Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Gee. I wonder what Rashida Tlaib does for a living aside from throwing money at sociopaths?

Tlaib's campaign has paid $147,000 to Unbought Power LLC, a political consulting and advocacy firm run by Rasha Mubarak, since March 2020. Tlaib's leadership PAC, Rooted in Community Leadership, which lists Mubarak as a "treasurer," has paid Unbought Power another $23,000 since October 2020, according to Federal Elections Commission (FEC) filings reviewedby Fox News Digital.
Read'em and weep.

The pallys don't want to admit the Arab world really is seeing the benefits of trade and relations with Israel. It's the Pallys who refused another chance to improve their lot in life.

Palestinian PM Mohammad Shtayyeh: The Arab World Has Not Really Benefited from the Abraham Accords

Who is a civilian?

According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, members of armed terror groups fit that definition.

Palestinian media reported that the terrorists killed were civilians while also reporting that they were members of the Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades:

Three Palestinian youths were killed on Tuesday evening by the Israeli occupation forces' bullets in the Makhfeya area in the center of Nablus city.

In turn, the Palestinian Health announced the death of 3 civilians, who were shot by the occupation in Nablus.

For its part, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, the military wing of Fatah movement, mourned on Tuesday its three martyrs after their assassination by the occupation forces in Nablus.

In its statement, Al-Aqsa Martyrs said: "We mourn our heroic martyrs Ibrahim Al-Nabulsi, Adham Mabrouk and Muhammad Al-Dakhil, after a cowardly assassination carried out by a Zionist special force in the city of Nablus, Jabal Al-Nar."

The battalions affirm that the blood of their martyrs will not be in vain, and that the response will come and blood will be met with blood."

Israeli media reports that the group had been responsible for multiple recent shooting attacks, and were planning more.

Keep in mind that these terrorists were not Hamas or Islamic Jihad. They were from Fatah, the organization headed by Palestinian president Abbas, who claimed fourteen years ago that the "military wing" had been dismantled.

He might not have been telling the truth.

And make no mistake: if the Al Aqsa Brigades were not doing what Abas wanted, they really would have been dismantled. Yet they openly parade in the West Bank, showing their weapons, with no hint that they are not doing exactly what Abbas wants.

And that includes attacking Jews.

Curious. The pal misfits rattle on about “popular resistance” but define those popular resisters as soldiers.

Much simpler and more accurate to go with “Islamic terrorist” and do the right thing when they try to terrorize anyone.

The PA’s responsibility for terror​

Maurice Hirsch, Adv. | Feb 8, 2022
One of the main reasons to hold the Palestinian Authority responsible for all Palestinian terror is the fact that the PA refers to all terrorists, irrespective of their terror group affiliations, as its “soldiers” who acted upon its “orders.” The messaging of the PA is so clear on the subject, that even the terrorists themselves and their families see the terrorists as “soldiers.” PA leaders and terrorists also often invoke different provisions of the Third Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War, which applies only to soldiers and lawful combatants, as the basis for the rights and privileges of the terrorist prisoners.
  1. Integrating released terrorists into PA ministries to deceive the international community

  2. Developing a new payment system to circumvent the banks who refuse to provide services to terrorists

  3. Manipulating published PA financial reports to mask the payments

(full article online)

Gee, whiz. While this forum is drenched in cut and paste YouTube videos wailing the “apartheid” slogan, an Arab in the Israeli Knesset is hailing pal killers as martyrs.

The Pally killers have been rendered as “non-breathing” so no more gee-had from that bunch.

Right-wing groups harshly criticized Joint Arab List MK Ahmed Tibi on Wednesday after he condemned the killing of three Palestinian terrorists near Shechem on Tuesday, lauding them as “martyrs.”

Right-wing group Im Tirtzu said in a statement, “Without any shame, the supporter of terrorism, Ahmed Tibi, eulogizes the three terrorists from the Knesset podium, calling the IDF’s actions terrorism. Ahmed Tibi, you belong in the Gaza Parliament, not in Israel!”
The numbers are staggering. The Islamic terrorist enterprise, sometimes called, you know, the Islamic Terrorist Enterprise, has a fully developed system of welfare fraud management that includes collection and distribution of money for the maintenance of its enterprise.

Three ways the PA tried to hide its terror reward payments in 2021​

Maurice Hirsch, Adv. | Feb 9, 2022
  1. Integrating released terrorists into PA ministries to deceive the international community

  2. Developing a new payment system to circumvent the banks who refuse to provide services to terrorists

  3. Manipulating published PA financial reports to mask the payments

Palestinian Media Watch estimates that in 2021 the PA spent no less than 841 million shekels ($270.75 million) paying rewards to terrorists. 600 million shekels ($193.16) were paid to terrorist prisoners and released terrorists and another 241 million shekels ($77.59 million), at least, were paid to wounded terrorists and the families of dead terrorists.
The numbers are staggering. The Islamic terrorist enterprise, sometimes called, you know, the Islamic Terrorist Enterprise, has a fully developed system of welfare fraud management that includes collection and distribution of money for the maintenance of its enterprise.

Three ways the PA tried to hide its terror reward payments in 2021​

Maurice Hirsch, Adv. | Feb 9, 2022
  1. Integrating released terrorists into PA ministries to deceive the international community

  2. Developing a new payment system to circumvent the banks who refuse to provide services to terrorists

  3. Manipulating published PA financial reports to mask the payments

Palestinian Media Watch estimates that in 2021 the PA spent no less than 841 million shekels ($270.75 million) paying rewards to terrorists. 600 million shekels ($193.16) were paid to terrorist prisoners and released terrorists and another 241 million shekels ($77.59 million), at least, were paid to wounded terrorists and the families of dead terrorists.
P F Tinmore posted: ;)

Yes. It's funny that Islamic terrorists are payed by Islamic terrorist syndicates to kill themselves.
It's comical, in a mordant sort of way, that the Islamic terrorist franchises have an entire vocabulary of slogans for their various syndicates. "Brigades", "Popular Fronts", "General Command", "Democratic Front" (<---- that's a good one), Pally "Liberation Front", and the list goes on.

Directly and indirectly, they're financed in part by western welfare.

Security forces say men were members of cell that carried out shooting attacks against Israelis in recent weeks; gunmen belonged to Fatah's Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades
The Islamic terrorists are a bit miffed that the anti gee-had forces put an end to 'brigade' fun and games.

Abbas’ Fatah vows revenge for death of 3 Fatah terrorists​

Maurice Hirsch, Adv. | Feb 10, 2022
During the last few weeks, a Palestinian terror cell had carried out a number of shooting attacks against Israeli targets. After the Israeli authorities identified the terrorists as members of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade - the internationally designated terror wing of PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah party - and received intelligence that the terrorists intended to carry out an imminent additional terror attack, Israel sent special forces to the city of Nablus to intercept them. Three terrorists, armed with two semi-automatic M-16 rifles, were killed in the ensuing confrontation.

Responding to the incident, representatives of Fatah condemned the “assassination,” declaring that "what was before it is not what will be after it”:
“The Fatah Movement’s Nablus branch held the right-wing occupation government responsible for the escalation against our people and against the Nablus district specifically, with its latest incident being the crime of assassinating three Fatah fighters in Nablus.
In a statement issued today, Wednesday [Feb. 8, 2022], Fatah emphasized that the assassination crime is a severe escalation, and that it constitutes a turning point for everything regarding the escalation of the confrontation with the occupation, as what was before it is not what will be after it, and no one can turn back the hands of time.”
[Facebook page of the Fatah Movement – Nablus Branch, Feb. 8, 2022]
This isn't your daddy's Imam.

Another sociopath, (this one a 'religious' figure), ranting about children and Islamic conduct.

In the territories occupied by pals, enforcing Islamic conduct tends to dramatically shorten the lifespans of children.

Palestinian Imam: Democracies Like Sweden Take Children from Parents who Enforce Islamic Conduct​

rom the official Palestinian Wafa news agency on Wednesday:

The Palestinian Central Council (PCC) affirmed this evening the suspension of the recognition of the State of Israel until it recognizes the State of Palestine on the borders of June 4, 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital, and halts settlement activity, and affirmed the cessation of security coordination in all its forms.
Hmmm, this sounds familiar. Oh yes, from October 2018:

A top Palestinian body authorised the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) to suspend recognition of Israel and stop security coordination with Tel Aviv.

The Palestinian Central Council (PCC) – a body of the PLO – said the suspensions should be in place until Israel recognises the Palestinian state based on pre-1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital, Palestine’s official Wafa news agency reported.

Similarly, in 2015, with hilarious explanatory text:

Leaders of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) have called for ending security coordination with Israel.

The PLO’s Central Council (PCC), the second-highest Palestinian decision-making body, took the decision on Thursday in the light of rising tensions with Israel.

Launched under the 1993 Oslo autonomy accords which founded the Palestinian Authority (PA), the coordination involves the sharing of intelligence and is considered crucial for Israel to monitor the Hamas movement.

It is not clear if Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas will implement the resolution by the Council, but the decisions it takes are usually binding on the PA.

Council member Mustapha Barghouthi told the AFP news agency that decisions were binding “because it was the PLO which created it [the PA] and which signed the Oslo accords”.

It's adorable that people pretend that all these legislative bodies of the PLO and PA and Fatah actually have some sort of power to make decisions.

(full article online)

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