Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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She says the Palestinians have no choice but to "resist" (code word for commit assault, riot and murder). Of course they have a choice.

Sure, they could let themselves get the boot like many did in 1948.

It is actually called Living in Peace with the indigenous people of the Land - the Jewish People - and never raising arms against them, as has been proposed since 1920.

Instead, they are living in the 1300 years dream they had of having the Jews under their feet, and continue to wish them underfoot, or nowhere in sight.

Stop ignoring history and using only 1948 as a yardstick, and the wrong way.

Arabs chose to attack Jews, not the other way around.

The Arabs lost, continue to lose, and there is no future victory of any kind for them but the needed road to peace and living side by side with a Sovereign Israel.

Arabs chose to attack Jews, not the other way around.
Indeed, the Palestinians should have never gone to Europe to attack the Zionists.

Indeed, they did. Munich.
The most recent article I found was from Ma'an last year:

" Palestinian refugees registered with UNRWA -- the UN agency responsible for providing services to some five million Palestinian refugees -- and residing in refugee camps across the West Bank are also barred from voting in elections. According to Palestinian rights group Badil, Palestinian refugees residing outside refugee camps are permitted to vote in national legislative council and municipal elections, while those residing in the camps are only allowed to participate in national elections."

Two things are clear: Palestinian "refugees" do not have full voting rights - and the hundreds of Western reporters and think-tanks who are so fast to warn about any potential erosion of Israeli democracy show zero interest in the fact that Palestinians treat their own so-called "refugees" with contempt.

No one is calling this "apartheid."

But it is.

(full article online)

Palestinian apartheid against "Palestine refugees" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The night of January 17, 2018, we were witness to another reminder of the success of the hard-hitting strategy adopted by the IDF towards the Arabs in the West Bank – and the failure of containment in Gaza. In Jenin, the murderer of Rabbi Raziel Shevah was killed and at least one other terrorist apprehended eight days after the crime. Gilad Shalit’s abductors were never punished and his abduction led to the release of over 1,000 terrorists. The lesson: peacemaking must be from the ground up.

(full article online)

In Jenin, Terrorists Get What They Deserve. In Gaza, They Don’t
[ :) ]

The Palestinian Authority on Tuesday denounced Israel’s finance ministry decision to cut $147,000 from the taxes it collects on behalf of the PA to “compensate collaborators.”

Back in June, the Jerusalem District Court sided with dozens of Arab plaintiffs who sued the PA for health and mental damages after its security forces arrested and imprisoned them in detention dungeons where the plaintiffs were tortured, their healthy teeth were pulled and urine was injected into their veins by PA interrogators.

(full article online)

Ramallah Annoyed with Israel’s Paying PA’s Victims with PA Taxes | The Jewish Press - JewishPress.com | David Israel | 8 Shevat 5778 – January 24, 2018 | JewishPress.com
Fatah Deputy Chairman ignores billions of dollars

in US aid:
"The American administrations...
have not given the Palestinians anything of substance"
Palestinians should "strengthen the popular resistance
so the occupation will become expensive for Israel"
  • Fatah members are leading the "popular uprising"
  • All US administrations should be told: "May your houses be destroyed"
(full article online)

Abbas' deputy ignores US aid: The US administrations haven`t given us anything of substance - PMW Bulletins
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Sarcasm aside, that approach is not going to benefit the Arab Palestinians. At some point, the Arab Palestinians have to ask themselves: What has been achieved in the last Century that makes them think their are on the road to progress?

• How much have they achieved through the armed struggle?
• What condition were the Arab Palestinians in a Century ago, in comparison with today?
• For all the arguments about the "rights of sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity," what have the achieved today?
• What do they expect to achieve in the future? How long is it going to take?​

Just think how much further and better-off the Arab Palestinians would be today if they have accepted the Partition in 1948; and stopped the Arab League attack.

Arabs chose to attack Jews, not the other way around.
Indeed, the Palestinians should have never gone to Europe to attack the Zionists.

Whether you believe this foreign invasion nonsense or not, it makes no difference. You'll have to work with what is real today; not what you dream about it being.

The Arab Palestinians are exactly right where they chose to be in the decisions they made.

Most Respectfully,
The Palestinians have made huge strides in the last 20 years.
Absolutely, they are now the largest per capita recipients of foreign aid in the world.
Thanks to Israel stealing or destroying their production capacity.
lol What production capacity? They are clearly among the most incompetent people in the world, who acquiesce generation after generation to being ruled by murderous gangs who have executed thousands of them for simply not enthusiastically endorsing their policies and diverting all their energy and resources into hating Jews and murdering Jews. This is clearly a basket case culture.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Sarcasm aside, that approach is not going to benefit the Arab Palestinians. At some point, the Arab Palestinians have to ask themselves: What has been achieved in the last Century that makes them think their are on the road to progress?

• How much have they achieved through the armed struggle?
• What condition were the Arab Palestinians in a Century ago, in comparison with today?
• For all the arguments about the "rights of sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity," what have the achieved today?
• What do they expect to achieve in the future? How long is it going to take?​

Just think how much further and better-off the Arab Palestinians would be today if they have accepted the Partition in 1948; and stopped the Arab League attack.

Arabs chose to attack Jews, not the other way around.
Indeed, the Palestinians should have never gone to Europe to attack the Zionists.

Whether you believe this foreign invasion nonsense or not, it makes no difference. You'll have to work with what is real today; not what you dream about it being.

The Arab Palestinians are exactly right where they chose to be in the decisions they made.

Most Respectfully,
The standard Zionist position is that they showed up in Palestine in the late 19th century to reclaim their ancestral homeland. Jews bought land and started building up the Jewish community there. They were met with increasingly violent opposition from the Palestinian Arabs, presumably stemming from the Arabs’ inherent anti-Semitism. The Zionists were then forced to defend themselves and, in one form or another, this same situation continues up to today.

The problem with this explanation is that it is simply not true, as the documentary evidence in this booklet will show. What really happened was that the Zionist movement, from the beginning, looked forward to a practically complete dispossession of the indigenous Arab population so that Israel could be a wholly Jewish state, or as much as was possible. Land bought by the Jewish National Fund was held in the name of the Jewish people and could never be sold or even leased back to Arabs (a situation which continues to the present).

The Arab community, as it became increasingly aware of the Zionists’ intentions, strenuously opposed further Jewish immigration and land buying because it posed a real and imminent danger to the very existence of Arab society in Palestine. Because of this opposition, the entire Zionist project never could have been realized without the military backing of the British. The vast majority of the population of Palestine, by the way, had been Arabic since the seventh century A.D. (Over 1200 years)
The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The night of January 17, 2018, we were witness to another reminder of the success of the hard-hitting strategy adopted by the IDF towards the Arabs in the West Bank – and the failure of containment in Gaza. In Jenin, the murderer of Rabbi Raziel Shevah was killed and at least one other terrorist apprehended eight days after the crime. Gilad Shalit’s abductors were never punished and his abduction led to the release of over 1,000 terrorists. The lesson: peacemaking must be from the ground up.

(full article online)

In Jenin, Terrorists Get What They Deserve. In Gaza, They Don’t
David weinberg, another immigrant Biography
Thats rich coming from $30,000,000,000 welfare recipient, israel
Enumerate the things that the PA and UNWRA and Hamas give back to the US for the Millions or Billions they have gotten so far.....
compared to what the US does loan Israel or any other country.

You are definitely not interested in the meaning of loan vs welfare.

Much less in the ways Israel protects the USA and many other countries.

The Invaluable U.S.-Israeli Alliance

3 Reasons Why U.S.-Israel Economic Ties are Important


What does the USA and the world get out of the money it gives PA, UNWRA ( which ends up with Hamas ) ?


(Endless chants of "Death to America" " America is the enemy", so on and so forth. Burning of the American flag.

Where does the money go?
Mostly to teach the Gaza and PA Territories hatred for America unless the Arabs get their way in schools, media, etc.

And even more ends up in the pockets of Hamas and Fatah, who live in luxury, expensive mansions and cars off American and EU and some Arab countries "donations".

Let us not forget how Arafat got to afford buying a place for his wife
in Paris.

One country, Israel, works and gives back for the good of the world.

Two territories, the PA and Gaza, live off the foolish belief of others that these Arabs really want to ever sign a Peace treaty with Israel,
and are really making the lives of those territories better, rather than making the leaders richer than they ever thought possible.

It is the OIL they do not have in their territories, which just keeps coming and coming......
In Al Quds al Arabi, he quotes a Palestinian researcher called Nabil ‘Alqam. 'Alqam who mentioned a statistic, which was taken from a book called “Orientalism, Zionism, and Popular Folklore”, by Mun’im Haddad, a professor at Haifa University.

According to Haddad, out of 18,500 stories that are purportedly from the Israeli heritage/folklore that Haddad recorded, 11,944 are really from Arab folklore, told by Jews from Arab and Islamic countries, and out of those, 215 are Palestinian stories.

So specific! It must be true! (Although I'm surprised that there are over 18,000 Israeli folklore stories. Unless he means "Jewish.")

(full article online)

Palestinians claim that Israel, in the 1950s, had committees to steal Palestinian heritage ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
In Al Quds al Arabi, he quotes a Palestinian researcher called Nabil ‘Alqam. 'Alqam who mentioned a statistic, which was taken from a book called “Orientalism, Zionism, and Popular Folklore”, by Mun’im Haddad, a professor at Haifa University.

According to Haddad, out of 18,500 stories that are purportedly from the Israeli heritage/folklore that Haddad recorded, 11,944 are really from Arab folklore, told by Jews from Arab and Islamic countries, and out of those, 215 are Palestinian stories.

So specific! It must be true! (Although I'm surprised that there are over 18,000 Israeli folklore stories. Unless he means "Jewish.")

(full article online)

Palestinians claim that Israel, in the 1950s, had committees to steal Palestinian heritage ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Israel has consistently tried to erase Palestine out of history.
In Al Quds al Arabi, he quotes a Palestinian researcher called Nabil ‘Alqam. 'Alqam who mentioned a statistic, which was taken from a book called “Orientalism, Zionism, and Popular Folklore”, by Mun’im Haddad, a professor at Haifa University.

According to Haddad, out of 18,500 stories that are purportedly from the Israeli heritage/folklore that Haddad recorded, 11,944 are really from Arab folklore, told by Jews from Arab and Islamic countries, and out of those, 215 are Palestinian stories.

So specific! It must be true! (Although I'm surprised that there are over 18,000 Israeli folklore stories. Unless he means "Jewish.")

(full article online)

Palestinians claim that Israel, in the 1950s, had committees to steal Palestinian heritage ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Israel has consistently tried to erase Palestine out of history.
You cannot erase something that never existed.
In Al Quds al Arabi, he quotes a Palestinian researcher called Nabil ‘Alqam. 'Alqam who mentioned a statistic, which was taken from a book called “Orientalism, Zionism, and Popular Folklore”, by Mun’im Haddad, a professor at Haifa University.

According to Haddad, out of 18,500 stories that are purportedly from the Israeli heritage/folklore that Haddad recorded, 11,944 are really from Arab folklore, told by Jews from Arab and Islamic countries, and out of those, 215 are Palestinian stories.

So specific! It must be true! (Although I'm surprised that there are over 18,000 Israeli folklore stories. Unless he means "Jewish.")

(full article online)

Palestinians claim that Israel, in the 1950s, had committees to steal Palestinian heritage ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Israel has consistently tried to erase Palestine out of history.
Palestine IS Israel

Israel IS Palestine

Just ask the Romans who renamed the Jewish homeland after the 135 CE JEWISH revolt of Bar Kochba.

What did they change the Jewish homeland's name to?

Syria Palaestina was a Roman province between 135 and about 390.[1] It was established by the merger of Roman Syria and Roman Judaea, following the defeat of the Bar Kokhba revolt in AD 135. Shortly after 193, the northern regions were split off as Syria Coele in the north and Phoenice in the south, and the province Syria Palaestina was reduced to Judea

Syria Palaestina - Wikipedia

(Now, where exactly were the Arabs, who now call themselves Palestinians at this stage in time?)
In Al Quds al Arabi, he quotes a Palestinian researcher called Nabil ‘Alqam. 'Alqam who mentioned a statistic, which was taken from a book called “Orientalism, Zionism, and Popular Folklore”, by Mun’im Haddad, a professor at Haifa University.

According to Haddad, out of 18,500 stories that are purportedly from the Israeli heritage/folklore that Haddad recorded, 11,944 are really from Arab folklore, told by Jews from Arab and Islamic countries, and out of those, 215 are Palestinian stories.

So specific! It must be true! (Although I'm surprised that there are over 18,000 Israeli folklore stories. Unless he means "Jewish.")

(full article online)

Palestinians claim that Israel, in the 1950s, had committees to steal Palestinian heritage ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Israel has consistently tried to erase Palestine out of history.
You cannot erase something that never existed.
I rest my case.
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