Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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P F Tinmore, et al,

Well, he doesn't have to play the "Terrorist Card." Even a elementary school child can tell the difference between an ordinary criminal, and an entire culture with a past history of crimal behaviors.

This reminds me of something that makes me laugh. In 2006 Netenyahu was touring the right wingnut radio circuit in the US selling Israel's war against Lebanon. He was on Bill Bennett's show and in an 8 minute segment he played the terrorist card 17 times. This was radio but I could picture Bennett nodding like a bobble head doll.

In 1997, the International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings was Signed: 15 December 1997, New York, and Entered into force: 23 May 2001. It is not the only Treaty Convention on the Issue of Terrorism, but is a very relevant example of how a terrorist might be described:

1. Any person commits an offence within the meaning of this Convention if that person unlawfully and intentionally delivers, places, discharges or detonates an explosive or other lethal device in, into or against a place of public use, a State or government facility, a public transportation system or an infrastructure facility:
a) With the intent to cause death or serious bodily injury; or

b) With the intent to cause extensive destruction of such a place, facility or system, where such destruction results in or is likely to result in major economic loss.
Similarly, in the International Convention Against the Taking of Hostages, Adopted: 17 December 1979, New York, Entered into force: 3 June 1983. It describes a terrorist kidnapper as:

1. Any person who seizes or detains and threatens to kill, to injure or to continue to detain another person (hereinafter referred to as the "hostage") in order to compel a third party, namely, a State, an international intergovernmental organization, a natural or juridical person, or a group of persons, to do or abstain from doing any act as an explicit or implicit condition for the release of the hostage commits the offence of taking of hostages ("hostage-taking") within the meaning of this Convention.

2. Any person who:

a. attempts to commit an act of hostage-taking, or

b. participates as an accomplice of anyone who commits or attempts to commit an act of hostage-taking likewise commits an offence for the purposes of this Convention.
Now, in both descriptive cases, supra, This fits any number of incidents and events perpetrated by Arab Palestinian Terrorist going back to the Munich Massacre. The Reasonable Man Hypothesis suggests that there are literally hundreds of events that fall in these categories, and that is only 2 out of 16 Conventions that have been put into force. And we have not even touched the 161 Rules under Costmary International Humanitarian Law; such as the Rule that protects the intentional attacks against civilians not taking a direct part in hostilities. This is not dissimilar to:

Palestinians Celebrate the Murder of Two Israelis in a Jerusalem Attack
Sunday’s shooting began at approximately 10:30 a.m., when the terrorist, who was driving a white vehicle, opened fire on a male and female civilian near the Ammunition Hill light rail stop, across the street from Police Headquarters.

“The terrorist opened fire on two people, and one woman in her 60s was wounded critically, and a man was moderately-to-seriously wounded,” said Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld.
One has to ask, are the people who celebrate martyrdom are acting in the furthering the general criminal activity, which is either designed or likely to provoke or encourage a threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or be made in the knowledge of the intention of the group to commit the offense or offenses concerned.

The Poisoning Of A People - Palestinians Celebrate The Murder Of Jews
Originally published at Gatestone Institute -
Abu Sbeih is now the latest "hero" of many Palestinians, and not only by his family. He is being hailed as a "brave" man and a "hero" because he woke up in the morning, grabbed an M-16 assault rifle and set out to kill as many Jews as possible. His mission was "successful": he managed to shoot and kill two Jews before he himself was eliminated by policemen.
Read more at The Poisoning Of A People - Palestinians Celebrate The Murder Of Jews

Under the Reasonable Man concept, I would recommend that you give the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin a little room to that thought.

Most Respectfully,


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P F Tinmore, et al,

Well, he doesn't have to play the "Terrorist Card." Even a elementary school child can tell the difference between an ordinary criminal, and an entire culture with a past history of crimal behaviors.

This reminds me of something that makes me laugh. In 2006 Netenyahu was touring the right wingnut radio circuit in the US selling Israel's war against Lebanon. He was on Bill Bennett's show and in an 8 minute segment he played the terrorist card 17 times. This was radio but I could picture Bennett nodding like a bobble head doll.

In 1997, the International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings was Signed: 15 December 1997, New York, and Entered into force: 23 May 2001. It is not the only Treaty Convention on the Issue of Terrorism, but is a very relevant example of how a terrorist might be described:

1. Any person commits an offence within the meaning of this Convention if that person unlawfully and intentionally delivers, places, discharges or detonates an explosive or other lethal device in, into or against a place of public use, a State or government facility, a public transportation system or an infrastructure facility:
a) With the intent to cause death or serious bodily injury; or

b) With the intent to cause extensive destruction of such a place, facility or system, where such destruction results in or is likely to result in major economic loss.
Similarly, in the International Convention Against the Taking of Hostages, Adopted: 17 December 1979, New York, Entered into force: 3 June 1983. It describes a terrorist kidnapper as:

1. Any person who seizes or detains and threatens to kill, to injure or to continue to detain another person (hereinafter referred to as the "hostage") in order to compel a third party, namely, a State, an international intergovernmental organization, a natural or juridical person, or a group of persons, to do or abstain from doing any act as an explicit or implicit condition for the release of the hostage commits the offence of taking of hostages ("hostage-taking") within the meaning of this Convention.

2. Any person who:

a. attempts to commit an act of hostage-taking, or

b. participates as an accomplice of anyone who commits or attempts to commit an act of hostage-taking likewise commits an offence for the purposes of this Convention.
Now, in both descriptive cases, supra, This fits any number of incidents and events perpetrated by Arab Palestinian Terrorist going back to the Munich Massacre. The Reasonable Man Hypothesis suggests that there are literally hundreds of events that fall in these categories, and that is only 2 out of 16 Conventions that have been put into force. And we have not even touched the 161 Rules under Costmary International Humanitarian Law; such as the Rule that protects the intentional attacks against civilians not taking a direct part in hostilities. This is not dissimilar to:

Palestinians Celebrate the Murder of Two Israelis in a Jerusalem Attack
Sunday’s shooting began at approximately 10:30 a.m., when the terrorist, who was driving a white vehicle, opened fire on a male and female civilian near the Ammunition Hill light rail stop, across the street from Police Headquarters.

“The terrorist opened fire on two people, and one woman in her 60s was wounded critically, and a man was moderately-to-seriously wounded,” said Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld.
One has to ask, are the people who celebrate martyrdom are acting in the furthering the general criminal activity, which is either designed or likely to provoke or encourage a threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or be made in the knowledge of the intention of the group to commit the offense or offenses concerned.

The Poisoning Of A People - Palestinians Celebrate The Murder Of Jews
Originally published at Gatestone Institute -
Abu Sbeih is now the latest "hero" of many Palestinians, and not only by his family. He is being hailed as a "brave" man and a "hero" because he woke up in the morning, grabbed an M-16 assault rifle and set out to kill as many Jews as possible. His mission was "successful": he managed to shoot and kill two Jews before he himself was eliminated by policemen.
Read more at The Poisoning Of A People - Palestinians Celebrate The Murder Of Jews

Under the Reasonable Man concept, I would recommend that you give the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin a little room to that thought.

Most Respectfully,
Even a elementary school child can tell the difference between an ordinary criminal, and an entire culture with a past history of crimal behaviors.​

Evidently the clowns in our state Department can't. They don't have Israel on the list.
P F Tinmore, et al,

OK, don't get me wrong here. I am not trying to defend the US Department of State (DoS) or any of the senior diplomatics and foreign service officers. I have met some smart younger FSO's and I have met some very incapable career diplomats. But I have to put my criticisms in check. Remember, the White House and Presidential Advisors and other appointments have a very strong influence over the character and nature of the work force.

I will accept your assessment of "clowns" in the DoS. But I suspect that you and I might come to that conclusion for entirely different reasons.

Evidently the clowns in our state Department can't. They don't have Israel on the list.

And just like the many clowns (your words not mine), you have skipped over the reasoning that came before the quote.

Arab Palestinians are (for the most part) very much like those that promoted Geocentric (Ptolemaic) ideas, so to do the Arab Palestinians believe that most everything in the Middle East revolves around them. They believe, much like the 17th Century Roman Catholic Church, that they exhibit no characteristics of a terrorist. But that anyone who opposes their acts of aggression, are terrorist. And very much like the Pope Urban VIII, who had Galileo's offense works to be banned, collected and burned, the Arab Palestinian have, from time - to - time, rejected UNRWA textbooks and banned them from use. The books did not present the History according to the Arab-Palestinian. The Inquisition of Galileo over the publication of his Copernican views, nearly cost him his life; having to recant the view before the Religious Court. Again, the UNRWA had to pull the textbooks so that the Arab Palestinian students would not be exposed a less confrontational view; promoting peacefully negotiations over the solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition.

Even the Arab Palestinians themselves do not argue that they promote Jihad and Armed Struggle. That the objective of this Jihad and Armed Struggle is to (as Khalid Mishaal) put it:

"Agreeing to a state on the 1967 borders: Some worry that this is following in the footsteps of those before us, and eventually the big dream will shrink. To this we say no, we are not necessarily convinced that the liberation of the occupied territory of 1967 is a practical goal. Personally, I believe, in terms of the practical objective aspect, that anyone who can liberate the territories occupied in 1967, is able to liberate the rest of Palestine. Furthermore, there is a need to unify the Palestinian as well as the Arab stance on a common denominator upon which all parties agree, regardless of how that program may vary from one party to another."
Now this is not a new statement. It has been around since before Israel exercised self-determination and successfully defended itself against the act of aggression by coalition of Arab League State; not once, not twice, but three times.

The reason why Israel is reluctant to withdraw from the West Bank, is because it will begin to take the shape of Gaza. The Arab Palestinians will not be just satisfied by with the sovereignty over their territory occupied since 1967. They want the whole enchilada.

Much like GEN Patton, the Israelis do not want to have to pay (blood and treasure) more than once for the same real estate.


Do you argue that the actions over the last 70 years meet the criteria of the Counter Terrorism Treaties?

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore, et al,

OK, don't get me wrong here. I am not trying to defend the US Department of State (DoS) or any of the senior diplomatics and foreign service officers. I have met some smart younger FSO's and I have met some very incapable career diplomats. But I have to put my criticisms in check. Remember, the White House and Presidential Advisors and other appointments have a very strong influence over the character and nature of the work force.

I will accept your assessment of "clowns" in the DoS. But I suspect that you and I might come to that conclusion for entirely different reasons.

Evidently the clowns in our state Department can't. They don't have Israel on the list.

And just like the many clowns (your words not mine), you have skipped over the reasoning that came before the quote.

Arab Palestinians are (for the most part) very much like those that promoted Geocentric (Ptolemaic) ideas, so to do the Arab Palestinians believe that most everything in the Middle East revolves around them. They believe, much like the 17th Century Roman Catholic Church, that they exhibit no characteristics of a terrorist. But that anyone who opposes their acts of aggression, are terrorist. And very much like the Pope Urban VIII, who had Galileo's offense works to be banned, collected and burned, the Arab Palestinian have, from time - to - time, rejected UNRWA textbooks and banned them from use. The books did not present the History according to the Arab-Palestinian. The Inquisition of Galileo over the publication of his Copernican views, nearly cost him his life; having to recant the view before the Religious Court. Again, the UNRWA had to pull the textbooks so that the Arab Palestinian students would not be exposed a less confrontational view; promoting peacefully negotiations over the solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition.

Even the Arab Palestinians themselves do not argue that they promote Jihad and Armed Struggle. That the objective of this Jihad and Armed Struggle is to (as Khalid Mishaal) put it:

"Agreeing to a state on the 1967 borders: Some worry that this is following in the footsteps of those before us, and eventually the big dream will shrink. To this we say no, we are not necessarily convinced that the liberation of the occupied territory of 1967 is a practical goal. Personally, I believe, in terms of the practical objective aspect, that anyone who can liberate the territories occupied in 1967, is able to liberate the rest of Palestine. Furthermore, there is a need to unify the Palestinian as well as the Arab stance on a common denominator upon which all parties agree, regardless of how that program may vary from one party to another."
Now this is not a new statement. It has been around since before Israel exercised self-determination and successfully defended itself against the act of aggression by coalition of Arab League State; not once, not twice, but three times.

The reason why Israel is reluctant to withdraw from the West Bank, is because it will begin to take the shape of Gaza. The Arab Palestinians will not be just satisfied by with the sovereignty over their territory occupied since 1967. They want the whole enchilada.

Much like GEN Patton, the Israelis do not want to have to pay (blood and treasure) more than once for the same real estate.


Do you argue that the actions over the last 70 years meet the criteria of the Counter Terrorism Treaties?

Most Respectfully,
OK, I understand. It is your usual slime the Palestinians post.

And just like the many clowns (your words not mine), you have skipped over the reasoning that came before the quote.​

This is a true story. I called the State Department to ask why they were not negotiating with the elected government in Palestine. He said "Hold on let me get that." I was on hold for 15 - 20 minutes. He comes back on and says. "Can I call you back. We can't find Palestine." Since he said "We" I assumed that he was not the only one looking.

They designate virtually every political party in Palestine terrorists yet they can't find it.
Tent of Nations: we refuse to be enemies

The irony being that this is a family of foreign invaders. Yep. Didn't come from Palestine. Came from a foreign land to settle there. So this family is no more or no less a "settler" than his neighbors from Gush Etzion. I guess the whole family should return where they came from, huh?
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P F Tinmore, et al,

OK, don't get me wrong here. I am not trying to defend the US Department of State (DoS) or any of the senior diplomatics and foreign service officers. I have met some smart younger FSO's and I have met some very incapable career diplomats. But I have to put my criticisms in check. Remember, the White House and Presidential Advisors and other appointments have a very strong influence over the character and nature of the work force.

I will accept your assessment of "clowns" in the DoS. But I suspect that you and I might come to that conclusion for entirely different reasons.

Evidently the clowns in our state Department can't. They don't have Israel on the list.

And just like the many clowns (your words not mine), you have skipped over the reasoning that came before the quote.

Arab Palestinians are (for the most part) very much like those that promoted Geocentric (Ptolemaic) ideas, so to do the Arab Palestinians believe that most everything in the Middle East revolves around them. They believe, much like the 17th Century Roman Catholic Church, that they exhibit no characteristics of a terrorist. But that anyone who opposes their acts of aggression, are terrorist. And very much like the Pope Urban VIII, who had Galileo's offense works to be banned, collected and burned, the Arab Palestinian have, from time - to - time, rejected UNRWA textbooks and banned them from use. The books did not present the History according to the Arab-Palestinian. The Inquisition of Galileo over the publication of his Copernican views, nearly cost him his life; having to recant the view before the Religious Court. Again, the UNRWA had to pull the textbooks so that the Arab Palestinian students would not be exposed a less confrontational view; promoting peacefully negotiations over the solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition.

Even the Arab Palestinians themselves do not argue that they promote Jihad and Armed Struggle. That the objective of this Jihad and Armed Struggle is to (as Khalid Mishaal) put it:

"Agreeing to a state on the 1967 borders: Some worry that this is following in the footsteps of those before us, and eventually the big dream will shrink. To this we say no, we are not necessarily convinced that the liberation of the occupied territory of 1967 is a practical goal. Personally, I believe, in terms of the practical objective aspect, that anyone who can liberate the territories occupied in 1967, is able to liberate the rest of Palestine. Furthermore, there is a need to unify the Palestinian as well as the Arab stance on a common denominator upon which all parties agree, regardless of how that program may vary from one party to another."
Now this is not a new statement. It has been around since before Israel exercised self-determination and successfully defended itself against the act of aggression by coalition of Arab League State; not once, not twice, but three times.

The reason why Israel is reluctant to withdraw from the West Bank, is because it will begin to take the shape of Gaza. The Arab Palestinians will not be just satisfied by with the sovereignty over their territory occupied since 1967. They want the whole enchilada.

Much like GEN Patton, the Israelis do not want to have to pay (blood and treasure) more than once for the same real estate.


Do you argue that the actions over the last 70 years meet the criteria of the Counter Terrorism Treaties?

Most Respectfully,
OK, I understand. It is your usual slime the Palestinians post.

And just like the many clowns (your words not mine), you have skipped over the reasoning that came before the quote.​

This is a true story. I called the State Department to ask why they were not negotiating with the elected government in Palestine. He said "Hold on let me get that." I was on hold for 15 - 20 minutes. He comes back on and says. "Can I call you back. We can't find Palestine." Since he said "We" I assumed that he was not the only one looking.

They designate virtually every political party in Palestine terrorists yet they can't find it.
Could it be in the scenario you claim to have occurred that the individual you claim you spoke with has been yanked around by clowns, my words, who waste his time with such silliness?

BTW, where is this place you call Pal'istan and what "government" represents the Arabs-Moslems who can't quite seem to decide which competing version of Islamist totalitarianism will enhance their retrogression, failures and ineptitudes?
Tent of Nations: we refuse to be enemies

The irony being that this is a family of foreign invaders. Yep. Didn't come from Palestine. Came from a foreign land to settle there. So this family is no more or no less a "settler" than his neighbors from Gush Etzion. I guess the whole family should return where they came from, huh?

I retract that. These foreign invader "settlers" are far more so than the Jewish returnees are.
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Tent of Nations: we refuse to be enemies

The irony being that this is a family of foreign invaders. Yep. Didn't come from Palestine. Came from a foreign land to settle there. So this family is no more or no less a "settler" than his neighbors from Gush Etzion. I guess the whole family should return where they came from, huh?
So, where did he come from?
Tent of Nations: we refuse to be enemies

The irony being that this is a family of foreign invaders. Yep. Didn't come from Palestine. Came from a foreign land to settle there. So this family is no more or no less a "settler" than his neighbors from Gush Etzion. I guess the whole family should return where they came from, huh?
So, where did he come from?

What difference would that make? It was not from Palestine.
Who are the Arab-Moslem Death Cultists?

Indeed, Israel needs to end its war.

Indeed, the war against Islamic terrorism will end when Islamic terrorists are no longer a threat.

Are you still pimping Israel's terrorist propaganda bullshit?

You spam the board with the above often enough.

Are you still pimping Israel's terrorist propaganda bullshit?

This reminds me of something that makes me laugh. In 2006 Netenyahu was touring the right wingnut radio circuit in the US selling Israel's war against Lebanon. He was on Bill Bennett's show and in an 8 minute segment he played the terrorist card 17 times. This was radio but I could picture Bennett nodding like a bobble head doll.

How did he play the terrorist card if most nations declare the palestinians to be terrorists, including Egypt, Jordan, Saudi and UAE
Tent of Nations: we refuse to be enemies

The irony being that this is a family of foreign invaders. Yep. Didn't come from Palestine. Came from a foreign land to settle there. So this family is no more or no less a "settler" than his neighbors from Gush Etzion. I guess the whole family should return where they came from, huh?
So, where did he come from?

He is what you despise a foriegn colonist that wants to cleanse the land of its rightful owners, MAKING YOU A TWO FACED HYPOCRITE
P F Tinmore, et al,

Well, he doesn't have to play the "Terrorist Card." Even a elementary school child can tell the difference between an ordinary criminal, and an entire culture with a past history of crimal behaviors.

This reminds me of something that makes me laugh. In 2006 Netenyahu was touring the right wingnut radio circuit in the US selling Israel's war against Lebanon. He was on Bill Bennett's show and in an 8 minute segment he played the terrorist card 17 times. This was radio but I could picture Bennett nodding like a bobble head doll.

In 1997, the International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings was Signed: 15 December 1997, New York, and Entered into force: 23 May 2001. It is not the only Treaty Convention on the Issue of Terrorism, but is a very relevant example of how a terrorist might be described:

1. Any person commits an offence within the meaning of this Convention if that person unlawfully and intentionally delivers, places, discharges or detonates an explosive or other lethal device in, into or against a place of public use, a State or government facility, a public transportation system or an infrastructure facility:
a) With the intent to cause death or serious bodily injury; or

b) With the intent to cause extensive destruction of such a place, facility or system, where such destruction results in or is likely to result in major economic loss.
Similarly, in the International Convention Against the Taking of Hostages, Adopted: 17 December 1979, New York, Entered into force: 3 June 1983. It describes a terrorist kidnapper as:

1. Any person who seizes or detains and threatens to kill, to injure or to continue to detain another person (hereinafter referred to as the "hostage") in order to compel a third party, namely, a State, an international intergovernmental organization, a natural or juridical person, or a group of persons, to do or abstain from doing any act as an explicit or implicit condition for the release of the hostage commits the offence of taking of hostages ("hostage-taking") within the meaning of this Convention.

2. Any person who:

a. attempts to commit an act of hostage-taking, or

b. participates as an accomplice of anyone who commits or attempts to commit an act of hostage-taking likewise commits an offence for the purposes of this Convention.
Now, in both descriptive cases, supra, This fits any number of incidents and events perpetrated by Arab Palestinian Terrorist going back to the Munich Massacre. The Reasonable Man Hypothesis suggests that there are literally hundreds of events that fall in these categories, and that is only 2 out of 16 Conventions that have been put into force. And we have not even touched the 161 Rules under Costmary International Humanitarian Law; such as the Rule that protects the intentional attacks against civilians not taking a direct part in hostilities. This is not dissimilar to:

Palestinians Celebrate the Murder of Two Israelis in a Jerusalem Attack
Sunday’s shooting began at approximately 10:30 a.m., when the terrorist, who was driving a white vehicle, opened fire on a male and female civilian near the Ammunition Hill light rail stop, across the street from Police Headquarters.

“The terrorist opened fire on two people, and one woman in her 60s was wounded critically, and a man was moderately-to-seriously wounded,” said Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld.
One has to ask, are the people who celebrate martyrdom are acting in the furthering the general criminal activity, which is either designed or likely to provoke or encourage a threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or be made in the knowledge of the intention of the group to commit the offense or offenses concerned.

The Poisoning Of A People - Palestinians Celebrate The Murder Of Jews
Originally published at Gatestone Institute -
Abu Sbeih is now the latest "hero" of many Palestinians, and not only by his family. He is being hailed as a "brave" man and a "hero" because he woke up in the morning, grabbed an M-16 assault rifle and set out to kill as many Jews as possible. His mission was "successful": he managed to shoot and kill two Jews before he himself was eliminated by policemen.
Read more at The Poisoning Of A People - Palestinians Celebrate The Murder Of Jews

Under the Reasonable Man concept, I would recommend that you give the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin a little room to that thought.

Most Respectfully,
Even a elementary school child can tell the difference between an ordinary criminal, and an entire culture with a past history of crimal behaviors.​

Evidently the clowns in our state Department can't. They don't have Israel on the list.

Why should it if they have not committed any crimes ?
P F Tinmore, et al,

OK, don't get me wrong here. I am not trying to defend the US Department of State (DoS) or any of the senior diplomatics and foreign service officers. I have met some smart younger FSO's and I have met some very incapable career diplomats. But I have to put my criticisms in check. Remember, the White House and Presidential Advisors and other appointments have a very strong influence over the character and nature of the work force.

I will accept your assessment of "clowns" in the DoS. But I suspect that you and I might come to that conclusion for entirely different reasons.

Evidently the clowns in our state Department can't. They don't have Israel on the list.

And just like the many clowns (your words not mine), you have skipped over the reasoning that came before the quote.

Arab Palestinians are (for the most part) very much like those that promoted Geocentric (Ptolemaic) ideas, so to do the Arab Palestinians believe that most everything in the Middle East revolves around them. They believe, much like the 17th Century Roman Catholic Church, that they exhibit no characteristics of a terrorist. But that anyone who opposes their acts of aggression, are terrorist. And very much like the Pope Urban VIII, who had Galileo's offense works to be banned, collected and burned, the Arab Palestinian have, from time - to - time, rejected UNRWA textbooks and banned them from use. The books did not present the History according to the Arab-Palestinian. The Inquisition of Galileo over the publication of his Copernican views, nearly cost him his life; having to recant the view before the Religious Court. Again, the UNRWA had to pull the textbooks so that the Arab Palestinian students would not be exposed a less confrontational view; promoting peacefully negotiations over the solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition.

Even the Arab Palestinians themselves do not argue that they promote Jihad and Armed Struggle. That the objective of this Jihad and Armed Struggle is to (as Khalid Mishaal) put it:

"Agreeing to a state on the 1967 borders: Some worry that this is following in the footsteps of those before us, and eventually the big dream will shrink. To this we say no, we are not necessarily convinced that the liberation of the occupied territory of 1967 is a practical goal. Personally, I believe, in terms of the practical objective aspect, that anyone who can liberate the territories occupied in 1967, is able to liberate the rest of Palestine. Furthermore, there is a need to unify the Palestinian as well as the Arab stance on a common denominator upon which all parties agree, regardless of how that program may vary from one party to another."
Now this is not a new statement. It has been around since before Israel exercised self-determination and successfully defended itself against the act of aggression by coalition of Arab League State; not once, not twice, but three times.

The reason why Israel is reluctant to withdraw from the West Bank, is because it will begin to take the shape of Gaza. The Arab Palestinians will not be just satisfied by with the sovereignty over their territory occupied since 1967. They want the whole enchilada.

Much like GEN Patton, the Israelis do not want to have to pay (blood and treasure) more than once for the same real estate.


Do you argue that the actions over the last 70 years meet the criteria of the Counter Terrorism Treaties?

Most Respectfully,
OK, I understand. It is your usual slime the Palestinians post.

And just like the many clowns (your words not mine), you have skipped over the reasoning that came before the quote.​

This is a true story. I called the State Department to ask why they were not negotiating with the elected government in Palestine. He said "Hold on let me get that." I was on hold for 15 - 20 minutes. He comes back on and says. "Can I call you back. We can't find Palestine." Since he said "We" I assumed that he was not the only one looking.

They designate virtually every political party in Palestine terrorists yet they can't find it.

Get it right the post is 100% factual and based on reality, so cant be a "slime the palestinians" work. This is your only answer whenever you are faced with truth that you cant defend or prove wrong. You are making yourself a complete laughing stock
P F Tinmore, et al,

OK, don't get me wrong here. I am not trying to defend the US Department of State (DoS) or any of the senior diplomatics and foreign service officers. I have met some smart younger FSO's and I have met some very incapable career diplomats. But I have to put my criticisms in check. Remember, the White House and Presidential Advisors and other appointments have a very strong influence over the character and nature of the work force.

I will accept your assessment of "clowns" in the DoS. But I suspect that you and I might come to that conclusion for entirely different reasons.

Evidently the clowns in our state Department can't. They don't have Israel on the list.

And just like the many clowns (your words not mine), you have skipped over the reasoning that came before the quote.

Arab Palestinians are (for the most part) very much like those that promoted Geocentric (Ptolemaic) ideas, so to do the Arab Palestinians believe that most everything in the Middle East revolves around them. They believe, much like the 17th Century Roman Catholic Church, that they exhibit no characteristics of a terrorist. But that anyone who opposes their acts of aggression, are terrorist. And very much like the Pope Urban VIII, who had Galileo's offense works to be banned, collected and burned, the Arab Palestinian have, from time - to - time, rejected UNRWA textbooks and banned them from use. The books did not present the History according to the Arab-Palestinian. The Inquisition of Galileo over the publication of his Copernican views, nearly cost him his life; having to recant the view before the Religious Court. Again, the UNRWA had to pull the textbooks so that the Arab Palestinian students would not be exposed a less confrontational view; promoting peacefully negotiations over the solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition.

Even the Arab Palestinians themselves do not argue that they promote Jihad and Armed Struggle. That the objective of this Jihad and Armed Struggle is to (as Khalid Mishaal) put it:

"Agreeing to a state on the 1967 borders: Some worry that this is following in the footsteps of those before us, and eventually the big dream will shrink. To this we say no, we are not necessarily convinced that the liberation of the occupied territory of 1967 is a practical goal. Personally, I believe, in terms of the practical objective aspect, that anyone who can liberate the territories occupied in 1967, is able to liberate the rest of Palestine. Furthermore, there is a need to unify the Palestinian as well as the Arab stance on a common denominator upon which all parties agree, regardless of how that program may vary from one party to another."
Now this is not a new statement. It has been around since before Israel exercised self-determination and successfully defended itself against the act of aggression by coalition of Arab League State; not once, not twice, but three times.

The reason why Israel is reluctant to withdraw from the West Bank, is because it will begin to take the shape of Gaza. The Arab Palestinians will not be just satisfied by with the sovereignty over their territory occupied since 1967. They want the whole enchilada.

Much like GEN Patton, the Israelis do not want to have to pay (blood and treasure) more than once for the same real estate.


Do you argue that the actions over the last 70 years meet the criteria of the Counter Terrorism Treaties?

Most Respectfully,
OK, I understand. It is your usual slime the Palestinians post.

And just like the many clowns (your words not mine), you have skipped over the reasoning that came before the quote.​

This is a true story. I called the State Department to ask why they were not negotiating with the elected government in Palestine. He said "Hold on let me get that." I was on hold for 15 - 20 minutes. He comes back on and says. "Can I call you back. We can't find Palestine." Since he said "We" I assumed that he was not the only one looking.

They designate virtually every political party in Palestine terrorists yet they can't find it.

Get it right the post is 100% factual and based on reality, so cant be a "slime the palestinians" work. This is your only answer whenever you are faced with truth that you cant defend or prove wrong. You are making yourself a complete laughing stock
I say that because his posts are half truths, or 1/10 truths. He constantly blabs about 1/10 of the crimes committed by the Palestinians but never mentions the 9/10 of the crimes committed by Israel.

And besides that Israel is the original aggressor. All of the Palestinian's crimes are responses to Israel's aggression.
P F Tinmore, et al,

OK, don't get me wrong here. I am not trying to defend the US Department of State (DoS) or any of the senior diplomatics and foreign service officers. I have met some smart younger FSO's and I have met some very incapable career diplomats. But I have to put my criticisms in check. Remember, the White House and Presidential Advisors and other appointments have a very strong influence over the character and nature of the work force.

I will accept your assessment of "clowns" in the DoS. But I suspect that you and I might come to that conclusion for entirely different reasons.

Evidently the clowns in our state Department can't. They don't have Israel on the list.

And just like the many clowns (your words not mine), you have skipped over the reasoning that came before the quote.

Arab Palestinians are (for the most part) very much like those that promoted Geocentric (Ptolemaic) ideas, so to do the Arab Palestinians believe that most everything in the Middle East revolves around them. They believe, much like the 17th Century Roman Catholic Church, that they exhibit no characteristics of a terrorist. But that anyone who opposes their acts of aggression, are terrorist. And very much like the Pope Urban VIII, who had Galileo's offense works to be banned, collected and burned, the Arab Palestinian have, from time - to - time, rejected UNRWA textbooks and banned them from use. The books did not present the History according to the Arab-Palestinian. The Inquisition of Galileo over the publication of his Copernican views, nearly cost him his life; having to recant the view before the Religious Court. Again, the UNRWA had to pull the textbooks so that the Arab Palestinian students would not be exposed a less confrontational view; promoting peacefully negotiations over the solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition.

Even the Arab Palestinians themselves do not argue that they promote Jihad and Armed Struggle. That the objective of this Jihad and Armed Struggle is to (as Khalid Mishaal) put it:

"Agreeing to a state on the 1967 borders: Some worry that this is following in the footsteps of those before us, and eventually the big dream will shrink. To this we say no, we are not necessarily convinced that the liberation of the occupied territory of 1967 is a practical goal. Personally, I believe, in terms of the practical objective aspect, that anyone who can liberate the territories occupied in 1967, is able to liberate the rest of Palestine. Furthermore, there is a need to unify the Palestinian as well as the Arab stance on a common denominator upon which all parties agree, regardless of how that program may vary from one party to another."
Now this is not a new statement. It has been around since before Israel exercised self-determination and successfully defended itself against the act of aggression by coalition of Arab League State; not once, not twice, but three times.

The reason why Israel is reluctant to withdraw from the West Bank, is because it will begin to take the shape of Gaza. The Arab Palestinians will not be just satisfied by with the sovereignty over their territory occupied since 1967. They want the whole enchilada.

Much like GEN Patton, the Israelis do not want to have to pay (blood and treasure) more than once for the same real estate.


Do you argue that the actions over the last 70 years meet the criteria of the Counter Terrorism Treaties?

Most Respectfully,
OK, I understand. It is your usual slime the Palestinians post.

And just like the many clowns (your words not mine), you have skipped over the reasoning that came before the quote.​

This is a true story. I called the State Department to ask why they were not negotiating with the elected government in Palestine. He said "Hold on let me get that." I was on hold for 15 - 20 minutes. He comes back on and says. "Can I call you back. We can't find Palestine." Since he said "We" I assumed that he was not the only one looking.

They designate virtually every political party in Palestine terrorists yet they can't find it.

Get it right the post is 100% factual and based on reality, so cant be a "slime the palestinians" work. This is your only answer whenever you are faced with truth that you cant defend or prove wrong. You are making yourself a complete laughing stock
I say that because his posts are half truths, or 1/10 truths. He constantly blabs about 1/10 of the crimes committed by the Palestinians but never mentions the 9/10 of the crimes committed by Israel.

And besides that Israel is the original aggressor. All of the Palestinian's crimes are responses to Israel's aggression.

"All of the Palestinian's crimes are responses to Israel's aggression."

Funny stuff.

Yet another variation on the theme, I blame the Jews

The flaw with such childish nonsense is that the Hamas Charter is very specific about destroying Israel, (Jews), and seizing the land as an entitlement to Islamism per the concept of waqf.
P F Tinmore, et al,

I try to not get entangled by your gross and blanket accusations. I try to be specific, you just exaggerate or obfuscate your counter response: (1/10th v 9/10th). I generally say (as an example), the Palestinians fired over 4000 rockets at Israel in the between January and August. Each Launch was a violation. You claim I've maligned or

Rule 11. Indiscriminate attacks are prohibited.
The prohibition of indiscriminate attacks is set forth in
Article 51(4) of Additional Protocol I, to Fourth Geneva Convention.​

Hamas admits to rocket fire from residential areas
Terror group says ‘mistakes’ occurred, accuses Israel of ‘disproportionate response’; IDF: ‘Hamas’s excuses are outrageous, misleading and contrary to the evidence’

Evidence growing that Hamas used residential areas as cover for firing rockets at Israel
Published September 12, 2014
The Israeli army says Hamas fired almost 4,000 rockets at Israel, including 600 from close to schools, mosques and other civilian facilities, and scores of mortar shells. Israel carried out some 5,000 airstrikes, in addition to using powerful artillery and gunship fire.

I say that because his posts are half truths, or 1/10 truths. He constantly blabs about 1/10 of the crimes committed by the Palestinians but never mentions the 9/10 of the crimes committed by Israel.

And besides that Israel is the original aggressor. All of the Palestinian's crimes are responses to Israel's aggression.

Israel was attacked by an Arab League Army with components from each of the Arab States adjacent to Israel. It was they that crossed the threshold of the frontiers establishing their internationally recognized boundaries.

On the 14th May, at six o'clock exactly, according to Washington time, the end of the British Mandate over Palestine was declared. At one minute past six, the establishment of the State of Israel was declared. At eleven minutes past six, the USA recognized the State of Israel. On 15 May 1948, Arab League Forces began their incursion.

At no time did the newly established Jewish State of Israel take an aggressive action over the threshold of the frontier. The original aggressors (multiple) were Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt.

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore, et al,

OK, don't get me wrong here. I am not trying to defend the US Department of State (DoS) or any of the senior diplomatics and foreign service officers. I have met some smart younger FSO's and I have met some very incapable career diplomats. But I have to put my criticisms in check. Remember, the White House and Presidential Advisors and other appointments have a very strong influence over the character and nature of the work force.

I will accept your assessment of "clowns" in the DoS. But I suspect that you and I might come to that conclusion for entirely different reasons.

Evidently the clowns in our state Department can't. They don't have Israel on the list.

And just like the many clowns (your words not mine), you have skipped over the reasoning that came before the quote.

Arab Palestinians are (for the most part) very much like those that promoted Geocentric (Ptolemaic) ideas, so to do the Arab Palestinians believe that most everything in the Middle East revolves around them. They believe, much like the 17th Century Roman Catholic Church, that they exhibit no characteristics of a terrorist. But that anyone who opposes their acts of aggression, are terrorist. And very much like the Pope Urban VIII, who had Galileo's offense works to be banned, collected and burned, the Arab Palestinian have, from time - to - time, rejected UNRWA textbooks and banned them from use. The books did not present the History according to the Arab-Palestinian. The Inquisition of Galileo over the publication of his Copernican views, nearly cost him his life; having to recant the view before the Religious Court. Again, the UNRWA had to pull the textbooks so that the Arab Palestinian students would not be exposed a less confrontational view; promoting peacefully negotiations over the solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition.

Even the Arab Palestinians themselves do not argue that they promote Jihad and Armed Struggle. That the objective of this Jihad and Armed Struggle is to (as Khalid Mishaal) put it:

"Agreeing to a state on the 1967 borders: Some worry that this is following in the footsteps of those before us, and eventually the big dream will shrink. To this we say no, we are not necessarily convinced that the liberation of the occupied territory of 1967 is a practical goal. Personally, I believe, in terms of the practical objective aspect, that anyone who can liberate the territories occupied in 1967, is able to liberate the rest of Palestine. Furthermore, there is a need to unify the Palestinian as well as the Arab stance on a common denominator upon which all parties agree, regardless of how that program may vary from one party to another."
Now this is not a new statement. It has been around since before Israel exercised self-determination and successfully defended itself against the act of aggression by coalition of Arab League State; not once, not twice, but three times.

The reason why Israel is reluctant to withdraw from the West Bank, is because it will begin to take the shape of Gaza. The Arab Palestinians will not be just satisfied by with the sovereignty over their territory occupied since 1967. They want the whole enchilada.

Much like GEN Patton, the Israelis do not want to have to pay (blood and treasure) more than once for the same real estate.


Do you argue that the actions over the last 70 years meet the criteria of the Counter Terrorism Treaties?

Most Respectfully,
OK, I understand. It is your usual slime the Palestinians post.

And just like the many clowns (your words not mine), you have skipped over the reasoning that came before the quote.​

This is a true story. I called the State Department to ask why they were not negotiating with the elected government in Palestine. He said "Hold on let me get that." I was on hold for 15 - 20 minutes. He comes back on and says. "Can I call you back. We can't find Palestine." Since he said "We" I assumed that he was not the only one looking.

They designate virtually every political party in Palestine terrorists yet they can't find it.

Get it right the post is 100% factual and based on reality, so cant be a "slime the palestinians" work. This is your only answer whenever you are faced with truth that you cant defend or prove wrong. You are making yourself a complete laughing stock
I say that because his posts are half truths, or 1/10 truths. He constantly blabs about 1/10 of the crimes committed by the Palestinians but never mentions the 9/10 of the crimes committed by Israel.

And besides that Israel is the original aggressor. All of the Palestinian's crimes are responses to Israel's aggression.

You mean the 9/10ths that take place in your fantasy world, Who was it that invaded and tried to wipe out the Jews in 1947 ?

Where was Israel in 635 C.E. when islamic arabs first became aggressive and wiped out the Jews in Medina and Mecca. Where was Israel in 1921 when the mufti commanded his arab muslims to attack the Jews. Where was Israel in 1929 when the mufti lied and told the arab muslims to wipe out the Jews. Where was Israel in 1933 when the mufti met with Hitler and asked him to wipe out the Jews rather than send them to palestine.

P F Tinmore, et al,

I try to not get entangled by your gross and blanket accusations. I try to be specific, you just exaggerate or obfuscate your counter response: (1/10th v 9/10th). I generally say (as an example), the Palestinians fired over 4000 rockets at Israel in the between January and August. Each Launch was a violation. You claim I've maligned or

Rule 11. Indiscriminate attacks are prohibited.
The prohibition of indiscriminate attacks is set forth in
Article 51(4) of Additional Protocol I, to Fourth Geneva Convention.

Hamas admits to rocket fire from residential areas
Terror group says ‘mistakes’ occurred, accuses Israel of ‘disproportionate response’; IDF: ‘Hamas’s excuses are outrageous, misleading and contrary to the evidence’

Evidence growing that Hamas used residential areas as cover for firing rockets at Israel
Published September 12, 2014
The Israeli army says Hamas fired almost 4,000 rockets at Israel, including 600 from close to schools, mosques and other civilian facilities, and scores of mortar shells. Israel carried out some 5,000 airstrikes, in addition to using powerful artillery and gunship fire.

I say that because his posts are half truths, or 1/10 truths. He constantly blabs about 1/10 of the crimes committed by the Palestinians but never mentions the 9/10 of the crimes committed by Israel.

And besides that Israel is the original aggressor. All of the Palestinian's crimes are responses to Israel's aggression.

Israel was attacked by an Arab League Army with components from each of the Arab States adjacent to Israel. It was they that crossed the threshold of the frontiers establishing their internationally recognized boundaries.

On the 14th May, at six o'clock exactly, according to Washington time, the end of the British Mandate over Palestine was declared. At one minute past six, the establishment of the State of Israel was declared. At eleven minutes past six, the USA recognized the State of Israel. On 15 May 1948, Arab League Forces began their incursion.

At no time did the newly established Jewish State of Israel take an aggressive action over the threshold of the frontier. The original aggressors (multiple) were Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt.

Most Respectfully,
Israel was attacked by an Arab League Army with components from each of the Arab States adjacent to Israel.​

No it wasn't. You are just pimping Israeli propaganda again.
P F Tinmore, et al,

I try to not get entangled by your gross and blanket accusations. I try to be specific, you just exaggerate or obfuscate your counter response: (1/10th v 9/10th). I generally say (as an example), the Palestinians fired over 4000 rockets at Israel in the between January and August. Each Launch was a violation. You claim I've maligned or

Rule 11. Indiscriminate attacks are prohibited.
The prohibition of indiscriminate attacks is set forth in
Article 51(4) of Additional Protocol I, to Fourth Geneva Convention.

Hamas admits to rocket fire from residential areas
Terror group says ‘mistakes’ occurred, accuses Israel of ‘disproportionate response’; IDF: ‘Hamas’s excuses are outrageous, misleading and contrary to the evidence’

Evidence growing that Hamas used residential areas as cover for firing rockets at Israel
Published September 12, 2014
The Israeli army says Hamas fired almost 4,000 rockets at Israel, including 600 from close to schools, mosques and other civilian facilities, and scores of mortar shells. Israel carried out some 5,000 airstrikes, in addition to using powerful artillery and gunship fire.

I say that because his posts are half truths, or 1/10 truths. He constantly blabs about 1/10 of the crimes committed by the Palestinians but never mentions the 9/10 of the crimes committed by Israel.

And besides that Israel is the original aggressor. All of the Palestinian's crimes are responses to Israel's aggression.

Israel was attacked by an Arab League Army with components from each of the Arab States adjacent to Israel. It was they that crossed the threshold of the frontiers establishing their internationally recognized boundaries.

On the 14th May, at six o'clock exactly, according to Washington time, the end of the British Mandate over Palestine was declared. At one minute past six, the establishment of the State of Israel was declared. At eleven minutes past six, the USA recognized the State of Israel. On 15 May 1948, Arab League Forces began their incursion.

At no time did the newly established Jewish State of Israel take an aggressive action over the threshold of the frontier. The original aggressors (multiple) were Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt.

Most Respectfully,
Israel was attacked by an Arab League Army with components from each of the Arab States adjacent to Israel.​

No it wasn't. You are just pimping Israeli propaganda again.

A YouTube video from presstv can't be far behind.
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