Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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  • One of the mothers who attended the meeting with the UN chief was Latifa Abu Hmaid. Four of her sons, Nasser, Sharif, Nasr and Mohammed are serving multiple life sentences for their role in terrorism. The Palestinian Authority (PA) chose the mother of these terrorists because they are all members of President Mahmoud Abbas's ruling Fatah faction, which is regularly described by Western media outlets as a moderate and pragmatic Palestinian party that believes in the two-state solution and peace with Israel.

  • The minimum the UN chief and his aides could have done is to call out the PA leadership and condemn it for the ambush and the fabricated report from the official Palestinian news agency. Had Israel been involved in a similar incident, we would have witnessed a diplomatic crisis, prompted by the UN secretary general and his spokesmen as well as the international media. Palestinians, as usual, are given a pass.

  • The lie about "Jewish extremists" setting fire to the Al-Aqsa Mosque has become so widespread and accepted that even senior Muslim scholars such as Abbas's Grand Mufti, Sheikh Mohamed Hussein, has also been spreading the blood libel. He and most Palestinians continue to describe the Australian Christian arsonist as a "Jewish extremist."

  • According to the Palestinian propaganda machine, nearly without exception, the terrorists were on their way to buy bread for their mothers or visit their grandmothers. These were innocent victims, the story goes, arrested or shot by Israel for no reason. Then there are the lies about Israelis "planting" knives near the bodies of terrorists who stab or try to murder Jews. Western journalists and others accept these lies as facts.

    (full article online)

    UN Chief Guterres, the Media and Palestinian Fake News
Her principle argument was that the presence of Jews in Judea and Samaria represents a violation of the 4th Geneva Convention, which prohibits states from moving people into territories occupied through war. As a skilled attorney and professional harasser of anything connected to Israel, Erakat acted as though her interpretation of international law is self-evident when, in fact, it is highly dubious.

Whatever the meaning of the Fourth Geneva Convention in terms of Jewish people building housing for themselves on Jewish land, Erakat rightly noted that Israel has faced major international push-back for these actions.

Naturally, Erakat also dragged out the whiskered canard that Israel has used national security as a mere “cover for further colonization.”

But if the 1967 war was a war of national self-defense, which it was, then Israel is not merely an occupier. But, according to Erakat, the Six-Day War was not defensive — despite the fact that Israel only launched military operations after it was evident that it was about to face an overwhelming Arab invasion. Despite this undisputed history, however, Erakat claims that the war was one of Israeli-Jewish aggression against its largely innocent Muslim neighbors.

(full article online)

Noura Erakat: Bashing Israel at UC-Berkeley
Oh gee, UC Berkeley, the bastion of hate speech, Islam apologists, anti Americanism, antisemtism, and leftist fascism. Where else would this presentation occur?!
Oh gee, UC Berkeley, the bastion of hate speech, Islam apologists, anti Americanism, antisemtism, and leftist fascism. Where else would this presentation occur?!

"Leftist fascism", Ruddy is such a comedian.
and you are so ignorant and delusional.

'Antifa' violence in Berkeley spurs soul-searching within leftist activist community

Nancy Pelosi finally condemns Antifa for Berkeley violence

Antifa: Left-wing militants on the rise - BBC News

"They have no allegiance to liberal democracy": an expert on antifa explains the group
Do you even know what Antifa stands for you dimwit.

"Leftist fascism", Ruddy is such a comedian.
Do you even know what Antifa stands for you dimwit.

"Leftist fascism", Ruddy is such a comedian.
Oooh. Who cares what a group of violent commies, Marxists, and anarchists say they stand for. They claim to be anti fascist while behaving exactly like fascistic thugs. You must be a fan.
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