Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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"A History of the Jewish People" written by a Jewish partisan, versus an American University publication.

"..... In the seventh century, as Jerusalem came into Muslim hands, the ban on Jewish residence was lifted. After approximately 500 years of being Judenrein..."

So tell us about the status of the non-Moslem dhimmi. Islamic fascism rears its ugly head with the persecution of non-Moslems in Islamist controlled societies which occurs currrently just as it did more than a thousand years ago.
Monte Your lies and faul language crossed a certain line:
1. You have a problem with Jewish writers for solely being Jews (this is Your main argument against sources),
2. You confirmed You've graphically manipulated documents and sliced them to match Your propaganda.
3.,You're calling openly for genocide against all non Christians in Jerusalem, and as a cherry on the top-
4,You call Palestinian officials and Christian historians "Zionist propaganda". It really becomes hard to take You seriously.

If this is the level of education You get in the US universities, if this is how they teach You to deal with information...Yeshiva boys can put Professors like You in their small pocket, and will do it much more elegantly and rationally.

Next time deal with the fact in the literature, not the race of the writer.
There are no lies or no foul language in my posts.

1. Zionist Jews are not neutrals with respect to Palestine. Anything written by Zonist Jews is guaranteed to be propaganda when it addresses the Israel/Palestine issue.

2. Documents have never been manipulated by me. It is Hasbara libel.

3. I have never called for genocide, you have.

4. Being a Habara laueate, you exclusively post Zionist propaganda. You can't be taken seriously
There are no lies or no foul language in my posts.

1. Zionist Jews are not neutrals with respect to Palestine. Anything written by Zonist Jews is guaranteed to be propaganda when it addresses the Israel/Palestine issue.

2. Documents have never been manipulated by me. It is Hasbara libel.

3. I have never called for genocide, you have.

4. Being a Habara laueate, you exclusively post Zionist propaganda. You can't be taken seriously

1. Who're "Zionist Jews" - priest James Parkes and bishop Sebeos or Dr. Mutaz M. Qafisheh the PLO advisor (whom You called 'bull**t zionist historian' ) ??

2. Yes You have just recently and confirmed that later.

3. Yes You have - post #139 , post #9, post #26 and my personal favorite from the Montelatici collection:
A new Christian Crusade would solve a lot of problems. Start with liberating the Holy Land from Jewish and Muslim pretenders and that would send a signal. The Christian Republic of Palestine sounds good to me. From there start kicking ass eastwards and westwards, Lebanon and Egypt, put Christians in power. Syria is secular enough, so they can remain as they are. We have the power now to do so. Russia, Europe, the U.S. and the other Christians lands are so much more powerful than even China and India put together, much less the Muslim world.

4. see 1, 2, 3 above

*Regarding foul language - one only needs to look at the previous page, post#3890, or read how You respond to those who disagree:
"Piece of sh**t (3 pages full of posts)
"Just shut up!" quiet much (5 pages full of posts)
"IDIOT" seems to be another favorite (12 pages full of posts)

However You see, in spite Your "idiot vile Jew' comments I'm still here listening and returning with arguments. Because You see there's a strong indication, that without all the slogans and melodrama, intellectually Your arguments hold no water. :bye1:
1. Yes, there are Christian Zionists. You weren't aware of that?

2. Never confirmed, the two pages in the original were not aligned and the alignment was made for ease of reading. It did not change the facts. We have the Hasbara manual you idiot, we know what you are trying to do. LOL

3. My "Deus Vult" (the new Crusade) piece, is what it is what it was tongue-in-cheek sarcasm.

4. No comment.

My use of facts that debunk your bullshit are the reason you are stalking me. It's in the Hasbara manual. LOL
1. Yes, there are Christian Zionists. You weren't aware of that?

2. Never confirmed, the two pages in the original were not aligned and the alignment was made for ease of reading. It did not change the facts. We have the Hasbara manual you idiot, we know what you are trying to do. LOL

3. My "Deus Vult" (the new Crusade) piece, is what it is what it was tongue-in-cheek sarcasm.

4. No comment.

My use of facts that debunk your bullshit are the reason you are stalking me. It's in the Hasbara manual. LOL

1. Yes but You original complaint was about them being Jews, which are none, neither Sebeus nor James Parkes.
Zionist Christians must be a great pain for You...there are millions of them in the US.

2 & 3. Well You can say what You want I don't care. The quotes and links were provided for all to see, and confirm the rooted anti-Semitism and Christian supremacy of the Roman church brethren- You were merely a convenient caricature of that.

What 'my bull**t' did You see in our recent arguments HERE that wasn't backed AND cross-referenced by a variety of open sources?
1. Zionists
2. I do think we Christians are more evolved than Jews and Muslims. Call me a racist.
3. You are only following the manual as you were taught in your Hasbara school. We have access to your propaganda manual.


Armenian bishop Sebeus who lived 1300 years ago was a Zionist??
Another one of Your nonsense non-arguments.

Should I present the writings of the fathers of the church - the oldest anti-Semitic manual?

You see again, if You had a real argument, not the usual racist projections- You wouldn't need the name calling Professor.
Please present the writings of the fathers of the Church. If the fathers of our Church were anti-Jewish, they had good reason to be. Most of the early ones were semites and former Jews so it would be crazy to call them ant-semitic.
Please present the writings of the fathers of the Church. If the fathers of our Church were anti-Jewish, they had good reason to be. Most of the early ones were semites and former Jews so it would be crazy to call them ant-semitic.

And I will in great length if Hashem wants after Shabat.

But suddenly You stop claiming that Sebeus was a Zionist Jew? How so?
I thought You ALWAYS had the only right facts...:rolleyes-41:
SEBEOS, a seventh-century Armenian historian.

Who then was the author, if he was not Sebeos or Khosrov? He has left various clues to his identity. His writing is infused with biblical language and allusions. His inclusion of the full text of the defense of the Armenian church’s Monophysite doctrinal stance (agreed at the Council of Dvin in 649) points to a strong interest in theology. He seems to have had access to the archives of the catholicosate at Dvin, since he includes the text of a fundraising letter sent from Jerusalem by Modestus, deputizing for the deported Patriarch Zacharias, and the Catholicos Komitas’ polite but unforthcoming reply (pp. 116-21, 148-61; cf. Thomson, Armenian History, pp. xlix-lii, liv-lvii). All of this points to a churchman. Confirmation is obtainable from a scene, vividly evoked, which takes place at Dvin late in 653. A recalcitrant bishop tries to avoid taking communion with the Emperor Constans II on the occasion of his visit to the city. He is finally compelled to do so, but not before he has referred to the doctrinal statement of the Council of Dvin (pp. 166-68). It is hard to escape the conclusion that a piece of autobiography, discreetly put in the third person, has been slipped into the history.

SEBEOS – Encyclopaedia Iranica


A History of the Jewish People
Who are the Arab-Moslem terrorists?

So, what is Israel going to do besides duh bomb'm?

That hasn't worked for years. When are those dumb asses going to think of something that works?

I know. Too stupid.

Actually, Israeli retaliation to acts of Islamic terrorism certainly has worked at suppressing further attacks. As much as you flail your Pom Poms for your Islamic terrorist heroes, the 2014 beat down delivered by Israel to your heroes in Hamas was an emphatic statement that Islamic terrorism carries consequences.

Your gee-had of none is a laughable joke.
Who are the Arab-Moslem terrorists?

So, what is Israel going to do besides duh bomb'm?

That hasn't worked for years. When are those dumb asses going to think of something that works?

I know. Too stupid.

Actually, Israeli retaliation to acts of Islamic terrorism certainly has worked at suppressing further attacks. As much as you flail your Pom Poms for your Islamic terrorist heroes, the 2014 beat down delivered by Israel to your heroes in Hamas was an emphatic statement that Islamic terrorism carries consequences.

Your gee-had of none is a laughable joke.

Duh, bomb'm.

How many times now?
Who are the Arab-Moslem terrorists?

So, what is Israel going to do besides duh bomb'm?

That hasn't worked for years. When are those dumb asses going to think of something that works?

I know. Too stupid.

Actually, Israeli retaliation to acts of Islamic terrorism certainly has worked at suppressing further attacks. As much as you flail your Pom Poms for your Islamic terrorist heroes, the 2014 beat down delivered by Israel to your heroes in Hamas was an emphatic statement that Islamic terrorism carries consequences.

Your gee-had of none is a laughable joke.

Duh, bomb'm.

How many times now?

How many times have the Islamic terrorists provoked a response?

Why do you presume an entitlement to acts of Islamic terrorism without a requisite beat-down?
Who are the Arab-Moslem terrorists?

So, what is Israel going to do besides duh bomb'm?

That hasn't worked for years. When are those dumb asses going to think of something that works?

I know. Too stupid.

Actually, Israeli retaliation to acts of Islamic terrorism certainly has worked at suppressing further attacks. As much as you flail your Pom Poms for your Islamic terrorist heroes, the 2014 beat down delivered by Israel to your heroes in Hamas was an emphatic statement that Islamic terrorism carries consequences.

Your gee-had of none is a laughable joke.

Duh, bomb'm.

How many times now?

How many times have the Islamic terrorists provoked a response?

Why do you presume an entitlement to acts of Islamic terrorism without a requisite beat-down?

Why does Israel always whine about rockets but never does anything for a permanent solution?
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