Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Don't get hung up on "Arab". It is a cultural and linguistic distinction ....

No, get hung up on culture. Entire cultures don't just magically transform themselves into other cultures, you know. It takes a tremendous amount of exposure and influence. Those types of drastic transformations don't happen without events (invasion, conquest, expulsion, forced conversion, ethnic cleansing, genocide, wars) to make them happen.

And how does that change the ancestry of the Palestinians? So, the people of the Roman province of Palestina who practiced different religions became Christian after 380 AD, forcefully or otherwise. They are still the ancestors of the Muslim and Christian people of Palestine. The ancestors of the Zionist Europeans were, on the other hand, overwhelmingly Europeans.
Don't get hung up on "Arab". It is a cultural and linguistic distinction ....

No, get hung up on culture. Entire cultures don't just magically transform themselves into other cultures, you know. It takes a tremendous amount of exposure and influence. Those types of drastic transformations don't happen without events (invasion, conquest, expulsion, forced conversion, ethnic cleansing, genocide, wars) to make them happen.

And how does that change the ancestry of the Palestinians? So, the people of the Roman province of Palestina who practiced different religions became Christian after 380 AD, forcefully or otherwise. They are still the ancestors of the Muslim and Christian people of Palestine. The ancestors of the Zionist Europeans were, on the other hand, overwhelmingly Europeans.

Should we go through the documents showing a flood of Arab immigrant, You call today 'palestinians'?...You know some of the documents You use state exactly that.
Your religious examples have nothing to do with reality and historical fact. The Jews that helped the Persians conquer Jerusalem were very few and were from outside of Palestine. The Jews were a tiny part of the Persian army. Don't flatter yourself.

Really teach me Professor- how many Jews were added into the Persian army to capture Jerusalem?
Your religious examples have nothing to do with reality and historical fact. The Jews that helped the Persians conquer Jerusalem were very few and were from outside of Palestine. The Jews were a tiny part of the Persian army. Don't flatter yourself.

Then contradict them, otherwise just Your usual 'SAY-SO'...
Don't get hung up on "Arab". It is a cultural and linguistic distinction ....

No, get hung up on culture. Entire cultures don't just magically transform themselves into other cultures, you know. It takes a tremendous amount of exposure and influence. Those types of drastic transformations don't happen without events (invasion, conquest, expulsion, forced conversion, ethnic cleansing, genocide, wars) to make them happen.

And how does that change the ancestry of the Palestinians? So, the people of the Roman province of Palestina who practiced different religions became Christian after 380 AD, forcefully or otherwise. They are still the ancestors of the Muslim and Christian people of Palestine. The ancestors of the Zionist Europeans were, on the other hand, overwhelmingly Europeans.

Should we go through the documents showing a flood of Arab immigrant, You call today 'palestinians'?...You know some of the documents You use state exactly that.

The documents I use, from official archives, show the opposite. There was no flood of Arab immigrants, that's just Hasbara propaganda. There was a flood of European Zionists though.


A Survey of Palestine Volume 1 | Berman Jewish Policy Archive @ Stanford University
Don't get hung up on "Arab". It is a cultural and linguistic distinction ....

No, get hung up on culture. Entire cultures don't just magically transform themselves into other cultures, you know. It takes a tremendous amount of exposure and influence. Those types of drastic transformations don't happen without events (invasion, conquest, expulsion, forced conversion, ethnic cleansing, genocide, wars) to make them happen.

And how does that change the ancestry of the Palestinians? So, the people of the Roman province of Palestina who practiced different religions became Christian after 380 AD, forcefully or otherwise. They are still the ancestors of the Muslim and Christian people of Palestine. The ancestors of the Zionist Europeans were, on the other hand, overwhelmingly Europeans.

Should we go through the documents showing a flood of Arab immigrant, You call today 'palestinians'?...You know some of the documents You use state exactly that.

The documents I use, from official archives, show the opposite. There was no flood of Arab immigrants, that's just Hasbara propaganda. There was a flood of European Zionists though.

View attachment 111612

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1 | Berman Jewish Policy Archive @ Stanford University

However, we know there is more than your selected article to use a resource.

The Arabs in Palestine

A Population Boom

As Hussein foresaw, the regeneration of Palestine, and the growth of its population, came only after Jews returned in massive numbers. The Jewish population increased by 470,000 between World War I and World War II while the non-Jewish population rose by 588,000. In fact, the permanent Arab population increased 120 percent between 1922 and 1947.

This rapid growth was a result of several factors. One was immigration from neighboring states — constituting 37 percent of the total immigration to pre-state Israel — by Arabs who wanted to take advantage of the higher standard of living the Jews had made possible. The Arab population also grew because of the improved living conditions created by the Jews as they drained malarial swamps and brought improved sanitation and health care to the region. Thus, for example, the Muslim infant mortality rate fell from 201 per thousand in 1925 to 94 per thousand in 1945 and life expectancy rose from 37 years in 1926 to 49 in 1943.

The Arab population increased the most in cities with large Jewish populations that had created new economic opportunities. From 19221947, the non-Jewish population increased 290 percent in Haifa, 131 percent in Jerusalem and 158 percent in Jaffa. The growth in Arab towns was more modest: 42 percent in Nablus, 78 percent in Jenin and 37 percent in Bethlehem.
Your religious examples have nothing to do with reality and historical fact. The Jews that helped the Persians conquer Jerusalem were very few and were from outside of Palestine. The Jews were a tiny part of the Persian army. Don't flatter yourself.

Really teach me Professor- how many Jews were added into the Persian army to capture Jerusalem?

About 20,000 from what I have read. But, we Christians have a record of what happened. And we that are true Christians and are not brainwashed know how the Jews allied themselves with the Persians.

"O my brethren, who can estimate the hardships and privations which befell the Christians on that day ? For the multitude of people suffocated one the other, and fathers and mothers perished together owing to the confinement of the place. Like sheep devoted to slaughter, so were the crowd of believers got ready for massacre. Death on every side declared itself, since the intense heat, like fire, consumed the multitude of people, as they trampled on one another in the press, and many perished without the sword. . . .

Thereupon the vile Jews, enemies of the truth and haters of Christ, when they perceived that the Christians were given over into the hands of the enemy, rejoiced exceedingly, because they detested the Christians ; and they conceived an evil plan in keeping with their vileness about the people. For in the eyes of the Persians their importance was great, because they were the betrayers of the Christians. And in this season then the Jews approached the edge of the reservoir 27 and called out to the children of God, while they were shut up therein, and said to them : 'If ye would escape from death, become Jews and deny Christ; and then ye shall step up from your place and join us. We will ransom you with our money, and ye shall be benefited by us.' But their plot and desire were not fulfilled, their labours proved to be in vain ; because the children of Holy Church chose death for Christ's sake rather than to live in godless-ness : and they reckoned it better for their flesh to be punished, rather than their souls ruined, so that their portion were not with the Jews. And when the unclean Jews saw the steadfast uprightness of the Christians and their immovable faith, then they were agitated with lively ire, like evil beasts, and thereupon imagined another plot. As of old they bought the Lord from the Jews with silver, so they purchased Christians out of the reservoir ; for they gave the Persians silver, and they bought a Christian and slew him like a sheep. The Christians however rejoiced because they were being slain for Christ's sake and shed their blood for His blood, and took on themselves death in return for His death. . ."

Antonius Straegos

Antiochus Strategos, The Capture of Jerusalem by the Persians in 614 AD

Persian rule lasted only 14 years and the Byzantine Christians defeated the Persians and retook Palestine. The vile Jews were treated accordingly.
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Your religious examples have nothing to do with reality and historical fact. The Jews that helped the Persians conquer Jerusalem were very few and were from outside of Palestine. The Jews were a tiny part of the Persian army. Don't flatter yourself.

Really teach me Professor- how many Jews were added into the Persian army to capture Jerusalem?

About 20,000 from what I have read. But, we Christians have a record of what happened. And we that are true Christians and are not brainwashed know how the Jews allied themselves with the Persians.

"O my brethren, who can estimate the hardships and privations which befell the Christians on that day ? For the multitude of people suffocated one the other, and fathers and mothers perished together owing to the confinement of the place. Like sheep devoted to slaughter, so were the crowd of believers got ready for massacre. Death on every side declared itself, since the intense heat, like fire, consumed the multitude of people, as they trampled on one another in the press, and many perished without the sword. . . .

Thereupon the vile Jews, enemies of the truth and haters of Christ, when they perceived that the Christians were given over into the hands of the enemy, rejoiced exceedingly, because they detested the Christians ; and they conceived an evil plan in keeping with their vileness about the people. For in the eyes of the Persians their importance was great, because they were the betrayers of the Christians. And in this season then the Jews approached the edge of the reservoir 27 and called out to the children of God, while they were shut up therein, and said to them : 'If ye would escape from death, become Jews and deny Christ; and then ye shall step up from your place and join us. We will ransom you with our money, and ye shall be benefited by us.' But their plot and desire were not fulfilled, their labours proved to be in vain ; because the children of Holy Church chose death for Christ's sake rather than to live in godless-ness : and they reckoned it better for their flesh to be punished, rather than their souls ruined, so that their portion were not with the Jews. And when the unclean Jews saw the steadfast uprightness of the Christians and their immovable faith, then they were agitated with lively ire, like evil beasts, and thereupon imagined another plot. As of old they bought the Lord from the Jews with silver, so they purchased Christians out of the reservoir ; for they gave the Persians silver, and they bought a Christian and slew him like a sheep. The Christians however rejoiced because they were being slain for Christ's sake and shed their blood for His blood, and took on themselves death in return for His death. . ."

Antonius Straegos

Antiochus Strategos, The Capture of Jerusalem by the Persians in 614 AD

Persian rule lasted only 14 years and the Byzantine Christians defeated the Persians and retook Palestine. The vile Jews were treated accordingly.

Hhh an angry monk who's blaming the 'wicked Jews' for all his troubles- thats NEW :laugh::lame2:

Thanks for the info.
While trying so hard to erase Jews from Palestine, You actually find more proof to contradict Your bogus repetitive claims :)

The use of 'vile Jews' is consistent with Your other expressions towards the Jews allover this forum:
Yes, Jerusalem should be 100% Christian. We have the power, why should we allow non-believers to have any authority in Jerusalem? Why do we need to be fair or accommodating? Throw out the troublemakers. Deus Vult.
[QUOTE]As a Christian, I would favor a new Crusade to return Palestine to its rightful owners, we Christians. Muslims and Jews are both just a bunch of troublemakers.[/QUOTE]


A new Christian Crusade would solve a lot of problems. Start with liberating the Holy Land from Jewish and Muslim pretenders and that would send a signal. The Christian Republic of Palestine sounds good to me. From there start kicking ass eastwards and westwards, Lebanon and Egypt, put Christians in power. Syria is secular enough, so they can remain as they are. We have the power now to do so. Russia, Europe, the U.S. and the other Christians lands are so much more powerful than even China and India put together, much less the Muslim world.


You could just go with the 'Synagogue of satan' sermon and everything would be clear from the beginning.
Anyway seems You still don't realize that Your source still contradicts Your claim :)

*Note that next time we're arguing history I'll be able to use Jewish sources to confirm my claims as You did above.
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Your religious examples have nothing to do with reality and historical fact. The Jews that helped the Persians conquer Jerusalem were very few and were from outside of Palestine. The Jews were a tiny part of the Persian army. Don't flatter yourself.

Really teach me Professor- how many Jews were added into the Persian army to capture Jerusalem?

About 20,000 from what I have read. But, we Christians have a record of what happened. And we that are true Christians and are not brainwashed know how the Jews allied themselves with the Persians.

"O my brethren, who can estimate the hardships and privations which befell the Christians on that day ? For the multitude of people suffocated one the other, and fathers and mothers perished together owing to the confinement of the place. Like sheep devoted to slaughter, so were the crowd of believers got ready for massacre. Death on every side declared itself, since the intense heat, like fire, consumed the multitude of people, as they trampled on one another in the press, and many perished without the sword. . . .

Thereupon the vile Jews, enemies of the truth and haters of Christ, when they perceived that the Christians were given over into the hands of the enemy, rejoiced exceedingly, because they detested the Christians ; and they conceived an evil plan in keeping with their vileness about the people. For in the eyes of the Persians their importance was great, because they were the betrayers of the Christians. And in this season then the Jews approached the edge of the reservoir 27 and called out to the children of God, while they were shut up therein, and said to them : 'If ye would escape from death, become Jews and deny Christ; and then ye shall step up from your place and join us. We will ransom you with our money, and ye shall be benefited by us.' But their plot and desire were not fulfilled, their labours proved to be in vain ; because the children of Holy Church chose death for Christ's sake rather than to live in godless-ness : and they reckoned it better for their flesh to be punished, rather than their souls ruined, so that their portion were not with the Jews. And when the unclean Jews saw the steadfast uprightness of the Christians and their immovable faith, then they were agitated with lively ire, like evil beasts, and thereupon imagined another plot. As of old they bought the Lord from the Jews with silver, so they purchased Christians out of the reservoir ; for they gave the Persians silver, and they bought a Christian and slew him like a sheep. The Christians however rejoiced because they were being slain for Christ's sake and shed their blood for His blood, and took on themselves death in return for His death. . ."

Antonius Straegos

Antiochus Strategos, The Capture of Jerusalem by the Persians in 614 AD

Persian rule lasted only 14 years and the Byzantine Christians defeated the Persians and retook Palestine. The vile Jews were treated accordingly.

Hhh an angry monk who's blaming the 'wicked Jews' for all his troubles- thats NEW :laugh::lame2:

Thanks for the info.
While trying so hard to erase Jews from Palestine, You actually find more proof to contradict Your bogus repetitive claims :)

The use of 'vile Jews' is consistent with Your other expressions towards the Jews allover this forum:
Yes, Jerusalem should be 100% Christian. We have the power, why should we allow non-believers to have any authority in Jerusalem? Why do we need to be fair or accommodating? Throw out the troublemakers. Deus Vult.
[QUOTE]As a Christian, I would favor a new Crusade to return Palestine to its rightful owners, we Christians. Muslims and Jews are both just a bunch of troublemakers.


A new Christian Crusade would solve a lot of problems. Start with liberating the Holy Land from Jewish and Muslim pretenders and that would send a signal. The Christian Republic of Palestine sounds good to me. From there start kicking ass eastwards and westwards, Lebanon and Egypt, put Christians in power. Syria is secular enough, so they can remain as they are. We have the power now to do so. Russia, Europe, the U.S. and the other Christians lands are so much more powerful than even China and India put together, much less the Muslim world.


You could just go with the 'Synagogue of satan' sermon and everything would be clear from the beginning.
Anyway seems You still don't realize that Your source still contradicts Your claim :)

*Note that next time we're arguing history I'll be able to use Jewish sources to confirm my claims as You did above.[/QUOTE]

What Jewish sources. There were no Jews in Palestine, just about 20,000 among the Persian troops.

And, the link sustains my reporting of fact. I make no claims.

Israel killed 8 members of her family. What did Israel expect? Flowers and candy?

BTW, when did this attack take place?

Israel responded to attacks from Islamic terrorists. Why would you expect an entitlement to acts of Islamic terrorism without consequences?

Are you still pimping Israel's terrorist propaganda campaign?

You're still cutting and pasting that same slogan because you aren't prepared to address the facts.
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