Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Said Walter Doehle, german consul in Jerusalem, wrote in 1937:

“Palestinian Arabs in all social strata have great sympathies for the new Germany and its Führer..…If a person identified himself as a German when faced with threats from an Arab crowd, this alone generally allowed him to pass freely. But when some identified themselves by making the ‘Heil Hitler’ salute, in most cases the Arabs’ attitude became expressions of open enthusiasm, and the German gave ovations, to which the Arabs responded loudly.”

Although he was not the only collaborator with Nazism—Fawzi al-Qawuqji, Rashid Ali al-Kelani, Abu Ibrahim al-Kabir, Hassan Salama and Arif Abd al-Raziq spring to mind—the role played by Palestinian leader and Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini in fomenting anti-Jewish incitement and violence, not just in British Palestine but across the Arab world, is key. From 1931, he conflated “Zionists” with “Jews.” Any Jewish community became fair game for collective punishment—and still is.

The Mufti met with Hitler in Berlin in November 1941 to discuss the extermination of the Jews in the Middle East. He spent the rest of the war as a guest of the Nazis.

Adolf Eichmann’s deputy Dieter Wisliceny (later executed as a war criminal) in his Nuremburg Trials testimony stated, “the Mufti was one of Eichmann’s best friends and had constantly incited him to accelerate the extermination measures.”

On a visit to Auschwitz, the Mufti reportedly admonished the guards running the gas chambers to work more diligently. Throughout the war, he broadcast regularly on German radio to the Middle East, preaching his pro-Nazi, anti-Semitic message to the Arab masses back home.

(full article online)

Arabs are torch-bearers for Nazi anti-Semitism
When UNHRC manages to bring real refugees back to their original countries, it doesn't insist that they move to the exact spot they used to live in. That is absurd and it is not the definition of "refugee." As long as they can integrate into their countries, they are no longer refugees and no longer in need of international assistance.

But UNRWA's official position is that hundreds of thousands of Palestinians who live in what the UN call the State of Palestine are not full citizens of their statelet, but instead belong in Israel.

And it is demanding $400 million from the world to help keep this situation of intra-Palestinian apartheid, against "Palestine refugees" in "Palestine," alive.

The US reduction in aid to UNRWA should be explicit about why funding an agency that encourages discrimination against "refugees" inside Palestinian territories is wrong. Europeans should ask why they should fund an agency that is keeping a fake "refugee" issue alive, even in Jordan where the "refugees" are almost all citizens and in "Palestine" where they are literally home. Let UNRWA concentrate, for now, on people in need in Syria and Syrian refugees in Lebanon, where real money is needed even if there is a two-class system for Syrian refugees depending on where their great-grandparents lived.

(full article online)

UNRWA and the PLO agrees: Millions of Palestinians don't belong in "Palestine" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The entire point of the stories is to incite hatred on behalf of Arabs against Jews.

But when these visits are routine, the stories get boring after a while.New ways to report Jews peacefully and respectfully touring the perimeter of their holiest spot are needed in order to continue to stoke anger. Just calling them "settlers" and that they are "storming" the area with "provocative tours" isn't enough.

A month ago, the new angle was that they were performing "silent Talmudic rituals." Which means they were standing silently, obviously a horrible crime.

The Palestinian Authority came up with a new twist this week. Since invoking "Talmudic rituals" has been so successful in instilling fear and anger among their people, now they are dividing up the visitors into two hated groups: "settlers" and "students from Talmudic schools."

(full article online)

Palestinian Authority is frightened of "Students from Talmudic schools" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) for Palestinian refugees and their descendants is responsible for the education of about a quarter of Palestinian schoolchildren in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. UNRWA maintains and operates ninety-six schools throughout Judea and Samaria, in addition to 276 educational institutions in the Gaza Strip.

Arab terrorist organizations have used the institutions themselves as bases for terrorist activity and the digging of tunnels into Israel. In addition to that, an examination of the contents taught in schools reveals a comprehensive system of incitement and education for hatred from a very young age, all under the official auspices and assistance of the United Nations.

The vast majority of textbooks used in UN schools are produced and distributed by the Palestinian Authority. In schools in Gaza, students in addition to PA books, use books published by the Hamas government.

(full article online)

Incitement in UNRWA Schools Continues Unabated
“I strongly encourage all countries and institutional donors who are trying to assist the people of Gaza to take this tour to understand this difficult, tragic and complex situation,” he said, calling on them to work together to “help the people of Gaza, ensure Israel’s and Egypt’s security, and improve lives.”

(full article online)

US Envoy Slams Hamas for Sabotaging Gaza’s Chances for Success
A new children's program on PA TV called From My Country teaches children that arch-terrorist Abu Jihad, who the PA has bragged was responsible for the murder of at least 125 Israelis, is a role model to be followed.

The opening of the weekly 10 minute program, which has been broadcast twice so far, shows a cube with photos of six different Palestinian personalities. One of them is terrorist Abu Jihad, who orchestrated numerous terror attacks against Israelis, among them the most lethal attack in Israel's history - the Coastal Road Massacre - in which Palestinian terrorists hijacked a bus and murdered 37 civilians, among them 12 children.

Also included among the six personalities promoted to kids is Ghassan Kanafani - a writer and a leader of the terror organization Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).

(full article online)

PA TV to kids: "Follow the example" of arch-terrorist Abu Jihad, he is "a symbol" - PMW Bulletins

I’m afraid there are painful truths you and your co-religionists are unwilling to address.

From the preamble to the linked article: “For 70+ years, through three generations, the Palestinians have been fed, wet-nursed, coddled and accommodated by a global set of ‘parents.“

Yeah. The truth hurts. Three generations of welfare fraud recipients. UNRWA has managed only to bloat into an endowment for three generations of Islamic terrorist franchises which have managed to accumulate fabulous wealth for the few at the top of the pyramid.
On Wednesday, a concerned community member alerted B’nai Brith to an article posted by the group on Jan. 27, International Holocaust Remembrance Day, in which the author denies that six-million Jews were killed by the Nazis and their collaborators, claiming that the Holocaust has been exaggerated by Jews in order to attract global sympathy.

The author of the article is none other than David Duke, a U.S. white supremacist and former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.

Other posts made by Muslims in Calgary in January describe Israel as “a scourge, a cancer that needs to be dealt with” and tout infographics designed by Hamas, a Palestinian terrorist group committed to murdering Jews worldwide. Ironically, this antisemitic material is interspersed with other posts decrying anti-Muslim hatred in Canada.

The Muslims in Calgary website solicits funds for four mosques in the Calgary area, including one run by the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC). In October, B’nai Brith filed a complaint with Vancouver police and relevant Canadian authorities after an imam at a local MAC mosque referred to Israelis as “an impure gang” and urged his congregantsto send “money, weapons and expertise” to the Palestinians for use against Israel.

(full article online)

B’nai Brith Canada Appalled by Antisemitism on “Muslims in Calgary” Website
The Travesty of Mike Pence in Jerusalem

Vice President Mike Pence, standard bearer of America’s Protestant fundamentalists, addressed the Israeli parliament (“Knesset”) January 22. There he hailed the nation that has engaged in relentless war crimesand land theft, as God’s handiwork. No atheist could do as much damage to Christianity and the Bible as Mike Pence. By associating Biblical Christianity with a Christless ideology of mass murder, he casts the Word of God and the Faith based upon it, in severe disrepute.

In his Knesset address, Pence did the Israelis no favors when he encouraged the diabolic vice of pride among Judaic people:

“Israel is like a tree that has grown deep roots in the soil of your forefathers, yet as it grows, it reaches ever closer to the heavens. And today and every day, the Jewish state of Israel, and all the Jewish people, bear witness to God’s faithfulness, as well as your own.”

Obviously Pence is making a racist statement when he puts forth the hyperbole that "all the Jewish people, bear witness to God’s faithfulness….” He’s not saying that he believes that not one of them is a bank robber, not one an adulterer or an embezzler. Rather, he’s saying without regard to any possible crimes they may have committed, they are all “Jews” and have a highly favored relationship with God simply by the circumstance of their supposed birth as alleged “Jews.” This is the heresy of Protestant fundamentalism.

On the Contrary: The Travesty of Mike Pence in Jerusalem
The Travesty of Mike Pence in Jerusalem

Vice President Mike Pence, standard bearer of America’s Protestant fundamentalists, addressed the Israeli parliament (“Knesset”) January 22. There he hailed the nation that has engaged in relentless war crimesand land theft, as God’s handiwork. No atheist could do as much damage to Christianity and the Bible as Mike Pence. By associating Biblical Christianity with a Christless ideology of mass murder, he casts the Word of God and the Faith based upon it, in severe disrepute.

In his Knesset address, Pence did the Israelis no favors when he encouraged the diabolic vice of pride among Judaic people:

“Israel is like a tree that has grown deep roots in the soil of your forefathers, yet as it grows, it reaches ever closer to the heavens. And today and every day, the Jewish state of Israel, and all the Jewish people, bear witness to God’s faithfulness, as well as your own.”

Obviously Pence is making a racist statement when he puts forth the hyperbole that "all the Jewish people, bear witness to God’s faithfulness….” He’s not saying that he believes that not one of them is a bank robber, not one an adulterer or an embezzler. Rather, he’s saying without regard to any possible crimes they may have committed, they are all “Jews” and have a highly favored relationship with God simply by the circumstance of their supposed birth as alleged “Jews.” This is the heresy of Protestant fundamentalism.
On the Contrary: The Travesty of Mike Pence in Jerusalem

Pence's performance in Jerusalem was a Kiddush Hashem or Sanctification of G-d's Name. He told of how G-d kept His promise of gathering Jews from all over the globe and restoring them to the Promised Land, just as it was predicted in the Bible. He also told of how they made the desert bloom with their blood, sweat and tears. It was a speech for the ages.
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