The appeal had claimed that the decision violated the country's constitution, adding that the league was blocking attempts to "change the modern and historic face of Lebanon and attempting to impose a new demographic status quo," according to L'Orient Le'Jour.

The Hamas movement in Lebanon condemned the decision to reverse the order on Saturday, saying that it "raises fundamental questions related to its background and timing, and harms Lebanese-Palestinian relations.”

(full article online)

After Israel killed three terrorists who had already carried out a number of terror attacks and were planning another imminent attack, Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas called on Palestinians to “dish out to them twice as much as we’ve received.”

When calling to “dish out to them twice as much as we’ve received,” Abbas is literally calling for the murder of at least 6 Israelis! Openly calling for the murder of Israelis in response to Israel neutralizing three terrorists, is something Abbas reserves for his Arabic speaking audience.

In a speech broadcast during a memorial event for the three terrorists, Abbas rewrote history, whitewashing the terrorists and their actions, claiming that the call for revenge was justified because “We are the ones who were attacked. We didn’t attack anyone”:


(full article online)

Gee, whiz. It seems incitement is a reason for Islamic terrorist attacks.

I suppose that's a reference to the near daily incitement that oozes from the Gaza and West Bank Islamic terrorist franchises.

The things you learn on the interweb.

Hamas and PIJ say they are working to ignite a new intifada (uprising) against Israel, especially in Jerusalem and the West Bank. They want to take the fight against Israel to the streets of Jerusalem and the West Bank, while keeping the situation in the Gaza Strip calm.
Gee, whiz. It seems incitement is a reason for Islamic terrorist attacks.

I suppose that's a reference to the near daily incitement that oozes from the Gaza and West Bank Islamic terrorist franchises.

The things you learn on the interweb.

Hamas and PIJ say they are working to ignite a new intifada (uprising) against Israel, especially in Jerusalem and the West Bank. They want to take the fight against Israel to the streets of Jerusalem and the West Bank, while keeping the situation in the Gaza Strip calm.
They're going to run out of rocks !
They have great camo

Boycott Denny's !!!
Gee, whiz. It seems incitement is a reason for Islamic terrorist attacks.

I suppose that's a reference to the near daily incitement that oozes from the Gaza and West Bank Islamic terrorist franchises.

The things you learn on the interweb.

Hamas and PIJ say they are working to ignite a new intifada (uprising) against Israel, especially in Jerusalem and the West Bank. They want to take the fight against Israel to the streets of Jerusalem and the West Bank, while keeping the situation in the Gaza Strip calm.
Oooo, you played the terrorist card.

Good girl.:clap::clap::clap::clap:
The pallys sure like their conspiracy theories.

British-Palestinian Journalist Abdel-Bari Atwan: U.S. Did Not Really Kill ISIS Leader Al-Qurayashi, Just As It Did Not Kill Bin Laden Or Al-Baghdadi; Their Bodies Were Never Shown

A 'celebration' of sorts for losers and misfits.

Fatah Facebook celebrates 51 years of terror with image of rock-thrower​


Image and text posted on the official Facebook page of the Fatah Movement on Dec. 27, 2015

Text: “Long live the Palestinian National Liberation Movement – Fatah, guardian of the national enterprise and the one that fired the first bullet in the history of the Palestinian revolution”
( Money not going to help the needy in Gaza )

It’s the latest such production by the media arm of Hamas, which has invested heavily in its offerings despite an Israeli-Egyptian blockade on Gaza since the Islamists seized power in 2006.

The shows are aired on Hamas-run TV, and “Fist of the Free” will debut during the upcoming month of Ramadan, when viewership soars after the dawn-to-dusk fast and networks across the Muslim world debut big-budget offerings. Ramadan begins on April 2.

Hamas hopes to gain a wider viewership by offering the rights for free to channels in Syria, Lebanon, Algeria and Turkey. But it will struggle to break through the Ramadan lineup, when production houses across the region crank out top-quality dramas with marquee actors.

“Fist of the Free” is also likely to face barriers online, as Facebook, YouTube and streaming services censor content perceived as inciting violence.

Last year, two Saudi specials during Ramadan broke new ground in normalizing Israel and Jews.
In 2017, it built an entire movie set based on Jerusalem’s Old City, including a replica of the Dome of the Rock — part of a holy site that is sacred to Jews and Muslims and has been a persistent flashpoint for Palestinian violence.

Al-Attar declined to say how much was being spent on the latest series, which he said was funded by donations.

There were no cranes on set, so overhead shots were taken by drone or by a cameraman sitting on another man’s shoulders. Crew members used their camera batteries to detonate mock explosives. The filming took place at a Hamas military base near the frontier.

The cast is recruited locally, from a population that has had little contact with Israelis since the Hamas takeover and the tightening of the blockade.

Zohair al-Bebisi, a 64-year-old who has never set foot in Israel, was cast as David, an Israeli commando tasked with sneaking into Gaza to recover high-tech equipment captured by wily Hamas militants.

“It’s the first time I play the role of an Israeli intelligence officer,” al-Belbisi said as he rested between takes. He described his character as “very cunning,” with a knack for getting out of dangerous situations — until his luck runs out.

Spoiler alert: David is killed by friendly fire.

The propaganda goes largely unchecked inside Gaza, where Hamas does not tolerate dissent. Since taking power in 2006, Hamas has jailed journalists and activists, banned newspapers, shuttered rival TV stations and restricted movie screenings.

(full article online)

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