Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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The Masarwa clan

The Masarwa clan
(in Arabic : Masarwa , in Hebrew transliteration : Mazra'a ) is the largest Arab clan in Israel. The name of the clan preserves its Egyptian origin.

The geographical proximity and the fact that the Land of Israel was for centuries under a regime centered in Egypt led to the almost permanent migration of peasants and Bedouins from Egypt to the Land of Israel. Beginning in the 18th century , this immigration increased, culminating in the days of Ibrahim Pasha, who conquered Palestine in 1831 and ruled it until 1840 . Many of his soldiers had deserted and remained in the country, and general immigration had increased since his rule. During the British Mandate many workers were brought from Egypt and some remained in Israel. The rise in the standard of living of the Arabs in the country also had a great influence on the Egyptian fellahs from the delta region, who suffered from great poverty and overcrowding.
"legally acquired sovereignty over it." from whom?

Legally acquired it according to the laws and conventions and treaties of the time. Just like every other country.

Speed dial it.

Jewish sovereignty in their homeland. Yes or no?

Lol. Your request for the same link nearly every day is not deflection, and yet me providing detailed answers in response to your request is deflection. Don't be a fool.

Now, you claimed that "you never said that" concerning a prohibition on Jewish sovereignty. So clarify, already. Do you believe in Jewish sovereignty in their homeland or not? Its not an especially difficult question.
The 16-day old strike by hospital janitorial staff that has closed at least one hospital in Gaza has been suspended as the workers are negotiating with the Palestinian Authority to pay them. But if the negotiations don't work out over the next two weeks, they will strike again.

Meanwhile, all government employees, including at schools,went on strike today to protest their own non-payment of salaries and benefits. All government institutions in Gaza are shut down today.

And so are public schools.

Also, UNRWA contract workers. mostly engineers, areprotesting a decision not to renew their contracts. So they are shutting down UNRWA facilities in Gaza as well.

(full article online)

More Gaza news that you won't find elsewhere (because Israel can't be blamed) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Tamimi, who was arrested by IDF troopsoperating in Nabi Saleh overnight Sunday, is a relative of Ahed Tamimi, the Palestinian Arab teenager who was videotaped harassing and slapping IDF soldiers stationed in Nabi Saleh.

Tamimi's father claimed in the media that his son was hit in the skull by a rubber bullet during clashes that broke out in the village of Nabi Saleh and that, as such, the doctors had to amputate part of his skull to remove the bullet.

"Amazingly, today the boy Mohammed Tamimi himself confessed to the police and the Coordination and Liaison Administration that in December he was injured in the skull while riding his bicycle and as a result of a fall and a bicycle javelin hitting his head," Maj. Gen. Mordechai revealed.

(full article online)

Palestinian lie exposed
Palestinian media are reporting that the PLO faction Fatah in the Jenin area had given an apartment to the family of Ahmad Nassar Jarrar, 22, commander of the Hamas squad that murdered Rabbi Raziel Shevach on January 9, 2018 near the Havat Gilad junction in the West Bank. Jarrar was killed by Israeli troops a month later, in a February 6, 2018 raid.

Fatah representatives noted that the donation of the apartment constituted fulfilment of the national obligation to the family of a martyr who had sacrificed his life for Palestine and whose home the occupation had razed. Jarrar's mother and brother thanked Fatah for its support.

The following are translated excerpts from reports on the matter in the Palestinian media, and expressions of esteem for the martyrs by Palestinian Authority (PA) officials.

Fatah Jenin: This Is The Fulfillment Of A National Obligation Towards Families Of The Martyrs

(full article online)

PLO Fatah Faction Gives Apartment To Family Of Terrorist Who Murdered An Israeli
Tamimi, who was arrested by IDF troopsoperating in Nabi Saleh overnight Sunday, is a relative of Ahed Tamimi, the Palestinian Arab teenager who was videotaped harassing and slapping IDF soldiers stationed in Nabi Saleh.

Tamimi's father claimed in the media that his son was hit in the skull by a rubber bullet during clashes that broke out in the village of Nabi Saleh and that, as such, the doctors had to amputate part of his skull to remove the bullet.

"Amazingly, today the boy Mohammed Tamimi himself confessed to the police and the Coordination and Liaison Administration that in December he was injured in the skull while riding his bicycle and as a result of a fall and a bicycle javelin hitting his head," Maj. Gen. Mordechai revealed.

(full article online)

Palestinian lie exposed

Finally... I was pointing exactly to this apparently fake BS.
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Tamimi, who was arrested by IDF troopsoperating in Nabi Saleh overnight Sunday, is a relative of Ahed Tamimi, the Palestinian Arab teenager who was videotaped harassing and slapping IDF soldiers stationed in Nabi Saleh.

Tamimi's father claimed in the media that his son was hit in the skull by a rubber bullet during clashes that broke out in the village of Nabi Saleh and that, as such, the doctors had to amputate part of his skull to remove the bullet.

"Amazingly, today the boy Mohammed Tamimi himself confessed to the police and the Coordination and Liaison Administration that in December he was injured in the skull while riding his bicycle and as a result of a fall and a bicycle javelin hitting his head," Maj. Gen. Mordechai revealed.

(full article online)

Palestinian lie exposed

Finally... I was pointing exactly to this apparently fake BS.

I saw this yesterday, but not entirely sure it was a reliable source. And then this came up:

But records from the boy’s visit to the Istishari Hospital in Ramallah, released by the Tamimi family, contradict Mordechai’s claim.

“The above-mentioned patient presented to our hospital on 15/12/2017 immediately after a bullet injury (head trauma) by Israeli soldiers (left maxillary area entrance, no exit wound),” the document begins.

From the Times of Israel.

I'm convinced that we have not heard the full story about this incident, whatever it actually was.
Yes, saving Palestinian students in Jerusalem some $400 each - costing the Israeli government millions of dollars - is an example of Israeli evil!

By the way, if the Palestinians are so upset over losing their "right" to study their anti-Israel curriculum, they can always set up private after school programs to study their fake history and culture to counteract the evil Zionist narrative.

Teachers and students would certainly volunteer for such a project, and NGOs would happily pay for it.
I wonder why it doesn't happen?

(full article online)

Palestinians blame Israel for saving their students $400 a year ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Tamimi, who was arrested by IDF troopsoperating in Nabi Saleh overnight Sunday, is a relative of Ahed Tamimi, the Palestinian Arab teenager who was videotaped harassing and slapping IDF soldiers stationed in Nabi Saleh.

Tamimi's father claimed in the media that his son was hit in the skull by a rubber bullet during clashes that broke out in the village of Nabi Saleh and that, as such, the doctors had to amputate part of his skull to remove the bullet.

"Amazingly, today the boy Mohammed Tamimi himself confessed to the police and the Coordination and Liaison Administration that in December he was injured in the skull while riding his bicycle and as a result of a fall and a bicycle javelin hitting his head," Maj. Gen. Mordechai revealed.

(full article online)

Palestinian lie exposed

Finally... I was pointing exactly to this apparently fake BS.

I saw this yesterday, but not entirely sure it was a reliable source. And then this came up:

But records from the boy’s visit to the Istishari Hospital in Ramallah, released by the Tamimi family, contradict Mordechai’s claim.

“The above-mentioned patient presented to our hospital on 15/12/2017 immediately after a bullet injury (head trauma) by Israeli soldiers (left maxillary area entrance, no exit wound),” the document begins.

From the Times of Israel.

I'm convinced that we have not heard the full story about this incident, whatever it actually was.

Looked at the docs,the report of course states in the 1st line it was a soldier,
written in English dated 3 days after the incident.

Now some Israelis claim they were there...and still no video or picture?
While the Palestinian Authority is saying that it does not want anyone to cooperate with Israelis (except for anti-Israel activities,) the IDF's COGAT continues to offer services for Palestinian Arabs:

Last week, 22 Palestinian medical experts underwent 5 days of advanced training under the supervision of the Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Israel. The Palestinian medical experts acquired experience in the field of patient care, explanations regarding hyperbaric medicine and received lectures by senior physicians. This project was a joint initiative of the Training Unit of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Health Coordinator in the Civil Administration, Dalia Bassa.

(full article online)

Uh-oh....the dreaded "normalization" continues under the radar ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Abbas also adhered to an apocalyptic pathos, quoting from the Quran's Surah Al-Isra (The Night Journey), which contains the Prophet Muhammad's vision of the destruction of Israel and Jewish Jerusalem, Islam's impending conquest of the city, and its role as the key to peace and war: "You will work great mischief twice in the land and will become overbearingly arrogant. When the occasion of the first of the two mischiefs came, O Israelites, we raised against you such of our servants who were very mighty and formidable; so they penetrated through all parts of your country. This was a warning that was bound to be fulfilled. … Then, when the time came for the fulfillment of the second warning [to slaughter the Jews], we set other enemies [the Palestinians] on you so that they might disfigure your faces and enter into the temple [the Temple Mount] just as the former enemies had entered and destroyed whatever they could lay their hands on."

The absurdity is self-evident: On one hand, Abbas denies that we are the descendants of the Israelites and on the other, he calls for our destruction in a religious war, specifically within the framework of the Quran's prophecy about the "Israelites."

According to Abbas, Jerusalem is holy only to Islam and Christianity and time is coming to an end for Israel the usurper. The embrace of Christians in his speech was contradictory and manipulative and enough to make one sick, because he also accuses the hostile Westerners, the alleged descendants of the "Crusaders," of planting Israel as a "foreign object" on Islamic soil to do their bidding.

In the meantime, on behalf of the Palestinians – who have built a fortification on the front lines ("ribat") against Israel and are charged with the godly mission of destroying it – Abbas in his speech called upon the Islamic nation to help in the struggle to "liberate Jerusalem, the eternal capital of Palestine, from the hands of the occupier."

(full article online)

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