Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Mother of terrorist daughter: “All of us, praise Allah, present our children [as sacrifices], and we do not regret a thing”
Source: Official Palestinian Authority TV, Sept. 29, 2016

Maryam Al-Khaddour, mother of terrorist Majd Al-Khaddour: “We in the land of Ribat (i.e., religious conflict/war over land claimed to be Islamic) stand firm, Allah willing. And we are all on this path. May Allah have mercy on all of our Martyrs (Shahids). We are no better than Al-Khansa (woman in earliest period of Islam who rejoiced when her sons all died as Martyrs –Ed.)… All of us, praise Allah, present our children [as sacrifices], and we do not regret a thing.”

Majd Al-Khaddour – Palestinian female terrorist who carried out a car ramming attack outside of Kiryat Arba, near Hebron, on June 24, 2016. Al-Khaddour attempted to ram her car into a hitchhiking station but hit another car, wounding the two Israelis inside. During the attack Al-Khaddour was shot and killed by Israeli soldiers.

Al-Khansa - an Arab woman and poet from the earliest period of Islam (7th century) famous and honored in Islamic tradition for rejoicing when all four of her sons died in battle as Martyrs. She has been lauded by the PA and often presented as a role model for mothers, and the PA has named 8 schools after her.


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Why does there have to be a relationship between two completely different marches in Manhattan on a single day? Because Puar wants there to be one. After all, she was equidistant from both - that must have some sort of divine (sorry, intersectional) meaning, right?

And, of course, Puar succeeds in finding that link, which is the basis for this entire book!

This isn't research. This isn't innovation. This is simply hate dressed up in academic clothing, and the hate that Puar has is just as toxic and noxious as the racism she pretends to oppose.

(full article online)

Jasbir Puar's intersectional anti-Israel academic gibberish ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Here are the results of a poll of 500 Gazans carried out 12-14 October 2017 by An-Najah National University Center for Opinion Polls and Survey Studies

From your own point view, what is the most ideal solution for the arms of resistance?

37.8% Collecting all arms and there should be no arms other than the arms of
one authority
27.8% Restoring the situation to how it was before the dominance of Hamas
over the Gaza Strip
20.6% Leaving the situation as it is now
13.8% No opinion/I do not know

That's right - only 20.6% of Gazans support Hamas' demand that it keep its

(full article online)

IMRA - Thursday, October 19, 2017 Weekly Commentary: If a Mother Teresa was running Gaza She Couldn't Possess Rockets
Smardon knows that Gaza’s electricity and medicine crisis — and it really is a crisis — is the result of the Palestinian Authority decision to cut services that they had always provided.

But UNRWA’s fundraising arm will never demand that Palestinians take responsibility for other Palestinians.

No, instead, Smardon insists that Israel is the guilty party – even though Israel provides all the fuel that Gaza (and its sponsors) are willing to pay for, and even though Israel was supplying all the electricity that it could before Abbas demanded that it reduce the amount, and stopped paying for it.

(full article online)

UNRWA-USA Blames Israel for Abbas Cutting Services to Gaza
The official Palestinian mission to Colombia on Thursday night tweeted a quote from former Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat calling for the destruction of the State of Israel.

The tweet read, “Our goal is the end of Israel, and there can be no compromises or mediations…. We don’t want peace. We want WAR and victory — Yasser Arafat,” according to a spokesperson for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

(full article online)

Quoting Arafat, Palestinian mission in Colombia calls for Israel’s destruction
Fatah official: Jewish patriarch Abraham was a Muslim, “which refutes the Zionists’ (i.e., Jewish) claims” about the Cave of the Patriarchs and the Temple Mount
Source: Al-Bawaba, Egyptian news website, Sept. 1, 2017

Headline: “Fatah leader: The [Eid Al-Adha] holiday prayers at the Ibrahimi Mosque are a challenge against the occupation”

“Fatah Movement Central Committee member and [Fatah] Commissioner for Arab and China Relations Abbas Zaki emphasized… in a statement to [the Egyptian news website] Al-Bawaba News today, Friday [Sept. 1, 2017], that… Israel is moving in the direction of unprecedented extremism, which makes it necessary to leave the deceptive illusion of peace and prepare to confront the occupation on all levels. He explained that Ibrahim (i.e., the Biblical figure Abraham), the father of the prophets, was a monotheistic Muslim (sic., in Jewish traition Abraham was the first Jew and lived over 2,000 years before Islam began), which refutes the Zionists’ claims about the Ibrahimi Mosque (i.e., Cave of the Patriarchs) and the Al-Aqsa Mosque (i.e., the Temple Mount). Therefore, the Arab and Islamic nation must have an active presence in order to deter the occupation and its steps against the Palestinian people, its land, and its holy sites.”

Jewish history rewritten | PMW
Who are the “palestinians”? In a region of ancient civilizations, how come no history of them, not even mentioned?

Interviewer: "Has the Palestinian leadership ever officially declared that it is no longer bound by the Oslo Accords?"

Salwa Hudaib: "The Vienna Convention stipulates that if any party breaches an agreement, that agreement becomes null and void. Israel did not implement the agreement within five years, and it continued its activities of settlement, of Judaization, of deportation, killings, and oppression, and only intensified its occupation and settlements, and therefore, we are not bound by the Oslo Accords. President Abu Mazen [Mahmoud Abbas] has not declared this officially, except for when he said, during the [2017] Al-Aqsa Uprising, that we were halting the [security] coordination and all bilateral relations with the Israelis. This started on July 14th, 2017, and it continues to this day. In addition, the popular resistance has intensified. So we are not bound by the Oslo Accords. I say, on my own behalf and on behalf of the Fatah movement, that we are not bound by the Oslo Accords, because these accords no longer exist on the ground."
The Oslo Accords created the Palestinian Authority. it is what gave the Palestinians self-rule over Areas A and B.

So if they say it is abrogated, then Israel has every legal right to take over the entire West Bank again, and control it legally under international law, since there is no Palestinian legal entity.

(full article/video online)

If the PA isn't bound by the Oslo accords, then it should self-destruct, right? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Thst is really informative, and puts it in a way I had not thought of. I will argue though that in regards to rights and self determination many on this board do not think they should be extended to Palestinians simply because they are Arabs or fake people.

I disagree. I think everyone on Team Israel believes in self-determination for the Arabs. (Yes, even Joel).

Some notice that the Arabs who identify as Syrian, Jordanian and Palestinian don't actually recognize a distinction between these three identifications and say they are all one. Thus they self-identify as belonging to a larger group -- a group which ALREADY has self-determination in two sovereign States, PLUS all of Gaza, PLUS Areas A and B.

That is NOT the same thing as denying self-determination to Arabs or calling certain Arabs a "fake" people.

Yes it is the same. Once you label people fake you take the first step in deligitimizing them and negating their regional rights. When certain members of Team Israel do this it is coupled with " Why do Arabs need another state" or send them to Jordan. You are effectivelly negating their right to self identify as a people belonging to that region.

If we extrapolate this further -- yes, I'm going to take it to a bit of an extreme for demonstration purposes -- let's take the Arab population in and around Nazareth. In the Northern District of Israel, the population is roughly 50/50 Arab and Jewish. It is squarely and clearly in Israel. Let's imagine that we actually settle this whole conflict and divide the territory under dispute roughly along the 1949 lines and create the State of Palestine. Now. Imagine the Arab population of the Northern District says that they are Nazarenes. Not Israeli. Not Palestinian. At the same time they recognize that Syrians, Jordanians, Palestinians and Nazarenes are all the same people. They self-identify as unified. Yet the Nazarenes wish to also have self-determination.

Do you see how this whittles away the State of Israel? Do you see how this has the function (whether or not it is intentional) of denying Jewish self-determination?
So are you effectively saying the only way to have Jewish self dermination is to delegitimize the Palestinians because it sur sounds like it and it is exactly what peoe like Joel are doing. How is it any different than the many attempts some on here make to delegitimize Jews as a people from claims that an entire branch are just Europeans to denying their right to self identify?

The Palestinians have been self identifying as Palestinans for quite a few generations now. If they also identify with Syrians how is that any different then French Jews who also identify as French?

Thst is really informative, and puts it in a way I had not thought of. I will argue though that in regards to rights and self determination many on this board do not think they should be extended to Palestinians simply because they are Arabs or fake people.

I disagree. I think everyone on Team Israel believes in self-determination for the Arabs. (Yes, even Joel).

Some notice that the Arabs who identify as Syrian, Jordanian and Palestinian don't actually recognize a distinction between these three identifications and say they are all one. Thus they self-identify as belonging to a larger group -- a group which ALREADY has self-determination in two sovereign States, PLUS all of Gaza, PLUS Areas A and B.

That is NOT the same thing as denying self-determination to Arabs or calling certain Arabs a "fake" people.

Yes it is the same. Once you label people fake you take the first step in deligitimizing them and negating their regional rights. When certain members of Team Israel do this it is coupled with " Why do Arabs need another state" or send them to Jordan. You are effectivelly negating their right to self identify as a people belonging to that region.

If we extrapolate this further -- yes, I'm going to take it to a bit of an extreme for demonstration purposes -- let's take the Arab population in and around Nazareth. In the Northern District of Israel, the population is roughly 50/50 Arab and Jewish. It is squarely and clearly in Israel. Let's imagine that we actually settle this whole conflict and divide the territory under dispute roughly along the 1949 lines and create the State of Palestine. Now. Imagine the Arab population of the Northern District says that they are Nazarenes. Not Israeli. Not Palestinian. At the same time they recognize that Syrians, Jordanians, Palestinians and Nazarenes are all the same people. They self-identify as unified. Yet the Nazarenes wish to also have self-determination.

Do you see how this whittles away the State of Israel? Do you see how this has the function (whether or not it is intentional) of denying Jewish self-determination?
So are you effectively saying the only way to have Jewish self dermination is to delegitimize the Palestinians because it sur sounds like it and it is exactly what peoe like Joel are doing. How is it any different than the many attempts some on here make to delegitimize Jews as a people from claims that an entire branch are just Europeans to denying their right to self identify?

The Palestinians have been self identifying as Palestinans for quite a few generations now. If they also identify with Syrians how is that any different then French Jews who also identify as French?

Arabs admit “palestinians” are a complete scam They’re simply Arabs, no different than Arabs in 22 other Arab countries http://www.wnd.com/2002/07/14501/

Bogus cause.

Thst is really informative, and puts it in a way I had not thought of. I will argue though that in regards to rights and self determination many on this board do not think they should be extended to Palestinians simply because they are Arabs or fake people.

I disagree. I think everyone on Team Israel believes in self-determination for the Arabs. (Yes, even Joel).

Some notice that the Arabs who identify as Syrian, Jordanian and Palestinian don't actually recognize a distinction between these three identifications and say they are all one. Thus they self-identify as belonging to a larger group -- a group which ALREADY has self-determination in two sovereign States, PLUS all of Gaza, PLUS Areas A and B.

That is NOT the same thing as denying self-determination to Arabs or calling certain Arabs a "fake" people.

Yes it is the same. Once you label people fake you take the first step in deligitimizing them and negating their regional rights. When certain members of Team Israel do this it is coupled with " Why do Arabs need another state" or send them to Jordan. You are effectivelly negating their right to self identify as a people belonging to that region.

If we extrapolate this further -- yes, I'm going to take it to a bit of an extreme for demonstration purposes -- let's take the Arab population in and around Nazareth. In the Northern District of Israel, the population is roughly 50/50 Arab and Jewish. It is squarely and clearly in Israel. Let's imagine that we actually settle this whole conflict and divide the territory under dispute roughly along the 1949 lines and create the State of Palestine. Now. Imagine the Arab population of the Northern District says that they are Nazarenes. Not Israeli. Not Palestinian. At the same time they recognize that Syrians, Jordanians, Palestinians and Nazarenes are all the same people. They self-identify as unified. Yet the Nazarenes wish to also have self-determination.

Do you see how this whittles away the State of Israel? Do you see how this has the function (whether or not it is intentional) of denying Jewish self-determination?
So are you effectively saying the only way to have Jewish self dermination is to delegitimize the Palestinians because it sur sounds like it and it is exactly what peoe like Joel are doing. How is it any different than the many attempts some on here make to delegitimize Jews as a people from claims that an entire branch are just Europeans to denying their right to self identify?

The Palestinians have been self identifying as Palestinans for quite a few generations now. If they also identify with Syrians how is that any different then French Jews who also identify as French?

If you want to support a worthy cause for self-determination, support the Kurds: About 30 million Kurds and, unlike “palestinians” who are simply rebranded Arabs refusing to live in peace with Israel, Kurds are a legitimate People who do seek peaceful co-existence and are deserving of a state

Thst is really informative, and puts it in a way I had not thought of. I will argue though that in regards to rights and self determination many on this board do not think they should be extended to Palestinians simply because they are Arabs or fake people.

I disagree. I think everyone on Team Israel believes in self-determination for the Arabs. (Yes, even Joel).

Some notice that the Arabs who identify as Syrian, Jordanian and Palestinian don't actually recognize a distinction between these three identifications and say they are all one. Thus they self-identify as belonging to a larger group -- a group which ALREADY has self-determination in two sovereign States, PLUS all of Gaza, PLUS Areas A and B.

That is NOT the same thing as denying self-determination to Arabs or calling certain Arabs a "fake" people.

Yes it is the same. Once you label people fake you take the first step in deligitimizing them and negating their regional rights. When certain members of Team Israel do this it is coupled with " Why do Arabs need another state" or send them to Jordan. You are effectivelly negating their right to self identify as a people belonging to that region.

If we extrapolate this further -- yes, I'm going to take it to a bit of an extreme for demonstration purposes -- let's take the Arab population in and around Nazareth. In the Northern District of Israel, the population is roughly 50/50 Arab and Jewish. It is squarely and clearly in Israel. Let's imagine that we actually settle this whole conflict and divide the territory under dispute roughly along the 1949 lines and create the State of Palestine. Now. Imagine the Arab population of the Northern District says that they are Nazarenes. Not Israeli. Not Palestinian. At the same time they recognize that Syrians, Jordanians, Palestinians and Nazarenes are all the same people. They self-identify as unified. Yet the Nazarenes wish to also have self-determination.

Do you see how this whittles away the State of Israel? Do you see how this has the function (whether or not it is intentional) of denying Jewish self-determination?
So are you effectively saying the only way to have Jewish self dermination is to delegitimize the Palestinians because it sur sounds like it and it is exactly what peoe like Joel are doing. How is it any different than the many attempts some on here make to delegitimize Jews as a people from claims that an entire branch are just Europeans to denying their right to self identify?

The Palestinians have been self identifying as Palestinans for quite a few generations now. If they also identify with Syrians how is that any different then French Jews who also identify as French?

If you want to support a worthy cause for self-determination, support the Kurds: About 30 million Kurds and, unlike “palestinians” who are simply rebranded Arabs refusing to live in peace with Israel, Kurds are a legitimate People who do seek peaceful co-existence and are deserving of a state
Is it impossible to support both?

What do think is the solution?

Thst is really informative, and puts it in a way I had not thought of. I will argue though that in regards to rights and self determination many on this board do not think they should be extended to Palestinians simply because they are Arabs or fake people.

I disagree. I think everyone on Team Israel believes in self-determination for the Arabs. (Yes, even Joel).

Some notice that the Arabs who identify as Syrian, Jordanian and Palestinian don't actually recognize a distinction between these three identifications and say they are all one. Thus they self-identify as belonging to a larger group -- a group which ALREADY has self-determination in two sovereign States, PLUS all of Gaza, PLUS Areas A and B.

That is NOT the same thing as denying self-determination to Arabs or calling certain Arabs a "fake" people.

Yes it is the same. Once you label people fake you take the first step in deligitimizing them and negating their regional rights. When certain members of Team Israel do this it is coupled with " Why do Arabs need another state" or send them to Jordan. You are effectivelly negating their right to self identify as a people belonging to that region.

If we extrapolate this further -- yes, I'm going to take it to a bit of an extreme for demonstration purposes -- let's take the Arab population in and around Nazareth. In the Northern District of Israel, the population is roughly 50/50 Arab and Jewish. It is squarely and clearly in Israel. Let's imagine that we actually settle this whole conflict and divide the territory under dispute roughly along the 1949 lines and create the State of Palestine. Now. Imagine the Arab population of the Northern District says that they are Nazarenes. Not Israeli. Not Palestinian. At the same time they recognize that Syrians, Jordanians, Palestinians and Nazarenes are all the same people. They self-identify as unified. Yet the Nazarenes wish to also have self-determination.

Do you see how this whittles away the State of Israel? Do you see how this has the function (whether or not it is intentional) of denying Jewish self-determination?
So are you effectively saying the only way to have Jewish self dermination is to delegitimize the Palestinians because it sur sounds like it and it is exactly what peoe like Joel are doing. How is it any different than the many attempts some on here make to delegitimize Jews as a people from claims that an entire branch are just Europeans to denying their right to self identify?

The Palestinians have been self identifying as Palestinans for quite a few generations now. If they also identify with Syrians how is that any different then French Jews who also identify as French?

The Hashemite Arabs were not Jordanians. They moved into the area around WWI being made to flee their ancient homeland. But they did receive TransJordan in 1925 and that was that. It became a State in 1946 as it was ready for it via the Mandate.

The Arabs who lived in the rest of the Mandate for Palestine got leaders who would not accept any Jewish sovereignty over their own ancient homeland. Call them Arabs, Muslims, or Palestinians, the leaders refused partition into two states, one Arab, one Jewish, in 1937 and in 1947.

There have been continuous refusal for creating a Palestinian Arab State, besides Jordan since 1937.

We do say that the Palestinians are fake, because that is exactly what their leaders have said and exactly why Arafat, in Moscow with the KGB, created such a nationality.

This nationality has been intent in imposing false history via their narrative of being the most ancient people on the land. They are not.

And they are not descendants of the Philistines, or the Canaanites, or of Abraham or any other people or person the leaders have decided to use in order to demand, yes demand, equal or more rights to the land than the Jews have over it.

Jews, and Israel, are not denying the 1400 year Arab/Muslim presence on the land since the Arab invasion.

The Muslims, some of them, are denying any Jewish connection to their ancient land by telling people that the Jews are nothing but European converts with no rights to the land at all.
That has also been going on since 1948.

Judea and Samaria were to be part of the Jewish part of the Mandate especially because that is where the beginning of Judaism is.
The Hashemites held on to it, after 1948, for 19 years keeping the Jews any access to their most holy of sites, all of them in those areas.
And the Temple Mount.

Do you accept that Israel and most Jews are for the partition which Israel did accept in 1937 and 1947, no matter where the negotiated borders will eventually be?

Israel has not delegitimized the Arabs rights to have their own state.
How many videos, etc, the charters from Hamas, the PLO and Fatah, how many sermons at Mosques or teachings via school curriculum or social media, have I posted where the Muslims are intent in destroying Israel. Not living beside it.

Destroying Israel IS the intent, written, spoken and otherwise by the ARAB LEADERS. They say it all the time.
Hamas just said that they will never give up their arms. That the Hamas/Fatah recent reunion is meant to destroy Israel.

ISRAEL = living in peace in secure borders

Muslim leaders = destroy Israel

Are you reading anywhere where Hamas, PLO, Fatah and all others are really considering building an infrastructure as Israel did, and everything else that is required to be accepted as a Nation by the UN?

I check a lot of sites. Articles and videos. Arab countries are tired of what the Palestinians are doing. Not all. Then there is Iran which is funding Hamas and others to destroy Israel.

As the Arabs have said themselves, they considered themselves Syrian, and part of Greater Syria. And that is what they wanted after WWI. No Israel. No sovereign Jewish State.

Hamas has talked about destroying Israel and starting its own Caliphate.

To create a Nationality, not to create a Nation, but to destroy another.
That is what Arafat did.
That is why we need to say that the Palestinians are an invention.
And a terrible one at that, especially for those poor Arab clans who
got caught in the middle of Al-husseini's dream of another Muslim State, only. Arafat is from the same clan.
Look at what Arafat has done from 1964 until his death.

Arafat had the chance to create that State on all of the West Bank.
He did not want to be assassinated and planned the intifada even before the meetings and negotiations.

When the people can force the leaders to create their own State, there will be a Palestinian state.
When Iran can be made to not meddle in the region for their own sake and power, there will be a Palestinian State.

It is nowhere near at this time.
At a rally in the Gaza Strip on Thursday, Hamas’ second highest ranking military leader, Yahya Sinwar, not only denounced Greenblatt and the Trump administration’s demand, but declared that Hamas still has every intention of annihilating the State of Israel.

"Gone is the time in which Hamas discussed recognition of Israel. The discussion now is about when we will wipe out Israel," said Sinwar.

"No one has the ability to extract from us recognition of the occupation."

"No one will disarm us. No one can disarm Hamas."

(full article online)

Hamas to Trump: We want to wipe out Israel, not recognize it

Thst is really informative, and puts it in a way I had not thought of. I will argue though that in regards to rights and self determination many on this board do not think they should be extended to Palestinians simply because they are Arabs or fake people.

I disagree. I think everyone on Team Israel believes in self-determination for the Arabs. (Yes, even Joel).

Some notice that the Arabs who identify as Syrian, Jordanian and Palestinian don't actually recognize a distinction between these three identifications and say they are all one. Thus they self-identify as belonging to a larger group -- a group which ALREADY has self-determination in two sovereign States, PLUS all of Gaza, PLUS Areas A and B.

That is NOT the same thing as denying self-determination to Arabs or calling certain Arabs a "fake" people.

Yes it is the same. Once you label people fake you take the first step in deligitimizing them and negating their regional rights. When certain members of Team Israel do this it is coupled with " Why do Arabs need another state" or send them to Jordan. You are effectivelly negating their right to self identify as a people belonging to that region.

If we extrapolate this further -- yes, I'm going to take it to a bit of an extreme for demonstration purposes -- let's take the Arab population in and around Nazareth. In the Northern District of Israel, the population is roughly 50/50 Arab and Jewish. It is squarely and clearly in Israel. Let's imagine that we actually settle this whole conflict and divide the territory under dispute roughly along the 1949 lines and create the State of Palestine. Now. Imagine the Arab population of the Northern District says that they are Nazarenes. Not Israeli. Not Palestinian. At the same time they recognize that Syrians, Jordanians, Palestinians and Nazarenes are all the same people. They self-identify as unified. Yet the Nazarenes wish to also have self-determination.

Do you see how this whittles away the State of Israel? Do you see how this has the function (whether or not it is intentional) of denying Jewish self-determination?
So are you effectively saying the only way to have Jewish self dermination is to delegitimize the Palestinians because it sur sounds like it and it is exactly what peoe like Joel are doing. How is it any different than the many attempts some on here make to delegitimize Jews as a people from claims that an entire branch are just Europeans to denying their right to self identify?

The Palestinians have been self identifying as Palestinans for quite a few generations now. If they also identify with Syrians how is that any different then French Jews who also identify as French?

If you want to support a worthy cause for self-determination, support the Kurds: About 30 million Kurds and, unlike “palestinians” who are simply rebranded Arabs refusing to live in peace with Israel, Kurds are a legitimate People who do seek peaceful co-existence and are deserving of a state
Is it impossible to support both?

What do think is the solution?

Support peaceful ppl. Arabs themselves are fed up with “palestinians” Abd Al-Bari Atwan: The Arab Leaders Are Praying That Israel Will Get Rid of the Palestinians Once and for All
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