Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

I'm not sure what the standalone word "Explanization" (sic) means.

But I am endlessly amused at how (and to what lengths) the Arab Palestinians will go to imply an "apartheid" connection.

  • While Israel uses "administrative detention" as a tool to thwart terrorism, the Palestinian Authority (PA) leadership holds people without trial as a means to silence them and prevent them from voicing any form of criticism against Mahmoud Abbas and other Palestinian leaders.

  • While administrative detainees in Israel are entitled to see a lawyer, receive family visits and appeal against their incarceration, the Palestinians detained by the PA are denied basic rights. Yet, Israel-obsessed human rights organizations seem uninterested in this fact.

  • Particularly disturbing, however, is not that the PA leadership is acting as a tyrannical regime, but the abiding silence and indifference of the international community and human rights organizations. Those who scream bloody murder about Israel's security measures against terrorism would do the Palestinians a better service by opening their mouths about how human rights are ravaged under the PA.
Palestinians: Arbitrary Arrests, Administrative Detentions and World Silence
The PA is a bantustan government. Explanization @ 9:15

I find it difficult to even take the allegation of "apartheid" in any serious way when Arab Palestinians cannot even take intelligently about the subject; relative to the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

• What inhuman acts are actually applied?
• What policies and practices stipulate laws in terms of race?
• What racial segregation and discrimination does Israel employ in the West Bank and Gaza Strip?
• What races are on each side of the segregation?Who does Israel implement the discrimination?​

"Bantustan"? Give me a break. Most Arab Palestinians cannot even tell you who established the borders of Palestine.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

I'm not sure what the standalone word "Explanization" (sic) means.

But I am endlessly amused at how (and to what lengths) the Arab Palestinians will go to imply an "apartheid" connection.

  • While Israel uses "administrative detention" as a tool to thwart terrorism, the Palestinian Authority (PA) leadership holds people without trial as a means to silence them and prevent them from voicing any form of criticism against Mahmoud Abbas and other Palestinian leaders.

  • While administrative detainees in Israel are entitled to see a lawyer, receive family visits and appeal against their incarceration, the Palestinians detained by the PA are denied basic rights. Yet, Israel-obsessed human rights organizations seem uninterested in this fact.

  • Particularly disturbing, however, is not that the PA leadership is acting as a tyrannical regime, but the abiding silence and indifference of the international community and human rights organizations. Those who scream bloody murder about Israel's security measures against terrorism would do the Palestinians a better service by opening their mouths about how human rights are ravaged under the PA.
Palestinians: Arbitrary Arrests, Administrative Detentions and World Silence
The PA is a bantustan government. Explanization @ 9:15

I find it difficult to even take the allegation of "apartheid" in any serious way when Arab Palestinians cannot even take intelligently about the subject; relative to the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

• What inhuman acts are actually applied?
• What policies and practices stipulate laws in terms of race?
• What racial segregation and discrimination does Israel employ in the West Bank and Gaza Strip?
• What races are on each side of the segregation?Who does Israel implement the discrimination?​

"Bantustan"? Give me a break. Most Arab Palestinians cannot even tell you who established the borders of Palestine.

Most Respectfully,
I understood what she was saying.
[ Let us see what comes out of this bold move ]

The Executive Committee, led by Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, ordered the preparation of "plans and projects for disengagement steps with the Israeli government at the political, administrative, economic and security levels."

Last month the PLO's Central Council voted to suspend recognition of Israel until it recognizes "Palestine" and halts the building of Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria.

Western countries have been lobbying senior Palestinian officials to convince them not to take such a step, multiple diplomats said.

(full article online)

Palestinian Authority preparing to 'disengage' from Israel

Erekat says US is pushing a Palestinian ‘coup,’ tells Nikki Haley to ‘shut up’

Top PLO official rails against the Trump administration for criticisms of PA President Mahmoud Abbas, but insists Palestinians are not looking for confrontation with US
By KHALED ABU TOAMEH 3 February 2018, 10:26 pm 36

  • PLO Secretary General Saeb Erekat in his Ramallah office, November 23, 2015. (AFP/Abbas Momani)

    Senior Palestinian official Saeb Erekat on Saturday accused the Trump administration of trying depose the Palestinian leadership in a “coup” and told the “impudent” US envoy to the United Nations Nikki Haley she should “shut up” with her criticism of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.

    Oh, 1,000 pardons effendi. What a shame that these impudent western women can’t be silenced. It’s just not fair, right Saeb? What a shame you dont have the “Islamist option” to deal with Nikki Haley. “Honor killing” makes everything so simple, right?
[ Money wasted. Money lost. ]

Digging tunnels has been one of the specialties of Hamas in Gaza. The tunnels have served two purposes. One is to smuggle goods and weapons from Sinai, with the help of the local branch of ISIS, to Gaza. The second aim is to use the tunnels to infiltrate into Israel.

Together with rockets, the tunnels have served as the most important strategic measures against Israel. During the last war (“Operation Protective Edge”) in the summer of 2014, Hamas managed to surprise the IDF by penetrating Israel via the tunnels twice and causing both casualties and damage. By the end of the war, which lasted nearly two months, the IDF had exposed and destroyed 31 tunnels.

(full article online)

Inside a Gaza terror tunnel

Erekat says US is pushing a Palestinian ‘coup,’ tells Nikki Haley to ‘shut up’

Top PLO official rails against the Trump administration for criticisms of PA President Mahmoud Abbas, but insists Palestinians are not looking for confrontation with US
By KHALED ABU TOAMEH 3 February 2018, 10:26 pm 36

  • PLO Secretary General Saeb Erekat in his Ramallah office, November 23, 2015. (AFP/Abbas Momani)

    Senior Palestinian official Saeb Erekat on Saturday accused the Trump administration of trying depose the Palestinian leadership in a “coup” and told the “impudent” US envoy to the United Nations Nikki Haley she should “shut up” with her criticism of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.

    Oh, 1,000 pardons effendi. What a shame that these impudent western women can’t be silenced. It’s just not fair, right Saeb? What a shame you dont have the “Islamist option” to deal with Nikki Haley. “Honor killing” makes everything so simple, right?
Saeb should step down and pass the torch to his niece.

Boy, have they misjudged things. Again.

The Arab world no longer cares about them. Egypt and Jordan, the two nations that they think are the most on their side, rely on Israel for their defense. The Saudis and the rest of the Gulf have been so hostile that Palestinian pundits have already written them off.

The think that UN votes indicate real support for them - it doesn't. There are lots of real refugees and real problems in the world, and a whiny wanna-be nation that refuses to talk to Israel is not in the world'd top 500 problems. Their ability to gain an automatic majority in the General Assembly or UNHRC is meaningless in the real world.

They think Europe is on their side. To an extent, that's true, but the EU is not nearly as relevant as it pretends to be in the Middle East.

They think that BDS is making serious inroads to hurting Israel. It isn't. There has always been a tiny but noisy minority of antisemites that have complained about Israel and its alleged human rights abuses since 1948. Most people think they are crackpots.

(full article online)

The PLO's rose-colored glasses gamble ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[ Money wasted. Money lost. ]

Digging tunnels has been one of the specialties of Hamas in Gaza. The tunnels have served two purposes. One is to smuggle goods and weapons from Sinai, with the help of the local branch of ISIS, to Gaza. The second aim is to use the tunnels to infiltrate into Israel.

Together with rockets, the tunnels have served as the most important strategic measures against Israel. During the last war (“Operation Protective Edge”) in the summer of 2014, Hamas managed to surprise the IDF by penetrating Israel via the tunnels twice and causing both casualties and damage. By the end of the war, which lasted nearly two months, the IDF had exposed and destroyed 31 tunnels.

(full article online)

Inside a Gaza terror tunnel
Terror tunnels. :laugh::laugh::laugh:
More Israeli terrorist propaganda bullshit. Those tunnels were used exclusively to engage foreign invading troops. They have never been used against civilians. That is not terrorism.
More Israeli terrorist propaganda bullshit. Those tunnels were used exclusively to engage foreign invading troops. They have never been used against civilians. That is not terrorism.

Since you have in the past argued that civilians in Israel are legitimate military targets -- why bother to make the distinction here?
[ Money wasted. Money lost. ]

Digging tunnels has been one of the specialties of Hamas in Gaza. The tunnels have served two purposes. One is to smuggle goods and weapons from Sinai, with the help of the local branch of ISIS, to Gaza. The second aim is to use the tunnels to infiltrate into Israel.

Together with rockets, the tunnels have served as the most important strategic measures against Israel. During the last war (“Operation Protective Edge”) in the summer of 2014, Hamas managed to surprise the IDF by penetrating Israel via the tunnels twice and causing both casualties and damage. By the end of the war, which lasted nearly two months, the IDF had exposed and destroyed 31 tunnels.

(full article online)

Inside a Gaza terror tunnel
Terror tunnels. :laugh::laugh::laugh:
More Israeli terrorist propaganda bullshit. Those tunnels were used exclusively to engage foreign invading troops. They have never been used against civilians. That is not terrorism.

Such an apologist for Islamic terrorists. Continued vigilance on the part of Israeli defense forces has prevented your invading, Islamic terrorist tunnel rats from attacking civilian targets. Attacking civilian targets is what your Islamic terrorist heroes have a history of doing. Do you need a list of the suicide bombings against civilian targets that were performed by your Islamic terrorist heroes?

Your Islamic terrorist heroes have never worn customary uniforms of a military force to “engage foreign troops”. They use the tactics that define Islamic terrorists. Just a bunch of cowards and misfits.
More Israeli terrorist propaganda bullshit. Those tunnels were used exclusively to engage foreign invading troops. They have never been used against civilians. That is not terrorism.

Since you have in the past argued that civilians in Israel are legitimate military targets -- why bother to make the distinction here?
For the misinformed.
Tinmore can see Israel from his house.........which of course keeps him informed and us uninformed or misinformed :)
More Israeli terrorist propaganda bullshit. Those tunnels were used exclusively to engage foreign invading troops. They have never been used against civilians. That is not terrorism.

Since you have in the past argued that civilians in Israel are legitimate military targets -- why bother to make the distinction here?
For the misinformed.

For the clueless:

Israel says it destroyed 'attack tunnel' that went from Gaza into Israel and Egypt

The existence of tunnels used to smuggle terrorists into Israel was revealed in the initial days of the 2014 war between Hamas and Israel. During the night of July 21, 2014, two Hamas cells attempted to penetrate Israel. In one of the attacks, 10 Palestinians exited a tunnel wearing full Israeli army uniforms. Seven Israeli soldiers and at least 10 guerrilla fighters were killed during the nighttime combat, which took place in residential neighborhoods of Israeli border towns.
More Israeli terrorist propaganda bullshit. Those tunnels were used exclusively to engage foreign invading troops. They have never been used against civilians. That is not terrorism.

Since you have in the past argued that civilians in Israel are legitimate military targets -- why bother to make the distinction here?
For the misinformed.

For the clueless:

Israel says it destroyed 'attack tunnel' that went from Gaza into Israel and Egypt

The existence of tunnels used to smuggle terrorists into Israel was revealed in the initial days of the 2014 war between Hamas and Israel. During the night of July 21, 2014, two Hamas cells attempted to penetrate Israel. In one of the attacks, 10 Palestinians exited a tunnel wearing full Israeli army uniforms. Seven Israeli soldiers and at least 10 guerrilla fighters were killed during the nighttime combat, which took place in residential neighborhoods of Israeli border towns.
No civilians though, huh?
More Israeli terrorist propaganda bullshit. Those tunnels were used exclusively to engage foreign invading troops. They have never been used against civilians. That is not terrorism.

Since you have in the past argued that civilians in Israel are legitimate military targets -- why bother to make the distinction here?
For the misinformed.

For the clueless:

Israel says it destroyed 'attack tunnel' that went from Gaza into Israel and Egypt

The existence of tunnels used to smuggle terrorists into Israel was revealed in the initial days of the 2014 war between Hamas and Israel. During the night of July 21, 2014, two Hamas cells attempted to penetrate Israel. In one of the attacks, 10 Palestinians exited a tunnel wearing full Israeli army uniforms. Seven Israeli soldiers and at least 10 guerrilla fighters were killed during the nighttime combat, which took place in residential neighborhoods of Israeli border towns.
No civilians though, huh?

Your heroes weren’t given a chance.

Hurts your feelings, huh? Another Islamic terrorist fail.

Commander tinmore’s failed tactics.
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