Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Although Adamir isn't officially part of the UNICEF-led working group called Children Affected by Armed Conflict, which collects information on and reports "grave violations against children in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory," and which theoretically obligates contributors to be neutral and impartial regarding the conflict, it is a partner in UNICEF's information collecting project and therefore receives funding from them. It's hard to imagine anything farther from neutrality or impartiality than Adamir.

According to the Fatah website, Adamir is a branch of the PFLP. We should perhaps clarify that the U.N. does not classify the PFLP as a terrorist organization, the same way it does not class Hamas as one. It might be easier for UNICEF to take in data from Adamir without suspecting that something is off.

The story of Hamori and Adamir as a source of information to UNICEF is just one example of the problematic use of biased sources of information that pretend to be supplying objective data for the biased, blatantly anti-Israel reports that UNICEF has been issuing on children's rights these past few years.

The blacklist to which UNICEF's information collectors are trying to add the IDF is part of an appendix to the Annual Report of the [U.N.] Secretary General on Children and Armed Conflict, which the U.N. head has issued 17 times since 2001. The appendix is designed to call the U.N. Security Council's attention to countries or nongovernmental entities that recruit and use children as soldiers and prompt the U.N. to take steps against them (including sanctions), in accordance with the evidence presented.

(full article online)

We should perhaps clarify that the U.N. does not classify the PFLP as a terrorist organization, the same way it does not class Hamas as one.
Cool, at least not everyone is a third grade name caller.
[ Abbas, where are all the jobs those Billions you get from all over the world were supposed to be created? So that Palestinians would not have to sneak into Israel to find them? Where are all of that infrastructure you are supposed to be building in Areas A and B? ]

Israeli officials have estimated that between 50,000 and 60,000 Palestinians work in Israel illegally, often in construction.

(full article online)

Forces nab 40 Palestinians trying to enter Israel without permits
[ Abbas, where are all the jobs those Billions you get from all over the world were supposed to be created? So that Palestinians would not have to sneak into Israel to find them? Where are all of that infrastructure you are supposed to be building in Areas A and B? ]

Israeli officials have estimated that between 50,000 and 60,000 Palestinians work in Israel illegally, often in construction.

(full article online)

Forces nab 40 Palestinians trying to enter Israel without permits
Abbas, where are all the jobs those Billions you get from all over the world were supposed to be created?
That money is not allowed to go to economic infrastructure.
[ Abbas, where are all the jobs those Billions you get from all over the world were supposed to be created? So that Palestinians would not have to sneak into Israel to find them? Where are all of that infrastructure you are supposed to be building in Areas A and B? ]

Israeli officials have estimated that between 50,000 and 60,000 Palestinians work in Israel illegally, often in construction.

(full article online)

Forces nab 40 Palestinians trying to enter Israel without permits
Abbas, where are all the jobs those Billions you get from all over the world were supposed to be created?
That money is not allowed to go to economic infrastructure.
What is all of that money for?
[ Abbas, where are all the jobs those Billions you get from all over the world were supposed to be created? So that Palestinians would not have to sneak into Israel to find them? Where are all of that infrastructure you are supposed to be building in Areas A and B? ]

Israeli officials have estimated that between 50,000 and 60,000 Palestinians work in Israel illegally, often in construction.

(full article online)

Forces nab 40 Palestinians trying to enter Israel without permits
Abbas, where are all the jobs those Billions you get from all over the world were supposed to be created?
That money is not allowed to go to economic infrastructure.
What is all of that money for?
About a third of it goes to provide security for Israel. Most of the rest is for sustenance not economic infrastructure. Economic projects have to be approved by Israel.
[ Abbas, where are all the jobs those Billions you get from all over the world were supposed to be created? So that Palestinians would not have to sneak into Israel to find them? Where are all of that infrastructure you are supposed to be building in Areas A and B? ]

Israeli officials have estimated that between 50,000 and 60,000 Palestinians work in Israel illegally, often in construction.

(full article online)

Forces nab 40 Palestinians trying to enter Israel without permits
Abbas, where are all the jobs those Billions you get from all over the world were supposed to be created?
That money is not allowed to go to economic infrastructure.
What is all of that money for?
About a third of it goes to provide security for Israel. Most of the rest is for sustenance not economic infrastructure. Economic projects have to be approved by Israel.
The PA pays Israel for security?

What sustenance are you speaking of?

Sources, please.
While glorifying the female terrorist murderer Dalal Mughrabi who led the most lethal terror attack against Israel, Abbas' Fatah Movement tried to hide the fact that the terrorists murdered children and adult civilians.

In a video on Facebook, Fatah lied, claiming the terrorists killed "soldier passengers," on the bus they hijacked, when in fact they murdered 12 children and 25 adult civilians, in what is known as the "Coastal Road Massacre."

These are 12 of those "soldier passengers":


(full article online)

Fatah claims 2-year-old victims were soldiers to hide that it murdered children - PMW Bulletins
Abbas has taken to reiterating his claim on behalf of all Palestinian Arabs that “we are the descendants of the Canaanites that lived in the land 5,000 years ago and continued to live there to this day.”

He goes on to claim there have been contributions Palestinian Arabs have made to civilization - as Canaanites:
"We are the descendants of the Canaanites who lived in the land of Palestine 5,000 years ago, and continuously remained there to this day. Our great people remains rooted in its land. The Palestinian people built their own cities and homeland, and made contributions to humanity and civilization."Abbas could just as well claim that Palestinian Arabs are descended from Jews as well. Maybe he just has not gotten around to it. Or maybe it's just that Joseph Massad has beaten him to it.

In “History on the Line, ‘No Common Ground’: Joseph Massad and Benny Morris Discuss the Middle East,” Columbia University professor Joseph Massad says, “many can claim easily that the Palestinians of today are the descendants of the ancient Hebrews, and this is the bigger irony.” (p.215)

One wonders why, at a time that Hanan Ashrawi co-opted Jesus as a Palestinian, that more Palestinian Arabs have not thought of this.

(full article online)

Palestinian Canaanites? Why Don't Palestinians Just Trace Themselves Back to the Jews? (Daled Amos) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Just when you think the Death Cult can’t get any more retrograde and depraved, they fool you.

Fatah claims 2-year-old victims were soldiers to hide that it murdered children - PMW Bulletins

Fatah claims 2-year-old victims were soldiers

to hide that it murdered children

On March 11, 1978, Dalal Mughrabi with other terrorists
murdered 12 children and 25 adults.
Fatah is glorifying the attack while trying to hide its evil crimes
by claiming it murdered soldiers

By Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

While glorifying the female terrorist murderer Dalal Mughrabi who led the most lethal terror attack against Israel, Abbas' Fatah Movement tried to hide the fact that the terrorists murdered children and adult civilians.

In a video on Facebook, Fatah lied, claiming the terrorists killed "soldier passengers," on the bus they hijacked, when in fact they murdered 12 children and 25 adult civilians, in what is known as the "Coastal Road Massacre."
We are not the ones who spilled this blood. When Hamas murderers wail about the fate of Gaza and its residents and point the finger at us, we must remember and remind others: Hamas, just like the Nazis, raised the banner of exterminating Jews for being Jewish. In the refugee camps and the alleys, where poverty rules, Hamas has dedicated years to the culture of death. During Operation Protective Edge in 2014, Hamas turned women and children into bulletproof vests and sent them to their deaths. Now, in the name of the same insane ideology for which they dragged the population of Gaza into recurring conflicts with Israel, Hamas is prioritizing its military build-up and abandoning its people to poverty, disease and hunger.

The same Hamas that just a few years ago placed its fighters inside children's bedrooms, kindergartens, schools, and UNRWA facilities now says it has "concerns" for its population. It set up its rocket launchers in mosques and educational facilities and next to homes. It did so openly, without shame, and announced this was its path, the path of "death for Allah." As Hamas Interior Minister Fathi Hamad described it, "Death for the Palestinian people has become an industry in which women and everyone on this earth excel. The elderly, the jihad warriors, the children excel in this. … We aspire to death as you aspire to life."

It was a lie then, just as it is a lie now. Most people in Gaza aspire to life. They are held hostage by a terrorist organization, which by following its declared path, has brought them to the edge of the abyss.

(full article online)

Hammad is serving 11 life sentences for these murders.

Palestinian Media Watch exposed a video of similar style glorifying terrorist murderer Dalal Mughrabi who led the Coastal Road massacre in 1978 in which Palestinian terrorists murdered 12 children and 25 Israeli adult civilians. In that video, Fatah claimed that 2-year-old victims were "soldiers" to hide the fact that it murdered children.

Last year, Fatah also glorified murderer Thaer Hammad.

Another Fatah hero of the past was also praised by Abbas' movement recently. Terrorist Muhammad Al-Shamali attempted to carry out a shooting attack and suicide bombing at a supermarket in Efrat on Feb. 22, 2002, but was shot and killed by an Israeli civilian shopping in the store. Fatah termed the attempted murder a "heroic operation," and praised the terrorist as "Martyr":

(full article online)

Fatah: Murder of 10 was “one of the most famous operations” - PMW Bulletins
Palestinians on the street who saw their car immediately threw stones and a firebomb at the vehicle. The students were able to escape from the car before the Palestinians torched it.

A Palestinian resident of the neighborhood rescued them and sheltered them in his apartment thereby saving them from being lynched.

Watch their emotional reunion as two of the Jewish men express heartfelt gratitude to the Palestinian who selflessly acted to save them!

(full article online)

WATCH: A Heartwarming Reunion Between a Palestinian Hero and the Jews He Rescued!
This brief 2-minute interchange last week between Sen. Young, who chaired the session, and Kevin Moley is very informative, substantial and well worth watching.

It shows that a new study of the pervasive radicalization in the UNRWA school curriculum, recently released by the Jerusalem-based research and policy organization IMPACT-se (Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education), is beginning to generate a long overdue challenge of UNRWA’s educational work.

(full article online)

Sen. Todd Young: Palestinian Authority-supplied textbooks for UNRWA schools "promote violence and support martyrdom"
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