Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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You read the history. There were no Jews from 380 AD until the Persians conquered Palestine and then they were removed when the Christians (Romans) defeated the Persians 7 years later. As far as the Jerusalem Talmud, it seems to have been written before Rome made Christianity the state religion in 380 AD, before Jews and followers of other religions were obliged to adopt the state religion of Rome.

Good luck proving any of that. I'm really here to learn.

When You have anything to present, rather than documents that actually contradict Your claims (didn't You read?), or simply Your 'say so'-

I'll be more than glad to read.

However If You're going that way, You'll have to prove Your other claim that current Arab Palestinians have ALWAYS resided in Palestine- which You can't :)

Doesn't need to be proven, it's historical fact.

The current Muslims and Christians in Palestine are the descendants of the people that have always lived in Palestine, that's a fact too.

Nothing contradicts my claims, because they are not claims. It is fact.

More importantly, the Zionists from Europe are not descendants of people that have always lived in Palestine. Their ancestors are Europeans.
"Monty facts" tend to be less fact and more creative interpretation. As we know, the geographic area of Pal'istan has been invaded and conquered several times. With those conquerers and invaders came new populations. It's quite nonsensical to suggest that your alternate facts of "The current Muslims and Christians in Palestine are the descendants of the people that have always lived in Palestine" is anything other than just another of your "invented facts".
Who are the Arab-Moslem Death Cultists?

IDF resistance to Islamic terrorism

Palestinian Muslims participate in Christmas festivities...like Palestinian Christians participate in Eid festivities....always have, don't let the sectarians of *any* religious sect tell u otherwise...One People, One Land, One History, One Future.

Palestinian Muslims participate in Christmas festivities...like Palestinian Christians participate in Eid festivities....always have, don't let the sectarians of *any* religious sect tell u otherwise...One People, One Land, One History, One Future.

Then why are Christians fleeing the PA-controlled areas of the West Bank in droves?
Palestinian Muslims participate in Christmas festivities...like Palestinian Christians participate in Eid festivities....always have, don't let the sectarians of *any* religious sect tell u otherwise...One People, One Land, One History, One Future.

Then why are Christians fleeing the PA-controlled areas of the West Bank in droves?

It is worse in Jerusalem that is Israeli controlled.

Palestinian Muslims participate in Christmas festivities...like Palestinian Christians participate in Eid festivities....always have, don't let the sectarians of *any* religious sect tell u otherwise...One People, One Land, One History, One Future.

Then why are Christians fleeing the PA-controlled areas of the West Bank in droves?

They aren't. You are making it up or are parroting Zionist propaganda.
I provided the sources, you just don't accept historical fact. You have only been exposed to Zionist propaganda.

Your sources actually contradict Your claims. And the way You pound on the "You're a Zionist, only I have the right sources" proves that You have no real argument here.

It's always easier to belittle someone than actually defend Your position.

The sources I provide confirm all my claims, which come directly from the sources. That's how I work. Your saying it isn't so (typical tack for alternate fact purveyors) doesn't change the facts.

What sources have You provided that confirmed Your claims:
1."All Palestinian Arabs are the only indigenous inhabitants that always stayed in Palestine"
2. "There were no Jews in Palestine since Roman conquest"

Just once show a valid open source that confirms anything You parrot.

PS- meanwhile there's plenty official documents confirming otherwise.
About Palestinian Jews and Arab immigration in the late 19th and early 20th century.
Peel Commission is one such example.
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Don't get hung up on "Arab". It is a cultural and linguistic distinction, not a racial or genetic distinction. A Berber in Algeria or an Arabian (Bedouin) from the Arabian peninsula is nothing like a Levantine from Palestine or Lebanon. They just speak the same language and share literature, foods etc.

While many people in Palestine had already converted to Christianity before 380 AD, after 380 AD, the Roman Empire made Christianity the state religion. Most non-Christians throughout the empire converted to Christianity. In the province of Palestine, because of its importance to Christianity, to be a resident one had to be a Christian. Hence, permanent residents were Christians that had converted from other religions, including Judaism.

Besides residency requirements, Emperor Theodosius I issued heresy laws, which made it imprudent to practice any religion but Christianity.

"We command that those persons who follow this rule shall embrace the name of Catholic Christians. The rest, however, whom we adjudge demented and insane, shall sustain the infamy of heretical dogmas, their meeting places shall not receive the name of churches, and they shall be smitten first by divine vengeance and secondly by the retribution of our own initiative, which we shall assume in accordance with divine judgement."

The Christian Church and the Persecution of Heretics

"Almost overnight, Christianity was propelled to the status of global, theological powerhouse. Roman citizens and subjects converted in droves, as Christians were afforded special tax breaks and other amenities not available to any other religious affiliations. Despite its favored status, other religions were now outlawed by Constantine. It would not be until later in the 4th century (380), when Christianity would be named the official state religion of Rome, illegalizing all other models of worship. ................................Failing to convert typically elicited deportation or execution."

How Christianity Rose to Dominate Europe
Don't get hung up on "Arab". It is a cultural and linguistic distinction, not a racial or genetic distinction. A Berber in Algeria or an Arabian (Bedouin) from the Arabian peninsula is nothing like a Levantine from Palestine or Lebanon. They just speak the same language and share literature, foods etc.

While many people in Palestine had already converted to Christianity before 380 AD, after 380 AD, the Roman Empire made Christianity the state religion. Most non-Christians throughout the empire converted to Christianity. In the province of Palestine, because of its importance to Christianity, to be a resident one had to be a Christian. Hence, permanent residents were Christians that had converted from other religions, including Judaism.

Besides residency requirements, Emperor Theodosius I issued heresy laws, which made it imprudent to practice any religion but Christianity.

"We command that those persons who follow this rule shall embrace the name of Catholic Christians. The rest, however, whom we adjudge demented and insane, shall sustain the infamy of heretical dogmas, their meeting places shall not receive the name of churches, and they shall be smitten first by divine vengeance and secondly by the retribution of our own initiative, which we shall assume in accordance with divine judgement."

The Christian Church and the Persecution of Heretics

"Almost overnight, Christianity was propelled to the status of global, theological powerhouse. Roman citizens and subjects converted in droves, as Christians were afforded special tax breaks and other amenities not available to any other religious affiliations. Despite its favored status, other religions were now outlawed by Constantine. It would not be until later in the 4th century (380), when Christianity would be named the official state religion of Rome, illegalizing all other models of worship. ................................Failing to convert typically elicited deportation or execution."

How Christianity Rose to Dominate Europe

So is a law written on another continent a precise representation of the reality in place, or just a wish to see things that way?

The Jerusalem Talmud was complied in 450 CE, in 614 Shahrabaraz found enough Jews led by Nehemia ben Hushiel and Benjamin of Tiberias in Palestina, to reinforce his army and recapture Jerusalem.

This are just 2 more examples along numerous others I've presented, historic FACTS that can be checked by any 3rd grade pupil.

And still no concrete evidence of 'No Jews in Palestina' or "Arab Palestinians are the only indigenous inhabitants".

What scholars confirm those claims?
Your religious examples have nothing to do with reality and historical fact. The Jews that helped the Persians conquer Jerusalem were very few and were from outside of Palestine. The Jews were a tiny part of the Persian army. Don't flatter yourself.
Don't get hung up on "Arab". It is a cultural and linguistic distinction ....

No, get hung up on culture. Entire cultures don't just magically transform themselves into other cultures, you know. It takes a tremendous amount of exposure and influence. Those types of drastic transformations don't happen without events (invasion, conquest, expulsion, forced conversion, ethnic cleansing, genocide, wars) to make them happen.
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