Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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You said it, you prove it.

You are just ducking.



RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

You two are good for comic relief.

Why do countries with nuclear weapons have them? Are they all mad dogs? Is Iran a mad dog? Their war against Sunni Islam could well endanger the planet.
No, I do not know any country (except Israel) that has a "mad-dog-doctrine".

Most nuclear countries do not threaten with the destruction of the entire world, if their regime collapses.

The United States is the only country in the world to use a Nuclear Device to settle an armed conflict (War with Japan). The big secret in the US at the conclusion of WWII is that the US did not have any more Nuclear Weapons. The US only made the two, which they used on Japan.

After WWII, the fact that the US had deployed nuclear weapons, was prima facie evidence to the world that the US was nuclear-armed. Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) was a "military" strategy and the political parallel to the strategy was the US policy that the US would not rule out a "First Strike" option. To this day, the US has not ruled out the First Strike option and to this day, the US will neither confirm nor deny that any military element is nuclear-armed (or NOT). Several countries emulate the US military and political policies in this matter.

Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) is a Political-Military (POL-MIL) Strategy to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons technology and materials. Israel not only emulates US policy on acknowledgment but also takes no step (political or military) to suggest an Israeli Nuclear Strategy, one way or the other. (Israeli Position: Nuclear Weapon? What is that?)

I'm not sure what the "mad-dog-doctrine" is, exactly. There should not be an Islamic Policy on the use of nuclear weapons. If there were such a thing as an Islamic Nuclear Weapons Policy, then that would endanger the continued existence of Mecca. And that is of no value to either the Abrahamic Religions or one of the other belief structures. But Iran poses some unique scenarios that may trigger an unfavorable response. And again, no one wants that except for fanatics and those with mental health issues.

Just My Thoughts,

Most Respectfully,
Today, there is an op-ed by Dr. Mustafa Youssef Al-Ledawi in Palestine Today who claims that the phrase represents only a tiny minority, but it must be fought against. It clearly has made serious inroads in Arab thinking.

Al-Ledawi summarizes how things have changed in the Arab world and their complaints against Palestinians:
We must admit that the climate has changed, and that the policies that prevailed in the past have changed, and the Palestinian issue has become for most Arab and Islamic regimes their last concern, and least concern. Some Arab regimes have portrayed the Palestinians saying that they are the danger [to the Arab world], and that it is their actions that have harmed them and caused them to perish, and that it drained their resources and hindered their abilities, and describes them as rogues, corrupt, liars, hypocrites, unfaithful stalkers, turning against those who stood with them, biting the hand that fed them, and denying those who supported them, and thus they do not deserve sympathy.
Ledawi contradicts himself several times, claiming both that these are fringe opinions but then saying that Arab media is controlled by those who hold them, which is absurd. He also doesn't even attempt to answer the Arab criticisms of the Palestinians - that they side with Iran, that they remain divided, that the money that has poured into them from the Arab world has been wasted on corruption and infighting, that they have spurned peace offer after peace offer.

Despite his trying to downplay the issue, it is clearly a major concern for Palestinian leadership who have seen donations from Arab states dry up in recent years.

(full article online)

Lots of absurdity in that little slice of Islamic terrorism called the PA.

Terrorists receiving “military ranks” and officers being murdered – Expressions of the morally bankrupt PA reality​

Maurice Hirsch, Adv. | Feb 3, 2022
The contrast between how Palestinian terrorist Osama Al-Silawi and United States Army Captain Taylor Force received their military ranks provides a clear picture of the moral bankruptcy of the Palestinian Authority.

Speaking recently, released terrorist murderer Al-Silawi thanked PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas for the “military rank” he was given and “salaries” the PA pays him.
More of the alternate reality that defines the Pal sociopath.

To this point, Israeli citizens have met the test of Islamic gee-had by bringing responses to those attacks which quickly cow the islamic terrorists The whiners who insist that Israel refrain from acting to eliminate all threats posed by the gee-had misfits are deceiving only themselves -- which js another crine for which Nature often imposes cruel penalties.

PA repeats the Big Lie: “Not a single Palestinian has carried out a single operation in order to kill civilians���​

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Feb 4, 2022
have noted before that the word "Justice" when used in context of "Palestinians demand justice" or "No justice, no peace" or Students for Justice in Palestine," is a dog-whistle that means the end of Israel.

It turns out that this is not a recent phenomenon.

Yehoshafat Harkabi, in his 1974 work "Arab Attitudes to Israel," has a short section on this very topic.

He describes many genocidal phrases popular in the Arab world throughout the 1960s that sound innocuous to those who are not on the inside, such as "liberation": Here is what he writes about how the word "justice" is used:


The Arabs emphasize that they seek a "just solution" or a "just peace," which constitutes the opposite pole to a peace or solution founded on the status quo, on the fact of Israel's existence. The just solution, according to this view, is the annulment of the wrong involved in the very existence of Israel and the restoration of Israel to its legal owners. Justice is a denial of Israel's existence. Thus Nasser says:
"We talk peace, but we do not accept peace that is based on the usurpation of rights and on the fait accompli. That is why we work for peace, but we want peace based on justice." (Speech at Alexandria University, July 28, 1963).
In other words, a just peace, according to this view, means the peace that will reign after the disappearance of Israel.

(full article online)

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” This sentence describes a core tenet of Nazi propaganda, but it could also be said to apply to the PA’s repetition of insidious lies and libels.

Palestinian Media Watch exposed one such “big lie” told by Nasser Al-Lahham, a regular host on official PA TV, who whitewashed all Palestinian terrorists, claiming they have “refused to kill children and civilians.” Ignoring the entire history of Palestinian terror, in which thousands of Israeli civilians have been targeted and murdered, Al-Lahham even went so far as to say that Israelis seek to kill Palestinian civilians and children.

As if this wasn’t enough, Al-Lahham repeated his lie the following week in an apparent attempt to cement it in public consciousness:

(full article online)

The contrast between how Palestinian terrorist Osama Al-Silawi and United States Army Captain Taylor Force received their military ranks provides a clear picture of the moral bankruptcy of the Palestinian Authority.

Speaking recently, released terrorist murderer Al-Silawi thanked PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas for the “military rank” he was given and “salaries” the PA pays him.


Gee. It seems that decade after decade the pals find the same dysfunctions in pally’dom. I guess as long as the welfare checks keep rolling in, all is right with the world.

The results showed that widespread corruption poses the most important challenge to the Palestinians, followed by the “occupation,” economic issues, and the dispute between the PA and Hamas

Yes. “Cadres of children”.

That is a tactic of sociopaths breeding the next generation of sociopaths.

PMW in JPost: The Palestinian Authority's child soldier strategy​

Itamar Marcus | Feb 6, 2022


With the PA feeding Palestinian children a steady diet of child soldier promotion, when the PA launches its terror waves it has a cadre of children ready to be called to action.


GIRLS WITH automatic rifles lead Fatah’s anniversary parade as seen, according to Palestinian Media Watch, on the official Fatah Facebook page.

If you want to know what is really at the heart of the Palestinian conflict with Israel, don’t ask the politicians or the diplomats. Go to the real experts: Palestinian children. Unlike the rest of the world, they’ve been paying close attention to what their leaders and educators have been teaching them – and they’re already signing their lessons in blood.
Well what else. The international community doesn’t have the wherewithal to put an end to the welfare money financing Islamic terrorism.

PA Spokesman vows to continue “Pay-for-Slay” terror rewards​

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Feb 7, 2022
  • PA Spokesman: “The leadership led by His Honor [PA] President [Abbas] will continue the constant and ongoing battle over the salaries of the prisoners and Martyrs”

Despite international criticism and the PA’s alleged financial crisis, the PA continues to defend their “Pay-for-Slay” rewards, vowing to the imprisoned terrorists and the families of dead terrorist “Martyrs” that they will get paid. Only four days ago, PA Spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeina reiterated that the PA, led by Chairman Abbas, will “continue the constant and ongoing battle over the salaries”:
Official PA TV newsreader: “[PA] Presidential Spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeina said that the leadership led by His Honor [PA] President [Mahmoud Abbas] will continue the constant and ongoing battle over the salaries of the prisoners and Martyrs, and what is more we will break bread with them.”
[Official PA TV News, Jan. 30, 2022]
Yes you will, Mahmoud. For all the sociopaths you people breed to wage the gee-had, you will be met by a better armed, better trained, motivated military force that has the ability to reign down destruction if you press it.

How about more photos of the pre-teen female child soldiers you are grooming?

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