Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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A recent article in The Atlantic about “The Tragedy of Mahmoud Abbas” noted: “In him, the world saw a reformist, a leader who could get the Palestinians to the table and possibly clear the hurdle of the two-state solution.”

This was the mythical Abbas who never really existed. But this myth allowed the Palestinian Authority president to become the world’s favorite Palestinian.

Only now, according to the same article, has the world woken up to the realization that Abas has “morphed into a bureaucratic tyrant at home, hostile to America and downright incendiary towards Israel.”

The truth is that Abbas was never a moderate, never recognized as a leader of the Palestinians and never willing or able to reach a peace agreement with Israel.

(full article online)

The Abbas Mythology
This medieval blood libel was brought to readers courtesy of MNA’s generous Western sponsors. On its website, the news agency gives special thanks to two countries in particular: “MNA was launched with generous funding from the Danish Representative Office to the Palestinian Authority (PA) and the Netherlands Representative Office to the PA”.

One cannot help but wonder, whether this was the kind of “news” Denmark and the Netherlands had in mind, when they helped launch the agency in 2005?

According to NGO monitor, MNA is funded (last available figures are from 2014) by Denmark, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United States, among others. In 2016, Ma’an Television Network received €427,200 (roughly $500,000) from the European Union for “Leveraging Media Initiatives to Promote Participatory Engagement in the Peace Process.” Ma’an Network received £730,000 (roughly $1 million) in 2015-2017 from the United Kingdom as part of a “multimedia project to raise awareness of, and seek to prevent, violence against women and girls.”

Western European nations, claiming to be against all forms of racism and supremacism, lavishly fund Muslim Jew-hatred. It makes for a special kind of irony, when that lavish funding helps promote old European blood libels.

Christians imported the old European blood libels into the Middle East, but Muslims adopted them with rather fervent enthusiasm, as evidenced in present times by not only Al-Lidawi’s article, but also the behavior of Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas himself. In June 2016, Abbas gave a speech to the Parliament of the European Union in Brussels, where he falsely claimed that, “Certain rabbis in Israel have said very clearly to their government that our water should be poisoned in order to have Palestinians killed.”

The members of the European Parliament thanked Abbas for this new take on an old European tradition by giving him a standing ovation.

It is not, however, as if Muslims lack their own anti-Semitic sources and need to import new ones. The Koran is brimming with verses portraying the Jews in the most hateful and violent ways.

The Koranic passages 5:60 and 7:166, for instance, proclaim that the Jews are cursed and that Allah transformed them into apes and pigs (hence the frequent comparisonsof Jews to apes and pigs in Palestinian Authority news, children’s television, official statements etc.).

(full article online)

Giving Islamic Racism a Pass
I suppose it's naive to think that the madness delineated below occurs only in the most retrograde Islamist societies. One has visions of remote, islamic controlled tribal areas where women are treated like chattel with no rights or dignity. It seems that the PA is little removed from some Taliban style tribal elder council shoveling out sharia law that is unchanged from practices originating in the 7th century.

Demands to change PA law allowing rapists to marry victims - PMW Bulletins

Demands to change PA law allowing rapists
to marry victims

  • On International Women's Day, call by Women MPs from Arab Countries to Mahmoud Abbas to repeal law which enables rapists to avoid punishment by agreeing to marry the rape victim - because the law "turns the woman into a victim twice"
By Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

Palestinian Authority law enables a rapist to marry his victim instead of receiving punishment, according to clause 308 of the Jordanian Penal Code, which is still used by the PA, although it has already been repealed in Jordan.

On occasion of International Women's Day, which falls today, the Coalition of Women MPs from Arab Countries to Combat Violence Against Women has expressed hope that PA Chairman Abbas will approve an amendment of the law and repeal the clause, which "turns the woman into a victim twice":

"Secretary of the Women MPs from Arab Countries Sahr Qawasmi said... that the coalition... hopes that clause 308, which allows a rapist to marry the woman who is raped, will be repealed. She expressed hope that [PA] President [Mahmoud Abbas] will approve [amending] this law on March 8 [2018], because this clause means that the man who rapes evades punishment, and because it turns the woman into a victim twice."
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 5, 2
[ Sure!!! Right of Return to Israel !!!! But no need for the right to turn Gaza into a viable, livable State, where the money is not spent on tunnels and put into the leaders ' pockets. It is sad when so many Arabs still fall for the "Right of Return" routine, which does not exist for any other people, including themselves. And it end on the day they started the war against Israel, 70 years ago, how nice !!!! They think of everything, don't they? Millions of refugees? No, only about 20,000 left. Get a life !! ]

Gaza families are to set up hundreds of tents -- possibly thousands - for the protests running from March 30 to May 15, organizers said.

Protesters plan to call for the granting of a right of return for millions of so-called “Palestinian refugees” across the Middle East.

Organizers said the families could stay in the tents for prolonged periods, with youth and community activities planned.

The demonstration has the backing of all political factions in the Gaza Strip, including the terrorist group Hamas, which rules the Strip.

Israeli media said the army viewed the event as a potential security threat, while authorities were concerned over how to respond if violence erupted with women and children among the protesters.

The protests will coincide with Israel Independence Day – a date mourned by Palestinian Arab opponents of the Jewish state as the “Nakba”, or day of “Disaster”.

Hamas has denied it initiated the tent protest.

(full article online)

IDF concerned as Gazans establish tent cities on Israeli border
I agree with The coalition of Women MPs from Arab countries, that law should be repealed
And you should also change the law in America that allows men to marry 10 year olds

More than 200,000 children married in US over the last 15 years
Girls as young as 10 were among the minors who wedded under legal loopholes
13,000 children a year are married in America

“An exclusion without exceptions would violate the cultures and traditions of some communities in New Jersey based on religious traditions,” Mr Christie said in a statement.

New Jersey governor refuses to ban child marriage because 'it would conflict with religious customs' It doesn't say which "religion" in New Jersey :eusa_think:
I agree with The coalition of Women MPs from Arab countries, that law should be repealed
And you should also change the law in America that allows men to marry 10 year olds

More than 200,000 children married in US over the last 15 years
Girls as young as 10 were among the minors who wedded under legal loopholes
13,000 children a year are married in America

“An exclusion without exceptions would violate the cultures and traditions of some communities in New Jersey based on religious traditions,” Mr Christie said in a statement.

New Jersey governor refuses to ban child marriage because 'it would conflict with religious customs' It doesn't say which "religion" in New Jersey :eusa_think:
One needs to not forget all the other countries where it is also still happening.

Child marriage around the world - Girls Not Brides
I agree with The coalition of Women MPs from Arab countries, that law should be repealed
And you should also change the law in America that allows men to marry 10 year olds

More than 200,000 children married in US over the last 15 years
Girls as young as 10 were among the minors who wedded under legal loopholes
13,000 children a year are married in America

“An exclusion without exceptions would violate the cultures and traditions of some communities in New Jersey based on religious traditions,” Mr Christie said in a statement.

New Jersey governor refuses to ban child marriage because 'it would conflict with religious customs' It doesn't say which "religion" in New Jersey :eusa_think:

I guess in your frantic haste, you missed the notation about loopholes in the law.

Born on third base and thought you got a home run?

What does Juan Cole have on his website you can plagiarize?
loopholes in the New Jersey State law, say who are those religious "loopholes" for :blues:

Ask him, here's the link

Thank you to all of my supporters for your generosity and your encouragement of an independent press! Checks to

Juan Cole
P. O. Box 32509
Los Angeles, CA
Ask him, here's the link

Thank you to all of my supporters for your generosity and your encouragement of an independent press! Checks to

Juan Cole
P. O. Box 32509
Los Angeles, CA

How much did you donate as compensation for the material you plagiarized?
loopholes in the New Jersey State law, say who are those religious "loopholes" for :blues:

Ask him, here's the link

Thank you to all of my supporters for your generosity and your encouragement of an independent press! Checks to

Juan Cole
P. O. Box 32509
Los Angeles, CA
Why did you leave Muslim and Christian underage marriages in the US out of it?

Yesterday, Palestinian Media Watch and members of three families whose loved ones were murdered following Jibril Rajoub's incitement to murder in 2015 and 2016, submitted a formal complaint to the Israeli police against Rajoub.

PMW is taking this unusual step because we believe this is an urgent time for the Israeli government to take action. Neither Rajoub nor the other Palestinian leaders who incited hate and terror which drove the 2015 - 2016 terror wave in which 44 people were murdered, have been arrested or imprisoned for their crimes. As a result, many of the same PA and Fatah leaders are now inciting hate and violence in response to both the original decision of President of the United States to move the American embassy to Jerusalem and the subsequent American announcement that it is opening on May 14. [See numerous examples reported by PMW.]

There is a real danger that Israel's inaction against Palestinian leaders' previous incitement to murder will lead them to conclude that they can again incite murder with impunity, this time over the Jerusalem Embassy opening on May 14, 2018, which could lead to another terror wave.

Palestinian leaders must understand that if they incite violence, terror and murder they will be arrested and imprisoned. This step is fundamental to ensure the deterrence that could very well save lives.

Why PMW submitted complaint to police against Palestinian leader Jibril Rajoub - PMW Bulletins
That is the problem with the security coordination with Israel. Islamic Jihad, and others like Hamas and the PFLP, are constitutionally protected political parties in Palestine. Israel calls them illegal organizations. Security coordination requires the PA to violate their constitution and the rights of the Palestinians. Security coordination is universally hated in Palestine.
That is the problem with the security coordination with Israel. Islamic Jihad, and others like Hamas and the PFLP, are constitutionally protected political parties in Palestine. Israel calls them illegal organizations. Security coordination requires the PA to violate their constitution and the rights of the Palestinians. Security coordination is universally hated in Palestine.
It's a bit of a farce to suggest that the dictators running the competing mini-caliphates in Gaza'istan and fatah'istan are encumbered by a so-called constitution of law.

“God is our Goal. The Prophet is our leader. The Quran is our constitution. Jihad is our way. Death in the service of God is the loftiest of our wishes. God is great, God is great.”

Any questions?
That is the problem with the security coordination with Israel. Islamic Jihad, and others like Hamas and the PFLP, are constitutionally protected political parties in Palestine. Israel calls them illegal organizations. Security coordination requires the PA to violate their constitution and the rights of the Palestinians. Security coordination is universally hated in Palestine.
It's a bit of a farce to suggest that the dictators running the competing mini-caliphates in Gaza'istan and fatah'istan are encumbered by a so-called constitution of law.

“God is our Goal. The Prophet is our leader. The Quran is our constitution. Jihad is our way. Death in the service of God is the loftiest of our wishes. God is great, God is great.”

Any questions?
Hamas was actually elected and they cannot use their party plank in the government.

Of course this leads to another never answered question. Fatah lost the elections in 2006. How did they get to rule the West Bank in 2007?
That is the problem with the security coordination with Israel. Islamic Jihad, and others like Hamas and the PFLP, are constitutionally protected political parties in Palestine. Israel calls them illegal organizations. Security coordination requires the PA to violate their constitution and the rights of the Palestinians. Security coordination is universally hated in Palestine.
It's a bit of a farce to suggest that the dictators running the competing mini-caliphates in Gaza'istan and fatah'istan are encumbered by a so-called constitution of law.

“God is our Goal. The Prophet is our leader. The Quran is our constitution. Jihad is our way. Death in the service of God is the loftiest of our wishes. God is great, God is great.”

Any questions?
Hamas was actually elected and they cannot use their party plank in the government.

Of course this leads to another never answered question. Fatah lost the elections in 2006. How did they get to rule the West Bank in 2007?
This all leads in circles to your usual conspiracy theory.

Otherwise, I do find it curious that you have designated yourself as the Head Spokesbeard in Charge of what Arabs-Moslems like / don't like.
That is the problem with the security coordination with Israel. Islamic Jihad, and others like Hamas and the PFLP, are constitutionally protected political parties in Palestine. Israel calls them illegal organizations. Security coordination requires the PA to violate their constitution and the rights of the Palestinians. Security coordination is universally hated in Palestine.
It's a bit of a farce to suggest that the dictators running the competing mini-caliphates in Gaza'istan and fatah'istan are encumbered by a so-called constitution of law.

“God is our Goal. The Prophet is our leader. The Quran is our constitution. Jihad is our way. Death in the service of God is the loftiest of our wishes. God is great, God is great.”

Any questions?
Hamas was actually elected and they cannot use their party plank in the government.

Of course this leads to another never answered question. Fatah lost the elections in 2006. How did they get to rule the West Bank in 2007?
This all leads in circles to your usual conspiracy theory.

Otherwise, I do find it curious that you have designated yourself as the Head Spokesbeard in Charge of what Arabs-Moslems like / don't like.
Arabs - Muslims is your thing no mine.
That is the problem with the security coordination with Israel. Islamic Jihad, and others like Hamas and the PFLP, are constitutionally protected political parties in Palestine. Israel calls them illegal organizations. Security coordination requires the PA to violate their constitution and the rights of the Palestinians. Security coordination is universally hated in Palestine.
It's a bit of a farce to suggest that the dictators running the competing mini-caliphates in Gaza'istan and fatah'istan are encumbered by a so-called constitution of law.

“God is our Goal. The Prophet is our leader. The Quran is our constitution. Jihad is our way. Death in the service of God is the loftiest of our wishes. God is great, God is great.”

Any questions?
Hamas was actually elected and they cannot use their party plank in the government.

Of course this leads to another never answered question. Fatah lost the elections in 2006. How did they get to rule the West Bank in 2007?
This all leads in circles to your usual conspiracy theory.

Otherwise, I do find it curious that you have designated yourself as the Head Spokesbeard in Charge of what Arabs-Moslems like / don't like.
Arabs - Muslims is your thing no mine.

You’re not paying attention or you forgot what you wrote.

“Security coordination is universally hated in Palestine.”

As I noted, I found no indication that you were the designated, (universally or otherwise), spokes-turban for Arabs-Moslems, Hamas, Fatah or any of the various Islamic terrorist franchises in either of the mini-caliphates.

Thanks for your consideration.
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