Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Leila Sansour and the heart breaking story of "Open Bethlehem"

Bethlehem, since 1995 it has seen its Christian population go from 85% to 15 % due to Muslim harassment and threats.

"The Wall" built because Arab Muslims chose to kill Jews instead of protesting their leaders who keep forcing them, and all other Palestinian Arab Muslims to "sacrifice themselves for the cause of keeping the Jews from having sovereignty on any part of their own ancient homeland.

Bethlehem, the place were Jesus The Jew was born.

But according to modern Islamic history, Jesus was a "Palestinian" and Muslims do not mind that lie at all.
Such respect for Christianity.

These Arabs do not like that wall, they would not like the wall built by China, Britain, Egypt or any other country forced to build those walls to keep invaders and murderers out.

Do they have a Bethlehem passport, asks the interviewer?

So, now Bethlehem is a country?
Turmus’ayya Town Profile

Turmus'ayya town was originally named „Thormasia‟. The word may be a combination of three shorter words: Tar, Masha, and Ayya. Tar is a distortion of the word „Tawr‟ („mountain‟), Masha is the remains of grapes after being squeezed, and Ayya is from the word „Awi‟, meaning ruins (Al Dabbagh, 1991). The town‟s residents are originally Majaziyoon from the Murra tribe, descended from inhabitants of Al Batani and Al Jib villages (Turmus‟ayya Municipality, 2011).



The Al Murrah (Arabic: قبيلة آل مرة‎‎) is a noble or a sharif Arab tribe descended from the well-known Banu Yam tribe. The members of the Al Murrah end their names with "Al Murry" also spelled "Al Marri" and "Al Masarri" to correspond to the Arabic pronunciation. They reside in countries such asQatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Bahrain and Wadi Amad of Yemen. Historically, Al Murrah was a tribe of camel-herding nomads, who controlled and travelled through a vast area of the Arabian Peninsula.

There's a saying in Saudi Arabia, Fi al Sama barqiyah, Fi al ard Marriyah, which means, "In the sky the telegraph; on the ground Al Murrah." The saying, in couplet form, pays a subtle tribute to the tribe of nomads which more than any other has given birth—and considerable substance—to the colorful image of the desert Bedouins: Al Murrah, one of the largest and most important tribes of the country.[1]
Leila Sansour and the heart breaking story of "Open Bethlehem"

Bethlehem, since 1995 it has seen its Christian population go from 85% to 15 % due to Muslim harassment and threats.

"The Wall" built because Arab Muslims chose to kill Jews instead of protesting their leaders who keep forcing them, and all other Palestinian Arab Muslims to "sacrifice themselves for the cause of keeping the Jews from having sovereignty on any part of their own ancient homeland.

Bethlehem, the place were Jesus The Jew was born.

But according to modern Islamic history, Jesus was a "Palestinian" and Muslims do not mind that lie at all.
Such respect for Christianity.

These Arabs do not like that wall, they would not like the wall built by China, Britain, Egypt or any other country forced to build those walls to keep invaders and murderers out.

Do they have a Bethlehem passport, asks the interviewer?

So, now Bethlehem is a country?

Bethlehem, since 1995 it has seen its Christian population go from 85% to 15 % due to Muslim harassment and threats.
Do you have a link for that that is not connected to Israel?
Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity, and later Islam, not Arab in origin
In Palestine the "small" number of Arab invaders who had been imported by the Arabian conquerors were wiped out by disease. Thus the "myth" of the "Palestinian Arab" descending "from the Arab conquerors" appears to be factually incorrect for all but perhaps a few. Supporting Hogarth, Hitti, and Lewis, the Reverend Parkes found thatDuring the first century after the Arab conquest the caliph and governors of Syria and The Land [Palestine] ruled almost entirely over Christian and Jewish subjects. Apart from the bedouin [nomads], in the earliest days the only Arabs west of the Jordan (not all of whom were themselves Muslims) were the garnisons... "They "were small," and were "decimated" by epidemics within two years after the capture of Jerusalem.
Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted
Israeli Apartheid Week Sydney 2012 - Samah Sabawi 'Normalize This!'

All these pathetic anti Isrsel movements including BDS have been correctly identified for what they are, and are being outlawed in the US and now even Europe is beginning to do the same. Don't you think you're pissing in the wind with all these propaganda clips?
Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity, and later Islam, not Arab in origin
In Palestine the "small" number of Arab invaders who had been imported by the Arabian conquerors were wiped out by disease. Thus the "myth" of the "Palestinian Arab" descending "from the Arab conquerors" appears to be factually incorrect for all but perhaps a few. Supporting Hogarth, Hitti, and Lewis, the Reverend Parkes found thatDuring the first century after the Arab conquest the caliph and governors of Syria and The Land [Palestine] ruled almost entirely over Christian and Jewish subjects. Apart from the bedouin [nomads], in the earliest days the only Arabs west of the Jordan (not all of whom were themselves Muslims) were the garnisons... "They "were small," and were "decimated" by epidemics within two years after the capture of Jerusalem.
Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted
"Thus, not only was Arab rule "extraordinarily short," but the "pure Arab peoples in Palestine for millennia" -- a romanticized notion discredited by serious scholars -- actually consisted of a non-Arabian, multi-ethnic procession of immigrants."

More proof today's Arabs who call themselves Palestinians are frauds.
Leila Sansour and the heart breaking story of "Open Bethlehem"

"Nabil Giacaman, a Christian shop owner of the “Christmas House” store on Manger Square, said that the focus on Christian-only emigration is an attempt to drive a wedge between Christians and Muslims and foster division within Palestinian society. Since the Christian population is so much smaller, their shrinking numbers are felt that much more acutely, he said.

“It’s not about Christians and Muslims, it’s not that I’m facing these issues only because I’m a Christian,” said Giacaman. “As Muslims suffer, Christians also suffer. At the end, we are all Palestinian, we get the same permits and the same treatment at the checkpoints.”

Christians worry ‘Silent Night’ may soon refer to their community in Bethlehem
Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity, and later Islam, not Arab in origin
In Palestine the "small" number of Arab invaders who had been imported by the Arabian conquerors were wiped out by disease. Thus the "myth" of the "Palestinian Arab" descending "from the Arab conquerors" appears to be factually incorrect for all but perhaps a few. Supporting Hogarth, Hitti, and Lewis, the Reverend Parkes found thatDuring the first century after the Arab conquest the caliph and governors of Syria and The Land [Palestine] ruled almost entirely over Christian and Jewish subjects. Apart from the bedouin [nomads], in the earliest days the only Arabs west of the Jordan (not all of whom were themselves Muslims) were the garnisons... "They "were small," and were "decimated" by epidemics within two years after the capture of Jerusalem.
Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted
"Thus, not only was Arab rule "extraordinarily short," but the "pure Arab peoples in Palestine for millennia" -- a romanticized notion discredited by serious scholars -- actually consisted of a non-Arabian, multi-ethnic procession of immigrants."

More proof today's Arabs who call themselves Palestinians are frauds.

LOL Palestinian Martyrs written about Palestinian Christians martyred by the Romans prior to Christianity becoming the state religion of Rome. We're talking before 380 AD.

Martiri palestinesi (Palestinian Martyrs)nell’Occidente latino. I casi della Passio Theodosiae virginis (BHL 8090) e della Passio Romani monachi(BHL 7298)

Though Eusebio of Caesarea’s De martyribus Palestinae has never been translated in latin during the Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, it is the source of some martyrdom accounts known in the latin West. In this paper the author draws a list of latin and greek versions of two of these hagiographies, notably the Passio Theodosiae virginis and the Passio Romani monachi, and clarifies the relationship between them : the two texts show some analogies in their transmission. In particular, the most ancient versions of both texts are included in the codex Vat. lat. 5771, a passionarium written at Bobbio in the IXthcentury. This manuscript collects many Passiones translated from Greek and has been classified by Delehaye and Siegmund as a ‘gallic’ passionarium. Some internal and external evidences seem to strengthen the hypothesis of the circulation of these two texts in southern Gallia in the first centuries of the Middle Ages.

Martiri palestinesi nell’Occidente latino. I casi della Passio Theo...
Israeli Apartheid Week Sydney 2012 - Samah Sabawi 'Normalize This!'

All these pathetic anti Isrsel movements including BDS have been correctly identified for what they are, and are being outlawed in the US and now even Europe is beginning to do the same. Don't you think you're pissing in the wind with all these propaganda clips?

Those government tools can't make BDS illegal.
Israeli Apartheid Week Sydney 2012 - Samah Sabawi 'Normalize This!'

All these pathetic anti Isrsel movements including BDS have been correctly identified for what they are, and are being outlawed in the US and now even Europe is beginning to do the same. Don't you think you're pissing in the wind with all these propaganda clips?

Those government tools can't make BDS illegal.

Just wait until those governments in the USA, Europe and elsewhere do something about not making BDS "illegal", as BDS is going to continue to try to strive in all of those places.

Lets BDS Hamas, and Abbas, and Hezbollah, and Iran, and Assad?

What do you say?

Israeli Apartheid Week Sydney 2012 - Samah Sabawi 'Normalize This!'

All these pathetic anti Isrsel movements including BDS have been correctly identified for what they are, and are being outlawed in the US and now even Europe is beginning to do the same. Don't you think you're pissing in the wind with all these propaganda clips?

Those government tools can't make BDS illegal.

Just wait until those governments in the USA, Europe and elsewhere do something about not making BDS "illegal", as BDS is going to continue to try to strive in all of those places.

Lets BDS Hamas, and Abbas, and Hezbollah, and Iran, and Assad?

What do you say?


Lets BDS Hamas, and Abbas, and Hezbollah, and Iran, and Assad?
Help yourself. It is a free country.
Leila Sansour and the heart breaking story of "Open Bethlehem"

Bethlehem, since 1995 it has seen its Christian population go from 85% to 15 % due to Muslim harassment and threats.

"The Wall" built because Arab Muslims chose to kill Jews instead of protesting their leaders who keep forcing them, and all other Palestinian Arab Muslims to "sacrifice themselves for the cause of keeping the Jews from having sovereignty on any part of their own ancient homeland.

Bethlehem, the place were Jesus The Jew was born.

But according to modern Islamic history, Jesus was a "Palestinian" and Muslims do not mind that lie at all.
Such respect for Christianity.

These Arabs do not like that wall, they would not like the wall built by China, Britain, Egypt or any other country forced to build those walls to keep invaders and murderers out.

Do they have a Bethlehem passport, asks the interviewer?

So, now Bethlehem is a country?

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